set_up_schedule(); $is_member = empty( $_view['is_member'] ) ? false : true; $crawler_cron_enabled = ! empty( $_view['options']['crawler-cron-enable'] ) && $is_member; $toggle_field_name = $option_name . '[crawler-cron-enable]'; $dash_profile_data = smartcrawl_get_dash_profile_data(); $crawler_freq = empty( $_view['options']['crawler-frequency'] ) ? false : $_view['options']['crawler-frequency']; $frequencies = $cron->get_frequencies(); $email_recipients = empty( $email_recipients ) ? array() : $email_recipients; ?>

_render( 'notice', array( 'message' => sprintf( 'Automatic crawls are enabled and sending %s to %d recipient.', smartcrawl_get_array_value( $frequencies, $crawler_freq ), count( $email_recipients ) ), 'class' => 'sui-notice-info', ) ); ?>
_render( 'toggle-item', array( 'field_name' => $toggle_field_name, 'field_id' => $toggle_field_name, 'checked' => $crawler_cron_enabled, 'item_label' => esc_html__( 'Run regular URL crawls', 'wds' ), 'sub_settings_template' => 'sitemap/sitemap-reporting-toggle-sub-settings', 'sub_settings_template_args' => array( 'email_recipients' => $email_recipients, ), ) ); ?>
_render( 'mascot-message', array( 'key' => 'seo-checkup-upsell', 'dismissible' => false, 'message' => sprintf( '%s %s', esc_html__( 'Unlock automated crawls of your URLs to always stay on top of any issues with SmartCrawl Pro. Get Sitemap Reports as part of a WPMU DEV membership along with other pro plugins and services, 24/7 support and much more', 'wds' ), esc_html__( '- Try it all FREE today', 'wds' ) ), ) ); ?>