is_member(); $override_native = Smartcrawl_Sitemap_Utils::override_native(); $tooltip_text = $override_native ? esc_html__( "You can switch to the WordPress core sitemap through the configure button.", 'wds' ) : esc_html__( "You're using the default WordPress sitemap. You can switch to SmartCrawl's advanced sitemaps at any time.", 'wds' ); $sitemap_notice_text = smartcrawl_format_link( esc_html__( 'Your sitemap is available at %s', 'wds' ), smartcrawl_get_sitemap_url(), '/sitemap.xml', '_blank' ); $core_sitemap_notice_text = smartcrawl_format_link( esc_html__( 'Your WordPress core sitemap is available at %s', 'wds' ), home_url( '/wp-sitemap.xml' ), '/wp-sitemap.xml', '_blank' ); ?>

_render( 'url-crawl-master', array( 'progress_template' => 'dashboard/dashboard-box-title-url-crawl-in-progress', 'ready_template' => 'dashboard/dashboard-box-title-url-crawl-stats', ) ); } ?>

_render( 'notice', array( 'class' => 'sui-notice-info', 'message' => $override_native ? $sitemap_notice_text : $core_sitemap_notice_text, ) ); ?>

_render( 'dismissable-notice', array( 'key' => 'dashboard-sitemap-disabled-warning', 'message' => __( 'Your sitemap is currently disabled. We highly recommend you enable this feature if you don’t already have a sitemap.', 'wds' ), 'class' => 'sui-notice-warning', ) ); ?>
_render( 'url-crawl-master', array( 'ready_template' => 'dashboard/dashboard-url-crawl-stats', 'progress_template' => 'dashboard/dashboard-url-crawl-in-progress', 'no_data_template' => 'dashboard/dashboard-url-crawl-no-data-small', ) ); ?>