msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Search Everything 6.5.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-10 06:04+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-10 07:41+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: hit1205 of
What are you waiting for? Go check out the new search results!" msgstr "Search Everything 已经 更新了 你的搜索设置。
#: options.php:72
msgid "Search Everything Version:"
msgstr "Search Everything 版本:"
#: options.php:77
#: options.php:298
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "更新设置"
#: options.php:85
msgid "Basic Configuration"
msgstr "基础设置"
#: options.php:93
msgid "Search every page"
msgstr "搜索页面"
#: options.php:97
#: options.php:108
#: options.php:122
#: options.php:136
#: options.php:150
#: options.php:161
#: options.php:171
#: options.php:181
#: options.php:191
#: options.php:204
#: options.php:215
#: options.php:225
#: options.php:236
#: options.php:247
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "激活"
#: options.php:104
msgid "Search approved pages only"
msgstr "只搜索公开发表的页面"
#: options.php:118
msgid "Search every tag name"
msgstr "搜索标签名称"
#: options.php:132
msgid "Search custom taxonomies"
msgstr "搜索自定义分类法(如果除了分类、标签外,有其他分类法)"
#: options.php:146
msgid "Search every category name and description"
msgstr "搜索分类名称及描述"
#: options.php:157
msgid "Search every comment"
msgstr "搜索评论"
#: options.php:167
msgid "Search comment authors"
msgstr "搜索评论者名称"
#: options.php:177
msgid "Search approved comments only"
msgstr "只搜索审核获准的评论"
#: options.php:187
msgid "Search every excerpt"
msgstr "搜索摘要"
#: options.php:200
msgid "Search every draft"
msgstr "搜索草稿"
#: options.php:211
msgid "Search every attachment"
msgstr "搜索附件"
#: options.php:211
msgid "(post type = attachment)"
msgstr "(数据表中 post_type = attachment)"
#: options.php:221
msgid "Search every custom field"
msgstr "搜索自定义域"
#: options.php:221
msgid "(metadata)"
msgstr "(metadata,又称“元数据”)"
#: options.php:231
msgid "Search every author"
msgstr "搜索作者"
#: options.php:239
msgid "This is disabled for WP 2.8+. I'd appreciate the help if you have a fix."
msgstr "此功能自 WP 2.8 版起已被禁用。如果你能修复这个问题,我将十分感激。"
#: options.php:243
msgid "Highlight Search Terms"
msgstr "以样式标出搜索字词"
#: options.php:253
msgid "Highlight Background Color"
msgstr "字词标示背景色"
#: options.php:256
msgid "Examples:
'#FFF984' or 'red'"
msgstr "例如:
#: options.php:266
msgid "Advanced Configuration - Exclusion"
msgstr "排除及高级设置"
#: options.php:272
msgid "Exclude some post or page IDs"
msgstr "设置要排除的文章或页面 ID"
#: options.php:275
msgid "Comma separated Post IDs (example: 1, 5, 9)"
msgstr "文章 ID 使用半形逗号分隔(例如:1, 5, 9)"
#: options.php:279
msgid "Exclude Categories"
msgstr "设置要排除的分类"
#: options.php:282
msgid "Comma separated category IDs (example: 1, 4)"
msgstr "分类 ID 使用半形逗号分隔(例如:1, 4)"
#: options.php:286
msgid "Full Highlight Style"
msgstr "字词标示样式"
#: options.php:288
msgid "Important: 'Highlight Background Color' must be blank to use this advanced styling."
msgstr "注意:使用高级样式设置时,请将“字词标示背景色”文本框留做空白。"
#: options.php:290
msgid "Example:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;"
msgstr "例如:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;"
#: options.php:303
msgid "Developed by Dan Cameron of"
msgstr "本插件由 Dan Cameron 开发,他来自"
#: options.php:303
msgid "Sprout Venture"
msgstr "Sprout Venture"
#: options.php:303
msgid "We Provide custom WordPress Plugins and Themes and a whole lot more."
msgstr "我们开发 WordPress 插件、主题,以及更多玩意儿。"
#: options.php:307
msgid "Reset Button"
msgstr "重新设置为默认值"
#: options.php:315
msgid "Find a bug?"
msgstr "遇上程序臭虫吗?"
#: options.php:315
msgid "Post it as a new issue"
msgstr "请将它发表为新问题"
#: options.php:322
msgid "Test Search Form"
msgstr "测试搜索表单"
#: options.php:329
msgid "Use this search form to run a live search test."
msgstr "使用以下表单测试搜索结果。"
#: options.php:335
msgid "Run Test Search"
msgstr "运行搜索测试"
#: options.php:346
msgid "News"
msgstr "新闻"
#: options.php:347
msgid "Development Support"
msgstr "开发支持"
#: options.php:348
msgid "Localization Support"
msgstr "翻译支持"
#: options.php:354
msgstr "翻译支持:"
#: options.php:354
msgid "Version 6 was a major update and a few areas need new localization support. If you can help send me your translations by posting them as a new issue, "
msgstr "第六版是本插件的重要更新,有些地方需要新的翻译支持。如果你可以帮助我们,请将你的翻译文档发表为新问题,"
#: options.php:354
msgid "here"
msgstr "请点击这里"
#: options.php:355
msgid "Thank You!"
msgstr "感谢您!"
#: options.php:355
msgid "The development of Search Everything since Version one has primarily come from the WordPress community, I’m grateful for their dedicated and continued support."
msgstr "自从第一版以来,Search Everything 的开发者主要来自 WordPress 社区;我十分感激他们的奉献与後续的支持。"
#: options.php:365
msgid "and many more..."
msgstr "以及更多人……"
#: options.php:365
msgid "how about you?"
msgstr "你也可以来试试!"
#~ msgid "Search Everything Options Updated."
#~ msgstr "Search Everything 设置 已更新。"
#~ msgid "Use this form to configure your search options."
#~ msgstr "使用以下表单配置您的搜索设置。"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The options selected below will be used in every search query on this "
#~ "site; in addition to the built-in post search."
#~ msgstr "以下设置会被加到内置的文章搜索中,用在本站的每次搜索里。"
#~ msgid "Search Options Form"
#~ msgstr "搜索设置表单"
#~ msgid "Search every page (non-password protected)"
#~ msgstr "搜索未受密码保护的页面"
#~ msgid "Site Search"
#~ msgstr "网站搜索"
#~ msgid "SE Search Options"
#~ msgstr "SE 搜索设置"