# Copyright (C) YEAR Dan Cameron of Sprout Venture
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
What are you waiting for? Go check out the new search results!" msgstr "\"Pārmeklē visu\" atjaunināja jūsu noklusētos meklēšanas iestatījumus.
Ko jūs vēl gaidāt? Ejiet, apskatiet jūsu jaunos meklēšanas rezultātus!" #: views/options.php:58 msgid "Your settings have been reset" msgstr "Jūsu iestatījumi tika aizvietoti ar noklusētajiem" #: views/options.php:68 msgid "Search Everything Version:" msgstr "\"Pārmeklē visu\" Versija:" #: views/options.php:73 #: views/options.php:251 msgid "Update Options" msgstr "Atjaunināšanas opcijas" #: views/options.php:81 msgid "Basic Configuration" msgstr "Pamata konfigurācija" #: views/options.php:87 msgid "Search every page" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visas lapas" #: views/options.php:87 msgid "(non-password protected)" msgstr "(neaizsargātu ar paroli)" #: views/options.php:91 #: views/options.php:102 #: views/options.php:115 #: views/options.php:129 #: views/options.php:140 #: views/options.php:150 #: views/options.php:160 #: views/options.php:170 #: views/options.php:183 #: views/options.php:194 #: views/options.php:204 #: views/options.php:214 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Jā" #: views/options.php:98 msgid "Search approved pages only" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā tikai apstiprinātās lapas" #: views/options.php:111 msgid "Search every tag name" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus birku vārdus" #: views/options.php:125 msgid "Search every category name and description" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus kategoriju nosaukumus un aprakstus" #: views/options.php:136 msgid "Search every comment" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus komentārus" #: views/options.php:146 msgid "Search comment authors" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšānā komentāru autorus" #: views/options.php:156 msgid "Search approved comments only" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā tikai apstiprinātos komentārus " #: views/options.php:166 msgid "Search every excerpt" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšānā visus izvilkumus" #: views/options.php:179 msgid "Search every draft" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus melnrakstus" #: views/options.php:190 msgid "Search every attachment" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus pielikumus" #: views/options.php:200 msgid "Search every custom field" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus nestandarta laukus" #: views/options.php:200 msgid "(metadata)" msgstr "(metadata)" #: views/options.php:210 msgid "Search every author" msgstr "Iekļaut meklēšanā visus autorus" #: views/options.php:226 msgid "Advanced Configuration - Exclusion" msgstr "Paplašinātā konfigurācija - Izslēgšana" #: views/options.php:232 msgid "Exclude some post or page IDs" msgstr "Izslēgt no meklēšanas dažus rakstus vai lapu identifikācijas numurus" #: views/options.php:235 msgid "Comma separated Post IDs (example: 1, 5, 9)" msgstr "Ar komatiem atdalīti rakstu ID (piemērs: 1,5,9)" #: views/options.php:239 msgid "Exclude Categories" msgstr "Izslēgt kategorijas" #: views/options.php:242 msgid "Comma separated category IDs (example: 1, 4)" msgstr "Ar komatiem atdalīti kategoriju ID (piemērs: 1,4)" #: views/options.php:256 msgid "Developed by Dan Cameron of" msgstr "Izstrādājis Dan Cameron no" #: views/options.php:256 msgid "Sprout Venture" msgstr "Sprout Venture" #: views/options.php:256 msgid "We Provide custom WordPress Plugins and Themes and a whole lot more." msgstr "Mēs nodrošinam customizētus Wordpress spraudņus un tēmas un daudz ko citu." #: views/options.php:260 msgid "Reset Button" msgstr "Atiestatīšanas poga" #: views/options.php:268 msgid "Find a bug?" msgstr "Atradi kļūdu?" #: views/options.php:268 msgid "Post it as a new issue" msgstr "Reģistrē to kā jaunu tematu" #: views/options.php:275 msgid "Test Search Form" msgstr "Izmēģini meklēšanas formu" #: views/options.php:282 msgid "Use this search form to run a live search test." msgstr "Izmanto šo meklēšanas formu lai veiktu reālu meklēšanas testu." #: views/options.php:288 msgid "Run Test Search" msgstr "Palaist pārbaudes meklēšanu" #: views/options.php:299 msgid "News" msgstr "Jaunumi" #: views/options.php:300 msgid "Development Support" msgstr "Izstrādes atbalsts" #: views/options.php:301 msgid "Localization Support" msgstr "Lokalizācijas atbalsts" #: views/options.php:307 msgid "LOCALIZATION SUPPORT:" msgstr "LOKALIZĀCIJAS ATBALSTS:" #: views/options.php:307 msgid "Version 6 was a major update and a few areas need new localization support. If you can help send me your translations by posting them as a new issue, " msgstr "6. versija bija nozīmīga programmatūras funkcionalitātes atjaunināšana un eksistē zonas, kurām nepieciešams jauns lokalizācijas atbalsts. Ja jūs varat palīdzēt, sūtiet jūsu tulkojumus ievietojot tos kā jaunu tematu" #: views/options.php:307 msgid "here" msgstr "šeit" #: views/options.php:308 msgid "Thank You!" msgstr "Paldies!" #: views/options.php:308 msgid "The development of Search Everything since Version one has primarily come from the WordPress community, I’m grateful for their dedicated and continued support." msgstr "Lielākā tiesa \"Pārmeklē visu\" izaugsmes jau kopš pirmās versijas nākusi no Wordpress kopienas, es esmu pateicīgs par šo pārliecinošo un ilgstošo atbalstu." #: views/options.php:318 msgid "and many more..." msgstr "un daudz kas cits..." #: views/options.php:318 msgid "how about you?" msgstr "varbūt arī tu?" #. Plugin Name of an extension msgid "Search Everything" msgstr "Pārmeklē Visu" #. Plugin URI of an extension msgid "https://core.sproutventure.com/projects/show/search-everything" msgstr "https://core.sproutventure.com/projects/show/search-everything" #. Description of an extension msgid "Adds search functionality without modifying template pages: Activate, Configure and Search. Options Include: search pages, excerpts, attachments, drafts, comments, tags and custom fields (metadata). Also offers the ability to exclude specific pages and posts. Does not search password-protected content." msgstr "Pievieno meklēšanas funkcionalitāti nemodificējot kažociņa lapas: Aktivizē, konfigurē un meklē. Opcijas iekļauj: meklēt lapās, izvilkumos, pielikumos, melnrakstos, komentāros, birkās un nestandarta laukos (metadata). Piedāvā iespēju arī izslēgt no meklēšanas specifiskas lapas un rakstus. Neveic meklēšanu ar parolēm aizsargātā saturā." #. Author of an extension msgid "Dan Cameron of Sprout Venture" msgstr "Dan Cameron no Sprout Venture" #. Author URI of an extension msgid "http://sproutventure.com/" msgstr "http://sproutventure.com/"