msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Search Everything v6.3.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-30 16:00+0100\n" "Last-Translator: admin \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: German\n" "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes" #: views/options.php:54 #: views/options.php:61 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Your default search settings have been updated by Search Everything.

What are you waiting for? Go check out the new search results!" msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen für Search Everything wurden aktualisiert.

Was wartest du noch? Teste die neuen Suchergebnisse!" #: views/options.php:71 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search Everything Version:" msgstr "Search Everything Version:" #: views/options.php:76 #: views/options.php:281 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Update Options" msgstr "Einstellungen aktualisieren" #: views/options.php:84 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Basic Configuration" msgstr "Grundkonfiguration" #: views/options.php:92 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every page" msgstr "Durchsuche jede Seite" #: views/options.php:96 #: views/options.php:107 #: views/options.php:121 #: views/options.php:135 #: views/options.php:146 #: views/options.php:156 #: views/options.php:166 #: views/options.php:176 #: views/options.php:189 #: views/options.php:200 #: views/options.php:210 #: views/options.php:220 #: views/options.php:230 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: views/options.php:103 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search approved pages only" msgstr "Durchsuche nur veröffentlichte Seiten" #: views/options.php:117 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every tag name" msgstr "Durchsuche alle Tag-Namen" #: views/options.php:131 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every category name and description" msgstr "Durchsuche alle Kategorie-Namen und Beschreibungen" #: views/options.php:142 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every comment" msgstr "Durchsuche jeden Kommentar" #: views/options.php:152 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search comment authors" msgstr "Durchsuche Kommentar-Autoren" #: views/options.php:162 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search approved comments only" msgstr "Durchsuche nur genehmigte Kommentare" #: views/options.php:172 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every excerpt" msgstr "Durchsuche jeden Auszug" #: views/options.php:185 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every draft" msgstr "Durchsuche jeden Entwurf" #: views/options.php:196 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every attachment" msgstr "Durchsuche alle Anhänge" #: views/options.php:196 #@ SearchEverything msgid "(post type = attachment)" msgstr "(Artikel-Typ = Anhang)" #: views/options.php:206 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every custom field" msgstr "Durchsuche alle benutzerdefinierten Felder" #: views/options.php:206 #@ SearchEverything msgid "(metadata)" msgstr "(Metadaten)" #: views/options.php:216 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Search every author" msgstr "Durchsuche alle Autoren" #: views/options.php:226 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Highlight Search Terms" msgstr "Hebe Suchbegriffe hervor" #: views/options.php:236 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Highlight Background Color" msgstr "Highlight Hintergrundfarbe" #: views/options.php:239 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Examples:
'#FFF984' or 'red\\" msgstr "Beispiele:
'#FFF984' oder 'red\\" #: views/options.php:249 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Advanced Configuration - Exclusion" msgstr "Erweiterte Konfiguration - Ausschlüsse" #: views/options.php:255 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Exclude some post or page IDs" msgstr "Schliesse einige Post- oder Seiten-IDs aus" #: views/options.php:258 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Comma separated Post IDs (example: 1, 5, 9)" msgstr "Post-IDs durch Komma getrennt (Beispiel: 1, 5, 9)" #: views/options.php:262 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Exclude Categories" msgstr "Schliesse Kategorien aus" #: views/options.php:265 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Comma separated category IDs (example: 1, 4)" msgstr "Kategorie-IDs durch Kommas trennen (Beispiel: 1, 4)" #: views/options.php:269 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Full Highlight Style" msgstr "Fortgeschrittenes Highlight Styling" #: views/options.php:271 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Important: 'Highlight Background Color' must be blank to use this advanced styling." msgstr "Wichtig: 'Highlight Hintergrundfarbe' muss leer sein, um das fortgeschrittene Styling zu verwenden." #: views/options.php:273 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Example:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;" msgstr "Beispiel:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;" #: views/options.php:286 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Developed by Dan Cameron of" msgstr "Herausgegeben von Dan Cameron, " #: views/options.php:286 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Sprout Venture" msgstr " Sprout Venture" #: views/options.php:286 #@ SearchEverything msgid "We Provide custom WordPress Plugins and Themes and a whole lot more." msgstr "Wir bieten individuelle WordPress Plugins, Themes und vieles mehr." #: views/options.php:290 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Reset Button" msgstr "Reset-Button" #: views/options.php:298 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Find a bug?" msgstr "Einen Bug gefunden?" #: views/options.php:298 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Post it as a new issue" msgstr "Poste es als eine neue Bug-Meldung" #: views/options.php:305 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Test Search Form" msgstr "Teste Suchformular" #: views/options.php:312 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Use this search form to run a live search test." msgstr "Du kannst die neue Suche live testen:" #: views/options.php:318 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Run Test Search" msgstr "Starte Test-Suche" #: views/options.php:329 #@ SearchEverything msgid "News" msgstr "News" #: views/options.php:330 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Development Support" msgstr "Development Support" #: views/options.php:331 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Localization Support" msgstr "Lokalisation Support" #: views/options.php:337 #@ SearchEverything msgid "LOCALIZATION SUPPORT:" msgstr "LOKALISATION SUPPORT:" #: views/options.php:337 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Version 6 was a major update and a few areas need new localization support. If you can help send me your translations by posting them as a new issue, " msgstr "Version 6 hatte ein großes Update, ein paar Bereiche benötigen neue Lokalisierungen. Wenn Du helfen möchtest, sende mir deine Übersetzungen: " #: views/options.php:337 #@ SearchEverything msgid "here" msgstr " hier" #: views/options.php:338 #@ SearchEverything msgid "Thank You!" msgstr "Danke!" #: views/options.php:338 #@ SearchEverything msgid "The development of Search Everything since Version one has primarily come from the WordPress community, I’m grateful for their dedicated and continued support." msgstr "Search Everything verdankt seine Entwicklung seit der ersten Version der WordPress-Community. Ich bedanke mich für Eure engagierte und kontinuierliche Unterstützung!" #: views/options.php:348 #@ SearchEverything msgid "and many more..." msgstr "und vieles mehr ..." #: views/options.php:348 #@ SearchEverything msgid "how about you?" msgstr "Und Du?"