msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Search Everything 6.1\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-11 23:25+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Clausen
What are you waiting for? Go check out the new search results!" msgstr "Dine indstillinger for søgninger er blevet opdateret af Search Everything.
Hvad venter du på? Prøv at lave en søgning for at se resultatet!"
#: views/options.php:71
msgid "Search Everything Version:"
msgstr "Search Everything version:"
#: views/options.php:76
#: views/options.php:278
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Gem ændringer"
#: views/options.php:84
msgid "Basic Configuration"
msgstr "Generelle indstillinger"
#: views/options.php:90
msgid "Search every page"
msgstr "Søg på alle sider"
#: views/options.php:90
msgid "(non-password protected)"
msgstr "(ikke kodeordsbeskyttet)"
#: views/options.php:94
#: views/options.php:105
#: views/options.php:118
#: views/options.php:132
#: views/options.php:143
#: views/options.php:153
#: views/options.php:163
#: views/options.php:173
#: views/options.php:186
#: views/options.php:197
#: views/options.php:207
#: views/options.php:217
#: views/options.php:227
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: views/options.php:101
msgid "Search approved pages only"
msgstr "Søg kun efter godkendte sider"
#: views/options.php:114
msgid "Search every tag name"
msgstr "Søg efter alle tag navne"
#: views/options.php:128
msgid "Search every category name and description"
msgstr "Søg i alle kategorinavne og -beskrivelser"
#: views/options.php:139
msgid "Search every comment"
msgstr "Søg i alle kommentarer"
#: views/options.php:149
msgid "Search comment authors"
msgstr "Søg efter kommentarforfattere"
#: views/options.php:159
msgid "Search approved comments only"
msgstr "Søg kun efter godkendte kommentarer"
#: views/options.php:169
msgid "Search every excerpt"
msgstr "Søg i alle uddrag"
#: views/options.php:182
msgid "Search every draft"
msgstr "Søg i alle kladder"
#: views/options.php:193
msgid "Search every attachment"
msgstr "Søg efter alle medier"
#: views/options.php:193
msgid "(post type = attachment)"
msgstr "(indlægstype = medie)"
#: views/options.php:203
msgid "Search every custom field"
msgstr "Søg i alle egne felter"
#: views/options.php:203
msgid "(metadata)"
msgstr "(metadata)"
#: views/options.php:213
msgid "Search every author"
msgstr "Søg efter alle forfattere"
#: views/options.php:223
msgid "Highlight Search Terms"
msgstr "Fremhæv søgeord"
#: views/options.php:233
msgid "Highlight Background Color"
msgstr "Fremhæv baggrundfarve"
#: views/options.php:236
msgid "Examples:
'#FFF984' or 'red'"
msgstr "Eksempel:
'#FFF984' eller 'red'"
#: views/options.php:246
msgid "Advanced Configuration - Exclusion"
msgstr "Avancerede indstillinger - Eksklusion"
#: views/options.php:252
msgid "Exclude some post or page IDs"
msgstr "Ekskluder nogle indlæg og sider ID'er"
#: views/options.php:255
msgid "Comma separated Post IDs (example: 1, 5, 9)"
msgstr "Kommaseparerede indlægs ID'er (eksempel: 1, 5, 9)"
#: views/options.php:259
msgid "Exclude Categories"
msgstr "Ekskluder katagorier"
#: views/options.php:262
msgid "Comma separated category IDs (example: 1, 4)"
msgstr "Kommaseparerede kategori ID'er (eksempel: 1, 4)"
#: views/options.php:266
msgid "Full Highlight Style"
msgstr "Udvidet fremhævning"
#: views/options.php:268
msgid "Important: 'Highlight Background Color' must be blank to use this advanced styling."
msgstr "Vigtigt: 'Fremhæv baggrundfarve' skal være tomt for at benytte denne indstilling."
#: views/options.php:270
msgid "Example:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;"
msgstr "Eksempel:
background-color: #FFF984; font-weight: bold; color: #000; padding: 0 1px;"
#: views/options.php:283
msgid "Developed by Dan Cameron of"
msgstr "Udviklet af Dan Cameron fra"
#: views/options.php:283
msgid "Sprout Venture"
msgstr "Sprout Venture"
#: views/options.php:283
msgid "We Provide custom WordPress Plugins and Themes and a whole lot more."
msgstr "Vi tilbyder egne WordPress plugins, temaer og meget andet."
#: views/options.php:287
msgid "Reset Button"
msgstr "Nulstil"
#: views/options.php:295
msgid "Find a bug?"
msgstr "Fundet en fejl?"
#: views/options.php:295
msgid "Post it as a new issue"
msgstr "Beskriv problemet"
#: views/options.php:302
msgid "Test Search Form"
msgstr "Test søgning"
#: views/options.php:309
msgid "Use this search form to run a live search test."
msgstr "benyt denne søgeformular for at afprøve søgningen."
#: views/options.php:315
msgid "Run Test Search"
msgstr "Kør test søgning"
#: views/options.php:326
msgid "News"
msgstr "Nyheder"
#: views/options.php:327
msgid "Development Support"
msgstr "Hjulpet med udvikling"
#: views/options.php:328
msgid "Localization Support"
msgstr "Hjulpet med oversættelser"
#: views/options.php:334
#: views/options.php:334
msgid "Version 6 was a major update and a few areas need new localization support. If you can help send me your translations by posting them as a new issue, "
msgstr "Version 6 var en større opdatering og nogle få områder kræver nye oversættelser. Hvis du vil hjælpe kan du sende din oversættelse ved at beskrive et nyt problem, "
#: views/options.php:334
msgid "here"
msgstr "her"
#: views/options.php:335
msgid "Thank You!"
msgstr "Tak for hjælpen!"
#: views/options.php:335
msgid "The development of Search Everything since Version one has primarily come from the WordPress community, I’m grateful for their dedicated and continued support."
msgstr "Udviklingen af Search Everything har siden første version primært kommet fra WordPress-fællesskabet. Jeg er taknemlig for deres dedikerede og vedvarende støtte."
#: views/options.php:345
msgid "and many more..."
msgstr "og mange andre..."
#: views/options.php:345
msgid "how about you?"
msgstr "hva' med dig?"
#. Plugin Name of an extension
msgid "Search Everything"
msgstr "Search Everything"
#. Plugin URI of an extension
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Description of an extension
msgid "Adds search functionality without modifying any template pages: Activate, Configure and Search. Options Include: search highlight, search pages, excerpts, attachments, drafts, comments, tags and custom fields (metadata). Also offers the ability to exclude specific pages and posts. Does not search password-protected content."
msgstr "Tilføjer søgfunktion uden du behøver ændre nogle temafiler: Aktiver, indstil og søg. Indstillingsmuligheder: fremhæv søgeresultat, søg i sider, uddrag, medier, kladder, kommentarer, tags og egne felter (metadata). Der er også mulighed for at undlade specifikke sider og indlæg. Søger ikke i kodeordsbeskyttet indhold."
#. Author of an extension
msgid "Dan Cameron of Sprout Venture"
msgstr "Dan Cameron fra Sprout Venture"
#. Author URI of an extension
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your settings have been reset"
#~ msgstr "Nullstilte innstillingane dine"