'CacheCollateCleanup', 'class_name' => 'NF_Updates_CacheCollateCleanup', 'debug' => false, ); $this->data = $data; $this->running = $running; // Call the parent constructor. parent::__construct( $args ); // Begin processing. $this->process(); } /** * Function to loop over the batch. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function process() { // If we've not already started... if ( ! isset( $this->running[ 0 ][ 'running' ] ) ) { // Run our startup method. $this->startup(); } $this->stage = $this->running[ 0 ][ 'stages' ][ 0 ]; // Determine what process to run. switch ( $this->stage[ 'table' ] ) { case 'submissions': // If we've cleaned out all orphan submissions... if ( $this->stage[ 'purged' ] ) { // Work on clearing out orphan field records. $this->adopt_fields(); } // Otherwise... (We still have orphan submissions.) else { // Remove orphan submissions. $this->adopt_subs(); } break; default: // If we need to step over this process... if ( $this->divisor < $this->stage[ 'parent_total' ] ) { // Call stepped deletion. $this->do_step_delete(); } // Otherwise... (We don't need to step over this.) else { // Call simple deletion. $this->do_easy_delete(); } // Increment our step count. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'current' ] += 1; break; } // If we have completed the current stage... if ( $this->stage_complete ) { // Remove it from our list. array_shift( $this->running[ 0 ][ 'stages' ] ); } // Otherwise... (We have not completed the stage) else { // Record our changes. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'stages' ][ 0 ] = $this->stage; } // Prepare to output our number of steps and current step. $this->response[ 'stepsTotal' ] = $this->running[ 0 ][ 'steps' ]; $this->response[ 'currentStep' ] = $this->running[ 0 ][ 'current' ]; // If we have no stages left... if ( empty( $this->running[ 0 ][ 'stages' ] ) ) { // Run our cleanup method. $this->cleanup(); } // Prepare to output the number of updates remaining. $this->response[ 'updatesRemaining' ] = count( $this->running ); // Record our current location in the process. update_option( 'ninja_forms_doing_required_updates', $this->running ); // Respond to the AJAX call. $this->respond(); } /** * Function to run any setup steps necessary to begin processing. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function startup() { // Record that we're processing the update. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'running' ] = true; // Get the number of records in the forms table. $form_count = $this->get_total( 'nf3_forms' ); // Get the number of records in the fields table. $action_count = $this->get_total( 'nf3_actions' ); // Get the number of records in the actions table. $field_count = $this->get_total( 'nf3_fields' ); // Get the number of records in the objects table. $object_count = $this->get_total( 'nf3_objects' ); // Get all form_ids from the db for the submissions portion. $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_forms`"; $forms = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); $stages = array( array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_form_meta', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_forms', 'parent_total' => $form_count, ), array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_actions', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_forms', 'parent_total' => $form_count, ), array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_action_meta', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_actions', 'parent_total' => $action_count, ), array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_fields', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_forms', 'parent_total' => $form_count, ), array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_field_meta', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_fields', 'parent_total' => $field_count, ), array( 'table' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_object_meta', 'parent' => $this->db->prefix . 'nf3_objects', 'parent_total' => $object_count, ), array( 'table' => 'submissions', 'parent_total' => $form_count, 'purged' => false, 'forms' => $forms, ), ); $add = 0; // Set the steps for form meta (enforcing a minimum step count). $add = ceil( $form_count / $this->divisor ); $steps = ( 0 == $add ) ? 1 : $add; // Add actions and fields. $steps *= 3; // Add action meta (enforcing a minimum step count). $add = ceil( $action_count / $this->divisor ); $add = ( 0 == $add ) ? 1 : $add; $steps += $add; // Add field meta (enforcing a minimum step count). $add = ceil( $field_count / $this->divisor ); $add = ( 0 == $add ) ? 1 : $add; $steps += $add; // Add object meta (enforcing a minimum step count). $add = ceil( $object_count / $this->divisor ); $add = ( 0 == $add ) ? 1 : $add; $steps += $add; // Add one plus the form count for submissions (enforcing a minimum step count). $add = $form_count + 1; $add = ( 1 == $add ) ? 2 : $add; $steps += $add; $this->running[ 0 ][ 'stages' ] = $stages; // Record the total number of steps in this batch. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'steps' ] = $steps; // Record our current step (defaulted to 0 here). $this->running[ 0 ][ 'current' ] = 0; } /** * Function to cleanup any lingering temporary elements of a required update after completion. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function cleanup() { // Remove the current process from the array. array_shift( $this->running ); // Record to our updates setting that this update is complete. $this->confirm_complete(); // If we have no updates left to process... if ( empty( $this->running ) ) { // Call the parent cleanup method. parent::cleanup(); } } /** * Function to get the number of objects in a table. * * @param $table (String) The name of the target table. * * @return (Int) The count of rows. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function get_total( $table ) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT( `id` ) AS Total FROM `{$this->db->prefix}{$table}`;"; $result = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); return intval( $result[ 0 ][ 'Total' ] ); } /** * Function to perform a simple, single-step delete of orphan data. * * @since 3.4.0 * @updated 3.4.11 */ private function do_easy_delete() { // Remove the orphan records. $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->stage[ 'table' ]}` WHERE `parent_id` NOT IN( SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->stage[ 'parent' ]}` )"; // Protect favorite fields from being removed. if ( false !== strpos( $this->stage[ 'table' ], 'nf3_fields' ) ) { $sql .= " AND `parent_id` <> 0"; } $this->query( $sql ); // Confirm that this stage is complete. $this->stage_complete = true; } /** * Function to perform a multi-step delete of orphan data. * * @since 3.4.0 * @updated 3.4.11 */ private function do_step_delete() { // Get records from our table. $sub_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT( `parent_id` ) AS id FROM `{$this->stage[ 'table' ]}` "; // If we have a previous last record... if ( isset( $this->stage[ 'last' ] ) ) { // Make sure we exclude anything before it from the result. $sub_sql .= "WHERE `parent_id` > " . $this->stage[ 'last' ] . " "; } // Protect favorite fields from being removed. elseif ( false !== strpos( $this->stage[ 'table' ], 'nf3_fields' ) ) { $sub_sql .= "WHERE `parent_id` <> 0 "; } $sub_sql .= "ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC LIMIT {$this->divisor};"; $result = $this->db->get_results( $sub_sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Get the last affected row. $last = end( $result ); // Squash our results to get a non-associative array. $result = $this->array_squash( $result ); $this->stage[ 'last' ] = intval( $last[ 'id' ] ); // Get records from the parent table. $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->stage[ 'parent' ]}` WHERE `id` IN(" . implode( ', ', $result ) . ");"; $parent_result = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // If we didn't get the same number of results... if ( count( $result ) !== count( $parent_result ) ) { // Merge our results. $result = array_merge( $result, $parent_result ); // Convert the array to something we can sort by duplicates. $temp = array_count_values( array_column( $result, 'id' ) ); // Get rid of all values that had more than 1 result. $temp = array_filter( $temp, array( $this, 'uniquify' ) ); // Schedule all of the single result values for deletion. $delete = implode( ', ', array_keys( $temp ) ); $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->stage[ 'table' ]}` WHERE `parent_id` IN( {$delete} );"; $this->query( $sql ); } // If we've not already determined the limit of this table... if ( ! isset( $this->stage[ 'max' ] ) ) { // Fetch the maximum value. $sql = "SELECT MAX( `parent_id` ) as target FROM `{$this->stage[ 'table' ]}`"; $result = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Save a reference to it. $this->stage[ 'max' ] = intval( $result[ 0 ][ 'target' ] ); } // If our last record is equal to our maximum record... if ( $this->stage[ 'last' ] == $this->stage[ 'max' ] ) { // Record that we're done with this stage. $this->stage_complete = true; } } /** * Function called by array_filter to remove ALL duplicate results. * * @param $v (Int) The number of results. * * @return (Boolean) * * @since 3.4.0 */ private function uniquify( $v ) { // If we have 1 result, keep it. return $v == 1; } /** * Function to remove orphan submissions from the posts and postmeta tables. * * @since 3.4.0 */ private function adopt_subs() { // Fetch a limited number of orphan subs to delete. $sub_sql = "SELECT m.post_id AS id from `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` AS m LEFT OUTER JOIN `{$this->db->prefix}posts` AS p ON m.post_id = p.id WHERE m.meta_key = '_form_id' AND p.post_type = 'nf_sub' AND m.meta_value NOT IN( SELECT `id` from `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_forms` ) ORDER BY m.post_id ASC LIMIT {$this->divisor};"; $result = $this->db->get_results( $sub_sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Count them. $count = count( $result ); // Squash our results to get a non-associative array. $result = $this->array_squash( $result ); // If we have records to be deleted... if ( 0 < $count ) { // Remove their postmeta. $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` WHERE post_id IN(" . implode( ', ', $result ) . ");"; $this->query( $sql ); // Remove the posts. $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->db->prefix}posts` WHERE id IN(" . implode( ', ', $result ) . ");"; $this->query( $sql ); } // If the number of affected rows was less than our divisor... if ( $count < $this->divisor ) { // Mark that we've completed the process. $this->stage[ 'purged' ] = true; // Increment our step count. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'current' ] += 1; } } /** * Function to remove orphan field data that's still attached * to valid submissions from the postmeta table. * * @since 3.4.0 */ private function adopt_fields() { // Get the form to work with. $form = array_pop( $this->stage[ 'forms' ] ); // Fetch meta rows that match our criteria. $sql = "SELECT r.meta_id, r.meta_key AS field_id FROM `{$this->db->prefix}posts` AS p LEFT JOIN `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` AS r ON r.post_id = p.id LEFT JOIN `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` AS f ON f.post_id = p.id WHERE p.post_type = 'nf_sub' AND f.meta_key = '_form_id' AND f.meta_value = " . intval( $form[ 'id' ] ) . " AND r.meta_key LIKE '_field_%' "; // If last is set... if ( isset( $form[ 'last' ] ) ) { // Make sure we're getting new results instead of old ones. $sql .= "AND r.meta_id > {$form[ 'last' ]} "; } $sql .= "ORDER BY r.meta_id ASC LIMIT {$this->divisor};"; $results = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Count them. $count = count( $results ); // Get the last result. if ( 0 < $count ) { $last = end( $results ); $last = $last[ 'meta_id' ]; reset( $results ); } // Get all fields associated with this form. $sql = "SELECT id FROM `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields` WHERE parent_id = " . intval( $form[ 'id' ] ) . ";"; $fields = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Squash our results to get a non-associative array. $fields = $this->array_squash( $fields ); $bad_records = array(); // For each result... foreach( $results as $result ) { // Pull the text out of our meta. $id = str_replace( '_field_', '', $result[ 'field_id' ] ); $id = intval( $id ); // If this field isn't on the form... if ( ! in_array( $id, $fields ) ) { // Add it to our list to check later. $bad_records[ $id ][] = $result[ 'meta_id' ]; } } // Get a list of any old_field_ids from our field table update. $sql = "SELECT f.id AS new_id, m.meta_value AS id FROM `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields` AS f LEFT JOIN `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_field_meta` AS m ON f.id = m.parent_id WHERE f.parent_id = " . intval( $form[ 'id' ] ) . " AND m.meta_key = 'old_field_id';"; $old_ids = $this->db->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // Squash our results to get an associative array. $old_ids = $this->array_squash( $old_ids ); // For each id in the bad records list... foreach ( $bad_records as $field => $meta ) { // If we have a new ID for that record... if ( isset( $old_ids[ $field ] ) ) { // Update our submissions. $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` SET `meta_key` = '_field_" . $old_ids[ $field ] . "' WHERE `meta_id` IN(" . implode( ', ', $meta ) . ");"; $this->query( $sql ); } // Otherwise... (We don't have a new ID for it.) else { // Delete the orphan record. $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->db->prefix}postmeta` WHERE `meta_id` IN(" . implode( ', ', $meta ) . ");"; $this->query( $sql ); } } // If the number of affected rows was less than our divisor... if ( $count < $this->divisor ) { // Increment our step count. $this->running[ 0 ][ 'current' ] += 1; } // Otherwise... (We need to continue.) else { // Record where we stopped. $form[ 'last' ] = intval( $last ); // Put our form back on the stack. array_push( $this->stage[ 'forms' ], $form ); } // If there are no forms left to process... if ( empty( $this->stage[ 'forms' ] ) ) { // Mark that this stage is done. $this->stage_complete = true; } } /** * Function to compress our db results into a more useful format. * * @param $data (Array) The result to be compressed. * * @return (Array) Associative if our data was complex. * Non-associative if our data was a single item. * * @since 3.4.0 */ private function array_squash( $data ) { $response = array(); // For each item in the array... foreach ( $data as $row ) { // If the item has more than 1 attribute... if ( 1 < count( $row ) ) { // Assign the data to an associated result. $response[ $row[ 'id' ] ] = $row; // Unset the id setting, as that will be the key. unset( $response[ $row[ 'id' ] ][ 'id' ] ); } // Otherwise... (We only have 1 attribute.) else { // Add the id to the stack in a non-associated result. $response[] = intval( $row[ 'id' ] ); } } return $response; } }