product_nice_name = $product_name; if ( $slug == '' ) { $this->product_name = strtolower( $product_name ); $this->product_name = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", $this->product_name ); } else { $this->product_name = $slug; } $this->version = $version; $this->file = $file; $this->author = $author; $this->auto_update(); add_filter( 'ninja_forms_settings_licenses_addons', array( $this, 'register' ) ); } /** * Function that adds the license entry fields to the license tab. * * @updated 3.0 * @param array $licenses * @return array $licenses */ function register( $licenses ) { $licenses[] = $this; return $licenses; } /* * * Function that activates our license * * @since 2.2.47 * @return void */ function activate_license( $license_key ) { // data to send in our API request $api_params = array( 'edd_action'=> 'activate_license', 'license' => $license_key, 'item_name' => urlencode( $this->product_nice_name ), // the name of our product in EDD 'url' => home_url() ); // Call the custom API. $response = wp_remote_post( $this->store_url, array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $api_params ) ); $this->maybe_debug( $response ); // make sure the response came back okay if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) return false; // decode the license data $license_data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ); if ( 'invalid' == $license_data->license ) { $error = '' . __( 'Could not activate license. Please verify your license key', 'ninja-forms' ) . ''; if ( isset ( $_REQUEST[ 'nf_debug' ] ) && 1 == absint( $_REQUEST[ 'nf_debug' ] ) ) { // Add an error to our admin notice if nf_debug is turned on. add_filter( 'nf_admin_notices', array( $this, 'show_license_error_notice' ) ); $this->_last_error = var_export( $license_data, true ); } Ninja_Forms()->logger()->emergency( var_export( $license_data, true ) ); } else { $error = ''; } Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name . '_license', $license_key ); Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name . '_license_error', $error ); Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name . '_license_status', $license_data->license ); } public function show_license_error_notice( $notices ) { $notices[ 'license_error' ] = array( 'title' => __( 'License Activation Error', 'ninja-forms' ), 'msg' => '
' . $this->_last_error . '
', 'int' => 0, 'ignore_spam' => true, ); return $notices; } /* * * Function that deactivates our license if the user clicks the "Deactivate License" button. * * @since 2.2.47 * @return void */ function deactivate_license() { $license = Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( $this->product_name . '_license' ); // data to send in our API request $api_params = array( 'edd_action'=> 'deactivate_license', 'license' => $license, 'item_name' => urlencode( $this->product_nice_name ), // the name of our product in EDD 'url' => home_url() ); // Call the custom API. $response = wp_remote_post( $this->store_url, array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $api_params ) ); $this->maybe_debug( $response ); // make sure the response came back okay if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) return false; Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name.'_license_error', '' ); Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name.'_license_status', 'invalid' ); Ninja_Forms()->update_setting( $this->product_name.'_license', '' ); } /** * Function that runs all of our auto-update functionality * * @since 2.2.47 * @updates 3.0 * @return void */ function auto_update() { $edd_updater = new EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater( $this->store_url, $this->file, array( 'author' => $this->author, // author of this plugin 'version' => $this->version, // current version number 'item_name' => $this->product_nice_name, // name of this plugin 'license' => Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( $this->product_name.'_license' ), // license key ) ); } // function auto_update /** * Return whether or not this license is valid. * * @access public * @since 2.9 * @return bool */ public function is_valid() { return ( 'valid' == Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( $this->product_name.'_license_status' ) ); } /** * Get any error messages for this license field. * * @access public * @since 2.9 * @return string $error */ public function get_error() { return Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( $this->product_name . '_license_error' ); } private function maybe_debug( $data, $key = 'debug' ) { if ( isset ( $_GET[ $key ] ) && 'true' == $_GET[ $key ] ) { echo '
'; var_dump( $data ); echo '
'; die(); } } } // End Class NF_Extension_Updater