locale = $locale; } public static function create() { global $wp_locale; return new self($wp_locale); } public function locale_decode_number( $number ) { // Be sure we have a string. $number = strval( $number ); $thousands_sep = $this->locale->number_format['thousands_sep']; // Account for negative numbers. $negative = false; if ( '-' == substr( $number, 0, 1 ) ) { $negative = true; $number = str_replace( '-', '', $number ); } // Account for a space as the thousands separator. $thousands_sep = str_replace( self::NBSP, ' ', $thousands_sep ); $number = str_replace( self::NBSP, ' ', $number ); // Determine what our existing separators are. $haystack = str_split( $number ); $separators = preg_grep( '/[0-9]/', $haystack, PREG_GREP_INVERT ); $final_separators = array_unique( $separators ); $final_separators = array_values( $final_separators ); switch( count( $final_separators ) ) { case 0: $formatted = $number; break; case 1: $replacer = ''; if ( 1 == count( $separators ) ) { $separator = reset($separators); list($before, $after) = explode($separator, $number); if(3 == strlen($after) && $separator == $thousands_sep) { $replacer = ''; } else { $replacer = '.'; } } $formatted = str_replace( $final_separators[0], $replacer, $number ); break; case 2: $formatted = str_replace( $final_separators[0], '', $number ); $formatted = str_replace( $final_separators[1], '.', $formatted ); break; default: return 'NaN'; } if ( $negative ) { $formatted = '-' . $formatted; } return $formatted; } public function locale_encode_number( $number, $decimal = null, $thousand = null ) { // Be sure we have a string. $number = strval( $number ); // Decode our input value. $number = $this->locale_decode_number( $number ); // Exit early if NaN. if ( 'NaN' == $number ) return 'NaN'; $thousands_sep = $this->locale->number_format['thousands_sep']; $decimal_point = $this->locale->number_format['decimal_point']; $thousands_sep = ( !is_null($thousand) ) ? $thousand : $thousands_sep; $decimal_point = ( !is_null($decimal) ) ? $decimal : $decimal_point; // Account for a space as the thousands separator. $thousands_sep = str_replace( ' ', self::NBSP, $thousands_sep ); $precision = 0; if ( false !== strpos( $number, '.' ) ) { $tmp = explode( '.', $number ); $precision = strlen( array_pop( $tmp ) ); } $number = floatval( $number ); return number_format( $number, $precision, $decimal_point, $thousands_sep ); } public function locale_decode_equation( $eq ) { // Be sure we have a string. $eq = strval( $eq ); $result = ''; $expression = ''; $pattern = '/[0-9.,]/'; $eq = str_replace( array(' ', ' ', ' '), '', $eq ); $characters = str_split( $eq ); foreach ( $characters as $character ) { // If it matches the pattern... if ( preg_match( $pattern, $character ) ) { $expression .= $character; } else { // If we reach an operator char, append the expression to the result if ( 0 < strlen( $expression ) ) { $result .= $this->locale_decode_number( $expression ); $expression = ''; } $result .= $character; } } // The following catches the case of the last character being a digit. if ( 0 < strlen( $expression ) ) { $result .= $this->locale_decode_number( $expression ); } return $result; } }