_parent_type = $parent_type; /** * Remove new DB columns from our $_columns list if the user hasn't completed required upgrades stage 1. */ $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$db->prefix}nf3_objects LIKE 'object_title'"; $results = $db->get_results( $sql ); /** * If we don't have the object_title column, we need to remove our new columns. * * Also, set our db stage 1 tracker to false. */ if ( empty ( $results ) ) { foreach( $this->_columns as $i => $col ) { if( 'object_title' === $col ) { unset( $this->_columns[ $i ] ); } } $this->db_stage_1_complete = false; } } public function save() { if( ! $this->_id ){ $data = array( 'created_at' => time() ); $result = $this->_db->insert( $this->_table_name, $data ); $this->_id = $this->_db->insert_id; } $this->_save_settings(); } } // End NF_Database_Models_Object