'WHERE `id` = X THEN...' ) * * @var array */ private $update_fields = array( 'id' => '', 'key' => '', 'label' => '', 'type' => '', 'field_key' => '', 'field_label' => '', 'order' => '', 'default_value' => '', 'label_pos' => '', 'required' => '', 'personally_identifiable' => '', ); private $update_field_meta = array(); private $update_field_meta_chunk = 0; private $db_stage_1_complete = true; /** * Store an array of columns that we want to store in our table rather than meta. * * This array stores the column name and the name of the setting that it maps to. * * The format is: * * array( 'COLUMN_NAME' => 'SETTING_NAME' ) */ private $db_columns = array( 'parent_id' => 'parent_id', 'id' => 'id', 'key' => 'key', 'type' => 'type', 'label' => 'label', 'field_key' => 'key', 'field_label' => 'label', 'order' => 'order', 'required' => 'required', 'default_value' => 'default', 'label_pos' => 'label_pos', 'personally_identifiable' => 'personally_identifiable', ); private $db_bit_columns = array( 'required', 'personally_identifiable', ); public function __construct( $form_id, $fields_data ) { global $wpdb; $this->db = $wpdb; $this->form_id = $form_id; $this->fields_data = $fields_data; /** * Remove new DB columns from our $db_columns list if the user hasn't completed required upgrades stage 1. */ $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields LIKE 'field_key'"; $results = $this->db->get_results( $sql ); /** * If we don't have the field_key column, we need to remove our new columns. * * Also, set our db stage 1 tracker to false. */ if ( empty ( $results ) ) { unset( $this->db_columns[ 'field_key' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'field_label' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'order' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'required' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'default_value' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'label_pos' ] ); unset( $this->db_columns[ 'personally_identifiable' ] ); $this->db_stage_1_complete = false; } } public function run() { $this->db->hide_errors(); /* FIELDS */ $this->parse_fields(); $insert_fields_query = $this->get_insert_fields_query(); if( ! empty( $insert_fields_query ) ){ $this->db->query( $insert_fields_query ); $this->update_new_field_ids(); } $update_fields_query = $this->get_update_fields_query(); if( ! empty( $update_fields_query ) ){ $this->db->query( $update_fields_query ); } /* FIELD META */ $this->parse_field_meta(); $this->run_insert_field_meta_query(); $this->run_update_field_meta_query(); } public function get_updated_fields_data() { return $this->fields_data; } private function parse_fields() { foreach( $this->fields_data as $field_data ){ $field_id = $field_data[ 'id' ]; /** * We've defined which items go into our DB, as well as which settings they map to. * * Loop over our $db_columns array and setup an array for $settings. */ $settings = array(); foreach( $this->db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) { $value = ''; if( isset( $field_data[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] ) ) { // If the setting value is numeric, make sure it's intval'd. if ( is_numeric( $field_data[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] ) ) { $value = intval( $field_data[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] ); } else { $value = $field_data[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ]; } } if ( in_array( $column_name, $this->db_bit_columns ) ) { $value = absint( $value ); } $settings[ $column_name ] = $value; } /** * We need to decide if we need to insert this field or update it in our fields table. * * If we don't have a numeric field id, we're dealing with a tmp field, which is a new field * * If this field exists in our cache, but doesn't exist in our table, we need to insert it. * * Otherwise, we're updating. * * Check our DB for a field with this id. */ if ( is_numeric( $field_id ) ) { $field_in_db = $this->db->get_row( "SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields` WHERE `id` = {$field_id}" ); } else { $field_in_db = array(); } /** * If $field_id isn't a number, then it's a tmp-id. * * If we have a tmp-id OR the field hasn't been found in our DB, we need to insert it. */ if( ! is_numeric( $field_id ) || empty( $field_in_db ) ) { /** * If our $field_id is numeric, we want to insert it into the db with the row. * * If it's not, we want to pass NULL so that we get an autoincrement. */ if ( is_numeric( $field_id ) ) { $settings[ 'id' ] = $field_id; } else { $settings[ 'id' ] = NULL; } // New Field. $this->insert_field( $settings ); } else { // We're updating field settings. $this->update_field( $field_id, $settings ); } } } private function parse_field_meta() { $existing_meta = $this->get_existing_meta(); foreach( $this->fields_data as $field_data ){ $field_id = $field_data[ 'id' ]; foreach( $field_data[ 'settings' ] as $key => $value ){ // we don't need object type or domain stored in the db if( ! in_array( $key, array( 'objectType', 'objectDomain' ) ) ) { if( isset( $existing_meta[ $field_id ][ $key ] ) ){ if( $value == $existing_meta[ $field_id ][ $key ] && $value == $existing_meta[ $field_id ][ 'meta_key' ][ $key ] ) continue; $this->update_field_meta( $field_id, $key, $value ); } else { $this->insert_field_meta( $field_id, $key, $value ); } } } } } private function get_existing_meta() { $sql_select = "m.parent_id, m.key, m.value"; /** * If we have completed stage 1 of our db migration, pull meta_key and meta_value as well as key and value. */ if ( $this->db_stage_1_complete ) { $sql_select .= " , m.meta_key, m.meta_value"; } $results = $this->db->get_results(" SELECT {$sql_select} FROM `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_field_meta` AS m LEFT JOIN `{$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields` AS f ON m.parent_id = f.id WHERE f.parent_id = {$this->form_id} "); $field_meta = array(); foreach( $results as $meta ){ $meta_value = ''; if( ! isset( $field_meta[ $meta->parent_id ] ) ) $field_meta[ $meta->parent_id ] = array(); $field_meta[ $meta->parent_id ][ $meta->key ] = $meta->value; if ( property_exists( $meta, 'meta_value' ) ) { if ( ! is_null( $meta->meta_value ) ) { $meta_value = $meta->meta_value; } } $field_meta[ $meta->parent_id ]['meta_key'][ $meta->key ] = $meta_value; } return $field_meta; } private function update_new_field_ids() { $field_id_lookup = $this->db->get_results(" SELECT `key`, `id` FROM {$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields WHERE `parent_id` = {$this->form_id} ", OBJECT_K); foreach( $this->fields_data as $i => $field_data ){ $field_key = $field_data[ 'settings' ][ 'key' ]; if( ! is_numeric( $field_data[ 'id' ] ) && isset( $field_id_lookup[ $field_key ] ) ){ $tmp_id = $field_data[ 'id' ]; $this->fields_data[ $i ][ 'id' ] = $this->new_field_ids[ $tmp_id ] = $field_id_lookup[ $field_key ]->id; } } } public function get_new_field_ids() { return $this->new_field_ids; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | INSERT (NEW) FIELDS |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function insert_field( $settings ) { // Add our initial opening parenthesis. $this->insert_fields .= "("; // Add our form id to our settings as 'parent_id'. $settings[ 'parent_id' ] = $this->form_id; /** * Loop over each of our $this->db_columns to create a value list for our SQL statement. */ foreach ( $this->db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) { $value = $settings[ $column_name ]; // For new fields, specify the `id` as NULL for insert. if('id' == $column_name && is_null($value)){ $this->insert_fields .= "NULL,"; continue; } $this->db->escape_by_ref( $value ); if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $this->insert_fields .= "{$value},"; } else { $this->insert_fields .= "'{$value}',"; } } // Remove any trailing commas from our SQL string. $this->insert_fields = rtrim( $this->insert_fields, ',' ); $this->insert_fields .= '),'; } public function get_insert_fields_query() { if( ! $this->insert_fields ) return ""; $insert_fields = rtrim( $this->insert_fields, ',' ); // Strip trailing comma from SQl. /** * Loop over each of our $this->db_columns to create a column list for our SQL statement below. */ $columns = ''; foreach( $this->db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) { $columns .= "`{$column_name}` ,"; } $columns = rtrim( $columns, ',' ); return " INSERT INTO {$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields ( {$columns} ) VALUES {$insert_fields} "; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UPDATE (EXISTING) FIELDS |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function update_field( $field_id, $settings ) { foreach ( $settings as $setting => $value ) { $line = "WHEN `id` = '{$field_id}' "; $this->db->escape_by_ref( $value ); $line .= "THEN "; if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $line .= "{$value} "; } else { $line .= "'{$value}' "; } if( isset( $this->update_fields[ $setting ] ) ) { $this->update_fields[ $setting ] .= $line; } else { $this->update_fields[ $setting ] = $line; } } } public function get_update_fields_query() { /** * Loop over our $db_columns class var and make sure that none of them are empty. * * If they are empty, return an empty string to prevent errors. */ foreach ( $this->db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) { if ( empty( $this->update_fields[ $column_name ] ) ) { return ""; } } /** * Build our return statement based upon our $db_columns class var. */ $return = "UPDATE {$this->db->prefix}nf3_fields SET "; foreach( $this->db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) { // We don't need to update our parent_id or our id. if ( 'id' == $column_name || 'parent_id' == $column_name ) { continue; } $return .= "`{$column_name}` = CASE {$this->update_fields[ $column_name ]} ELSE `{$column_name}` END ,"; } $return = rtrim( $return, ',' ); return $return; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | INSERT (NEW) META |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function insert_field_meta( $field_id, $key, $value ) { static $counter; $value = maybe_serialize( $value ); $this->db->escape_by_ref( $field_id ); $this->db->escape_by_ref( $key ); $this->db->escape_by_ref( $value ); if( ! isset( $this->insert_field_meta[ $this->insert_field_meta_chunk ] ) || ! $this->insert_field_meta[ $this->insert_field_meta_chunk ] ) { $this->insert_field_meta[ $this->insert_field_meta_chunk ] = ''; } $insert_values = "'{$field_id}','{$key}','{$value}'"; /** * If we have completed stage 1 of our db update process, then we want to add meta_key and meta_value as well as key and value. */ if ( $this->db_stage_1_complete ) { $insert_values .= ", '{$key}','{$value}'"; } $this->insert_field_meta[ $this->insert_field_meta_chunk ] .= "( {$insert_values} ),"; $counter++; if( 0 == $counter % 5000 ) $this->insert_field_meta_chunk++; } public function run_insert_field_meta_query() { if( ! $this->insert_field_meta ) return ""; foreach( $this->insert_field_meta as $insert_field_meta ){ $insert_field_meta = rtrim( $insert_field_meta, ',' ); // Strip trailing comma from SQl. /** * If we have completed stage 1 of our db update process, then we want to insert meta_key and meta_value as well. */ $insert_columns = '`parent_id`, `key`, `value`'; if ( $this->db_stage_1_complete ) { $insert_columns .= ', `meta_key`, `meta_value`'; } $this->db->query( " INSERT INTO {$this->db->prefix}nf3_field_meta ( {$insert_columns} ) VALUES {$insert_field_meta} "); } } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UPDATE (EXISTING) META |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function update_field_meta( $field_id, $key, $value ) { static $counter; $value = maybe_serialize( $value ); $this->db->escape_by_ref( $key ); $this->db->escape_by_ref( $value ); if( ! isset( $this->update_field_meta[ $this->update_field_meta_chunk ] ) || ! $this->update_field_meta[ $this->update_field_meta_chunk ] ) { $this->update_field_meta[ $this->update_field_meta_chunk ] = ''; } $this->update_field_meta[ $this->update_field_meta_chunk ] .= " WHEN `parent_id` = '{$field_id}' AND `key` = '{$key}' THEN '{$value}'"; $counter++; if( 0 == $counter % 5000 ) $this->update_field_meta_chunk++; } public function run_update_field_meta_query() { if( empty( $this->update_field_meta ) ) return ''; foreach( $this->update_field_meta as $update_field_meta ){ $sql = "UPDATE {$this->db->prefix}nf3_field_meta as field_meta SET `value` = CASE {$update_field_meta} ELSE `value` END"; /** * If we have completed stage 1 of our db update process, then we want to update meta_value as well as value. */ if ( $this->db_stage_1_complete ) { $sql .= ", `meta_value` = CASE {$update_field_meta} ELSE `meta_value` END, `meta_key` = CASE WHEN `parent_id` = '-999' THEN NULL ELSE `key` END"; } $this->db->query( $sql ); return; } } }