'id' => 'ninja-shop',
'location' => 'dashboard',
'type' => 'ninja-shop',
'content' => '' . __( 'Are you frustrated with complicated eCommerce solutions?', 'ninja-forms' ) . '
' . __( 'Start Selling Today With Ninja Shop!', 'ninja-forms' ) . '',
'script' => "",
| Personal 20
'personal-20' => array(
'id' => 'personal-20',
'location' => 'dashboard',
'type' => 'personal',
'content' => '',
'script' => "",
| Personal 50
'personal-50' => array(
'id' => 'personal-50',
'location' => 'dashboard',
'type' => 'personal',
'content' => '
'script' => "",
| Send WP
'sendwp-banner' => array(
'id' => 'sendwp-banner',
'location' => 'dashboard',
'content' => '',
'type' => 'sendwp',
'script' => "
setTimeout(function(){ /* Wait for services to init. */
var data = {
width: 450,
closeOnClick: 'body',
closeOnEsc: true,
content: '
Form submission notifications not hitting your inbox? Some of your visitors getting form feedback via email, others not? By default, your WordPress site sends emails through your web host, which can be unreliable. Your host has spent lots of time and money optimizing to serve your pages, not send your emails.
SendWP is an email service that removes your web host from the email equation.