'failure', 'batch_complete' => false, ); protected $_data = array(); protected $_errors = array(); protected $_debug = array(); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct( $data = array() ) { //Bail if we aren't in the admin. if ( ! is_admin() ) return false; // Record our data if we have any. $this->data = $data[ 'data' ]; $this->form_id = $this->data[ 'form_id' ]; // Run process. $this->process(); } /** * Function to loop over the batch. * * @return JSON * Str last_response = success/failure * Bool batch_complete = true/false * Int requesting = x */ public function process() { // If we were told this is a new publish... if ( $this->data[ 'new_publish' ] === 'true' ) { // Delete our option to reset the process. $this->remove_option(); } // Fetch our option to see what step we're on. $batch = $this->get_chunk( 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id ); // If we don't have an option to see what step we're on... if ( ! $batch ) { // Run startup. $this->startup(); // Fetch our option now that it's created. $batch = $this->get_chunk( 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id ); } $batch = explode( ',', $batch ); // Update the chunk. $this->add_chunk( 'nf_form_' . $this->form_id . '_publishing_' . $batch[ 0 ], stripslashes( $this->data[ 'chunk' ] ) ); // Increment our step. $batch[ 0 ]++; // If this was our last step... if ( $batch[ 0 ] == $batch[ 1 ] ) { // Run cleanup. $this->cleanup(); } // Otherwise... (We have more steps.) else { // Update our step option. $this->add_chunk( 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id, implode( ',', $batch ) ); // Request our next chunk. $this->response[ 'requesting' ] = $batch[ 0 ]; } $this->response[ 'last_request' ] = 'success'; echo wp_json_encode( $this->response ); wp_die(); } /** * Function to run any setup steps necessary to begin processing. */ public function startup() { $value = '0,' . $this->data[ 'chunk_total' ]; // Write our option to manage the process. $this->add_chunk( 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id, $value ); // Process the first item. $this->process(); } /** * Function to cleanup any lingering temporary elements of a batch process after completion. */ public function cleanup() { // Get all of the chunks. $build = ''; $batch = $this->get_chunk( 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id ); $batch = explode( ',', $batch ); // Add all of our chunks into a string. for ( $i = 0; $i < $batch[ 1 ]; $i++ ) { $build .= $this->get_chunk( 'nf_form_' . $this->form_id . '_publishing_' . $i ); } $form_data = json_decode( $build, ARRAY_A ); // Start copied code. if( is_string( $form_data[ 'id' ] ) ) { $tmp_id = $form_data[ 'id' ]; $form = Ninja_Forms()->form()->get(); $form->save(); $form_data[ 'id' ] = $form->get_id(); $this->_data[ 'new_ids' ][ 'forms' ][ $tmp_id ] = $form_data[ 'id' ]; } else { $form = Ninja_Forms()->form($form_data['id'])->get(); } unset( $form_data[ 'settings' ][ '_seq_num' ] ); $form->update_settings( $form_data[ 'settings' ] )->save(); if( isset( $form_data[ 'fields' ] ) ) { $db_fields_controller = new NF_Database_FieldsController( $form_data[ 'id' ], $form_data[ 'fields' ] ); $db_fields_controller->run(); $form_data[ 'fields' ] = $db_fields_controller->get_updated_fields_data(); $this->_data['new_ids']['fields'] = $db_fields_controller->get_new_field_ids(); } if( isset( $form_data[ 'deleted_fields' ] ) ){ foreach( $form_data[ 'deleted_fields' ] as $deleted_field_id ){ $field = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_data[ 'id' ])->get_field( $deleted_field_id ); $field->delete(); } } if( isset( $form_data[ 'actions' ] ) ) { /* * Loop Actions and fire Save() hooks. */ foreach ($form_data['actions'] as &$action_data) { $id = $action_data['id']; $action = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_data[ 'id' ] )->get_action( $id ); $action->update_settings($action_data['settings'])->save(); $action_type = $action->get_setting( 'type' ); if( isset( Ninja_Forms()->actions[ $action_type ] ) ) { $action_class = Ninja_Forms()->actions[ $action_type ]; $action_settings = $action_class->save( $action_data['settings'] ); if( $action_settings ){ $action_data['settings'] = $action_settings; $action->update_settings( $action_settings )->save(); } } if ($action->get_tmp_id()) { $tmp_id = $action->get_tmp_id(); $this->_data['new_ids']['actions'][$tmp_id] = $action->get_id(); $action_data[ 'id' ] = $action->get_id(); } $this->_data[ 'actions' ][ $action->get_id() ] = $action->get_settings(); } } /* * Loop Actions and fire Publish() hooks. */ foreach ($form_data['actions'] as &$action_data) { $action = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_data[ 'id' ] )->get_action( $action_data['id'] ); $action_type = $action->get_setting( 'type' ); if( isset( Ninja_Forms()->actions[ $action_type ] ) ) { $action_class = Ninja_Forms()->actions[ $action_type ]; if( $action->get_setting( 'active' ) && method_exists( $action_class, 'publish' ) ) { $data = $action_class->publish( $this->_data ); if ($data) { $this->_data = $data; } } } } if( isset( $form_data[ 'deleted_actions' ] ) ){ foreach( $form_data[ 'deleted_actions' ] as $deleted_action_id ){ $action = Ninja_Forms()->form()->get_action( $deleted_action_id ); $action->delete(); } } delete_user_option( get_current_user_id(), 'nf_form_preview_' . $form_data['id'] ); WPN_Helper::update_nf_cache( $form_data[ 'id' ], $form_data ); do_action( 'ninja_forms_save_form', $form->get_id() ); if( isset( $this->_data['debug'] ) ) { $this->_debug = array_merge( $this->_debug, $this->_data[ 'debug' ] ); } if( isset( $this->_data['errors'] ) && $this->_data[ 'errors' ] ) { $this->_errors = array_merge( $this->_errors, $this->_data[ 'errors' ] ); } // Remove our option. $this->remove_option(); $response = array( 'data' => $this->_data, 'errors' => $this->_errors, 'debug' => $this->_debug, 'batch_complete' => true ); echo wp_json_encode( $response ); wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Function to get our chunk data from the chunks table. * * @param $slug (string) The name of the option in the db. * @return string or FALSE */ public function get_chunk( $slug ) { global $wpdb; // Get our option from our chunks table. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT `value` FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}nf3_chunks` WHERE `name` = %s", $slug ); $data = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, 'ARRAY_A' ); // If it exists there... if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { // Hand it off. return $data[ 0 ][ 'value' ]; } // Otherwise... (It does not exist there.) else { // Try to fetch it from the options table. return get_option( $slug ); } } /** * Function to replace update_option. * * @param $slug (string) The name of the option in the db. * @param $content (string) The data to be stored in the option. */ public function add_chunk( $slug, $content ) { // Check for an existing option. global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT id FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}nf3_chunks` WHERE name = '{$slug}'"; $result = $wpdb->query( $sql ); // If we don't have one... if ( empty ( $result ) ) { // Insert it. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO `{$wpdb->prefix}nf3_chunks` (name, value) VALUES ( %s, %s )", $slug, $content ); } // Otherwise... (We do have one.) else { // Update the existing one. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}nf3_chunks` SET value = %s WHERE name = %s", $content, $slug ); } $wpdb->query( $sql ); } /* * Function to remove our management option and remove any temporary chunk data. */ public function remove_option() { // Remove our option to manage the process. global $wpdb; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}nf3_chunks` WHERE name = %s", 'nf_chunk_publish_' . $this->form_id ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); // If our form_id was a temp id... if ( ! is_numeric( $this->form_id ) ) { // Remove all of our chunk options. $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "nf3_chunks` WHERE name LIKE %s", 'nf_form_' . $this->form_id . '_publishing_%' ); $wpdb->query( $sql ); } $this->data[ 'new_publish' ] = 'false'; } }