menu_slug ) {
$classes = "$classes ninja-forms-app";
return $classes;
public function get_page_title()
return __( 'Ninja Forms', 'ninja-forms' );
public function admin_init()
* If we aren't on the Ninja Forms menu page, don't admin_init.
if ( empty( $_GET[ 'page' ] ) || 'ninja-forms' !== $_GET[ 'page' ] ) {
return false;
* Database Table Check
* If the nf3_ database tables do not exist, then re-run activation.
if ( ! ninja_forms_three_table_exists() ) {
if( isset( $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) && ! is_numeric( $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) && 'new' != $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) {
if( current_user_can( apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_admin_import_template_capabilities', 'manage_options' ) ) ) {
// $this->table = new NF_Admin_AllFormsTable();
public function display()
if( isset( $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) ){
if( 'new' == $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) {
$form_id = 'tmp-' . time();
} else {
$form_id = (is_numeric($_GET['form_id'])) ? absint($_GET['form_id']) : '';
Ninja_Forms::template( 'admin-menu-new-form.html.php' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-label--builder.html' ); // Fork for the builder.
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-address.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-address2.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-button.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-checkbox.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-city.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-color.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-date.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-email.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-file.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-firstname.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-hidden.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-hr.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-html.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-input.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-lastname.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-listcheckbox.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-listradio.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-listselect--builder.html' ); // Fork that removes the `for` attribute, which hijacks click events.
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-number.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-password.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-recaptcha.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-starrating.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-submit.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-tel.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-terms.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-textarea.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-textbox.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-zip.html' );
// Deprecated Fields
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-total.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-tax.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-product.html' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'fields-shipping.html' );
$this->_enqueue_the_things( $form_id );
delete_user_option( get_current_user_id(), 'nf_form_preview_' . $form_id );
if( ! isset( $_GET[ 'ajax' ] ) ) {
$this->_localize_form_data( $form_id );
} else {
// $this->table->prepare_items();
// Ninja_Forms::template( 'admin-menu-all-forms.html.php', array(
// 'table' => $this->table,
// 'add_new_url' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=ninja-forms&form_id=new' ),
// 'add_new_text' => __( 'Add New Form', 'ninja-forms' )
// ) );
$use_services = true; // Feature Flag.
$use_services = apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_use_services', $use_services ); // The WordPress Way.
if ( apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_disable_marketing', false ) ) $use_services = false;
$use_services = $use_services && ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '>=' ) ); // PHP Version Check.
$dash_items = Ninja_Forms()->config('DashboardMenuItems');
ver );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-batch-processor', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/batch-processor.js', array( 'nf-ninjamodal' ), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-moment', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/moment-with-locales.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'nf-dashboard' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-dashboard', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/min/dashboard.min.js', array( 'backbone-radio', 'backbone-marionette-3' ), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-sendwp', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/sendwp.js', array(), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-feature-scripts', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/feature-scripts.js', array(), $this->ver );
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
wp_localize_script( 'nf-dashboard', 'nfi18n', Ninja_Forms::config( 'i18nDashboard' ) );
$promotions = get_option( 'nf_active_promotions' );
$promotions = json_decode( $promotions, true );
if( ! empty( $promotions ) ) {
wp_localize_script( 'nf-dashboard', 'nfPromotions', array_values( $promotions[ 'dashboard' ] ) );
wp_localize_script( 'nf-dashboard', 'nfAdmin', array(
'ajaxNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ninja_forms_dashboard_nonce' ),
'batchNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ninja_forms_batch_nonce' ),
'updateNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ninja_forms_required_update_nonce' ),
'formTelemetry' => ( get_option( 'nf_form_tel_sent' ) ) ? 0 : 1,
'showOptin' => ( get_option( 'ninja_forms_do_not_allow_tracking' ) ||
get_option( 'ninja_forms_allow_tracking' ) ) ? 0 : 1,
'requiredUpdates' => $required_updates,
'currentUserEmail' => $current_user->user_email,
'builderURL' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=ninja-forms&form_id=' ),
) );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-builder', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/builder.css', array(), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-dashboard', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/dashboard.min.css', array(), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-jbox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/jBox.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-font-awesome', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
if( $required_updates ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-updates-styles', Ninja_Forms::$url . '/assets/css/required-updates.css' );
Ninja_Forms::template( 'admin-menu-dashboard.html.php' );
public function submenu_separators()
add_submenu_page( 'ninja-forms', '', '', 'read', '', '' );
* TODO: Remove this function and its hook because we are handling template imports via the batch processor.
* @since 3.0
* @return void
private function import_from_template()
$template = sanitize_title( $_GET['form_id'] );
$templates = Ninja_Forms::config( 'NewFormTemplates' );
if( isset( $templates[ $template ] ) && ! empty( $templates[ $template ][ 'form' ] ) ) {
$form = $templates[ $template ][ 'form' ];
} else {
$form = Ninja_Forms::template( $template . '.nff', array(), TRUE );
if( ! $form ) die( 'Template not found' );
$form = json_decode( html_entity_decode( $form ), true );
$form_id = Ninja_Forms()->form()->import_form( $form );
if( ! $form_id ){
$error_message = ( function_exists( 'json_last_error_msg' ) && json_last_error_msg() ) ? json_last_error_msg() : __( 'Form Template Import Error.', 'ninja-forms' );
wp_die( $error_message );
header( "Location: " . admin_url( "admin.php?page=ninja-forms&form_id=$form_id" ) );
private function _enqueue_the_things( $form_id )
global $wp_locale;
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-builder', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/builder.css', array(), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_style( 'nf-font-awesome', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
* CSS Libraries
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jBox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/jBox.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'summernote', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/summernote.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'codemirror', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/codemirror.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'codemirror-monokai', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/monokai-theme.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'pikaday-responsive', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/pikaday-package.css' );
* JS Libraries
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-util' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-autoNumeric', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.autoNumeric.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'backbone' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-maskedinput', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.maskedinput.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'backbone' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'backbone-marionette', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/backbone.marionette.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'backbone' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'backbone-radio', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/', array( 'jquery', 'backbone' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-perfect-scrollbar', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-hotkeys-new', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.hotkeys.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jBox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jBox.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-ninjamodal', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/ninjaModal.js', array( 'jBox' ), $this->ver );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-jquery-caret', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.caret.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'speakingurl', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/speakingurl.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-slugify', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/slugify.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'speakingurl' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-mobile-events', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-touch-punch', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-classy-wiggle', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jquery.classywiggle.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'moment-with-locale', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/moment-with-locales.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'nf-builder' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'pikaday', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/pikaday.min.js', array( 'moment-with-locale' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'pikaday-responsive', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/pikaday-responsive.min.js', array( 'pikaday', 'modernizr' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'bootstrap', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/bootstrap.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'codemirror', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/codemirror.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'codemirror-xml', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/codemirror-xml.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'codemirror-formatting', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/codemirror-formatting.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'summernote', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/summernote.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'speakingurl' ) );
wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-builder', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/min/builder.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-droppable', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-effects-bounce', 'wp-color-picker' ), $this->ver );
wp_localize_script( 'nf-builder', 'nfi18n', Ninja_Forms::config( 'i18nBuilder' ) );
$home_url = parse_url( home_url() );
global $wp_rewrite;
if($wp_rewrite->permalink_structure) {
$public_link_structure = site_url() . '/ninja-forms/[FORM_ID]';
} else {
$public_link_structure = site_url('?nf_public_link=[FORM_ID]');
if(isset($_GET['nf_dev_mode']) && $_GET['nf_dev_mode']){
$dev_mode = absint($_GET['nf_dev_mode']);
} else {
// @NOTE Check the settings array to avoid a default value in place of zero.
$settings = Ninja_Forms()->get_settings();
if( ! isset($settings['builder_dev_mode'])){
$dev_mode = 1;
} else {
$dev_mode = $settings['builder_dev_mode'];
wp_localize_script( 'nf-builder', 'nfAdmin', array(
'ajaxNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ninja_forms_builder_nonce' ),
'batchNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ninja_forms_batch_nonce' ),
'requireBaseUrl' => Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/',
'previewurl' => home_url() . '/?nf_preview_form=',
'wp_locale' => $wp_locale->number_format,
'editFormText' => __( 'Edit Form', 'ninja-forms' ),
'mobile' => ( wp_is_mobile() ) ? 1: 0,
'currencySymbols' => array_merge( array( '' => Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( 'currency_symbol' ) ), Ninja_Forms::config( 'CurrencySymbol' ) ),
'dateFormat' => Ninja_Forms()->get_setting( 'date_format' ),
'formID' => isset( $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) ? absint( $_GET[ 'form_id' ] ) : 0,
'home_url_host' => $home_url[ 'host' ],
'publicLinkStructure' => $public_link_structure,
'devMode' => (bool) $dev_mode,
do_action( 'nf_admin_enqueue_scripts' );
private function _localize_form_data( $form_id )
$form = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_id )->get();
$form_cache = false;
if( ! $form->get_tmp_id() ) {
if(WPN_Helper::use_cache()) {
$form_cache = WPN_Helper::get_nf_cache( $form_id );
if( $form_cache ) {
$fields = $form_cache[ 'fields' ];
} else {
$fields = ($form_id) ? Ninja_Forms()->form($form_id)->get_fields() : array();
$actions = ($form_id) ? Ninja_Forms()->form($form_id)->get_actions() : array();
} else {
$fields = array();
$actions = array();
$fields_settings = array();
if( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
// TODO: Replace unique field key checks with a refactored model/factory.
// $unique_field_keys = array();
// $form_cache = get_option( 'nf_form_' . $form_id, false );
// $cache_updated = false;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$field_id = ( is_object( $field ) ) ? $field->get_id() : $field[ 'id' ];
* Duplicate field check.
* TODO: Replace unique field key checks with a refactored model/factory.
// $field_key = $field->get_setting( 'key' );
// if( in_array( $field_key, $unique_field_keys ) || '' == $field_key ){
// // Delete the field.
// Ninja_Forms()->request( 'delete-field' )->data( array( 'field_id' => $field_id ) )->dispatch();
// // Remove the field from cache.
// if( $form_cache ) {
// if( isset( $form_cache[ 'fields' ] ) ){
// foreach( $form_cache[ 'fields' ] as $cached_field_key => $cached_field ){
// if( ! isset( $cached_field[ 'id' ] ) ) continue;
// if( $field_id != $cached_field[ 'id' ] ) continue;
// // Flag cache to update.
// $cache_updated = true;
// unset( $form_cache[ 'fields' ][ $cached_field_key ] ); // Remove the field.
// }
// }
// }
// continue; // Skip the duplicate field.
// }
// array_push( $unique_field_keys, $field_key ); // Log unique key.
/* END Duplicate field check. */
$type = ( is_object( $field ) ) ? $field->get_setting( 'type' ) : $field[ 'settings' ][ 'type' ];
* As of version 3.3.16, we want password fields to only show up if the user is using an add-on that requires them.
* But, because we don't want to break any forms that may already have a password field, we enable them if the current form already has them.
* The $legacy_password class var holds whether or not this form has a pre-existing password or confirm password field.
if ( 'password' == $type || 'passwordconfirm' == $type ) {
$this->legacy_password = true;
if( ! isset( Ninja_Forms()->fields[ $type ] ) ){
$field = NF_Fields_Unknown::create( $field );
$settings = ( is_object( $field ) ) ? $field->get_settings() : $field[ 'settings' ];
$settings[ 'id' ] = $field_id;
$settings = $this->null_data_check( $settings );
$fields_settings[] = $settings;
// if( $cache_updated ) {
// update_option('nf_form_' . $form_id, $form_cache); // Update form cache without duplicate fields.
// }
$actions_settings = array();
if( ! empty( $actions ) ) {
foreach ($actions as $action) {
$type = $action->get_setting( 'type' );
if( ! isset( Ninja_Forms()->actions[ $type ] ) ) continue;
$settings = $action->get_settings();
$settings['id'] = $action->get_id();
$settings = $this->null_data_check( $settings );
$actions_settings[] = $settings;
if( $form->get_tmp_id() ){
$actions_settings = Ninja_Forms()->config( 'FormActionDefaults' );
$form_data = array();
$form_data['id'] = $form_id;
// Use form cache for form settings.
// TODO: Defer to refactor of factory/model.
if( $form_cache && isset( $form_cache[ 'settings' ] ) ) {
$form_data['settings'] = $form_cache[ 'settings' ];
} else {
$form_data['settings'] = $form->get_settings();
$form_data['fields'] = $fields_settings;
$form_data['actions'] = $actions_settings;
$setting) {
// Check for null values in the settings array.
if ( null === $setting ) {
// Remove null settings from the array.
unset( $settings[ $key ] );
return $settings;
private function _localize_field_type_data()
$field_type_sections = array_values( Ninja_Forms()->config( 'FieldTypeSections' ) );
$field_type_settings = array();
$master_settings = array();
$setting_defaults = array();
foreach( Ninja_Forms()->fields as $field ){
if ( 'password' == $field->get_type() || 'passwordconfirm' == $field->get_type() ) {
if( ! $this->legacy_password && ! apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_enable_password_fields', false ) ){
$name = $field->get_name();
$settings = $field->get_settings();
$groups = Ninja_Forms::config( 'SettingsGroups' );
$unique_settings = $this->_unique_settings( $settings );
$master_settings = array_merge( $master_settings, $unique_settings );
$settings_groups = $this->_group_settings( $settings, $groups );
$settings_defaults = $this->_setting_defaults( $unique_settings );
$field_type_settings[ $name ] = array(
'id' => $name,
'nicename' => $field->get_nicename(),
'alias' => $field->get_aliases(),
'parentType' => $field->get_parent_type(),
'section' => $field->get_section(),
'icon' => $field->get_icon(),
'type' => $field->get_type(),
'settingGroups' => $settings_groups,
'settingDefaults' => $settings_defaults
$saved_fields = Ninja_Forms()->form()->get_fields( array( 'saved' => 1) );
foreach( $saved_fields as $saved_field ){
$settings = $saved_field->get_settings();
unset( $settings['cellcid'] );
$id = $saved_field->get_id();
$type = $settings[ 'type' ];
$label = $settings[ 'label' ];
$field_type_settings[ $id ] = $field_type_settings[ $type ];
$field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'id' ] = $id;
$field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'type' ] = $type;
$field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'nicename' ] = $label;
$field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'section' ] = 'saved';
$defaults = $field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'settingDefaults' ];
$defaults = array_merge( $defaults, $settings );
$defaults[ 'saved' ] = TRUE;
$field_type_settings[ $id ][ 'settingDefaults' ] = $defaults;
actions as $action ){
$name = $action->get_name();
$settings = $action->get_settings();
$groups = Ninja_Forms::config( 'SettingsGroups' );
$settings_groups = $this->_group_settings( $settings, $groups );
$master_settings_list = array_merge( $master_settings_list, $settings );
$action_type_settings[ $name ] = array(
'id' => $name,
'section' => $action->get_section(),
'nicename' => $action->get_nicename(),
'image' => $action->get_image(),
'settingGroups' => $settings_groups,
'settingDefaults' => $this->_setting_defaults( $master_settings_list )
$external_actions = $this->_fetch_action_feed();
$u_id = get_option( 'nf_aff', false );
if ( !$u_id ) $u_id = apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_affiliate_id', false );
foreach( $external_actions as $action){
if( ! isset( $action[ 'name' ] ) || ! $action[ 'name' ] ) continue;
$name = $action[ 'name' ];
$nicename = ( isset( $action[ 'nicename' ] ) ) ? $action[ 'nicename' ] : '';
$image = ( isset( $action[ 'image' ] ) ) ? $action[ 'image' ] : '';
$link = ( isset( $action[ 'link' ] ) ) ? $action[ 'link' ] : '';
$modal_content = ( isset( $action[ 'modal_content' ] ) ) ? $action[ 'modal_content' ] : '';
if ( $u_id ) {
$last_slash = strripos( $link, '/' );
$link = substr( $link, 0, $last_slash );
$link = urlencode( $link );
$link = '' . $u_id . '&b=812237&m=63061&afftrack=&urllink=' . $link;
if( isset( $action_type_settings[ $name ] ) ) continue;
$action_type_settings[ $name ] = array(
'id' => $name,
'section' => 'available',
'nicename' => $nicename,
'image' => $image,
'link' => $link,
'modal_content' => $modal_content,
'settingGroups' => array(),
'settingDefaults' => array()
$action_type_settings = apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_action_type_settings', $action_type_settings );
$form_setting_group ){
if( ! isset( $form_settings[ $group_name ] ) ) $form_settings[ $group_name ] = array();
$form_settings[ $group_name ] = apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_localize_form_' . $group_name . '_settings', $form_settings[ $group_name ] );
$groups = Ninja_Forms::config( 'SettingsGroups' );
$master_settings = array();
foreach( $form_settings_types as $id => $type ) {
if( ! isset( $form_settings[ $id ] ) ) $form_settings[ $id ] = '';
$unique_settings = $this->_unique_settings( $form_settings[ $id ] );
$master_settings = array_merge( $master_settings, $unique_settings );
$form_settings_types[ $id ]['settingGroups'] = $this->_group_settings($form_settings[ $id ], $groups);
$form_settings_types[ $id ]['settingDefaults'] = $this->_setting_defaults($unique_settings);
'id' => 'fields',
'label' => __( 'Fields', 'ninja-forms' )
foreach( Ninja_Forms()->merge_tags as $key => $group ){
* If the merge tag group doesn't have a title, don't localise it.
* This convention is used to allow merge tags to continue to function,
* even though they can't be added to new forms.
$title = $group->get_title();
if ( empty( $title ) ) continue;
$merge_tags[ $key ] = array(
'id' => $group->get_id(),
'label' => $group->get_title(),
'tags' => array_values( $group->get_merge_tags() ),
'default_group' => $group->is_default_group()
$group ) {
if ( empty( $group[ 'settings' ] ) ) {
unset( $groups[ $id ] );
unset( $groups[ "" ] );
usort($groups, array( $this, 'setting_group_priority' ) );
return $groups;
protected function _unique_settings( $settings )
$unique_settings = array();
if( ! is_array( $settings ) ) return $unique_settings;
foreach( $settings as $setting ){
if( isset( $setting[ 'type' ] ) && 'fieldset' == $setting[ 'type' ] ){
$unique_settings = array_merge( $unique_settings, $this->_unique_settings( $setting[ 'settings' ] ) );
} else {
$name = $setting[ 'name' ];
$unique_settings[ $name ] = $setting;
return $unique_settings;
protected function _setting_defaults( $settings )
$setting_defaults = array();
foreach( $settings as $setting ){
$name = ( isset( $setting[ 'name' ] ) ) ? $setting[ 'name' ] : '';
$default = ( isset( $setting[ 'value' ] ) ) ? $setting[ 'value' ] : null;
$setting_defaults[ $name ] = $default;
return $setting_defaults;
protected function _fetch_action_feed()
return Ninja_Forms::config( 'AvailableActions' );
protected function setting_group_priority( $a, $b )
$priority[ 0 ] = ( isset( $a[ 'priority' ] ) ) ? $a[ 'priority' ] : 500;
$priority[ 1 ] = ( isset( $b[ 'priority' ] ) ) ? $b[ 'priority' ] : 500;
return $priority[ 0 ] - $priority[ 1 ];
public function get_capability()
return apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_admin_parent_menu_capabilities', $this->capability );