<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; final class NF_Upgrade_Forms extends NF_Upgrade { public $name = 'forms'; public $priority = '2.9.0'; public $description = 'Form settings and information needs to be transferred to a new forms database. This new storage method will make it much easier effecient to interact with forms.'; public $completed_forms = array(); public $args = array(); public $errors = array(); public function loading() { global $wpdb; // Check that the table exists if( 0 == $wpdb->query( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . NINJA_FORMS_TABLE_NAME . "'" ) ) { //TODO Maybe change error to debug message instead $this->errors[] = NINJA_FORMS_TABLE_NAME . ' is not in the database'; return; } // Get all our forms $forms = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT id FROM ' . NINJA_FORMS_TABLE_NAME, ARRAY_A ); $x = 1; if ( is_array( $forms ) ) { foreach ( $forms as $form ) { $this->args['forms'][$x] = $form['id']; $x++; } } $this->total_steps = count( $this->args['forms'] ); if( empty( $this->total_steps ) || $this->total_steps <= 1 ) { $this->total_steps = 1; } } public function _beforeStep( $step ) { // Get a list of forms that we've already converted. $this->completed_forms = get_option( 'nf_converted_forms', array() ); if ( ! is_array( $this->completed_forms ) ) { $this->completed_forms = array(); } $this->form_id = $this->args['forms'][ $step ]; Ninja_Forms()->form( $this->form_id )->dumpCache(); // Bail if we've already converted the db for this form. if ( in_array( $this->form_id, $this->completed_forms ) ) { return false; } } public function step( $step ) { $this->update_form_settings( $this->form_id ); } public function _afterStep( $step ) { $this->completed_forms[] = $this->form_id; update_option( 'nf_converted_forms', $this->completed_forms ); Ninja_Forms()->form( $this->form_id )->dumpCache(); } public function complete() { update_option( 'nf_convert_forms_complete', true ); update_option( 'nf_converted_form_reset', false ); } public function isComplete() { return get_option( 'nf_convert_forms_complete', false ); } /* * CONVERSION METHODS */ public function update_form_settings( $form_id ) { global $wpdb; // Check to see if the conversion has been reset. $is_reset = get_option( 'nf_converted_form_reset', 0 ); // Check to see if an object exists with our form id. $type = nf_get_object_type($form_id); if ( $type ) { // We have an object with our form id. if ( $is_reset AND 'form' == $type ) { // Give precedence to the most recent form. // Set a new ID for the form being converted. $f_id = nf_insert_object('form'); $fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . NINJA_FORMS_FIELDS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE form_id = " . $form_id, ARRAY_A); foreach ($fields as $field) { unset($field['id']); $field['form_id'] = $f_id; // Copy the Fields to the new ID. $wpdb->insert(NINJA_FORMS_FIELDS_TABLE_NAME, $field); } $relationships = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . NF_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE parent_id = " . $form_id, ARRAY_A); foreach ($relationships as $relationship) { unset($relationship['id']); // Copy the object related to the form. $object = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . NF_OBJECTS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE id = " . $relationship['child_id'], ARRAY_A); unset($object['id']); $wpdb->insert(NF_OBJECTS_TABLE_NAME, $object); $relationship['child_id'] = $wpdb->insert_id; $relationship['parent_id'] = $f_id; // Copy the Relationships to the new ID. $wpdb->insert(NF_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS_TABLE_NAME, $relationship); } } else { // Give precedence to the converting form. // Insert a new object. $next_id = nf_insert_object($type); // Replace all instances of the conflicting object ID with our new one. $wpdb->update(NF_OBJECT_META_TABLE_NAME, array('object_id' => $next_id), array('object_id' => $form_id)); $wpdb->update(NF_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS_TABLE_NAME, array('parent_id' => $next_id), array('parent_type' => $type, 'parent_id' => $form_id)); $wpdb->update(NF_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIPS_TABLE_NAME, array('child_id' => $next_id), array('child_type' => $type, 'child_id' => $form_id)); // Delete the original (conflicting) object $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . NF_OBJECTS_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE id = ' . $form_id); } } // Get the form from the old table. $form = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . NINJA_FORMS_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE id = ' . $form_id, ARRAY_A ); // Set the insert form ID, if not already set. $f_id = isset ( $f_id ) ? $f_id : nf_insert_object( 'form', $form['id'] ); // Unpack the converted form's settings $settings = maybe_unserialize( $form['data'] ); $settings['date_updated'] = $form['date_updated']; foreach ( $settings as $meta_key => $value ) { nf_update_object_meta( $f_id, $meta_key, $value ); } nf_update_object_meta( $f_id, 'status', '' ); } }