__( 'Upgrade to Ninja Forms THREE', 'ninja-forms' ),
'link' => '',
'int' => 0,
'blacklist' => array( 'ninja-forms', 'ninja-forms-three' ),
if ( ! get_option( 'ninja_forms_has_invalid_addons' ) ) {
$notice[ 'msg' ] = sprintf( __( 'You are eligible to upgrade to Ninja Forms THREE! %sUpgrade Now%s', 'ninja-forms' ), '', '' );
} else {
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
// Require the core file.
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
// Get a list of plugins.
$plugins = get_plugins();
$not_ours = array();
// For each plugin...
foreach( $plugins as $plugin => $data ){
// If this isn't Ninja Forms Core...
// AND If it includes a ninja-forms prefix...
if ( 'ninja-forms/ninja-forms.php' != $plugin && 0 === strncmp( $plugin, 'ninja-forms-', 12 ) ){
// Get the plugin slug.
$slug = explode( '/', $plugin );
// If the plugin is not active...
// Exit early.
if ( ! is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) continue;
// If the plugin is not in our list...
if ( ! ninja_forms_valid_slug( $slug[ 0 ] ) ) {
// Add it onto our array of data
$not_ours[ $plugin ] = $data;
$display = sprintf( __( 'You are eligible to upgrade to Ninja Forms THREE! However, the following plugins are not compatible with Ninja Forms THREE and could lead to issues with the upgrade process.%sPlease deactivate and remove the following before attempting to upgrade:%s', 'ninja-forms' ), '
', '
' );
foreach( $not_ours as $plugin ) {
$display .= __( $plugin[ 'Name' ], $plugin[ 'TextDomain' ] ) . ', ';
$display = substr( $display, 0, strlen( $display ) - 2 );
$notice[ 'msg' ] = $display;
$notice[ 'blacklist' ] = array( 'ninja-forms-three' );
$notices['three_upgrade'] = $notice;
} else {
* THREE is Coming!
$three_info = add_query_arg( array( 'nf_admin_notice_ignore' => 'three_info' ) );
$three_link = nf_aff_link( 'https://ninjaforms.com/three/?utm_source=Ninja+Forms+Plugin+Deprecated&utm_medium=Dashboard+Banner+Ad+Deprecated' );
$notices['three_info'] = array(
'title' => __( 'THREE is coming!', 'ninja-forms' ),
'msg' => sprintf( __( 'A major update is coming to Ninja Forms. %sLearn more about new features, backwards compatibility, and more Frequently Asked Questions.%s', 'ninja-forms' ), '', '' ),
'link' => '',
'int' => 0,
'blacklist' => array( 'ninja-forms', 'ninja-forms-three' ),
$one_week_support = add_query_arg( array( 'nf_admin_notice_ignore' => 'one_week_support' ) );
$support_link = nf_aff_link( 'https://ninjaforms.com/contact/?utm_source=Ninja+Forms+Plugin+Deprecated&utm_medium=System+Status+Banner+Ad+Deprecated' );
$support_docs_link = nf_aff_link( 'http://docs.ninjaforms.com/?utm_source=Ninja+Forms+Plugin+Deprecated&utm_medium=System+Status+Banner+Ad+Deprecated' );
$notices['one_week_support'] = array(
'title' => __( 'How\'s It Going?', 'ninja-forms' ),
'msg' => __( 'Thank you for using Ninja Forms! We hope that you\'ve found everything you need, but if you have any questions:', 'ninja-forms' ),
'link' => '