Changelog Legend: ---- [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- (5/20/2015) - 1.2.61 [!] Sections: Fix spacing bug while using one container [!] Typography: Fix subset issue [*] Translation files updated [+] Blog: Add class to read more paragraph container [!] Secondary Nav: Fix background image upload controls [*] Blog: Fix broken translation strings [+] Sections: Add ability to use Sections on posts ---- (5/16/2015) - 1.2.6 [*] Page Header: Performance improvements [*] Page Header: GP_IMAGE_RESIZER constant added to give option to disable automatic thumbnail regeneration [x] Page Header: Crop position removed for now [*] French translations updated (thanks, Philippe!!) [!] Copyright: Fix bug where copyright was being removed when email was saved ---- (5/13/2015) - 1.2.5 [!] Hooks: Fix bug where Inside Content Container wasn't showing up ---- (5/6/2015) - 1.2.4 [!] Page Header: Add function_exists() functions to admin-options.php to stop error when standalone and GP Premium are activated. [!] Sections: Fix bug where sidebar padding wasn't working with one container set [*] Sections: Improve editor when visual editor disabled [!] Page Header: Fix bug in parallax.js [*] German language updated through all add-ons (thanks, Daniel!!) [*] Blog: Disallow masonry on any post types but the core "post" type [!] Sections: Remove background color on sections pages when one container is set. [!] Page Header: Remove empty space on attachment page [*] Import/Export: Delete GP Hooks specific import - no longer needed [+] Hooks: Add option to disable individual hooks [+] Hooks: Move options to one table - reduces queries [+] Typography: Widget content size option added [!] Sections: Fix bug dealing with sidebar layouts [*] Email activation performance increased ---- (4/14/2015) - 1.2.3 [!] Sections: Fix language path [*] All add-ons: Update language files [!] Sections: Remove wp_enqueue_media() call which was breaking featured image ---- (4/12/2015) - 1.2.2 [!] Spacing: Fix bug where sidebar padding wasn't working with one container set [!] Sections: Fix error relating to old version of PHP ---- (4/11/2015) -1.2.1 [!] Sections: Fix bug where HTML was being stripped ---- (4/9/2015) - 1.2 [+] German translations added (thank you Daniel!!) [*] Page Header & Blog: remove bfi_thumb and use WordPress resizer (reduced memory usage) [*] Typography: Group typography options into areas [+] Typography: Comic Sans MS added to font list [*] Colors: French translation updated [*] Spacing: French translation updated [*] Blog: French translation updated [*] Copyright: French translation updated [+] Copyright: Save button added below textarea [+] Typography: French translation added [*] Secondary Nav: Mobile breakpoint removed from mobile.css and added to enqueue function [+] Sections: Introducing Generate Sections [!] Page Header: Fix bug where add paragraphs doesn't work on Blog Header [+] Import/Export: Ability to import/export GP Hooks added [+] Hooks: Ability to import/export GP Hooks added [*] Page Header: Disable parallax on mobile [!] Blog: Show next/prev links even when everything else is hidden [*] Blog: Masonry improved ---- (1/28/2015) - 1.1 [+] Spacing: French translation added [+] Copyright: French translation added [+] Blog: French translation added [*] Blog: Choosing medium as the masonry block width gives items 50% width. [*] Blog: Masonry re-written to perform better [+] Page Header: New options page added (Appearance > Blog Page Header) - add a page header to your blog [+] Page Header: Better parallax effect added to page header background [!] Page Header: Resizing image turned it to PNG and increased file size [+] Page Header: Added option to enable full screen background image [+] Page Header: Added option to vertically center content [+] Colors: Color options added for H1, H2 and H3 elements [+] Typography: Font fallback set - use generate_fallback_font filter to change it ---- (12/15/2014) - 1.0 [*] Blog: Adjustments made to alignment CSS to work with W3 Total Cache [+] Typography: More fonts added [+] Typography: Filter added to subset [+] Colors: French translation added ---- (11/17/2014) - 0.9 [!] Blog: Applied post image position to images using Page Header addon ---- (11/17/2014) - 0.8 [*] Blog: Hiding post images works again ---- (11/16/2014) - 0.7 [+] Page Header: Option to add background color [*] Page Header: Background image no longer required for other options [*] Page Header: Image resizer now uses BFI Thumb [+] Page Header: Option to move post header below the title [*] Secondary Nav: Mobile breakpoint increased to include tablets [!] Secondary Nav: Fix bug causing Trebuchet MS not to work [!] Secondary Nav: Remove secondary navigation element if no menu is set [!] Colors: Navigation current text color wasn't working while navigation floating right [*] Colors: Change color of placeholder text to text color [+] Blog: Add option to hide tags [+] Blog: Choose alignment of post image [+] Blog: Choose size of post image [+] Hooks: Added inside main content container hook ---- (10/27/2014) - 0.6 [!] Typography: Fix bug with non Google fonts calling to Google ---- (10/20/2014) - 0.5 [!] Disable Elements: Fix bug applying latest post setting to blog [*] Backgrounds: Upload buttons now use Media Library [!] Blog: Fix masonry spacing issues [*] Page Header: Code cleanup ---- (10/11/2014) - 0.4 [+] Copyright: Allow shortcodes in Copyright [*] Copyright: Changed copyright field to textarea [!] Blog: Fix mobile bug in masonry blog on iPhone [*] Spacing: Change separator spacing from padding to margin [*] Translation files updated ---- (10/2/2014) - 0.3 [!] Blog: Not able to hide author on single posts [!] Backgrounds: Background images double in content if One Container is set [+] GP Hooks: Add After Footer Widgets to GP Hooks [+] Secondary Nav: Option to change "Menu" label on mobile secondary navigation [!] Page Header: buddypress fix ---- (9/17/2014) - 0.2 [*] Make Google Fonts call more robust [!] Fix secondary navigation link color when floating right [+] Background image options added to secondary navigation [+] File structures cleaned up [+] Masonry width and most recent post masonry width options added ---- (9/7/2014) - 0.1 Initial Release