Changelog Legend: ---- [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- (9/1/2014) - 0.6 [*] Stop forcing certain widths on images - leave it up to the user [+] Image crop width option added [+] Image link option added [*] Add page header to all post types [+] Add option to add image as content background [+] Add various options if background image is set, including: - fluid/contained background, - parallax effect, - alignment, - padding, - text color, - link color, - link hover color ---- (8/20/2014) - 0.5 [*] Activation doesn't restrict plugin usage - only deals with automatic updates. ---- (8/4/2014) - 0.4 [*] Licensing system overhaul [+] .pot file added for translation ---- (7/24/2014) - 0.3 [+] Option added to add page header content to blog post excerpts [!] Bug fixed removing double page headers in some cases [*] Moved customizer options into own Page Header section ---- (5/19/2014) - 0.2 [+]Option added to allow the Featured Image option ---- (04/26/2014) - 1.0 Initial Release