Changelog Legend: ---- [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- () - 0.7 [*] Isotope removed to make way for built-in Masonry [+] Spinner added to loading button [+] Default setting added to post width - if default is set, latest post will automatically be set to "Medium" [!] Hiding post images and other post meta works on single posts as well as blog excerpts ---- (8/20/2014) - 0.6 [*] Activation doesn't restrict plugin usage - only deals with automatic updates. [!] Fix big when using WooCommerce with masonry turned on. ---- (8/4/2014) - 0.5 [*] Activation overhaul [+] Options to change Load More and Loading text added [+] .pot file added for translation ---- (7/24/2014) - 0.4 [!] Fixed masonry bugs dealing with page header and paging navigation ---- (7/19/2014) - 0.3 [*] Moved generated CSS above child theme CSS. ---- (7/19/2014) - 0.2 [+] Added Masonry functionality. ---- 0.1 Initial Release