add_content_filter(); // Hack to avoid enqueue post CSS while it's a `the_excerpt` call. add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', [ $this, 'start_excerpt_flag' ], 1 ); add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', [ $this, 'end_excerpt_flag' ], 20 ); } /** * Get module name. * * Retrieve the module name. * * @since 2.3.0 * @access public * * @return string Module name. */ public function get_name() { return 'frontend'; } /** * Init render mode manager. */ public function init_render_mode() { if ( Plugin::$instance->editor->is_edit_mode() ) { return; } $this->render_mode_manager = new Render_Mode_Manager(); } /** * Init. * * Initialize Elementor front end. Hooks the needed actions to run Elementor * in the front end, including script and style registration. * * Fired by `template_redirect` action. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function init() { if ( Plugin::$instance->editor->is_edit_mode() ) { return; } add_filter( 'body_class', [ $this, 'body_class' ] ); if ( Plugin::$instance->preview->is_preview_mode() ) { return; } if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { Plugin::$instance->init_common(); } $this->post_id = get_the_ID(); if ( is_singular() && Plugin::$instance->db->is_built_with_elementor( $this->post_id ) ) { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_styles' ] ); } // Priority 7 to allow google fonts in header template to load in
tag add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'print_fonts_links' ], 7 ); add_action( 'wp_head', [ $this, 'add_theme_color_meta_tag' ] ); add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'wp_footer' ] ); } /** * @since 2.0.12 * @access public * @param string|array $class */ public function add_body_class( $class ) { if ( is_array( $class ) ) { $this->body_classes = array_merge( $this->body_classes, $class ); } else { $this->body_classes[] = $class; } } /** * Add Theme Color Meta Tag * * @since 3.0.0 * @access public */ public function add_theme_color_meta_tag() { $kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit_for_frontend(); $mobile_theme_color = $kit->get_settings( 'mobile_theme_color' ); if ( ! empty( $mobile_theme_color ) ) { ?> body_classes ); $id = get_the_ID(); if ( is_singular() && Plugin::$instance->db->is_built_with_elementor( $id ) ) { $classes[] = 'elementor-page elementor-page-' . $id; } return $classes; } /** * Add content filter. * * Remove plain content and render the content generated by Elementor. * * @since 1.8.0 * @access public */ public function add_content_filter() { add_filter( 'the_content', [ $this, 'apply_builder_in_content' ], self::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY ); } /** * Remove content filter. * * When the Elementor generated content rendered, we remove the filter to prevent multiple * accuracies. This way we make sure Elementor renders the content only once. * * @since 1.8.0 * @access public */ public function remove_content_filter() { remove_filter( 'the_content', [ $this, 'apply_builder_in_content' ], self::THE_CONTENT_FILTER_PRIORITY ); } /** * Registers scripts. * * Registers all the frontend scripts. * * Fired by `wp_enqueue_scripts` action. * * @since 1.2.1 * @access public */ public function register_scripts() { /** * Before frontend register scripts. * * Fires before Elementor frontend scripts are registered. * * @since 1.2.1 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_register_scripts' ); wp_register_script( 'elementor-frontend-modules', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'frontend-modules' ), [ 'jquery', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'elementor-waypoints', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'waypoints', 'assets/lib/waypoints/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '4.0.2', true ); wp_register_script( 'flatpickr', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'flatpickr', 'assets/lib/flatpickr/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '4.1.4', true ); wp_register_script( 'imagesloaded', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'imagesloaded', 'assets/lib/imagesloaded/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '4.1.0', true ); wp_register_script( 'jquery-numerator', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'jquery-numerator', 'assets/lib/jquery-numerator/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '0.2.1', true ); wp_register_script( 'swiper', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'swiper', 'assets/lib/swiper/' ), [], '5.3.6', true ); /** * @deprecated since 2.7.0 Use Swiper instead */ wp_register_script( 'jquery-slick', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'slick', 'assets/lib/slick/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '1.8.1', true ); wp_register_script( 'elementor-dialog', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'dialog', 'assets/lib/dialog/' ), [ 'jquery-ui-position', ], '4.8.1', true ); wp_register_script( 'elementor-gallery', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'e-gallery', 'assets/lib/e-gallery/js/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '1.2.0', true ); wp_register_script( 'share-link', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'share-link', 'assets/lib/share-link/' ), [ 'jquery', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'elementor-frontend', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'frontend' ), [ 'elementor-frontend-modules', 'elementor-dialog', 'elementor-waypoints', 'swiper', 'share-link', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); /** * After frontend register scripts. * * Fires after Elementor frontend scripts are registered. * * @since 1.2.1 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_register_scripts' ); } /** * Registers styles. * * Registers all the frontend styles. * * Fired by `wp_enqueue_scripts` action. * * @since 1.2.0 * @access public */ public function register_styles() { /** * Before frontend register styles. * * Fires before Elementor frontend styles are registered. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_register_styles' ); wp_register_style( 'font-awesome', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'font-awesome', 'assets/lib/font-awesome/css/' ), [], '4.7.0' ); wp_register_style( 'elementor-icons', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'elementor-icons', 'assets/lib/eicons/css/' ), [], '5.9.1' ); wp_register_style( 'elementor-animations', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'animations', 'assets/lib/animations/', true ), [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); wp_register_style( 'flatpickr', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'flatpickr', 'assets/lib/flatpickr/' ), [], '4.1.4' ); wp_register_style( 'elementor-gallery', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'e-gallery', 'assets/lib/e-gallery/css/' ), [], '1.2.0' ); $min_suffix = Utils::is_script_debug() ? '' : '.min'; $direction_suffix = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : ''; $frontend_file_name = 'frontend' . $direction_suffix . $min_suffix . '.css'; $has_custom_file = Responsive::has_custom_breakpoints(); if ( $has_custom_file ) { $frontend_file = new FrontendFile( 'custom-' . $frontend_file_name, Responsive::get_stylesheet_templates_path() . $frontend_file_name ); $time = $frontend_file->get_meta( 'time' ); if ( ! $time ) { $frontend_file->update(); } $frontend_file_url = $frontend_file->get_url(); } else { $frontend_file_url = ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'css/' . $frontend_file_name; } $frontend_dependencies = []; if ( Plugin::instance()->get_legacy_mode( 'elementWrappers' ) ) { // If The Markup Legacy Mode is active, register the legacy CSS wp_register_style( 'elementor-frontend-legacy', ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'css/frontend-legacy' . $direction_suffix . $min_suffix . '.css', [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); $frontend_dependencies[] = 'elementor-frontend-legacy'; } wp_register_style( 'elementor-frontend', $frontend_file_url, $frontend_dependencies, $has_custom_file ? null : ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); /** * After frontend register styles. * * Fires after Elementor frontend styles are registered. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_register_styles' ); } /** * Enqueue scripts. * * Enqueue all the frontend scripts. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function enqueue_scripts() { /** * Before frontend enqueue scripts. * * Fires before Elementor frontend scripts are enqueued. * * @since 1.0.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_enqueue_scripts' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-frontend' ); $this->print_config(); /** * After frontend enqueue scripts. * * Fires after Elementor frontend scripts are enqueued. * * @since 1.0.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_enqueue_scripts' ); } /** * Enqueue styles. * * Enqueue all the frontend styles. * * Fired by `wp_enqueue_scripts` action. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function enqueue_styles() { /** * Before frontend styles enqueued. * * Fires before Elementor frontend styles are enqueued. * * @since 1.0.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_enqueue_styles' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-icons' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-animations' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-frontend' ); /** * After frontend styles enqueued. * * Fires after Elementor frontend styles are enqueued. * * @since 1.0.0 */ do_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_enqueue_styles' ); if ( ! Plugin::$instance->preview->is_preview_mode() ) { $this->parse_global_css_code(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); // Check $post_id for virtual pages. check is singular because the $post_id is set to the first post on archive pages. if ( $post_id && is_singular() ) { $css_file = Post_CSS::create( get_the_ID() ); $css_file->enqueue(); } } } /** * Elementor footer scripts and styles. * * Handle styles and scripts that are not printed in the header. * * Fired by `wp_footer` action. * * @since 1.0.11 * @access public */ public function wp_footer() { if ( ! $this->_has_elementor_in_page ) { return; } $this->enqueue_styles(); $this->enqueue_scripts(); $this->print_fonts_links(); } /** * Print fonts links. * * Enqueue all the frontend fonts by url. * * Fired by `wp_head` action. * * @since 1.9.4 * @access public */ public function print_fonts_links() { $google_fonts = [ 'google' => [], 'early' => [], ]; foreach ( $this->fonts_to_enqueue as $key => $font ) { $font_type = Fonts::get_font_type( $font ); switch ( $font_type ) { case Fonts::GOOGLE: $google_fonts['google'][] = $font; break; case Fonts::EARLYACCESS: $google_fonts['early'][] = $font; break; case false: $this->maybe_enqueue_icon_font( $font ); break; default: /** * Print font links. * * Fires when Elementor frontend fonts are printed on the HEAD tag. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$font_type`, refers to the font type. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $font Font name. */ do_action( "elementor/fonts/print_font_links/{$font_type}", $font ); } } $this->fonts_to_enqueue = []; $this->enqueue_google_fonts( $google_fonts ); $this->enqueue_icon_fonts(); } private function maybe_enqueue_icon_font( $icon_font_type ) { if ( ! Icons_Manager::is_migration_allowed() ) { return; } $icons_types = Icons_Manager::get_icon_manager_tabs(); if ( ! isset( $icons_types[ $icon_font_type ] ) ) { return; } $icon_type = $icons_types[ $icon_font_type ]; if ( isset( $icon_type['url'] ) ) { $this->icon_fonts_to_enqueue[ $icon_font_type ] = [ $icon_type['url'] ]; } } private function enqueue_icon_fonts() { if ( empty( $this->icon_fonts_to_enqueue ) || ! Icons_Manager::is_migration_allowed() ) { return; } foreach ( $this->icon_fonts_to_enqueue as $icon_type => $css_url ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-icons-' . $icon_type ); $this->enqueued_icon_fonts[] = $css_url; } //clear enqueued icons $this->icon_fonts_to_enqueue = []; } /** * Print Google fonts. * * Enqueue all the frontend Google fonts. * * Fired by `wp_head` action. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access private * * @param array $google_fonts Optional. Google fonts to print in the frontend. * Default is an empty array. */ private function enqueue_google_fonts( $google_fonts = [] ) { static $google_fonts_index = 0; $print_google_fonts = true; /** * Print frontend google fonts. * * Filters whether to enqueue Google fonts in the frontend. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param bool $print_google_fonts Whether to enqueue Google fonts. Default is true. */ $print_google_fonts = apply_filters( 'elementor/frontend/print_google_fonts', $print_google_fonts ); if ( ! $print_google_fonts ) { return; } // Print used fonts if ( ! empty( $google_fonts['google'] ) ) { $google_fonts_index++; foreach ( $google_fonts['google'] as &$font ) { $font = str_replace( ' ', '+', $font ) . ':100,100italic,200,200italic,300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic,900,900italic'; } $fonts_url = sprintf( '', implode( rawurlencode( '|' ), $google_fonts['google'] ) ); $subsets = [ 'ru_RU' => 'cyrillic', 'bg_BG' => 'cyrillic', 'he_IL' => 'hebrew', 'el' => 'greek', 'vi' => 'vietnamese', 'uk' => 'cyrillic', 'cs_CZ' => 'latin-ext', 'ro_RO' => 'latin-ext', 'pl_PL' => 'latin-ext', 'hr_HR' => 'latin-ext', 'hu_HU' => 'latin-ext', 'sk_SK' => 'latin-ext', 'tr_TR' => 'latin-ext', 'lt_LT' => 'latin-ext', ]; $subsets = apply_filters( 'elementor/frontend/google_font_subsets', $subsets ); $locale = get_locale(); if ( isset( $subsets[ $locale ] ) ) { $fonts_url .= '&subset=' . $subsets[ $locale ]; } wp_enqueue_style( 'google-fonts-' . $google_fonts_index, $fonts_url ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion } if ( ! empty( $google_fonts['early'] ) ) { foreach ( $google_fonts['early'] as $current_font ) { $google_fonts_index++; //printf( '', strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '', $current_font ) ) ); $font_url = sprintf( '', strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '', $current_font ) ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'google-earlyaccess-' . $google_fonts_index, $font_url ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion } } } /** * Enqueue fonts. * * Enqueue all the frontend fonts. * * @since 1.2.0 * @access public * * @param array $font Fonts to enqueue in the frontend. */ public function enqueue_font( $font ) { if ( in_array( $font, $this->registered_fonts ) ) { return; } $this->fonts_to_enqueue[] = $font; $this->registered_fonts[] = $font; } /** * Parse global CSS. * * Enqueue the global CSS file. * * @since 1.2.0 * @access protected */ protected function parse_global_css_code() { $scheme_css_file = Global_CSS::create( 'global.css' ); $scheme_css_file->enqueue(); } /** * Apply builder in content. * * Used to apply the Elementor page editor on the post content. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * * @param string $content The post content. * * @return string The post content. */ public function apply_builder_in_content( $content ) { $this->restore_content_filters(); if ( Plugin::$instance->preview->is_preview_mode() || $this->_is_excerpt ) { return $content; } // Remove the filter itself in order to allow other `the_content` in the elements $this->remove_content_filter(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); $builder_content = $this->get_builder_content( $post_id ); if ( ! empty( $builder_content ) ) { $content = $builder_content; $this->remove_content_filters(); } // Add the filter again for other `the_content` calls $this->add_content_filter(); return $content; } /** * Retrieve builder content. * * Used to render and return the post content with all the Elementor elements. * * Note that this method is an internal method, please use `get_builder_content_for_display()`. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $post_id The post ID. * @param bool $with_css Optional. Whether to retrieve the content with CSS * or not. Default is false. * * @return string The post content. */ public function get_builder_content( $post_id, $with_css = false ) { if ( post_password_required( $post_id ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! Plugin::$instance->db->is_built_with_elementor( $post_id ) ) { return ''; } $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get_doc_for_frontend( $post_id ); // Change the current post, so widgets can use `documents->get_current`. Plugin::$instance->documents->switch_to_document( $document ); $data = $document->get_elements_data(); /** * Frontend builder content data. * * Filters the builder content in the frontend. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $data The builder content. * @param int $post_id The post ID. */ $data = apply_filters( 'elementor/frontend/builder_content_data', $data, $post_id ); do_action( 'elementor/frontend/before_get_builder_content', $document, $this->_is_excerpt ); if ( empty( $data ) ) { Plugin::$instance->documents->restore_document(); return ''; } if ( ! $this->_is_excerpt ) { if ( $document->is_autosave() ) { $css_file = Post_Preview::create( $document->get_post()->ID ); } else { $css_file = Post_CSS::create( $post_id ); } $css_file->enqueue(); } ob_start(); // Handle JS and Customizer requests, with CSS inline. if ( is_customize_preview() || wp_doing_ajax() ) { $with_css = true; } if ( ! empty( $css_file ) && $with_css ) { $css_file->print_css(); } $document->print_elements_with_wrapper( $data ); $content = ob_get_clean(); $content = $this->process_more_tag( $content ); /** * Frontend content. * * Filters the content in the frontend. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $content The content. */ $content = apply_filters( 'elementor/frontend/the_content', $content ); if ( ! empty( $content ) ) { $this->_has_elementor_in_page = true; } Plugin::$instance->documents->restore_document(); // BC // TODO: use Deprecation::do_deprecated_action() in 3.1.0 do_action( 'elementor/frontend/get_builder_content', $document, $this->_is_excerpt, $with_css ); return $content; } /** * Retrieve builder content for display. * * Used to render and return the post content with all the Elementor elements. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $post_id The post ID. * * @param bool $with_css Optional. Whether to retrieve the content with CSS * or not. Default is false. * * @return string The post content. */ public function get_builder_content_for_display( $post_id, $with_css = false ) { if ( ! get_post( $post_id ) ) { return ''; } $editor = Plugin::$instance->editor; // Avoid recursion if ( get_the_ID() === (int) $post_id ) { $content = ''; if ( $editor->is_edit_mode() ) { $content = '