Translating EditAnyTable
The easiest way to translate this plugin is to create a po file using Poedit as described here
The pot file that you will require is located in the root folder of this plugin. Typically <Your Site>/wp-content/plugins/edit-any-table ad is called, surprisingly,
EditAnyTable.pot. The Text Domain is EditAnyTable.
When you have completed your translation save the .po file, named correctly, in the <Your Site>/wp-content/plugins/edit-any-table/languages folder
and create the .mo file as described to test. Note you will have to be using WordPress in your own language
for this to work.
Once you are happy with your translation zip it up and send it to, along with you name,
the name you want credited and your web site or email that you would like published on the PlugIn page.
Once checked the file will be included in the next release of EditAnyTable.
Thank you for your contribution.