Edit Any Table Options

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dbh) { echo '
'.__('Unable to connect to your external database','EditAnyTable').'
'.__('Check your Database Settings','EditAnyTable'); } else { do_settings_sections('eat4'); } //visible in dashboard? if ($options['eat_editor'] != 'yes' && $options['eat_admin'] != 'yes') { echo '
'.__('No one will see this in the Dashboard','EditAnyTable').'
'.__('Check the Admin Settings','EditAnyTable'); } ?>
ON OFF"; } function display_eat_tables() { // Display list of tables for selection $options = get_option('eat_options'); $eat_db = new wpdb($options['eat_user'], $options['eat_pwd'], $options['eat_db'], $options['eat_host']); $result = $eat_db->get_col($eat_db->prepare("show tables", null)); // Add a checkbox for each table in the database - prefix the table name with eat_table_ so // they can be easily identified in the options array foreach ($result as $table) { echo "".$table."
"; } } function display_eat_display() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo "".__('Widget','EditAnyTable'). " ".__('Separate Admin Page','EditAnyTable'); } function display_eat_friendly() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_cols() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"; } function display_eat_editor() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_editorPrivAdd() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_editorPrivEdit() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_editorPrivDelete() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_admin() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_host() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_db() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_user() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function display_eat_pwd() { $options = get_option('eat_options'); echo ""; } function eat_options_validate($input) { $output = $input; return $output; } function eat_db_section_text() { ?>