<img src="http://example.com/fluffy.jpg">
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Janis Elsts
* ModuleID: image
* ModuleCategory: parser
* ModuleClassName: blcHTMLImage
* ModuleContext: on-demand
* ModuleLazyInit: true
* ModulePriority: 900
//TODO: Update image parser to use the same HTML tag parsing routine as the HTML link parser.
class blcHTMLImage extends blcParser {
var $supported_formats = array( 'html' );
// \1 \2 \3 URL \4
var $img_pattern = '/(
/** @var string Used in link editing callbacks. */
private $old_url = '';
/** @var string */
private $new_url = '';
* Parse a string for HTML images -
* @param string $content The text to parse.
* @param string $base_url The base URL to use for normalizing relative URLs. If omitted, the blog's root URL will be used.
* @param string $default_link_text
* @return array An array of new blcLinkInstance objects. The objects will include info about the links found, but not about the corresponding container entity.
function parse( $content, $base_url = '', $default_link_text = '' ) {
global $blclog;
$charset = get_bloginfo( 'charset' );
if ( strtoupper( $charset ) === 'UTF8' ) {
$charset = 'UTF-8';
$blclog->info( 'Blog charset is "' . $charset . '"' );
$instances = array();
//remove all
blocks first
$content = preg_replace( '/]*>.+?<\/code>/si', ' ', $content );
//Find images
if ( preg_match_all( $this->img_pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
foreach ( $matches as $link ) {
$url = $link[3];
$raw_url = $link[3];
//FB::log($url, "Found image");
$blclog->info( 'Found image. SRC attribute: "' . $raw_url . '"' );
//Decode & and other entities
$url = html_entity_decode( $url, ENT_QUOTES, $charset );
$blclog->info( 'Decoded image URL: "' . $url . '"' );
$url = trim( $url );
$blclog->info( 'Trimmed image URL: "' . $url . '"' );
//Allow shortcodes in image URLs.
$url = do_shortcode( $url );
//Attempt to parse the URL
$parts = @parse_url( $url );
if ( ! $parts ) {
continue; //Skip invalid URLs
if ( ! isset( $parts['scheme'] ) ) {
//No scheme - likely a relative URL. Turn it into an absolute one.
$relativeUrl = $url;
$url = $this->relative2absolute( $url, $base_url );
'%s:%s Resolving relative URL. Relative URL = "%s", base URL = "%s", result = "%s"',
//Skip invalid URLs (again)
if ( ! $url || ( strlen( $url ) < 6 ) ) {
$blclog->info( 'Final URL: "' . $url . '"' );
//The URL is okay, create and populate a new link instance.
$instance = new blcLinkInstance();
$instance->set_parser( $this );
$instance->raw_url = $raw_url;
$instance->link_text = '';
$link_obj = new blcLink( $url ); //Creates or loads the link
$instance->set_link( $link_obj );
$instances[] = $instance;
return $instances;
* Change all images that have a certain source URL to a new URL.
* @param string $content Look for images in this string.
* @param string $new_url Change the images to this URL.
* @param string $old_url The URL to look for.
* @param string $old_raw_url The raw, not-normalized URL of the links to look for. Optional.
* @return array|WP_Error If successful, the return value will be an associative array with two
* keys : 'content' - the modified content, and 'raw_url' - the new raw, non-normalized URL used
* for the modified images. In most cases, the returned raw_url will be equal to the new_url.
function edit( $content, $new_url, $old_url, $old_raw_url ) {
if ( empty( $old_raw_url ) ) {
$old_raw_url = $old_url;
//Save the old & new URLs for use in the regex callback.
$this->old_url = $old_raw_url;
$this->new_url = htmlentities( $new_url );
//Find all images and replace those that match $old_url.
$content = preg_replace_callback( $this->img_pattern, array( &$this, 'edit_callback' ), $content );
return array(
'content' => $content,
'raw_url' => $this->new_url,
function edit_callback( $matches ) {
$url = $matches[3];
if ( $url === $this->old_url ) {
return $matches[1] . '"' . $this->new_url . '"' . $matches[4];
} else {
return $matches[0];
* Remove all images that have a certain URL.
* @param string $content Look for images in this string.
* @param string $url The URL to look for.
* @param string $raw_url The raw, non-normalized version of the URL to look for. Optional.
* @return string Input string with all matching images removed.
function unlink( $content, $url, $raw_url ) {
if ( empty( $raw_url ) ) {
$raw_url = $url;
$this->old_url = $raw_url; //used by the callback
$content = preg_replace_callback( $this->img_pattern, array( &$this, 'unlink_callback' ), $content );
return $content;
function unlink_callback( $matches ) {
$url = $matches[3];
//Does the URL match?
if ( $url === $this->old_url ) {
return ''; //Completely remove the IMG tag
} else {
return $matches[0]; //return the image unchanged
* Get the link text for printing in the "Broken Links" table.
* Sub-classes should override this method and display the link text in a way appropriate for the link type.
* @param blcLinkInstance $instance
* @param string $context
* @return string HTML
function ui_get_link_text( $instance, $context = 'display' ) {
$text = __( 'Image', 'broken-link-checker' );
$image = sprintf(
esc_attr( plugins_url( '/images/font-awesome/font-awesome-picture.png', BLC_PLUGIN_FILE ) ),
esc_attr( $text )
if ( 'email' !== $context ) {
$text = $image . $text;
return $text;