msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Broken Link Checker v1.10.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-25 11:57:14+00:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-26 18:38+0100\n" "Last-Translator: P. E.\n" "Language-Team: P. E.\n" "Language: sv_SE\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.6\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;" "_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: core/core.php:156 includes/admin/links-page-js.php:44 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Laddar..." #: core/core.php:180 includes/admin/options-page-js.php:18 msgid "[ Network error ]" msgstr "[ Nätverksfel ]" #: core/core.php:207 msgid "Automatically expand the widget if broken links have been detected" msgstr "Expandera widgeten automatiskt om brutna länkar har hittats" #: core/core.php:298 msgid "Link Checker Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för länkkontroll" #: core/core.php:299 msgid "Link Checker" msgstr "Link Checker" #: core/core.php:304 includes/link-query.php:37 msgid "Broken Links" msgstr "Brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:320 msgid "View Broken Links" msgstr "Visa brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:335 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Feedback" #: core/core.php:343 msgid "Go to Broken Links" msgstr "Gå till brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:372 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Inställningar" #: core/core.php:401 includes/admin/table-printer.php:287 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:678 msgid "Edit URL" msgstr "Redigera URL" #: core/core.php:402 includes/admin/links-page-js.php:699 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:292 includes/admin/table-printer.php:681 msgid "Unlink" msgstr "Avlänka" #: core/core.php:403 includes/admin/links-page-js.php:110 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:687 msgid "Not broken" msgstr "Ej bruten" #: core/core.php:404 includes/admin/table-printer.php:291 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:695 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Avvisa" #: core/core.php:405 includes/admin/table-printer.php:288 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:707 msgid "Recheck" msgstr "Återkontrollera" #: core/core.php:406 includes/admin/table-printer.php:715 msgctxt "link action; replace one redirect with a direct link" msgid "Fix redirect" msgstr "Fixa omdirigering" #: core/core.php:626 msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "Inställningar sparade." #: core/core.php:632 msgid "Thank you for your donation!" msgstr "Tack för din donation!" #: core/core.php:640 msgid "Complete site recheck started." msgstr "Fullständig återkontroll av webbplatsen startad." #: core/core.php:662 msgid "General" msgstr "Allmänt" #: core/core.php:663 msgid "Look For Links In" msgstr "Sök efter länkar i" #: core/core.php:664 msgid "Which Links To Check" msgstr "Vilka Länkar Skall Kontrolleras" #: core/core.php:665 msgid "Protocols & APIs" msgstr "Protokoll & API:er" #: core/core.php:666 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Avancerat" #: core/core.php:681 msgid "Broken Link Checker Options" msgstr "Broken Link Checker Alternativ" #: core/core.php:723 includes/admin/table-printer.php:211 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: core/core.php:725 includes/admin/options-page-js.php:56 msgid "Show debug info" msgstr "Visa buggkontrollsinfo" #: core/core.php:753 msgid "Check each link" msgstr "Kontrollera varje länk" #: core/core.php:758 msgid "Every %s hours" msgstr "Var %s timme" #: core/core.php:767 msgid "" "Existing links will be checked this often. New links will usually be checked " "ASAP." msgstr "" "Existerande länkar kommer att kontrolleras så ofta. Nya länkar kontrolleras " "vanligen direkt." #: core/core.php:774 msgid "E-mail notifications" msgstr "E-postnotifieringar" #: core/core.php:780 msgid "Send me e-mail notifications about newly detected broken links" msgstr "Skicka mig e-postnotifieringar om nyligen upptäckta brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:788 msgid "Send authors e-mail notifications about broken links in their posts" msgstr "Skicka författare e-postnotifieringar om brutna länkar i deras inlägg" #: core/core.php:795 msgid "Notification e-mail address" msgstr "E-postadress för notifiering" #: core/core.php:807 msgid "" "Leave empty to use the e-mail address specified in Settings → General." msgstr "" "Lämna tomt för att använde e-postadressen som angetts i Inställningar → " "Allmänt." #: core/core.php:814 msgid "Link tweaks" msgstr "Länkmodifieringar" #: core/core.php:820 msgid "Apply custom formatting to broken links" msgstr "Tillämpa anpassad formattering av brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:824 core/core.php:855 msgid "Edit CSS" msgstr "Redigera CSS" #: core/core.php:840 msgid "Example : Lorem ipsum broken link, dolor sit amet." msgstr "Exempel : Lorem ipsum bruten länk, dolor sit amet." #: core/core.php:843 core/core.php:874 msgid "Click \"Save Changes\" to update example output." msgstr "Klicka \"Spara ändringar\" för att uppdatera exempelresultat." #: core/core.php:851 msgid "Apply custom formatting to removed links" msgstr "Tillämpa anpassad formattering av borttagna länkar" #: core/core.php:871 msgid "Example : Lorem ipsum removed link, dolor sit amet." msgstr "Exempel: Lorem ipsum borttagen länk, dolor sit amet." #: core/core.php:884 msgid "Stop search engines from following broken links" msgstr "Hindra sökmotorer från att följa brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:890 msgctxt "\"Link tweaks\" settings" msgid "" "These settings only apply to the content of posts, not comments or custom " "fields." msgstr "" "Dessa inställningar gäller endast för innehåll i inlägg, ej för kommentarer " "eller anpassade fält." #: core/core.php:901 msgctxt "settings page" msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "Förslag" #: core/core.php:906 msgid "Suggest alternatives to broken links" msgstr "Föreslå alternativ till brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:912 msgctxt "settings page" msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Varningar" #: core/core.php:917 msgid "Show uncertain or minor problems as \"warnings\" instead of \"broken\"" msgstr "" "Visa osäkra eller mindre problem som \"varningar\" istället för som \"brutna" "\"" #: core/core.php:920 msgid "" "Turning off this option will make the plugin report all problems as broken " "links." msgstr "" "Deaktivering av detta alternativ kommer göra så att tillägget rapporterar " "alla problem som brutna länkar." #: core/core.php:935 msgid "Look for links in" msgstr "Sök efter länkar i" #: core/core.php:946 msgid "Post statuses" msgstr "Status för inlägg" #: core/core.php:979 msgid "Link types" msgstr "Länktyper" #: core/core.php:985 msgid "Error : All link parsers missing!" msgstr "Fel: Alla länktolkar saknas!" #: core/core.php:992 msgid "Exclusion list" msgstr "Undantagslista" #: core/core.php:993 msgid "" "Don't check links where the URL contains any of these words (one per line) :" msgstr "" "Kontrollera inte länkar där URL:en innehåller något av dessa ord (ett per " "rad):" #: core/core.php:1011 msgid "Check links using" msgstr "Kontrollera länkar med" #: core/core.php:1030 includes/links.php:1012 msgid "Timeout" msgstr "Tidsgräns" #: core/core.php:1036 core/core.php:1123 core/core.php:3409 msgid "%s seconds" msgstr "%s sekunder" #: core/core.php:1045 msgid "Links that take longer than this to load will be marked as broken." msgstr "Länkar som tar längre tid än detta kommer att flaggas som brutna." #: core/core.php:1052 msgid "Link monitor" msgstr "Länkövervakare" #: core/core.php:1060 msgid "Run continuously while the Dashboard is open" msgstr "Kör oavbrutet när Panelen är öppen" #: core/core.php:1068 msgid "Run hourly in the background" msgstr "Kör timsvis i bakgrunden" #: core/core.php:1076 msgid "Show the dashboard widget for" msgstr "Visa panelwidgeten för" #: core/core.php:1081 msgctxt "dashboard widget visibility" msgid "Administrator" msgstr "Administratör" #: core/core.php:1082 msgctxt "dashboard widget visibility" msgid "Editor and above" msgstr "Redigerare och högre" #: core/core.php:1083 msgctxt "dashboard widget visibility" msgid "Nobody (disables the widget)" msgstr "Ingen (avaktiverar widgeten)" #: core/core.php:1099 msgctxt "settings page" msgid "Show link actions" msgstr "Visa länkåtgärder" #: core/core.php:1117 msgid "Max. execution time" msgstr "Max. körtid" #: core/core.php:1134 msgid "" "The plugin works by periodically launching a background job that parses your " "posts for links, checks the discovered URLs, and performs other time-" "consuming tasks. Here you can set for how long, at most, the link monitor " "may run each time before stopping." msgstr "" "Insticksprogrammet arbetar genom att periodvis starta ett bakgrundsjobb som " "söker igenom dina inlägg efter länkar, kontrollerar upptäckta URL:er, och " "genomför andra tidskrävande aktiviteter. Här kan du ställa in hur lång tid, " "som mest, länkövervakaren får köra varje gång innan den stoppas. " #: core/core.php:1143 msgid "Server load limit" msgstr "Serverns lastgräns" #: core/core.php:1158 msgid "Current load : %s" msgstr "Nuvarande belastning: %s" #: core/core.php:1163 msgid "" "Link checking will be suspended if the average server load rises above this number. Leave this field blank to disable load limiting." msgstr "" "Länkkontrollen kommer att stoppas om den genomsnittliga serverbelastningen överstiger detta värde. Lämna fältet tomt för att " "avaktivera lastbegränsning." #: core/core.php:1172 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Ej tillgänglig" #: core/core.php:1174 msgid "" "Load limiting only works on Linux-like systems where /proc/loadavg is present and accessible." msgstr "" "Lastbegränsning fungerar bara på Linuxliknande system där /proc/" "loadavg finns och är tillgänglig." #: core/core.php:1182 msgid "Target resource usage" msgstr "Målets resursanvändning" #: core/core.php:1200 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Loggning" #: core/core.php:1206 msgid "Enable logging" msgstr "Aktivera loggning" #: core/core.php:1213 msgid "Log file location" msgstr "Loggfilens plats" #: core/core.php:1222 msgctxt "log file location" msgid "Default" msgstr "Standard" #: core/core.php:1236 msgctxt "log file location" msgid "Custom" msgstr "Anpassad" #: core/core.php:1248 msgid "Forced recheck" msgstr "Tvingad återkontroll" #: core/core.php:1251 msgid "Re-check all pages" msgstr "Återkontrollera alla sidor" #: core/core.php:1255 msgid "" "The \"Nuclear Option\". Click this button to make the plugin empty its link " "database and recheck the entire site from scratch." msgstr "" "\"Atombombsalternativet\": Klicka denna knapp för att tvinga " "insticksprogrammet att tömma sin databas och återkontrollera hela " "webbplatsen från början." #: core/core.php:1266 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Spara ändringar" #: core/core.php:1317 msgid "Configure" msgstr "Konfigurera" #: core/core.php:1399 msgid "" "Enter the names of custom fields you want to check (one per line). If a " "field contains HTML code, prefix its name with html:. For " "example, html:field_name." msgstr "" "Ange namnen på de anpassade fält som du vill kontrollera (ett per rad). Om " "ett fält innehåller HTML-kod så ange html: som prefix. Till " "exempel, html:fält_namn." #: core/core.php:1534 core/core.php:1617 core/core.php:1649 msgid "Database error : %s" msgstr "Databasfel: %s" #: core/core.php:1599 msgid "You must enter a filter name!" msgstr "Du måste ange ett filternamn!" #: core/core.php:1603 msgid "Invalid search query." msgstr "Ogiltig sökterm." #: core/core.php:1612 msgid "Filter \"%s\" created" msgstr "Filtret \"%s\" skapat" #: core/core.php:1639 msgid "Filter ID not specified." msgstr "Filter-ID har ej angetts." #: core/core.php:1646 msgid "Filter deleted" msgstr "Filter raderat" #: core/core.php:1693 msgid "Replaced %d redirect with a direct link" msgid_plural "Replaced %d redirects with direct links" msgstr[0] "Ersatte %d omdirigering med en direktlänk" msgstr[1] "Ersatte %d omdirigeringar med direktlänkar" #: core/core.php:1704 msgid "Failed to fix %d redirect" msgid_plural "Failed to fix %d redirects" msgstr[0] "Misslyckades med att fixa %d omdirigering" msgstr[1] "Misslyckades med att fixa %d omdirigeringar" #: core/core.php:1715 msgid "None of the selected links are redirects!" msgstr "Ingen av de valda länkarna är omdirigeringar!" #: core/core.php:1793 msgid "%d link updated." msgid_plural "%d links updated." msgstr[0] "%d länk uppdaterad." msgstr[1] "%d länkar uppdaterade." #: core/core.php:1804 msgid "Failed to update %d link." msgid_plural "Failed to update %d links." msgstr[0] "Misslyckades med att uppdatera %d länk." msgstr[1] "Misslyckades med att uppdatera %d länkar." #: core/core.php:1893 msgid "%d link removed" msgid_plural "%d links removed" msgstr[0] "%d länk borttagen" msgstr[1] "%d länkar borttagna" #: core/core.php:1904 msgid "Failed to remove %d link" msgid_plural "Failed to remove %d links" msgstr[0] "Misslyckades med att ta bort %d länk" msgstr[1] "Misslyckades med att ta bort %d länkar" #: core/core.php:2013 msgid "" "%d item was skipped because it can't be moved to the Trash. You need to " "delete it manually." msgid_plural "" "%d items were skipped because they can't be moved to the Trash. You need to " "delete them manually." msgstr[0] "" "%d objekt hoppades över eftersom det inte kan flyttas till Papperskorgen. Du " "får ta bort det manuellt." msgstr[1] "" "%d objekt hoppades över eftersom de inte kan flyttas till Papperskorgen. Du " "får ta bort dem manuellt." #: core/core.php:2035 msgid "Didn't find anything to delete!" msgstr "Hittade ingenting att ta bort!" #: core/core.php:2063 msgid "%d link scheduled for rechecking" msgid_plural "%d links scheduled for rechecking" msgstr[0] "%d länk schemalagd för återkontrollering" msgstr[1] "%d länkar schemalagda för återkontrollering" #: core/core.php:2110 core/core.php:2923 msgid "This link was manually marked as working by the user." msgstr "Denna länk har manuellt markerats som fungerande av användaren." #: core/core.php:2117 core/core.php:2175 msgid "Couldn't modify link %d" msgstr "Kunde inte modifiera länk %d" #: core/core.php:2127 msgid "%d link marked as not broken" msgid_plural "%d links marked as not broken" msgstr[0] "%d länk markerad som ej bruten" msgstr[1] "%d länkar markerade som ej brutna" #: core/core.php:2185 msgid "%d link dismissed" msgid_plural "%d links dismissed" msgstr[0] "%d länk avvisad" msgstr[1] "%d länkar avvisade" #: core/core.php:2242 msgid "" "The \"Warnings\" page lists problems that are probably temporary or " "suspected to be false positives.
Warnings that persist for a long time " "will usually be reclassified as broken links." msgstr "" "Sidan för \"Varningar\" listar problem som förmodas vara temporära eller som " "misstänks vara falskt positiva.
Varningar som kvarstår under lång tid " "kommer vanligtvis att omklassificeras som brutna länkar." #: core/core.php:2247 msgctxt "admin notice under Tools - Broken links - Warnings" msgid "Hide notice" msgstr "Dölj notering" #: core/core.php:2253 msgctxt "a link from the admin notice under Tools - Broken links - Warnings" msgid "Change warning settings" msgstr "Ändra varningsinställningar" #: core/core.php:2278 msgid "Table columns" msgstr "Tabellkolumner" #: core/core.php:2297 msgid "Show on screen" msgstr "Visa på skärmen" #: core/core.php:2304 msgid "links" msgstr "länkar" #: core/core.php:2305 includes/admin/table-printer.php:171 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Tillämpa" #: core/core.php:2309 msgid "Misc" msgstr "Blandat" #: core/core.php:2324 msgid "Highlight links broken for at least %s days" msgstr "Markera länkar som varit brutna i minst %s dagar" #: core/core.php:2333 msgid "Color-code status codes" msgstr "Statuskoder för färgkod" #: core/core.php:2350 core/core.php:2907 core/core.php:2948 core/core.php:2981 #: core/core.php:3070 core/core.php:3114 core/core.php:3175 msgid "You're not allowed to do that!" msgstr "Du har inte tillstånd att göra det där!" #: core/core.php:2778 msgid "View broken links" msgstr "Visa brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:2779 msgid "Found %d broken link" msgid_plural "Found %d broken links" msgstr[0] "Hittade %d bruten länk" msgstr[1] "Hittade %d brutna länkar" #: core/core.php:2785 msgid "No broken links found." msgstr "Inga brutna länkar funna." #: core/core.php:2792 msgid "%d URL in the work queue" msgid_plural "%d URLs in the work queue" msgstr[0] "%d URL i arbetskön" msgstr[1] "%d URL:er i arbetskön" #: core/core.php:2795 msgid "No URLs in the work queue." msgstr "Inga URL:er i arbetskön." #: core/core.php:2801 msgctxt "for the \"Detected X unique URLs in Y links\" message" msgid "%d unique URL" msgid_plural "%d unique URLs" msgstr[0] "%d unik URL" msgstr[1] "%d unika URL:er" #: core/core.php:2805 msgctxt "for the \"Detected X unique URLs in Y links\" message" msgid "%d link" msgid_plural "%d links" msgstr[0] "%d länk" msgstr[1] "%d länkar" #: core/core.php:2811 msgid "Detected %1$s in %2$s and still searching..." msgstr "Hittade %1$s i %2$s och söker fortfarande..." #: core/core.php:2817 msgid "Detected %1$s in %2$s." msgstr "Hittade %1$s i %2$s." #: core/core.php:2824 msgid "Searching your blog for links..." msgstr "Genomsöker din blogg efter länkar..." #: core/core.php:2826 msgid "No links detected." msgstr "Inga länkar funna." #: core/core.php:2852 msgctxt "current load" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Okänt" #: core/core.php:2915 core/core.php:2956 core/core.php:2996 core/core.php:3080 #: core/core.php:3129 core/core.php:3190 msgid "Oops, I can't find the link %d" msgstr "Hoppsan, Jag kan inte hitta länken %d" #: core/core.php:2929 core/core.php:2966 msgid "Oops, couldn't modify the link!" msgstr "Hoppsan, kunde inte modifiera länken!" #: core/core.php:2932 core/core.php:2969 core/core.php:3106 core/core.php:3120 #: core/core.php:3181 msgid "Error : link_id not specified" msgstr "Fel: link_id har ej angetts" #: core/core.php:2987 msgid "Error : link_id or new_url not specified" msgstr "Fel: link_id eller new_url har ej angetts" #: core/core.php:3005 msgid "Oops, the new URL is invalid!" msgstr "Hoppsan, den nya URL:en är ogiltig!" #: core/core.php:3020 msgid "An unexpected error occurred!" msgstr "Ett okänt fel uppstod!" #: core/core.php:3089 msgid "An unexpected error occured!" msgstr "Ett okänt fel uppstod!" #: core/core.php:3217 msgid "You don't have sufficient privileges to access this information!" msgstr "Du har inte tillräckliga tillstånd för åtkomst till denna information!" #: core/core.php:3230 msgid "Error : link ID not specified" msgstr "Fel: länk-ID har ej angivits" #: core/core.php:3244 msgid "Failed to load link details (%s)" msgstr "Misslyckades med att ladda länkdetaljer (%s)" #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme #: core/core.php:3298 msgid "Broken Link Checker" msgstr "Broken Link Checker" #: core/core.php:3318 msgid "PHP version" msgstr "PHP-version" #: core/core.php:3324 msgid "MySQL version" msgstr "MySQL-version" #: core/core.php:3337 msgid "" "You have an old version of CURL. Redirect detection may not work properly." msgstr "" "Du har en gammal version av CURL. Spårning av omdirigeringar kanske inte " "fungerar ordentligt." #: core/core.php:3349 core/core.php:3365 core/core.php:3370 msgid "Not installed" msgstr "Ej installerat" #: core/core.php:3352 msgid "CURL version" msgstr "CURL-version" #: core/core.php:3358 msgid "Installed" msgstr "Installerat" #: core/core.php:3371 msgid "You must have either CURL or Snoopy installed for the plugin to work!" msgstr "" "Du måste ha antingen CURL eller Snoppy installerat för att tillägget skall " "fungera!" #: core/core.php:3382 msgid "On" msgstr "På" #: core/core.php:3383 msgid "Redirects may be detected as broken links when safe_mode is on." msgstr "" "Omdirigeringar kan hittas och uppfattas som bruna länkar när safe_mode är " "aktiverat." #: core/core.php:3388 core/core.php:3402 msgid "Off" msgstr "Av" #: core/core.php:3396 msgid "On ( %s )" msgstr "På ( %s )" #: core/core.php:3397 msgid "Redirects may be detected as broken links when open_basedir is on." msgstr "" "Omdirigeringar kan hittas och uppfattas som brutna länkar när open_basedir " "är aktiverat." #: core/core.php:3426 msgid "" "If this value is zero even after several page reloads you have probably " "encountered a bug." msgstr "" "Om detta värde är noll även efter flera omladdningar av sidan så har du " "troligen stött på en bugg." #: core/core.php:3549 core/core.php:3668 msgid "[%s] Broken links detected" msgstr "[%s] Brutna länkar funna" #: core/core.php:3554 msgid "Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken link on your site." msgid_plural "" "Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken links on your site." msgstr[0] "Broken Link Checker has hittat %d ny bruten länk på din webbplats." msgstr[1] "" "Broken Link Checker has hittat %d ny brutna länkar på din webbplats." #: core/core.php:3585 msgid "Here's a list of the first %d broken links:" msgid_plural "Here's a list of the first %d broken links:" msgstr[0] "Här är en lista över de första %d brutna länkarna:" msgstr[1] "Här är en lista över de första %d brutna länkarna:" #: core/core.php:3594 msgid "Here's a list of the new broken links: " msgstr "Här är en lista över de nya brutna länkarna:" #: core/core.php:3603 msgid "Link text : %s" msgstr "Länktext: %s" #: core/core.php:3604 msgid "Link URL : %s" msgstr "Länk-URL : %s" #: core/core.php:3605 msgid "Source : %s" msgstr "Källa: %s" #: core/core.php:3619 msgid "You can see all broken links here:" msgstr "Du kan se alla brutna länkar här:" #: core/core.php:3673 msgid "Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken link in your posts." msgid_plural "" "Broken Link Checker has detected %d new broken links in your posts." msgstr[0] "Broken Link Checker har hittat %d ny bruten länk i dina inlägg." msgstr[1] "Broken Link Checker har hittat %d nya brutna länkar i dina inlägg." #: core/init.php:255 msgid "Once Weekly" msgstr "En Gång i Veckan" #: core/init.php:261 msgid "Twice a Month" msgstr "Två Gånger i Månaden" #: core/init.php:337 msgid "" "Broken Link Checker installation failed. Try deactivating and then " "reactivating the plugin." msgstr "" "Installationen av Broken Link Checker misslyckades. Försök att först " "deaktivera tillägget och sedan aktivera det igen." #: core/init.php:341 msgid "" "Please activate the plugin separately on each site. Network activation is " "not supported." msgstr "" "Var god att aktivera tillägget separat på varje webbplats. " "Nätverksaktivering stöds ej." #: includes/admin/db-upgrade.php:97 msgid "Failed to delete old DB tables. Database error : %s" msgstr "Misslyckades med borttagning av gamla DB-tabeller. Databasfel: %s" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:63 includes/admin/links-page-js.php:639 msgid "Wait..." msgstr "Vänta..." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:368 msgctxt "link text" msgid "(None)" msgstr "(Ingen)" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:369 msgctxt "link text" msgid "(Multiple links)" msgstr "(Multipla länkar)" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:427 msgctxt "link suggestions" msgid "Searching..." msgstr "Söker..." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:428 msgctxt "link suggestions" msgid "No suggestions available." msgstr "Inga förslag finns." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:429 msgctxt "link suggestions" msgid "Archived page from %s (via the Wayback Machine)" msgstr "Arkiverad sida från %s (via Wayback Machine)" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:523 msgid "%d instances of the link were successfully modified." msgstr "%d förekomster av länken modifierades." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:529 msgid "" "However, %d instances couldn't be edited and still point to the old URL." msgstr "" "Men, %d förekomster kunde inte redigeras och hänvisar fortfarande till den " "gamla URL:en." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:535 msgid "The link could not be modified." msgstr "Länken kunde inte modifieras." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:538 msgid "The following error(s) occurred :" msgstr "Följande fel uppstod:" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:602 msgid "Error: Link URL must not be empty." msgstr "Fel: Länkens URL får inte vara tom." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:677 msgid "%d instances of the link were successfully unlinked." msgstr "%d förekomster av länken avlänkades." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:683 msgid "However, %d instances couldn't be removed." msgstr "Men, %d förekomster kunde inte tas bort." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:688 msgid "The plugin failed to remove the link." msgstr "Tillägget misslyckades med att ta bort länken." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:691 msgid "The following error(s) occured :" msgstr "Följande fel uppstod:" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:737 msgid "Enter a name for the new custom filter" msgstr "Ange ett namn för det nya anpassade filtret" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:749 msgid "" "You are about to delete the current filter.\n" "'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete" msgstr "" "Du håller på att ta bort det nuvarande filtret.\n" "'Avbryt' för att avbryta, 'OK' för att ta bort" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:773 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete all posts, bookmarks or other items that " "contain any of the selected links? This action can't be undone.\n" "'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete" msgstr "" "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort alla inlägg, bokmärken eller andra objekt " "som innehåller någon av de valda länkarna? Detta kan inte ångras.\n" "'Avbryt' för att avbryta, 'OK' för att ta bort" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:787 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove the selected links? This action can't be " "undone.\n" "'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to remove" msgstr "" "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort de valda länkarna? Detta kan inte " "ångras.\n" "'Avbryt' för att avbryta, 'OK' för att ta bort" #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:899 msgid "Enter a search string first." msgstr "Skriv en söksträng först." #: includes/admin/links-page-js.php:906 msgid "Select one or more links to edit." msgstr "Välj en eller flera länkar att redigera." #: includes/admin/options-page-js.php:54 msgid "Hide debug info" msgstr "Dölj debug-info" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:16 msgid "Save This Search As a Filter" msgstr "Spara Denna Sökning Som ett Filter" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:26 msgid "Delete This Filter" msgstr "Ta Bort Detta Filter" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:32 includes/link-query.php:81 msgid "Search" msgstr "Sök" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:42 msgid "Link text" msgstr "Länktext" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:45 includes/admin/table-printer.php:216 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:48 includes/admin/table-printer.php:542 msgid "HTTP code" msgstr "HTTP-kod" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:51 msgid "Link status" msgstr "Länkstatus" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:68 includes/admin/search-form.php:85 msgid "Link type" msgstr "Länktyp" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:70 msgid "Any" msgstr "Godtycklig" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:74 msgid "Links used in" msgstr "Länkar använda i" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:112 msgid "Search Links" msgstr "Söklänkar" #: includes/admin/search-form.php:113 includes/admin/table-printer.php:368 #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:747 includes/admin/table-printer.php:872 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #: includes/admin/sidebar.php:25 msgid "More plugins by Janis Elsts" msgstr "Fler tillägg av Janis Elsts" #: includes/admin/sidebar.php:48 msgid "Donate $10, $20 or $50!" msgstr "Donera $10, $20 eller $50!" #: includes/admin/sidebar.php:51 msgid "" "If you like this plugin, please donate to support development and " "maintenance!" msgstr "" "Om du gillar detta tillägg, var snäll att donera för att stödja " "vidareutveckling och underhåll!" #: includes/admin/sidebar.php:69 msgid "Return to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Återvänd till WordPress-Panelen" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:188 msgid "Compact View" msgstr "Kompakt Vy" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:193 msgid "Detailed View" msgstr "Detaljerad Vy" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:223 msgid "Source" msgstr "Källa" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:229 msgid "Link Text" msgstr "Länk Text" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:236 msgid "Redirect URL" msgstr "Omdirigera URL" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:286 msgid "Bulk Actions" msgstr "Bulkprocesser" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:289 msgid "Fix redirects" msgstr "Fixa omdirigeringar" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:290 msgid "Mark as not broken" msgstr "Markera som ej bruten" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:295 msgid "Move sources to Trash" msgstr "Flytta källor till Papperskorgen" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:297 msgid "Delete sources" msgstr "Radera källor" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:312 msgid "«" msgstr "«" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:313 msgid "»" msgstr "»" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:321 msgid "Displaying %s–%s of %s" msgstr "Visar %s–%s av %s" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:344 msgid "Bulk Edit URLs" msgstr "Bulkredigera URL:er" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:346 msgid "Find" msgstr "Hitta" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:350 msgid "Replace with" msgstr "Ersätt med" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:358 msgid "Case sensitive" msgstr "Skiftlägeskänslig" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:362 msgid "Regular expression" msgstr "Regelbundet uttryck (RegEx)" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:370 includes/admin/table-printer.php:873 msgid "Update" msgstr "Uppdatera" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:523 msgid "Post published on" msgstr "Inlägg publicerat den" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:528 msgid "Link last checked" msgstr "Länken senast kontrollerad" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:532 msgid "Never" msgstr "Aldrig" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:547 msgid "Response time" msgstr "Svarstid" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:549 msgid "%2.3f seconds" msgstr "%2.3f sekunder" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:552 msgid "Final URL" msgstr "Slutgiltig URL" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:557 msgid "Redirect count" msgstr "Antal omdirigeringar" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:562 msgid "Instance count" msgstr "Antal förekomster" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:571 msgid "This link has failed %d time." msgid_plural "This link has failed %d times." msgstr[0] "Denna länk har misslyckats %d gång." msgstr[1] "Denna länk har misslyckats %d gånger." #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:579 msgid "This link has been broken for %s." msgstr "Denna länk har varit bruten i %s." #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:590 msgid "Log" msgstr "Logg" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:615 includes/admin/table-printer.php:660 msgid "Show more info about this link" msgstr "Visa mer info om denna länk" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:633 msgctxt "checked how long ago" msgid "Checked" msgstr "Kontrollerad" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:649 msgid "Broken for" msgstr "Bruten i" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:661 msgctxt "link in the \"Status\" column" msgid "Details" msgstr "Detaljer" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:678 msgid "Edit this link" msgstr "Redigera denna länk" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:680 msgid "Remove this link from all posts" msgstr "Ta bort denna länk från alla inlägg" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:686 msgid "Remove this link from the list of broken links and mark it as valid" msgstr "" "Ta bort denna länk från listan över brutna länkar och markera den som giltig." #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:694 msgid "Hide this link and do not report it again unless its status changes" msgstr "Göm denna länk och rapportera den inte igen om inte dess status ändras" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:700 msgid "Undismiss this link" msgstr "Ta bort avvisning för denna länk" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:701 msgid "Undismiss" msgstr "Ta bort avvisning" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:714 msgid "Replace this redirect with a direct link" msgstr "Ersätt denna omdirigering med en direkt länk" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:748 msgid "Update URL" msgstr "Uppdatera URL" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:775 msgid "[An orphaned link! This is a bug.]" msgstr "[En föräldralös länk! Detta är en bugg.]" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:852 msgctxt "inline editor title" msgid "Edit Link" msgstr "Redigera Länk" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:855 msgctxt "inline link editor" msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:860 msgctxt "inline link editor" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:865 msgctxt "inline link editor" msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "Förslag" #: includes/admin/table-printer.php:885 msgid "Use this URL" msgstr "Använd denna URL" #: includes/any-post.php:426 modules/containers/blogroll.php:46 #: modules/containers/comment.php:159 modules/containers/custom_field.php:230 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Redigera" #: includes/any-post.php:434 modules/containers/custom_field.php:236 msgid "Move this item to the Trash" msgstr "Flytta detta objekt till Papperskorgen" #: includes/any-post.php:436 modules/containers/custom_field.php:238 msgid "Trash" msgstr "Papperskorgen" #: includes/any-post.php:441 modules/containers/custom_field.php:243 msgid "Delete this item permanently" msgstr "Ta bort detta objekt permanent" #: includes/any-post.php:443 modules/containers/blogroll.php:47 #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:245 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Ta bort" #: includes/any-post.php:456 msgid "Preview “%s”" msgstr "Förhandsgranska “%s”" #: includes/any-post.php:457 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Förhandsgranska" #: includes/any-post.php:464 msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "Visa “%s”" #: includes/any-post.php:465 modules/containers/comment.php:172 #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:250 msgid "View" msgstr "Visa" #: includes/any-post.php:484 modules/containers/custom_field.php:230 msgid "Edit this item" msgstr "Redigera detta objekt" #: includes/any-post.php:548 modules/containers/blogroll.php:83 #: modules/containers/comment.php:43 msgid "Nothing to update" msgstr "Ingenting att uppdatera" #: includes/any-post.php:558 msgid "Updating post %d failed" msgstr "Uppdatering av inlägget %d misslyckades" #: includes/any-post.php:595 modules/containers/custom_field.php:317 msgid "Failed to delete post \"%s\" (%d)" msgstr "Borttagning misslyckades av inlägget \"%s\" (%d)" #: includes/any-post.php:614 modules/containers/custom_field.php:336 msgid "" "Can't move post \"%s\" (%d) to the trash because the trash feature is " "disabled" msgstr "" "Kan inte flytta inlägget \"%s\" (%d) till papperskorgen eftersom kasta-" "funktionen är avstängd" #: includes/any-post.php:634 modules/containers/custom_field.php:355 msgid "Failed to move post \"%s\" (%d) to the trash" msgstr "Misslyckades med att flytta inlägget \"%s\" (%d) till papperskorgen" #: includes/any-post.php:742 msgid "%d post deleted." msgid_plural "%d posts deleted." msgstr[0] "%d inlägg borttaget." msgstr[1] "%d inlägg borttagna." #: includes/any-post.php:744 msgid "%d page deleted." msgid_plural "%d pages deleted." msgstr[0] "%d sida borttagen." msgstr[1] "%d sidor borttagna." #: includes/any-post.php:746 msgid "%d \"%s\" deleted." msgid_plural "%d \"%s\" deleted." msgstr[0] "%d \"%s\" borttagen." msgstr[1] "%d \"%s\" borttagna." #: includes/any-post.php:765 msgid "%d post moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%d posts moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%d inlägg flyttades till Papperskorgen." msgstr[1] "%d inlägg flyttades till Papperskorgen." #: includes/any-post.php:767 msgid "%d page moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%d pages moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%d sida flyttades till Papperskorgen." msgstr[1] "%d sidor flyttades till Papperskorgen." #: includes/any-post.php:769 msgid "%d \"%s\" moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%d \"%s\" moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%d \"%s\" flyttades till Papperskorgen." msgstr[1] "%d \"%s\" flyttades till Papperskorgen." #: includes/containers.php:122 msgid "%d '%s' has been deleted" msgid_plural "%d '%s' have been deleted" msgstr[0] "%d '%s' har tagits bort" msgstr[1] "%d '%s' har tagits bort" #: includes/containers.php:882 includes/containers.php:900 msgid "Container type '%s' not recognized" msgstr "Behållartypen '%s' är okänd" #: includes/extra-strings.php:2 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Basic HTTP" msgstr "Standard HTTP" #: includes/extra-strings.php:3 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Blogroll items" msgstr "Länkmenyposter (Blogroll items)" #: includes/extra-strings.php:4 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentarer" #: includes/extra-strings.php:5 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Custom fields" msgstr "Anpassade fält" #: includes/extra-strings.php:6 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded DailyMotion videos" msgstr "Inbäddade DailyMotion-videor" #: includes/extra-strings.php:7 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded GoogleVideo videos" msgstr "Inbäddade GoogleVideo-videor" #: includes/extra-strings.php:8 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded Vimeo videos" msgstr "Inbäddade Vimeo-videor" #: includes/extra-strings.php:9 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded YouTube playlists (old embed code)" msgstr "Inbäddade YouTube-spellistor (gammal inbäddningskod)" #: includes/extra-strings.php:10 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded YouTube videos" msgstr "Inbäddade YouTube-videor" #: includes/extra-strings.php:11 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Embedded YouTube videos (old embed code)" msgstr "Inbäddade YouTube-videor (gammal inbäddningskod)" #: includes/extra-strings.php:12 msgctxt "module name" msgid "HTML images" msgstr "HTML-bilder" #: includes/extra-strings.php:13 msgctxt "module name" msgid "HTML links" msgstr "HTML-länkar" #: includes/extra-strings.php:14 msgctxt "module name" msgid "MediaFire API" msgstr "MediaFire API" #: includes/extra-strings.php:15 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Plaintext URLs" msgstr "Råtext-URL:er" #: includes/extra-strings.php:16 msgctxt "module name" msgid "RapidShare API" msgstr "RapidShare API" #: includes/extra-strings.php:17 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Smart YouTube httpv:// URLs" msgstr "Smart YouTube httpv:// URL:er" #: includes/extra-strings.php:18 msgctxt "module name" msgid "YouTube API" msgstr "YouTube API" #: includes/extra-strings.php:19 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Inlägg" #: includes/extra-strings.php:20 msgctxt "module name" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Sidor" #: includes/instances.php:105 includes/instances.php:161 msgid "Container %s[%d] not found" msgstr "Behållaren %s[%d] hittades ej" #: includes/instances.php:114 includes/instances.php:170 msgid "Parser '%s' not found." msgstr "Texttolken '%s' hittades ej." #: includes/link-query.php:25 msgid "All" msgstr "Alla" #: includes/link-query.php:26 msgid "Detected Links" msgstr "Funna Länkar" #: includes/link-query.php:27 msgid "No links found (yet)" msgstr "Inga länkar funna (ännu)" #: includes/link-query.php:36 msgid "Broken" msgstr "Brutna" #: includes/link-query.php:38 msgid "No broken links found" msgstr "Inga brutna länkar funna" #: includes/link-query.php:46 msgctxt "filter name" msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Varningar" #: includes/link-query.php:47 msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Varningar" #: includes/link-query.php:48 msgid "No warnings found" msgstr "Inga varningar funna" #: includes/link-query.php:56 msgid "Redirects" msgstr "Omdirigeringar" #: includes/link-query.php:57 msgid "Redirected Links" msgstr "Omdirigerade Länkar" #: includes/link-query.php:58 msgid "No redirects found" msgstr "Inga omdirigeringar funna" #: includes/link-query.php:66 msgid "Dismissed" msgstr "Avvisade" #: includes/link-query.php:67 msgid "Dismissed Links" msgstr "Avvisade Länkar" #: includes/link-query.php:68 msgid "No dismissed links found" msgstr "Inga avvisade länkar funna" #: includes/link-query.php:82 msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Sökresultat" #: includes/link-query.php:83 includes/link-query.php:130 msgid "No links found for your query" msgstr "Inga länkar funna för din förfrågan" #: includes/links.php:224 msgid "The plugin script was terminated while trying to check the link." msgstr "Tilläggets skriptkodskörning avbröts när länken skulle kontrolleras." #: includes/links.php:271 msgid "The plugin doesn't know how to check this type of link." msgstr "Tillägget vet inte hur man kontrollerar denna typ av länk." #: includes/links.php:502 msgid "Link is broken." msgstr "Länker är bruten." #: includes/links.php:504 msgid "Link is valid." msgstr "Länken är giltig." #: includes/links.php:728 includes/links.php:830 includes/links.php:857 msgid "Link is not valid" msgstr "Länken är ogiltig" #: includes/links.php:745 msgid "" "This link can not be edited because it is not used anywhere on this site." msgstr "" "Denna länk kan inte redigeras eftersom den inte används någonstans på " "webbplatsen." #: includes/links.php:771 msgid "Failed to create a DB entry for the new URL." msgstr "Misslyckades med att skapa DB-post för den nya URL:en." #: includes/links.php:837 msgid "This link is not a redirect" msgstr "Denna länk är inte en omdirigering" #: includes/links.php:884 includes/links.php:921 msgid "Couldn't delete the link's database record" msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort länkens databaspost" #: includes/links.php:995 msgctxt "link status" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Okänd" #: includes/links.php:1008 modules/checkers/http.php:308 #: modules/extras/mediafire.php:115 msgid "Unknown Error" msgstr "Okänt Fel" #: includes/links.php:1032 msgid "Not checked" msgstr "Ej kontrollerad" #: includes/links.php:1035 msgid "False positive" msgstr "Falskt positiv" #: includes/links.php:1038 modules/extras/rapidshare.php:145 #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:151 modules/extras/rapidshare.php:178 msgctxt "link status" msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: includes/parsers.php:117 msgid "Editing is not implemented in the '%s' parser" msgstr "Redigering är ej implementerat i texttolken '%s'" #: includes/parsers.php:132 msgid "Unlinking is not implemented in the '%s' parser" msgstr "Avlänkning är ej implementerat i texttolken '%s'" #: includes/utility-class.php:245 msgid "%d second" msgid_plural "%d seconds" msgstr[0] "%d sekund" msgstr[1] "%d sekunder" #: includes/utility-class.php:246 msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d sekund sedan" msgstr[1] "%d sekunder sedan" #: includes/utility-class.php:249 msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d minut" msgstr[1] "%d minuter" #: includes/utility-class.php:250 msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d minut sedan" msgstr[1] "%d minuter sedan" #: includes/utility-class.php:253 msgid "%d hour" msgid_plural "%d hours" msgstr[0] "%d timme" msgstr[1] "%d timmar" #: includes/utility-class.php:254 msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d timme sedan" msgstr[1] "%d timmar sedan" #: includes/utility-class.php:257 msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "%d dag" msgstr[1] "%d dagar" #: includes/utility-class.php:258 msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d dag sedan" msgstr[1] "%d dagar sedan" #: includes/utility-class.php:261 msgid "%d month" msgid_plural "%d months" msgstr[0] "%d månad" msgstr[1] "%d månader" #: includes/utility-class.php:262 msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d månad sedan" msgstr[1] "%d månader sedan" #: modules/checkers/http.php:285 msgid "Server Not Found" msgstr "Servern Hittades Ej" #: modules/checkers/http.php:301 msgid "Connection Failed" msgstr "Anslutning Misslyckades" #: modules/checkers/http.php:344 modules/checkers/http.php:414 msgid "HTTP code : %d" msgstr "HTTP-kod: %d" #: modules/checkers/http.php:346 modules/checkers/http.php:416 msgid "(No response)" msgstr "(Inget svar)" #: modules/checkers/http.php:352 msgid "Most likely the connection timed out or the domain doesn't exist." msgstr "" "Troligast är att tidsgränsen för anslutning löpte ut eller att domänen inte " "finns." #: modules/checkers/http.php:423 msgid "Request timed out." msgstr "Tidsgräns för förfrågan överskriden." #: modules/checkers/http.php:441 msgid "Using Snoopy" msgstr "Använder Snoopy" #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:21 msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "Sätt som bokmärke" #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:27 modules/containers/blogroll.php:46 msgid "Edit this bookmark" msgstr "Redigera detta bokmärke" #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:47 msgid "" "You are about to delete this link '%s'\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Du håller på att ta bort denna länk '%s'\n" " 'Avbryt' för att avbryta, 'OK' för att ta bort." #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:97 msgid "Updating bookmark %d failed" msgstr "Uppdatering av bokmärket %d misslyckades" #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:128 msgid "Failed to delete blogroll link \"%s\" (%d)" msgstr "Misslyckades med att ta bort länkmenylänk (blogroll link) \"%s\" (%d)" #: modules/containers/blogroll.php:298 msgid "%d blogroll link deleted." msgid_plural "%d blogroll links deleted." msgstr[0] "%d länkmenylänk (blogroll link) borttagen." msgstr[1] "%d länkmenylänkar (blogroll links) borttagna." #: modules/containers/comment.php:53 msgid "Updating comment %d failed" msgstr "Uppdatering av kommentar %d misslyckades" #: modules/containers/comment.php:74 msgid "Failed to delete comment %d" msgstr "Misslyckades med att ta bort kommentar %d" #: modules/containers/comment.php:95 msgid "Can't move comment %d to the trash" msgstr "Kan inte flytta kommentar %d till papperskorgen" #: modules/containers/comment.php:159 modules/containers/comment.php:201 msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "Redigera kommentar" #: modules/containers/comment.php:166 msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Ta Bort Permanent" #: modules/containers/comment.php:168 msgid "Move this comment to the trash" msgstr "Flytta denna kommentar till papperskorgen" #: modules/containers/comment.php:168 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Släng" #: modules/containers/comment.php:172 msgid "View comment" msgstr "Visa kommentar" #: modules/containers/comment.php:189 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Kommentar" #: modules/containers/comment.php:364 msgid "%d comment has been deleted." msgid_plural "%d comments have been deleted." msgstr[0] "%d kommentar har tagits bort." msgstr[1] "%d kommentarer har tagits bort." #: modules/containers/comment.php:383 msgid "%d comment moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%d comments moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%d kommentar flyttad till Papperskorgen." msgstr[1] "%d kommentarer flyttade till Papperskorgen." #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:85 msgid "Failed to update the meta field '%s' on %s [%d]" msgstr "Misslyckades med att uppdatera metafältet '%s' on %s [%d]" #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:115 msgid "Failed to delete the meta field '%s' on %s [%d]" msgstr "Misslyckades med att ta bort metafältet '%s' on %s [%d]" #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:216 msgid "Edit this post" msgstr "Redigera detta inlägg" #: modules/containers/custom_field.php:250 msgid "View \"%s\"" msgstr "Visa \"%s\"" #: modules/containers/dummy.php:34 modules/containers/dummy.php:45 msgid "I don't know how to edit a '%s' [%d]." msgstr "Jag vet inte hur man redigerar en '%s' [%d]." #: modules/extras/dailymotion-embed.php:23 msgid "DailyMotion Video" msgstr "DailyMotion-video" #: modules/extras/dailymotion-embed.php:24 msgid "Embedded DailyMotion video" msgstr "Inbäddad DailyMotion-video" #: modules/extras/embed-parser-base.php:197 msgid "" "Embedded videos can't be edited using Broken Link Checker. Please edit or " "replace the video in question manually." msgstr "" "Inbäddade videofiler kan inte redigeras med Broken Link Checker. Var god at " "redigera eller ersätt videofilen ifråga manuellt." #: modules/extras/googlevideo-embed.php:24 msgid "GoogleVideo Video" msgstr "GoogleVideo-video" #: modules/extras/googlevideo-embed.php:25 msgid "Embedded GoogleVideo video" msgstr "Inbäddad GoogleVideo-video" #: modules/extras/mediafire.php:97 modules/extras/mediafire.php:103 #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:139 msgid "Not Found" msgstr "Ej Funnet" #: modules/extras/mediafire.php:109 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Tillstånd Nekas" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:51 msgid "Using RapidShare API" msgstr "Använder RapidShare API" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:158 msgid "RS Server Down" msgstr "RS-servern Nere" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:165 msgid "File Blocked" msgstr "Fil Blockerad" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:172 msgid "File Locked" msgstr "Fil Låst" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:183 msgid "RapidShare : %s" msgstr "RapidShare: %s" #: modules/extras/rapidshare.php:189 msgid "RapidShare API error: %s" msgstr "RapidShare API-fel: %s" #: modules/extras/vimeo-embed.php:24 msgid "Vimeo Video" msgstr "Vimeo Video" #: modules/extras/vimeo-embed.php:25 msgid "Embedded Vimeo video" msgstr "Inbäddad Vimeo-video" #: modules/extras/youtube-embed.php:24 modules/extras/youtube-iframe.php:25 msgid "YouTube Video" msgstr "YouTube-video" #: modules/extras/youtube-embed.php:25 modules/extras/youtube-iframe.php:26 msgid "Embedded YouTube video" msgstr "Inbäddad YouTube-video" #: modules/extras/youtube-playlist-embed.php:24 msgid "YouTube Playlist" msgstr "YouTube-spellista" #: modules/extras/youtube-playlist-embed.php:25 msgid "Embedded YouTube playlist" msgstr "Inbäddad YouTube-spellista" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:124 modules/extras/youtube.php:127 msgid "Video Not Found" msgstr "Video Ej Funnen" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:135 msgid "Video Removed" msgstr "Video Borttagen" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:143 msgid "Invalid Video ID" msgstr "Ogiltigt Video-ID" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:155 msgid "Video OK" msgstr "Video OK" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:156 modules/extras/youtube.php:177 #: modules/extras/youtube.php:249 modules/extras/youtube.php:289 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:170 modules/extras/youtube.php:271 msgid "Video status : %s%s" msgstr "Videostatus : %s%s" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:182 modules/extras/youtube.php:280 msgid "Video Restricted" msgstr "Video Begränsad" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:199 modules/extras/youtube.php:305 msgid "Unknown YouTube API response received." msgstr "Okänt svar från YouTube API mottaget." #: modules/extras/youtube.php:217 modules/extras/youtube.php:220 msgid "Playlist Not Found" msgstr "Spellista Ej Funnen" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:227 msgid "Playlist Restricted" msgstr "Spellista Begränsad" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:234 msgid "Invalid Playlist" msgstr "Ogiltig Spellista" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:248 msgid "Playlist OK" msgstr "Spellista OK" #: modules/extras/youtube.php:255 msgid "This playlist has no entries or all entries have been deleted." msgstr "Spellistan har inga poster eller så har alla poster tagits bort." #: modules/extras/youtube.php:256 msgid "Empty Playlist" msgstr "Töm Spellista" #: modules/parsers/image.php:164 msgid "Image" msgstr "Bild" #: modules/parsers/metadata.php:119 msgid "Custom field" msgstr "Anpassat fält" #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme msgid "" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "" "Checks your blog for broken links and missing images and notifies you on the " "dashboard if any are found." msgstr "" "Söker igenom din blogg efter brutna länkar och saknade bilder och meddelar " "dig på Panelen om några hittats." #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "Janis Elsts" msgstr "Janis Elsts" #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "" msgstr "" #~ msgid "Details" #~ msgstr "Detaljer" #~ msgctxt "module name" #~ msgid "Embedded Megavideo videos" #~ msgstr "Inbäddade Megavideo-videor" #~ msgctxt "module name" #~ msgid "FileServe API" #~ msgstr "FileServe API" #~ msgctxt "module name" #~ msgid "MegaUpload API" #~ msgstr "MegaUpload API" #~ msgid "Using FileServe API" #~ msgstr "Använder FileServe API" #~ msgid "FileServe : %d %s" #~ msgstr "FileServe: %d %s" #~ msgid "File Temporarily Unavailable" #~ msgstr "Filen är Temporärt Otillgänglig" #~ msgid "API Error" #~ msgstr "API-fel" #~ msgid "Megavideo Video" #~ msgstr "Megavideo-video" #~ msgid "Embedded Megavideo video" #~ msgstr "Inbäddad Megavideo-video"