
if ( ! class_exists( 'wsScreenOptions12' ) ) :

	 * Class for adding new panels to the "Screen Options" box.
	 * Do not access this class directly. Instead, use the add_screen_options_panel() function.
	 * @author Janis Elsts
	 * @copyright 2014
	 * @version 1.3
	 * @access public
	class wsScreenOptions13 {
		var $registered_panels; //List of custom "Screen Options" panels
		var $page_panels;       //Index of panels registered for each page ($page => array of panel ids).

		 * Class constructor
		 * @return void
		function init() {
			$this->registered_panels = array();
			$this->page_panels       = array();

			add_action( 'current_screen', array( $this, 'populate_page_panels' ) );
			add_filter( 'screen_settings', array( &$this, 'append_screen_settings' ), 10, 2 );
			add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', array( &$this, 'add_autosave_script' ) );

		 * Add a new settings panel to the "Screen Options" box.
		 * @param string $id String to use in the 'id' attribute of the settings panel. Should be unique.
		 * @param string $title Title of the settings panel. Set to an empty string to omit title.
		 * @param callback $callback Function that fills the panel with the desired content. Should return its output.
		 * @param string|array $page The page(s) on which to show the panel (similar to add_meta_box()).
		 * @param callback $save_callback Optional. Function that saves the settings.
		 * @param bool $autosave Optional. If set, settings will be automatically saved (via AJAX) when the value of any input element in the panel changes. Defaults to false.
		 * @return void
		function add_screen_options_panel( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $save_callback = null, $autosave = false ) {
			if ( ! is_array( $page ) ) {
				$page = array( $page );

			$new_panel                      = array(
				'title'         => $title,
				'callback'      => $callback,
				'page'          => $page,
				'save_callback' => $save_callback,
				'autosave'      => $autosave,
			$this->registered_panels[ $id ] = $new_panel;

			if ( $save_callback ) {
				add_action( 'wp_ajax_save_settings-' . $id, array( $this, 'ajax_save_callback' ) );

		 * Populate a lookup array for screen -> panels queries.
		 * This is a callback for the "current_screen" action. We have to do it in this hook or WordPress will
		 * complain about "doing it wrong" and incorrectly suggest using the "add_meta_boxes" action.
		 * "add_meta_boxes" doesn't work here because it only gets called on CPT pages and we want the ability
		 * to add screen options to any page.
		function populate_page_panels() {
			foreach ( $this->registered_panels as $id => $panel ) {
				$page = $panel['page'];

				//Convert page hooks/slugs to screen IDs
				$page = array_map( array( $this, 'page_to_screen_id' ), $page );
				$page = array_unique( $page );

				//Store the panel ID in each relevant page's list
				foreach ( $page as $page_id ) {
					if ( ! isset( $this->page_panels[ $page_id ] ) ) {
						$this->page_panels[ $page_id ] = array();
					$this->page_panels[ $page_id ][] = $id;

		 * Convert a page hook name to a screen ID.
		 * @uses convert_to_screen()
		 * @access private
		 * @param string $page
		 * @return string
		function page_to_screen_id( $page ) {
			if ( function_exists( 'convert_to_screen' ) ) {
				$screen = convert_to_screen( $page );
				if ( isset( $screen->id ) ) {
					return $screen->id;
				} else {
					return '';
			} else {
				return str_replace( array( '.php', '-new', '-add' ), '', $page );

		 * Append custom panel HTML to the "Screen Options" box of the current page.
		 * Callback for the 'screen_settings' filter (available in WP 3.0 and up).
		 * @access private
		 * @param string $current
		 * @param string $screen Screen object (undocumented).
		 * @return string The HTML code to append to "Screen Options"
		function append_screen_settings( $current, $screen ) {
			global $hook_suffix;

			//Sanity check
			if ( ! isset( $screen->id ) ) {
				return $current;

			//Are there any panels that want to appear on this page?
			$panels = $this->get_panels_for_screen( $screen->id, $hook_suffix );
			if ( empty( $panels ) ) {
				return $current;

			//Append all panels registered for this screen
			foreach ( $panels as $panel_id ) {
				$panel = $this->registered_panels[ $panel_id ];

				//Add panel title
				if ( ! empty( $panel['title'] ) ) {
					$current .= "\n<h5>" . $panel['title'] . "</h5>\n";
				//Generate panel contents
				if ( is_callable( $panel['callback'] ) ) {
					$contents = call_user_func( $panel['callback'] );
					$classes  = array(
					if ( $panel['autosave'] ) {
						$classes[] = 'requires-autosave';

					$contents = sprintf(
						'<div id="%s" class="%s"><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce-%s" value="%s" />%s</div>',
						esc_attr( $panel_id ),
						implode( ' ', $classes ),
						esc_attr( $panel_id ),
						wp_create_nonce( 'save_settings-' . $panel_id ),

					$current .= $contents;

			return $current;

		 * AJAX callback for the "Screen Options" autosave.
		 * @access private
		 * @return void
		function ajax_save_callback() {
			if ( empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) {
				die( '0' );

			//The 'action' argument is in the form "save_settings-panel_id"
			$id = end( explode( '-', $_POST['action'], 2 ) );

			//Basic security check.
			check_ajax_referer( 'save_settings-' . $id, '_wpnonce-' . $id );

			//Hand the request to the registered callback, if any
			if ( ! isset( $this->registered_panels[ $id ] ) ) {
				exit( '0' );
			$panel = $this->registered_panels[ $id ];
			if ( is_callable( $panel['save_callback'] ) ) {
				call_user_func( $panel['save_callback'], $_POST );
				die( '1' );
			} else {
				die( '0' );

		 * Add/enqueue supporting JavaScript for the autosave function of custom "Screen Options" panels.
		 * Checks if the current page is supposed to contain any autosave-enabled
		 * panels and adds the script only if that's the case.
		 * @return void
		function add_autosave_script() {
			//Get the page id/hook/slug/whatever.
			global $hook_suffix;

			//Check if we have some panels with autosave registered for this page.
			$panels = $this->get_panels_for_screen( '', $hook_suffix );
			if ( empty( $panels ) ) {

			$got_autosave = false;
			foreach ( $panels as $panel_id ) {
				if ( $this->registered_panels[ $panel_id ]['autosave'] ) {
					$got_autosave = true;

			if ( $got_autosave ) {
				//Enqueue the script itself
				$url = plugins_url( 'screen-options.js', __FILE__ );
				wp_enqueue_script( 'screen-options-custom-autosave', $url, array( 'jquery' ) );

		 * Get custom panels registered for a particular screen and/or page.
		 * @param string $screen_id Screen ID.
		 * @param string $page Optional. Page filename or hook name.
		 * @return array Array of custom panels.
		function get_panels_for_screen( $screen_id, $page = '' ) {
			if ( isset( $this->page_panels[ $screen_id ] ) && ! empty( $this->page_panels[ $screen_id ] ) ) {
				$panels = $this->page_panels[ $screen_id ];
			} else {
				$panels = array();
			if ( ! empty( $page ) ) {
				$page_as_screen = $this->page_to_screen_id( $page );
				if ( isset( $this->page_panels[ $page_as_screen ] ) && ! empty( $this->page_panels[ $page_as_screen ] ) ) {
					$panels = array_merge( $panels, $this->page_panels[ $page_as_screen ] );
			return array_unique( $panels );

	//All versions of the class are stored in a global array
	//and only the latest version is actually used.
	global $ws_screen_options_versions;
	if ( ! isset( $ws_screen_options_versions ) ) {
		$ws_screen_options_versions = array();
	$ws_screen_options_versions['1.3'] = 'wsScreenOptions13';


if ( ! function_exists( 'add_screen_options_panel' ) ) {

	 * Add a new settings panel to the "Screen Options" box.
	 * @see wsScreenOptions10::add_screen_options_panel()
	 * @param string $id String to use in the 'id' attribute of the settings panel. Should be unique.
	 * @param string $title Title of the settings panel. Set to an empty string to omit title.
	 * @param callback $callback Function that fills the panel with the desired content. Should return its output.
	 * @param string|array $page The page(s) on which to show the panel (similar to add_meta_box()).
	 * @param callback $save_callback Optional. Function that saves the settings contained in the panel.
	 * @param bool $autosave Optional. If set, settings will be automatically saved (via AJAX) when the value of any input element in the panel changes. Defaults to false.
	 * @return void
	function add_screen_options_panel( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $save_callback = null, $autosave = false ) {
		global $ws_screen_options_versions;

		static $instance = null; /** @var wsScreenOptions13 $instance */
		if ( is_null( $instance ) ) {
			//Instantiate the latest version of the wsScreenOptions class
			uksort( $ws_screen_options_versions, 'version_compare' );
			$className = end( $ws_screen_options_versions );
			$instance  = new $className;

		$instance->add_screen_options_panel( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $save_callback, $autosave );