native_filters = array( 'all' => array( 'params' => array( 'where_expr' => '1', ), 'name' => __( 'All', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => __( 'Detected Links', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No links found (yet)', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'native' => true, ), 'broken' => array( 'params' => array( 'where_expr' => '( broken = 1 )', 's_include_dismissed' => false, ), 'name' => __( 'Broken', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => __( 'Broken Links', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No broken links found', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'native' => true, ), 'warnings' => array( 'params' => array( 'where_expr' => '( warning = 1 )', 's_include_dismissed' => false, ), 'name' => _x( 'Warnings', 'filter name', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => _x( 'Warnings', 'filter heading', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No warnings found', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'native' => true, ), 'redirects' => array( 'params' => array( 'where_expr' => '( redirect_count > 0 )', 's_include_dismissed' => false, ), 'name' => __( 'Redirects', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => __( 'Redirected Links', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No redirects found', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'native' => true, ), 'dismissed' => array( 'params' => array( 'where_expr' => '( dismissed = 1 )', ), 'name' => __( 'Dismissed', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => __( 'Dismissed Links', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No dismissed links found', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'native' => true, ), ); //The user can turn off warnings. In that case, all errors will show up in the "broken" filter instead. $conf = blc_get_configuration(); if ( ! $conf->get( 'warnings_enabled' ) ) { unset( $this->native_filters['warnings'] ); } //Create the special "search" filter $this->search_filter = array( 'name' => __( 'Search', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading' => __( 'Search Results', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No links found for your query', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'params' => array(), 'use_url_params' => true, 'hidden' => true, ); //These search arguments may be passed via the URL if the filter's 'use_url_params' field is set to True. //They map to the fields of the search form on the Tools -> Broken Links page. Only these arguments //can be used in user-defined filters. $this->valid_url_params = array( 's_link_text', 's_link_url', 's_parser_type', 's_container_type', 's_link_type', 's_http_code', 's_filter', ); } //phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid static function getInstance() { static $instance = null; if ( is_null( $instance ) ) { $instance = new blcLinkQuery; } return $instance; } /** * Load and return the list of user-defined link filters. * * @return array An array of custom filter definitions. If there are no custom filters defined returns an empty array. */ function load_custom_filters() { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ $filter_data = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_filters ORDER BY name ASC", ARRAY_A ); $filters = array(); if ( ! empty( $filter_data ) ) { foreach ( $filter_data as $data ) { wp_parse_str( $data['params'], $params ); $filters[ 'f' . $data['id'] ] = array( 'name' => $data['name'], 'params' => $params, 'heading' => ucwords( $data['name'] ), 'heading_zero' => __( 'No links found for your query', 'broken-link-checker' ), 'custom' => true, ); } } $this->custom_filters = $filters; return $filters; } /** * Add a custom link filter. * * @param string $name Filter name. * @param string|array $params Filter params. Either as a query string, or an array. * @return string|bool The ID of the newly added filter, or False. */ function create_custom_filter( $name, $params ) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if ( is_array( $params ) ) { $params = http_build_query( $params, null, '&' ); } //Save the new filter $q = $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}blc_filters(name, params) VALUES (%s, %s)", $name, $params ); if ( $wpdb->query( $q ) !== false ) { //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared $filter_id = 'f' . $wpdb->insert_id; return $filter_id; } else { return false; } } /** * Delete a custom filter * * @param string $filter_id * @return bool True on success, False if a database error occured. */ function delete_custom_filter( $filter_id ) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if ( ! isset( $filter_id ) ) { $filter_id = $_POST['filter_id']; } //Remove the "f" character from the filter ID to get its database key $filter_id = intval( ltrim( $filter_id, 'f' ) ); //Try to delete the filter $q = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_filters WHERE id = %d", $filter_id ); if ( false !== $wpdb->query( $q ) ) { //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared return true; } else { return false; } } function get_filters() { $filters = array_merge( $this->native_filters, $this->custom_filters ); $filters['search'] = $this->search_filter; return $filters; } /** * Get a link search filter by filter ID. * * @param string $filter_id * @return array|null */ function get_filter( $filter_id ) { $filters = $this->get_filters(); if ( isset( $filters[ $filter_id ] ) ) { return $filters[ $filter_id ]; } else { return null; } } /** * Get link search parameters from the specified filter. * * @param array $filter * @return array An array of parameters suitable for use with blcLinkQuery::get_links() */ function get_search_params( $filter = null ) { //If present, the filter's parameters may be saved either as an array or a string. $params = array(); if ( ! empty( $filter ) && ! empty( $filter['params'] ) ) { $params = $filter['params']; if ( is_string( $params ) ) { wp_parse_str( $params, $params ); } } //Merge in the parameters from the current request, if required if ( isset( $filter['use_url_params'] ) && $filter['use_url_params'] ) { $params = array_merge( $params, $this->get_url_search_params() ); } return $params; } /** * Extract search query parameters from the current URL * * @return array */ function get_url_search_params() { $url_params = array(); foreach ( $_GET as $param => $value ) { if ( in_array( $param, $this->valid_url_params ) ) { $url_params[ $param ] = esc_html( $value ); } } return $url_params; } /** * A helper method for parsing a list of search criteria and generating the parts of the SQL query. * * @see blcLinkQuery::get_links() * * @param array $params An array of search criteria. * @return array 'where_exprs' - an array of search expressions, 'join_instances' - whether joining the instance table is required. */ function compile_search_params( $params ) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ //Track whether we'll need to left-join the instance table to run the query. $join_instances = false; //Generate the individual clauses of the WHERE expression and store them in an array. $pieces = array(); //Convert parser and container type lists to arrays of valid values $s_parser_type = array(); if ( ! empty( $params['s_parser_type'] ) ) { $s_parser_type = $params['s_parser_type']; if ( is_string( $s_parser_type ) ) { $s_parser_type = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $s_parser_type ); } } $s_container_type = array(); if ( ! empty( $params['s_container_type'] ) ) { $s_container_type = $params['s_container_type']; if ( is_string( $s_container_type ) ) { $s_container_type = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $s_container_type ); } } //Don't include links with instances that reference invalid (not currently loaded) //containers and parsers (unless specifically told to also include invalid links). if ( empty( $params['include_invalid'] ) ) { $join_instances = true; $module_manager = blcModuleManager::getInstance(); $loaded_containers = array_keys( $module_manager->get_active_by_category( 'container' ) ); $loaded_parsers = array_keys( $module_manager->get_active_by_category( 'parser' ) ); if ( empty( $s_parser_type ) ) { $s_parser_type = $loaded_parsers; } else { $s_parser_type = array_intersect( $s_parser_type, $loaded_parsers ); } if ( empty( $s_container_type ) ) { $s_container_type = $loaded_containers; } else { $s_container_type = array_intersect( $s_container_type, $loaded_containers ); } } //Parser type should match the parser_type column in the instance table. if ( ! empty( $s_parser_type ) ) { $s_parser_type = array_map( 'trim', array_unique( $s_parser_type ) ); $s_parser_type = array_map( 'esc_sql', $s_parser_type ); if ( count( $s_parser_type ) == 1 ) { $pieces[] = sprintf( "instances.parser_type = '%s'", reset( $s_parser_type ) ); } else { $pieces[] = "instances.parser_type IN ('" . implode( "', '", $s_parser_type ) . "')"; } $join_instances = true; } //Container type should match the container_type column in the instance table. if ( ! empty( $s_container_type ) ) { //Sanitize for use in SQL $s_container_type = array_map( 'trim', array_unique( $s_container_type ) ); $s_container_type = array_map( 'esc_sql', $s_container_type ); if ( count( $s_container_type ) == 1 ) { $pieces[] = sprintf( "instances.container_type = '%s'", reset( $s_container_type ) ); } else { $pieces[] = "instances.container_type IN ('" . implode( "', '", $s_container_type ) . "')"; } $join_instances = true; } //A part of the WHERE expression can be specified explicitly if ( ! empty( $params['where_expr'] ) ) { $pieces[] = $params['where_expr']; $join_instances = $join_instances || ( stripos( $params['where_expr'], 'instances' ) !== false ); } //List of allowed link ids (either an array or comma-separated) if ( ! empty( $params['link_ids'] ) ) { $link_ids = $params['link_ids']; if ( is_string( $link_ids ) ) { $link_ids = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $link_ids ); } //Only accept non-zero integers $sanitized_link_ids = array(); foreach ( $link_ids as $id ) { $id = intval( $id ); if ( 0 !== $id ) { $sanitized_link_ids[] = $id; } } $pieces[] = 'links.link_id IN (' . implode( ', ', $sanitized_link_ids ) . ')'; } //Anchor text - use LIKE search if ( ! empty( $params['s_link_text'] ) ) { $s_link_text = esc_sql( $this->esc_like( $params['s_link_text'] ) ); $s_link_text = str_replace( '*', '%', $s_link_text ); $pieces[] = '(instances.link_text LIKE "%' . $s_link_text . '%")'; $join_instances = true; } //URL - try to match both the initial URL and the final URL. //There is limited wildcard support, e.g. "google.*/search" will match both //"" and "" if ( ! empty( $params['s_link_url'] ) ) { $s_link_url = esc_sql( $this->esc_like( $params['s_link_url'] ) ); $s_link_url = str_replace( '*', '%', $s_link_url ); $pieces[] = '(links.url LIKE "%' . $s_link_url . '%") OR ' . '(links.final_url LIKE "%' . $s_link_url . '%")'; } //Container ID should match... you guessed it - container_id if ( ! empty( $params['s_container_id'] ) ) { $s_container_id = intval( $params['s_container_id'] ); if ( 0 !== $s_container_id ) { $pieces[] = "instances.container_id = $s_container_id"; $join_instances = true; } } //Link type can match either the the parser_type or the container_type. if ( ! empty( $params['s_link_type'] ) ) { $s_link_type = esc_sql( $params['s_link_type'] ); $pieces[] = "instances.parser_type = '$s_link_type' OR instances.container_type='$s_link_type'"; $join_instances = true; } //HTTP code - the user can provide a list of HTTP response codes and code ranges. //Example : 201,400-410,500 if ( ! empty( $params['s_http_code'] ) ) { //Strip spaces. $params['s_http_code'] = str_replace( ' ', '', $params['s_http_code'] ); //Split by comma $codes = explode( ',', $params['s_http_code'] ); $individual_codes = array(); $ranges = array(); //Try to parse each response code or range. Invalid ones are simply ignored. foreach ( $codes as $code ) { if ( is_numeric( $code ) ) { //It's a single number $individual_codes[] = abs( intval( $code ) ); } elseif ( strpos( $code, '-' ) !== false ) { //Try to parse it as a range $range = explode( '-', $code, 2 ); if ( ( count( $range ) == 2 ) && is_numeric( $range[0] ) && is_numeric( $range[0] ) ) { //Make sure the smaller code comes first $range = array( intval( $range[0] ), intval( $range[1] ) ); $ranges[] = array( min( $range ), max( $range ) ); } } } $piece = array(); //All individual response codes get one "http_code IN (...)" clause if ( ! empty( $individual_codes ) ) { $piece[] = '(links.http_code IN (' . implode( ', ', $individual_codes ) . '))'; } //Ranges get a "http_code BETWEEN min AND max" clause each if ( ! empty( $ranges ) ) { $range_strings = array(); foreach ( $ranges as $range ) { $range_strings[] = "(links.http_code BETWEEN $range[0] AND $range[1])"; } $piece[] = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $range_strings ) . ' )'; } //Finally, generate a composite WHERE clause for both types of response code queries if ( ! empty( $piece ) ) { $pieces[] = implode( ' OR ', $piece ); } } //Dismissed links are included by default, but can explicitly included //or filtered out by passing a special param. if ( isset( $params['s_include_dismissed'] ) ) { $s_include_dismissed = ! empty( $params['s_include_dismissed'] ); $pieces['filter_dismissed'] = $s_include_dismissed ? '1' : '(dismissed = 0)'; } //Optionally sorting is also possible $order_exprs = array(); if ( ! empty( $params['orderby'] ) ) { $allowed_columns = array( 'url' => 'links.url', 'link_text' => 'instances.link_text', 'redirect_url' => 'links.final_url', ); $column = $params['orderby']; $direction = ! empty( $params['order'] ) ? strtolower( $params['order'] ) : 'asc'; if ( ! in_array( $direction, array( 'asc', 'desc' ) ) ) { $direction = 'asc'; } if ( array_key_exists( $column, $allowed_columns ) ) { if ( 'redirect_url' === $column ) { //Sort links that are not redirects last. $order_exprs[] = '(links.redirect_count > 0) DESC'; } $order_exprs[] = $allowed_columns[ $column ] . ' ' . $direction; } } //Custom filters can optionally call one of the native filters //to narrow down the result set. if ( ! empty( $params['s_filter'] ) && isset( $this->native_filters[ $params['s_filter'] ] ) ) { $the_filter = $this->native_filters[ $params['s_filter'] ]; $extra_criteria = $this->compile_search_params( $the_filter['params'] ); $pieces = array_merge( $extra_criteria['where_exprs'], $pieces ); $join_instances = $join_instances || $extra_criteria['join_instances']; } return array( 'where_exprs' => $pieces, 'join_instances' => $join_instances, 'order_exprs' => $order_exprs, ); } private function esc_like( $input ) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if ( method_exists( $wpdb, 'esc_like' ) ) { return $wpdb->esc_like( $input ); } else { return like_escape( $input ); } } /** * blcLinkQuery::get_links() * * @see blc_get_links() * * @param array $params * @return array|int */ function get_links( $params = null ) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if ( ! is_array( $params ) ) { $params = array(); } $defaults = array( 'offset' => 0, 'max_results' => 0, 'load_instances' => false, 'load_containers' => false, 'load_wrapped_objects' => false, 'count_only' => false, 'purpose' => '', 'include_invalid' => false, 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', ); $params = array_merge( $defaults, $params ); //Compile the search-related params into search expressions usable in a WHERE clause $criteria = $this->compile_search_params( $params ); //Build the WHERE clause if ( ! empty( $criteria['where_exprs'] ) ) { $where_expr = "\t( " . implode( " ) AND\n\t( ", $criteria['where_exprs'] ) . ' ) '; } else { $where_expr = '1'; } //Join the blc_instances table if it's required to perform the search. $joins = ''; if ( $criteria['join_instances'] ) { $joins = "JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}blc_instances AS instances ON links.link_id = instances.link_id"; } //Optional sorting if ( ! empty( $criteria['order_exprs'] ) ) { $order_clause = 'ORDER BY ' . implode( ', ', $criteria['order_exprs'] ); } else { $order_clause = ''; } if ( $params['count_only'] ) { //Only get the number of matching links. $q = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT 0 FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links AS links $joins WHERE $where_expr GROUP BY links.link_id) AS foo"; return $wpdb->get_var( $q ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared } //Select the required links. $q = "SELECT links.* FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links AS links $joins WHERE $where_expr GROUP BY links.link_id {$order_clause}"; //Note: would be a lot faster without GROUP BY //Add the LIMIT clause if ( $params['max_results'] || $params['offset'] ) { $q .= sprintf( "\nLIMIT %d, %d", $params['offset'], $params['max_results'] ); } $results = $wpdb->get_results( $q, ARRAY_A ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared if ( empty( $results ) ) { return array(); } //Create the link objects $links = array(); foreach ( $results as $result ) { $link = new blcLink( $result ); $links[ $link->link_id ] = $link; } $purpose = $params['purpose']; /* Preload instances if : * It has been requested via the 'load_instances' argument. * The links are going to be displayed or edited, which involves instances. */ $load_instances = $params['load_instances'] || in_array( $purpose, array( BLC_FOR_DISPLAY, BLC_FOR_EDITING ) ); if ( $load_instances ) { $link_ids = array_keys( $links ); $all_instances = blc_get_instances( $link_ids, $purpose, $params['load_containers'], $params['load_wrapped_objects'] ); //Assign each batch of instances to the right link foreach ( $all_instances as $link_id => $instances ) { foreach ( $instances as $instance ) { /** @var blcLinkInstance $instance */ $instance->_link = $links[ $link_id ]; } $links[ $link_id ]->_instances = $instances; } } return $links; } /** * Calculate the number of results for all known filters * * @return void */ function count_filter_results() { foreach ( $this->native_filters as $filter_id => $filter ) { $this->native_filters[ $filter_id ]['count'] = $this->get_filter_links( $filter, array( 'count_only' => true ) ); } foreach ( $this->custom_filters as $filter_id => $filter ) { $this->custom_filters[ $filter_id ]['count'] = $this->get_filter_links( $filter, array( 'count_only' => true ) ); } $this->search_filter['count'] = $this->get_filter_links( $this->search_filter, array( 'count_only' => true ) ); } /** * Retrieve a list of links matching a filter. * * @uses blcLinkQuery::get_links() * * @param string|array $filter Either a filter ID or an array containing filter data. * @param array $extra_params Optional extra criteria that will override those set by the filter. See blc_get_links() for details. * @return array|int Either an array of blcLink objects, or an integer indicating the number of links that match the filter. */ function get_filter_links( $filter, $extra_params = null ) { if ( is_string( $filter ) ) { $filter = $this->get_filter( $filter ); } $params = $this->get_search_params( $filter ); if ( ! empty( $extra_params ) ) { $params = array_merge( $params, $extra_params ); } return $this->get_links( $params ); } /** * Print a menu of available filters, both native and user-created. * * @param string $current Current filter ID. * @return void */ function print_filter_menu( $current = '' ) { $filters = $this->get_filters(); echo ''; } /** * Print the appropriate heading for the given filter. * * @param array $current_filter * @return void */ function print_filter_heading( $current_filter ) { echo '

'; //Output a header matching the current filter if ( $current_filter['count'] > 0 ) { echo $current_filter['heading'] . " ({$current_filter['count']})"; } else { echo $current_filter['heading_zero'] . ""; } echo '

'; } /** * Execute a filter. * * Gathers paging and search parameters from $_GET and executes the specified filter. * The returned array contains standard filter data plus several additional fields : * 'filter_id' - Which filter was used. May differ from the specified $filter_id due to fallback settings. * 'per_page' - How many results per page the method tried to retrieve. * 'page' - Which page of results was retrieved. * 'max_pages' - The total number of results pages, calculated using the above 'per_page' value. * 'links' - An array of retrieved links (blcLink objects). * 'search_params' - An associative array of the current search parameters as extracted either from the current URL or the filter itself. * 'is_broken_filter' - TRUE if the filter was set to retrieve only broken links, FALSE otherwise. * * @param string $filter_id Filter ID. * @param int $page Optional. Which page of results to retrieve. Defaults to returning the first page of results. * @param int $per_page Optional. The number of results per page. Defaults to 30. * @param string $fallback Optional. Which filter to use if none match the specified $filter_id. Defaults to the native broken link filter. * @param string $orderby Optional. Sort results by this column. * @param string $order Optional. Sort direction ('asc' or 'desc'). * @return array Associative array of filter data and the results of its execution. */ function exec_filter( $filter_id, $page = 1, $per_page = 30, $fallback = 'broken', $orderby = '', $order = 'asc' ) { //The only valid sort directions are 'asc' and 'desc'. if ( ! in_array( $order, array( 'asc', 'desc' ) ) ) { $order = 'asc'; } //Get the selected filter (defaults to displaying broken links) $current_filter = $this->get_filter( $filter_id ); if ( empty( $current_filter ) ) { $current_filter = $this->get_filter( $fallback ); $filter_id = $fallback; } //Page number must be > 0 if ( $page < 1 ) { $page = 1; } //Links per page [1 - 500] if ( $per_page < 1 ) { $per_page = 30; } elseif ( $per_page > 500 ) { $per_page = 500; } //Calculate the maximum number of pages. $max_pages = ceil( $current_filter['count'] / $per_page ); //Select the required links $extra_params = array( 'offset' => ( ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page ), 'max_results' => $per_page, 'purpose' => BLC_FOR_DISPLAY, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, ); $links = $this->get_filter_links( $current_filter, $extra_params ); //If the current request is a user-initiated search query (either directly or //via a custom filter), save the search params. They can later be used to pre-fill //the search form or build a new/modified custom filter. $search_params = array(); if ( ! empty( $current_filter['custom'] ) || ( 'search' == $filter_id ) ) { $search_params = $this->get_search_params( $current_filter ); } $base_filter = ''; if ( array_key_exists( $filter_id, $this->native_filters ) ) { $base_filter = $filter_id; } elseif ( isset( $current_filter['params']['s_filter'] ) && ! empty( $current_filter['params']['s_filter'] ) ) { $base_filter = $current_filter['params']['s_filter']; } elseif ( isset( $_GET['s_filter'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['s_filter'] ) ) { if ( array_key_exists( $_GET['s_filter'], $this->native_filters ) ) { $base_filter = esc_html( $_GET['s_filter'] ); } else { $base_filter = 'all'; } } $is_broken_filter = ( 'broken' == $base_filter ); //Save the effective filter data in the filter array. //It can be used later to print the link table. $current_filter = array_merge( array( 'filter_id' => $filter_id, 'page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'max_pages' => $max_pages, 'links' => $links, 'search_params' => $search_params, 'is_broken_filter' => $is_broken_filter, 'base_filter' => $base_filter, ), $current_filter ); return $current_filter; } } /** * Retrieve a list of links matching some criteria. * * The function argument should be an associative array describing the criteria. * The supported keys are : * 'offset' - Skip the first X results. Default is 0. * 'max_results' - The maximum number of links to return. Defaults to returning all results. * 'link_ids' - Retrieve only links with these IDs. This should either be a comma-separated list or an array. * 's_link_text' - Link text must match this keyphrase (performs a fulltext search). * 's_link_url' - Link URL must contain this string. You can use "*" as a wildcard. * 's_parser_type' - Filter links by the type of link parser that was used to find them. * 's_container_type' - Filter links by where they were found, e.g. 'post'. * 's_container_id' - Find links that belong to a container with this ID (should be used together with s_container_type). * 's_link_type' - Either parser type or container type must match this. * 's_http_code' - Filter by HTTP code. Example : 201,400-410,500 * 's_filter' - Use a built-in filter. Available filters : 'broken', 'redirects', 'all' * 'where_expr' - Advanced. Lets you directly specify a part of the WHERE clause. * 'load_instances' - Pre-load all link instance data for each link. Default is false. * 'load_containers' - Pre-load container data for each instance. Default is false. * 'load_wrapped_objects' - Pre-load wrapped object data (e.g. posts, comments, etc) for each container. Default is false. * 'count_only' - Only return the number of results (int), not the whole result set. 'offset' and 'max_results' will be ignored if this is set. Default is false. * 'purpose' - An optional code indicating how the links will be used. * 'include_invalid' - Include links that have no instances and links that only have instances that reference not-loaded containers or parsers. Defaults to false. * * All keys are optional. * * @uses blcLinkQuery::get_links(); * * @param array $params * @return int|blcLink[] Either an array of blcLink objects, or the number of results for the query. */ function blc_get_links( $params = null ) { $instance = blcLinkQuery::getInstance(); return $instance->get_links( $params ); }