if ( ( 0 != $current ) && ( $current < 4 ) ) {
//The 4th DB version makes a lot of backwards-incompatible changes to the main
//BLC tables, so instead of upgrading we just throw them away and recreate.
if ( ! blcDatabaseUpgrader::drop_tables() ) {
return false;
$current = 0;
//Create/update the plugin's tables
if ( ! blcDatabaseUpgrader::make_schema_current() ) {
return false;
if ( 0 != $current ) {
if ( $current < 5 ) {
$conf->options['current_db_version'] = BLC_DATABASE_VERSION;
$blclog->info( 'Database successfully upgraded.' );
return true;
* Create or update the plugin's DB tables.
* @return bool
static function make_schema_current() {
global $blclog;
$start = microtime( true );
if ( ! function_exists( 'blc_get_db_schema' ) ) {
require 'db-schema.php';
list($dummy, $query_log) = blcTableDelta::delta( blc_get_db_schema() );
$have_errors = false;
foreach ( $query_log as $item ) {
if ( $item['success'] ) {
$blclog->info( ' [OK] ' . $item['query'] . sprintf( ' (%.3f seconds)', $item['query_time'] ) );
} else {
$blclog->error( ' [ ] ' . $item['query'] );
$blclog->error( ' Database error : ' . $item['error_message'] );
$have_errors = true;
$blclog->info( sprintf( 'Schema update took %.3f seconds', microtime( true ) - $start ) );
$blclog->info( 'Database schema updated.' );
return ! $have_errors;
* Drop the plugin's tables.
* @return bool
static function drop_tables() {
global $wpdb, $blclog; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
$blclog->info( 'Deleting the plugin\'s database tables' );
$tables = array(
$wpdb->prefix . 'blc_linkdata',
$wpdb->prefix . 'blc_postdata',
$wpdb->prefix . 'blc_instances',
$wpdb->prefix . 'blc_synch',
$wpdb->prefix . 'blc_links',
$q = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . implode( ', ', $tables );
$rez = $wpdb->query( $q ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
if ( false === $rez ) {
$error = sprintf(
__( 'Failed to delete old DB tables. Database error : %s', 'broken-link-checker' ),
$blclog->error( $error );
//FIXME: In very rare cases, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS throws an error when the table(s) don't exist.
return false;
$blclog->info( 'Done.' );
return true;
static function upgrade_095( $trigger_errors = false ) {
global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
//Prior to 0.9.5 all supported post types were internally represented using
//a common 'post' container type. The current version creates a unique container
//type to each post type.
//Update synch records and instances to reflect this change
$q = "
{$wpdb->prefix}blc_synch AS synch
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS posts ON (posts.ID = synch.container_id)
synch.container_type = posts.post_type
synch.container_type = 'post' AND posts.post_type IS NOT NULL";
$wpdb->query( $q ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
$q = "
{$wpdb->prefix}blc_instances AS instances
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS posts ON (posts.ID = instances.container_id)
instances.container_type = posts.post_type
instances.container_type = 'post' AND posts.post_type IS NOT NULL";
$wpdb->query( $q ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
class blcTableDelta {
* Parse one or more CREATE TABLE queries and generate a list of SQL queries that need
* to be executed to make the current database schema match those queries. Will also
* execute those queries by default.
* This function returns an array with two items. The first is a list of human-readable
* messages explaining what database changes were/would be made. The second array item
* is an array of the generated SQL queries and (if $execute was True) their results.
* Each item of this second array is itself an associative array with these keys :
* 'query' - the generated query.
* 'success' - True if the query was executed successfully, False if it caused an error.
* 'error_message' - the MySQL error message (only meaningful when 'success' = false).
* The 'success' and 'error_message' keys will only be present if $execute was set to True.
* @param string $queries One or more CREATE TABLE queries separated by a semicolon.
* @param bool $execute Whether to apply the schema changes. Defaults to true.
* @param bool $drop_columns Whether to drop columns not present in the input. Defaults to true.
* @param bool $drop_indexes Whether to drop indexes not present in the input. Defaults to true.
* @return array
static function delta( $queries, $execute = true, $drop_columns = true, $drop_indexes = true ) {
global $wpdb, $blclog; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
// Separate individual queries into an array
if ( ! is_array( $queries ) ) {
$queries = explode( ';', $queries );
if ( '' == $queries[ count( $queries ) - 1 ] ) {
array_pop( $queries );
$cqueries = array(); // Creation Queries
$for_update = array();
// Create a tablename index for an array ($cqueries) of queries
foreach ( $queries as $qry ) {
if ( preg_match( '|CREATE\s+TABLE\s+(?:IF\s+NOT\s+EXISTS\s+)?([^\s(]+)|i', $qry, $matches ) ) {
$table = trim( $matches[1], '`' );
$cqueries[ $table ] = $qry;
$for_update[ $table ] = 'Create table `' . $table . '`';
// Check to see which tables and fields exist
$start_show_tables = microtime( true );
$tables = $wpdb->get_col('SHOW TABLES;');
if ( $tables ) {
$blclog->info( sprintf( '... SHOW TABLES (%.3f seconds)', microtime( true ) - $start_show_tables ) );
// For every table in the database
foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
// If a table query exists for the database table...
if ( array_key_exists( $table, $cqueries ) ) {
// Clear the field and index arrays
$cfields = array();
$indices = array();
// Get all of the field names in the query from between the parens
preg_match( '|\((.*)\)|ms', $cqueries[ $table ], $match2 );
$qryline = trim( $match2[1] );
// Separate field lines into an array
$flds = preg_split( '@[\r\n]+@', $qryline );
//echo "
\n".print_r(strtolower($table), true).":\n".print_r($flds, true)."
// For every field line specified in the query
foreach ( $flds as $fld ) {
$definition = blcTableDelta::parse_create_definition( $fld );
if ( $definition ) {
if ( $definition['index'] ) {
$indices[ $definition['index_definition'] ] = $definition; //Index
} else {
$cfields[ $definition['name'] ] = $definition; //Column
//echo "Detected fields :
"; print_r($cfields);
// Fetch the table column structure from the database
$start = microtime( true );
$tablefields = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM {$table};" );//phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
$blclog->info( sprintf( '... SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM %s %.3f seconds', $table, microtime( true ) - $start ) );
// For every field in the table
foreach ( $tablefields as $tablefield ) {
$field_name = strtolower( $tablefield->Field ); //Field names are case-insensitive in MySQL
// If the table field exists in the field array...
if ( array_key_exists( $field_name, $cfields ) ) {
$definition = $cfields[ $field_name ];
// Is actual field definition different from that in the query?
$different =
( $tablefield->Type != $definition['data_type'] ) ||
( $definition['collation'] && ( $tablefield->Collation != $definition['collation'] ) ) ||
( $definition['null_allowed'] && ( 'NO' == $tablefield->Null ) ) ||
( $tablefield->Default !== $definition['default'] );
// Add a query to change the column type
if ( $different ) {
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` MODIFY COLUMN `{$field_name}` {$definition['column_definition']}";
$for_update[ $table . '.' . $field_name ] = "Changed type of {$table}.{$field_name} from {$tablefield->Type} to {$definition['column_definition']}";
// Remove the field from the array (so it's not added)
unset( $cfields[ $field_name ] );
} else {
// This field exists in the table, but not in the creation queries? Drop it.
if ( $drop_columns ) {
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DROP COLUMN `$field_name`";
$for_update[ $table . '.' . $field_name ] = 'Removed column ' . $table . '.' . $field_name;
// For every remaining field specified for the table
foreach ( $cfields as $field_name => $definition ) {
// Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the field to that table
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ADD COLUMN `$field_name` {$definition['column_definition']}";
$for_update[ $table . '.' . $field_name ] = 'Added column ' . $table . '.' . $field_name;
// Index stuff goes here
//echo 'Detected indexes :
'; print_r($indices);
// Fetch the table index structure from the database
$start = microtime( true );
$tableindices = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW INDEX FROM `{$table}`;" ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
$blclog->info( sprintf( '... SHOW INDEX FROM %s %.3f seconds', $table, microtime( true ) - $start ) );
if ( $tableindices ) {
// Clear the index array
$index_ary = array();
// For every index in the table
foreach ( $tableindices as $tableindex ) {
// Add the index to the index data array
$keyname = strtolower( $tableindex->Key_name );
$index_ary[ $keyname ]['name'] = $keyname;
$index_ary[ $keyname ]['columns'][] = array(
'column_name' => strtolower( $tableindex->Column_name ),
'length' => $tableindex->Sub_part,
if ( ! isset( $index_ary[ $keyname ]['index_modifier'] ) ) {
if ( 'primary' == $keyname ) {
$index_ary[ $keyname ]['index_modifier'] = 'primary';
} elseif ( 0 == $tableindex->Non_unique ) {
$index_ary[ $keyname ]['index_modifier'] = 'unique';
// For each actual index in the index array
foreach ( $index_ary as $index_name => $index_data ) {
// Build a create string to compare to the query
$index_string = blcTableDelta::generate_index_string( $index_data );
if ( array_key_exists( $index_string, $indices ) ) {
//echo "Found index $index_string
unset( $indices[ $index_string ] );
} else {
//echo "Didn't find index $index_string
if ( $drop_indexes ) {
if ( 'primary' == $index_name ) {
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DROP PRIMARY KEY";
} else {
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DROP KEY `$index_name`";
$for_update[ $table . '.' . $index_name ] = 'Removed index ' . $table . '.' . $index_name;
// For every remaining index specified for the table
foreach ( $indices as $index ) {
// Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the index to that table
$cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ADD {$index['index_definition']}";
$for_update[ $table . '.' . $index['name'] ] = 'Added index ' . $table . ' ' . $index['index_definition'];
// Remove the original table creation query from processing
unset( $cqueries[ $table ] );
unset( $for_update[ $table ] );
} else {
// This table exists in the database, but not in the creation queries?
//echo "Execute queries :
"; print_r($cqueries);
$query_log = array();
foreach ( $cqueries as $query ) {
$log_item = array( 'query' => $query );
if ( $execute ) {
$start = microtime( true );
$log_item['success'] = ( false !== $wpdb->query( $query ) );//phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
$log_item['error_message'] = $wpdb->last_error;
$log_item['query_time'] = microtime( true ) - $start;
$query_log[] = $log_item;
return array( $for_update, $query_log );
* Parse a a single column or index definition.
* This function can parse many (but not all) types of syntax used to define columns
* and indexes in a "CREATE TABLE" query.
* @param string $line
* @return array
static function parse_create_definition( $line ) {
$line = preg_replace( '@[,\r\n\s]+$@', '', $line ); //Strip the ", " line separator
$pieces = preg_split( '@\s+|(?=\()@', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
if ( empty( $pieces ) ) {
return null;
$token = strtolower( array_shift( $pieces ) );
$index_modifier = '';
$index = false;
//Determine if this line defines an index
if ( in_array( $token, array( 'primary', 'unique', 'fulltext' ) ) ) {
$index_modifier = $token;
$index = true;
$token = strtolower( array_shift( $pieces ) );
if ( in_array( $token, array( 'index', 'key' ) ) ) {
$index = true;
$token = strtolower( array_shift( $pieces ) );
//Determine column/index name
$name = '';
if ( $index ) {
//Names are optional for indexes; the INDEX/etc keyword can be immediately
//followed by a column list (or index_type, but we're ignoring that possibility).
if ( strpos( $token, '(' ) === false ) {
$name = $token;
} else {
if ( 'primary' == $index_modifier ) {
$name = 'primary';
array_unshift( $pieces, $token );
} else {
$name = $token;
$name = strtolower( trim( $name, '`' ) );
$definition = compact( 'name', 'index', 'index_modifier' );
//Parse the rest of the line
$remainder = implode( ' ', $pieces );
if ( $index ) {
$definition['columns'] = blcTableDelta::parse_index_column_list( $remainder );
//If the index doesn't have a name, use the name of the first column
//(this is what MySQL does, but only when there isn't already an index with that name).
if ( empty( $definition['name'] ) ) {
$definition['name'] = $definition['columns'][0]['column_name'];
//Rebuild the index def. in a normalized form
$definition['index_definition'] = blcTableDelta::generate_index_string( $definition );
} else {
$column_def = blcTableDelta::parse_column_definition( $remainder );
$definition = array_merge( $definition, $column_def );
return $definition;
* Parse the list of columns included in an index.
* This function returns a list of column descriptors. Each descriptor is
* an associative array with the keys 'column_name', 'length' and 'order'.
* @param string $line
* @return array Array of index columns
static function parse_index_column_list( $line ) {
$line = preg_replace( '@^\s*\(|\)\s*$@', '', $line ); //Strip the braces that surround the column list
$pieces = preg_split( '@\s*,\s*@', $line );
$columns = array();
foreach ( $pieces as $piece ) {
if ( preg_match( '@`?(?P[^\s`]+)`?(?:\s*\(\s*(?P\d+)\s*\))?(?:\s+(?PASC|DESC))?@i', $piece, $matches ) ) {
$column = array(
'column_name' => strtolower( $matches['column_name'] ),
'length' => null,
'order' => null, //unused; included for completeness
if ( isset( $matches['length'] ) && is_numeric( $matches['length'] ) ) {
$column['length'] = intval( $matches['length'] );
if ( isset( $matches['order'] ) && ! empty( $matches['order'] ) ) {
$column['order'] = strtolower( $matches['order'] );
$columns[] = $column;
return $columns;
* Parse column datatype and flags.
* @param string $line
* @return array
static function parse_column_definition( $line ) {
$line = trim( $line );
//Extract datatype. This regexp is not entirely reliable - for example, it won't work
//with enum fields where one of values contains brackets "()".
$data_type = '';
$regexp = '
# followed by an optional length or a list of enum values
\s* (?P[^()]+) \s*
# various type modifiers/keywords
if ( preg_match( $regexp, $line, $matches ) ) {
$data_type = strtolower( $matches['type_name'] );
if ( ! empty( $matches['length'] ) ) {
$data_type .= '(' . trim( $matches['length'] ) . ')';
if ( ! empty( $matches['keywords'] ) ) {
$data_type .= preg_replace( '@\s+@', ' ', $matches['keywords'] ); //Collapse spaces
$line = substr( $line, strlen( $data_type ) );
//Extract flags
$null_allowed = ! preg_match( '@\sNOT\s+NULL\b@i', $line );
$auto_increment = preg_match( '@\sAUTO_INCREMENT\b@i', $line );
//Got a default value?
$default = null;
if ( preg_match( "@\sDEFAULT\s+('[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\"|\d+)@i", $line, $matches ) ) {
$default = trim( $matches[1], '"\'' );
//Custom character set and/or collation?
$charset = null;
$collation = null;
if ( preg_match( '@ (?:\s CHARACTER \s+ SET \s+ (?P[^\s()]+) )? (?:\s COLLATE \s+ (?P[^\s()]+) )? @xi', $line, $matches ) ) {
if ( isset( $matches['charset'] ) ) {
$charset = $matches['charset'];
if ( isset( $matches['collation'] ) ) {
$collation = $matches['collation'];
//Generate the normalized column definition
$column_definition = $data_type;
if ( ! empty( $charset ) ) {
$column_definition .= " CHARACTER SET {$charset}";
if ( ! empty( $collation ) ) {
$column_definition .= " COLLATE {$collation}";
if ( ! $null_allowed ) {
$column_definition .= ' NOT NULL';
if ( ! is_null( $default ) ) {
$column_definition .= " DEFAULT '{$default}'";
if ( $auto_increment ) {
$column_definition .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT';
return compact( 'data_type', 'null_allowed', 'auto_increment', 'default', 'charset', 'collation', 'column_definition' );
* Generate an index's definition string from its parsed representation.
* @param array $definition The return value of blcTableDelta::parse_create_definition()
* @return string
static function generate_index_string( $definition ) {
//Rebuild the index def. in a normalized form
$index_definition = '';
if ( ! empty( $definition['index_modifier'] ) ) {
$index_definition .= strtoupper( $definition['index_modifier'] ) . ' ';
$index_definition .= 'KEY';
if ( empty( $definition['index_modifier'] ) || ( 'primary' != $definition['index_modifier'] ) ) {
$index_definition .= ' `' . $definition['name'] . '`';
$column_strings = array();
foreach ( $definition['columns'] as $column ) {
$c = '`' . $column['column_name'] . '`';
if ( $column['length'] ) {
$c .= '(' . $column['length'] . ')';
$column_strings[] = $c;
$index_definition .= ' (' . implode( ', ', $column_strings ) . ')';
return $index_definition;