7 * 60, // (in seconds) How long the worker instance may run, at most. 'check_threshold' => 72, // (in hours) Check each link every 72 hours. 'recheck_count' => 3, // How many times a broken link should be re-checked. 'recheck_threshold' => 30 * 60, // (in seconds) Re-check broken links after 30 minutes. 'run_in_dashboard' => true, // Run the link checker algo. continuously while the Dashboard is open. 'run_via_cron' => true, // Run it hourly via WordPress pseudo-cron. 'mark_broken_links' => true, // Whether to add the broken_link class to broken links in posts. 'broken_link_css' => ".broken_link, a.broken_link {\n\ttext-decoration: line-through;\n}", 'nofollow_broken_links' => false, // Whether to add rel="nofollow" to broken links in posts. 'mark_removed_links' => false, // Whether to add the removed_link class when un-linking a link. 'removed_link_css' => ".removed_link, a.removed_link {\n\ttext-decoration: line-through;\n}", 'exclusion_list' => array(), // Links that contain a substring listed in this array won't be checked. 'send_email_notifications' => true, // Whether to send the admin email notifications about broken links 'send_authors_email_notifications' => false, // Whether to send post authors notifications about broken links in their posts. 'notification_email_address' => '', // If set, send email notifications to this address instead of the admin. 'notification_schedule' => apply_filters( 'blc_notification_schedule_filter', 'daily' ), // How often (at most) notifications will be sent. Possible values : 'daily', 'weekly'. There is no option for this so we've added a fitler for it. 'last_notification_sent' => 0, // When the last email notification was sent (Unix timestamp) 'suggestions_enabled' => true, // Whether to suggest alternative URLs for broken links. 'warnings_enabled' => true, // Try to automatically detect temporary problems and false positives, and report them as "Warnings" instead of broken links. 'server_load_limit' => null, // Stop parsing stuff & checking links if the 1-minute load average goes over this value. Only works on Linux servers. 0 = no limit. 'enable_load_limit' => true, // Enable/disable load monitoring. 'custom_fields' => array(), // List of custom fields that can contain URLs and should be checked. 'acf_fields' => array(), // List of custom fields that can contain URLs and should be checked. 'enabled_post_statuses' => array( 'publish' ), // Only check posts that match one of these statuses 'autoexpand_widget' => true, // Autoexpand the Dashboard widget if broken links are detected 'dashboard_widget_capability' => 'edit_others_posts', // Only display the widget to users who have this capability 'show_link_count_bubble' => true, // Display a notification bubble in the menu when broken links are found 'table_layout' => 'flexible', // The layout of the link table. Possible values : 'classic', 'flexible' 'table_compact' => true, // Compact table mode on/off 'table_visible_columns' => array( 'new-url', 'status', 'used-in', 'new-link-text' ), 'table_links_per_page' => 30, 'table_color_code_status' => true, //Color-code link status text 'need_resynch' => false, // [Internal flag] True if there are unparsed items. 'current_db_version' => 0, // The currently set-up version of the plugin's tables 'timeout' => 30, // (in seconds) Links that take longer than this to respond will be treated as broken. 'highlight_permanent_failures' => false, // Highlight links that have appear to be permanently broken (in Tools -> Broken Links). 'failure_duration_threshold' => 3, // (days) Assume a link is permanently broken if it still hasn't recovered after this many days. 'logging_enabled' => false, 'log_file' => '', 'incorrect_path' => false, 'clear_log_on' => '', 'custom_log_file_enabled' => false, 'installation_complete' => false, 'installation_flag_cleared_on' => 0, 'installation_flag_set_on' => 0, 'user_has_donated' => false, // Whether the user has donated to the plugin. 'donation_flag_fixed' => false, 'show_link_actions' => array( 'blc-deredirect-action' => false ), //Visible link actions. 'youtube_api_key' => '', 'blc_post_modified' => '', ) ); /*********************************************** Logging ************************************************/ include BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/logger.php'; global $blclog; if ( $blc_config_manager->get( 'logging_enabled', false ) && is_writable( $blc_config_manager->get( 'log_file' ) ) ) { $blclog = new blcFileLogger( $blc_config_manager->get( 'log_file' ) ); } else { $blclog = new blcDummyLogger; } /* if ( defined('BLC_DEBUG') && constant('BLC_DEBUG') ){ //Load FirePHP for debug logging if ( !class_exists('FB') && file_exists(BLC_DIRECTORY . '/FirePHPCore/fb.php4') ) { require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/FirePHPCore/fb.php4'; } //FB::setEnabled(false); } //to comment out all calls : (^[^\/]*)(FB::) -> $1\/\/$2 //to uncomment : \/\/(\s*FB::) -> $1 //*/ /*********************************************** Global functions ************************************************/ /** * Get the configuration object used by Broken Link Checker. * * @return blcConfigurationManager */ function blc_get_configuration() { return $GLOBALS['blc_config_manager']; } /** * Notify the link checker that there are unsynched items * that might contain links (e.g. a new or edited post). * * @return void */ function blc_got_unsynched_items() { $conf = blc_get_configuration(); if ( ! $conf->options['need_resynch'] ) { $conf->options['need_resynch'] = true; $conf->save_options(); } } /** * (Re)create synchronization records for all containers and mark them all as unparsed. * * @param bool $forced If true, the plugin will recreate all synch. records from scratch. * @return void */ function blc_resynch( $forced = false ) { global $wpdb, $blclog; if ( $forced ) { $blclog->info( '... Forced resynchronization initiated' ); //Drop all synchronization records $wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE {$wpdb->prefix}blc_synch" ); } else { $blclog->info( '... Resynchronization initiated' ); } //Remove invalid DB entries blc_cleanup_database(); //(Re)create and update synch. records for all container types. $blclog->info( '... (Re)creating container records' ); blcContainerHelper::resynch( $forced ); $blclog->info( '... Setting resync. flags' ); blc_got_unsynched_items(); //All done. $blclog->info( 'Database resynchronization complete.' ); } /** * Delete synch. records, instances and links that refer to missing or invalid items. * * @return void */ function blc_cleanup_database() { global $blclog; //Delete synch. records for container types that don't exist $blclog->info( '... Deleting invalid container records' ); blcContainerHelper::cleanup_containers(); //Delete invalid instances $blclog->info( '... Deleting invalid link instances' ); blc_cleanup_instances(); //Delete orphaned links $blclog->info( '... Deleting orphaned links' ); blc_cleanup_links(); } /*********************************************** Utility hooks ************************************************/ /** * Adds the following cron schedules: * - 10min: every 10 minutes. * - weekly: once per week. * - bimonthly : twice per month. * * @param array $schedules Existing Cron schedules. * @return array */ function blc_cron_schedules( $schedules ) { if ( ! isset( $schedules['10min'] ) ) { $schedules['10min'] = array( 'interval' => 600, 'display' => __( 'Every 10 minutes' ), ); } if ( ! isset( $schedules['weekly'] ) ) { $schedules['weekly'] = array( 'interval' => 604800, //7 days 'display' => __( 'Once Weekly' ), ); } if ( ! isset( $schedules['bimonthly'] ) ) { $schedules['bimonthly'] = array( 'interval' => 15 * 24 * 2600, //15 days 'display' => __( 'Twice a Month' ), ); } return $schedules; } add_filter( 'cron_schedules', 'blc_cron_schedules' ); /*********************************************** Main functionality ************************************************/ require BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/activation.php'; //Load the plugin if installed successfully if ( $blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete'] ) { function blc_init() { global $blc_module_manager, $blc_config_manager, $ws_link_checker; static $init_done = false; if ( $init_done ) { return; } $init_done = true; //Ensure the database is up to date if ( BLC_DATABASE_VERSION !== $blc_config_manager->options['current_db_version'] ) { require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/admin/db-upgrade.php'; blcDatabaseUpgrader::upgrade_database(); //Also updates the DB ver. in options['current_db_version']. } //Load the base classes and utilities require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/links.php'; require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/link-query.php'; require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/instances.php'; require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/utility-class.php'; //Load the module subsystem require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/includes/modules.php'; //Load the modules that want to be executed in all contexts $blc_module_manager->load_modules(); if ( is_admin() || defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ) { //It's an admin-side or Cron request. Load the core. require_once BLC_DIRECTORY . '/core/core.php'; $ws_link_checker = new wsBrokenLinkChecker( BLC_PLUGIN_FILE, $blc_config_manager ); } else { //This is user-side request, so we don't need to load the core. //We might need to inject the CSS for removed links, though. if ( $blc_config_manager->options['mark_removed_links'] && ! empty( $blc_config_manager->options['removed_link_css'] ) ) { function blc_print_removed_link_css() { global $blc_config_manager; echo ''; } add_action( 'wp_head', 'blc_print_removed_link_css' ); } } } add_action( 'init', 'blc_init', 2000 ); } else { //Display installation errors (if any) on the Dashboard. function blc_print_installation_errors() { global $blc_config_manager, $wpdb; if ( $blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete'] ) { return; } $messages = array( '' . __( 'Broken Link Checker installation failed. Try deactivating and then reactivating the plugin.', 'broken-link-checker' ) . '', ); if ( ! $blc_config_manager->db_option_loaded ) { $messages[] = sprintf( 'Failed to load plugin settings from the "%s" option.', $blc_config_manager->option_name ); $messages[] = ''; $serialized_config = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT `option_value` FROM `$wpdb->options` WHERE `option_name` = %s", $blc_config_manager->option_name ) ); if ( null === $serialized_config ) { $messages[] = "Option doesn't exist in the {$wpdb->options} table."; } else { $messages[] = "Option exists in the {$wpdb->options} table and has the following value:"; $messages[] = ''; $messages[] = ''; } } else { $logger = new blcCachedOptionLogger( 'blc_installation_log' ); $messages = array_merge( $messages, array( 'installation_complete = ' . ( isset( $blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete'] ) ? intval( $blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete'] ) : 'no value' ), 'installation_flag_cleared_on = ' . $blc_config_manager->options['installation_flag_cleared_on'], 'installation_flag_set_on = ' . $blc_config_manager->options['installation_flag_set_on'], '', 'Installation log follows :', ), $logger->get_messages() ); } echo '

', implode( "
\n", $messages ), '

'; } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'blc_print_installation_errors' ); } }