true, 'themes.php?page=custom-background' => true, //Files in /wp-admin. 'customize.php' => true, 'edit-comments.php' => true, 'edit-tags.php' => true, 'edit.php' => true, 'export.php' => true, 'import.php' => true, 'index.php' => true, 'link-add.php' => true, 'link-manager.php' => true, 'media-new.php' => true, 'nav-menus.php' => true, 'options-discussion.php' => true, 'options-general.php' => true, 'options-media.php' => true, 'options-permalink.php' => true, 'options-reading.php' => true, 'options-writing.php' => true, 'plugin-editor.php' => true, 'plugin-install.php' => true, 'plugins.php' => true, 'post-new.php' => true, 'profile.php' => true, 'privacy.php' => true, 'site-health.php' => true, 'theme-editor.php' => true, 'themes.php' => true, 'tools.php' => true, 'update-core.php' => true, 'upload.php' => true, 'user-new.php' => true, 'users.php' => true, 'widgets.php' => true, //Network admin items. 'settings.php' => true, 'site-new.php' => true, 'sites.php' => true, 'theme-install.php' => true, 'upgrade.php' => true, //Hidden ACF menu. It's used to show the "Welcome to Advanced Custom Fields" page. 'edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group&page=acf-settings-info' => true, ); private $menusWithNewSubmenus = array(); private $seenMenuUrls = array(); private $isFirstRun = false; public function __construct() { //Run after AME replaces the menu so that we don't pollute the menu editor with our flags and classes. if ( class_exists('WPMenuEditor', false) ) { add_action('admin_menu_editor-menu_replaced', array($this, 'parseAdminMenu')); add_action('admin_menu_editor-menu_replacement_skipped', array($this, 'parseAdminMenu')); } else { add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'parseAdminMenu'), 9000); } add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueueDependencies')); add_action('wp_ajax_' . self::AJAX_FLAG_ACTION, array($this, 'ajaxFlagAsSeen')); add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'flagUrlsFromCookie')); } public function parseAdminMenu() { if ( !current_user_can('activate_plugins') ) { return; } global $menu, $submenu; $this->seenMenuUrls = $this->loadSeenMenus(); if ( empty($this->seenMenuUrls) ) { $this->isFirstRun = true; } foreach ($submenu as $parent => &$items) { foreach ($items as &$submenuItem) { $submenuItem = $this->processItem($submenuItem, $parent); } } unset($items, $submenuItem); foreach ($menu as &$item) { $item = $this->processItem($item); } if ( $this->isFirstRun ) { $urls = array_keys($this->seenMenuUrls); $this->seenMenuUrls = array(); $this->flagAsSeen($urls); } } private function loadSeenMenus() { $seenMenuUrls = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), self::STORAGE_KEY, true); if ( !is_array($seenMenuUrls) ) { $seenMenuUrls = array(); } return $seenMenuUrls; } private function processItem($item, $parentSlug = null) { if ( $this->isIgnoredItem($item) ) { return $item; } $itemSlug = $item[self::ITEM_SLUG_INDEX]; $url = $this->getMenuUrl($itemSlug, $parentSlug); $isBlacklisted = empty($url) || isset(self::$blacklist[$url]); //On first run, just collect all items and flag them as seen. if ( $this->isFirstRun ) { if ( !$isBlacklisted ) { $this->seenMenuUrls[$url] = true; } return $item; } if ( ($this->isNewMenu($url) && !$isBlacklisted) || $this->hasNewSubmenus($itemSlug) ) { $item[self::ITEM_TITLE_INDEX] .= sprintf( '', esc_attr($url) ); if ( ($parentSlug === null) && isset($item[self::ITEM_CLASS_INDEX]) ) { $item[self::ITEM_CLASS_INDEX] .= ' ws-nmh-is-new-menu'; } if ( $parentSlug !== null ) { $this->menusWithNewSubmenus[$parentSlug] = true; } } return $item; } private function getMenuUrl($itemSlug, $parentSlug) { if ( class_exists('ameMenuItem') ) { return ameMenuItem::generate_url($itemSlug, $parentSlug); } else { return $itemSlug; } } private function isIgnoredItem($item) { if ( !isset($item[self::ITEM_SLUG_INDEX]) ) { return true; //That's either an invalid item or an improvised separator. } //Skip separators and unnamed menus. $isSeparator = isset($item[self::ITEM_CLASS_INDEX]) && (strpos($item[self::ITEM_CLASS_INDEX], 'wp-menu-separator') !== false); if ( $isSeparator || empty($item[self::ITEM_SLUG_INDEX]) || ($item[self::ITEM_TITLE_INDEX] === '') ) { return true; } //Skip customizer links. They have a different URL on every admin page, so they'd always show up as new. if ( strpos($item[self::ITEM_SLUG_INDEX], 'customize.php') === 0 ) { return true; } return false; } private function isNewMenu($url) { return empty($this->seenMenuUrls[$url]); } private function hasNewSubmenus($slug) { return !empty($this->menusWithNewSubmenus[$slug]); } public function enqueueDependencies() { $dependencies = array('jquery'); if ( isset($GLOBALS['wp_menu_editor']) && is_callable(array( $GLOBALS['wp_menu_editor'], 'register_jquery_plugins', )) ) { $GLOBALS['wp_menu_editor']->register_jquery_plugins(); $dependencies[] = 'ame-jquery-cookie'; } wp_enqueue_script( 'ws-nmh-admin-script', plugins_url('assets/highlight-menus.js', __FILE__), $dependencies, '20191111' ); wp_localize_script( 'ws-nmh-admin-script', 'wsNmhData', array( 'flagAction' => self::AJAX_FLAG_ACTION, 'flagNonce' => wp_create_nonce(self::AJAX_FLAG_ACTION), ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'ws-nmh-admin-style', plugins_url('assets/menu-highlights.css', __FILE__), array(), '20170503' ); } public function ajaxFlagAsSeen() { check_ajax_referer(self::AJAX_FLAG_ACTION); if ( empty($_POST['urls']) ) { if ( function_exists('status_header') ) { status_header(400); } exit('Error: The required "urls" parameter is missing.'); } $json = strval($_POST['urls']); //Unfortunately, WP applies magic quotes to POST data. if ( function_exists('wp_magic_quotes') && did_action('plugins_loaded') ) { $json = stripslashes($json); } if ( $this->flagAsSeen(json_decode($json)) ) { exit('Success'); } else { exit('Failure'); } } public function flagUrlsFromCookie() { if ( !is_user_logged_in() || empty($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_NAME]) || defined('DOING_AJAX') ) { return; } $urls = json_decode(stripslashes($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_NAME]), true); if ( is_array($urls) ) { $this->flagAsSeen(array_keys($urls)); } setcookie(self::COOKIE_NAME, '', time() - (24 * 3600)); } private function flagAsSeen($menuUrls) { if ( empty($menuUrls) || !is_array($menuUrls) ) { return false; } $menuUrls = array_filter($menuUrls); $this->seenMenuUrls = $this->loadSeenMenus(); //Optimization: Save only if there are changes / new URLs. $urlIndex = array_fill_keys($menuUrls, true); $newUrls = array_diff_key($urlIndex, $this->seenMenuUrls); if ( !empty($newUrls) ) { $this->seenMenuUrls = array_merge($this->seenMenuUrls, $urlIndex); return update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), self::STORAGE_KEY, $this->seenMenuUrls); } else { return false; } } }