option_name = $option_name; if ( is_null($this->is_mu_plugin) ) $this->is_mu_plugin = $this->is_in_wpmu_plugin_dir($plugin_file); $this->plugin_file = $plugin_file; $this->plugin_basename = plugin_basename($this->plugin_file); $this->plugin_dir_url = rtrim(plugin_dir_url($this->plugin_file), '/'); /************************************ Add the default hooks ************************************/ add_action('activate_'.$this->plugin_basename, array($this,'activate')); add_action('deactivate_'.$this->plugin_basename, array($this,'deactivate')); $this->init(); //Call the plugin's init() function $this->init_finish(); //Complete initialization by loading settings, etc } /** * Init the plugin. Should be overridden in a sub-class. * Called by the class constructor. * * @return void */ function init(){ //Do nothing. } /** * Initialize settings and set up magic hooks. * * @return void */ function init_finish(){ /************************************ Load settings ************************************/ //The provided $option_name overrides the default only if it is set to something useful if ( $this->option_name == '' ) { //Generate a unique name $this->option_name = 'plugin_'.md5($this->plugin_basename); } //Do we need to load the plugin's settings? if ($this->option_name != null){ $this->load_options(); } //Add a "Settings" action link if ($this->settings_link) add_filter('plugin_action_links', array($this, 'plugin_action_links'), 10, 2); if ($this->magic_hooks) $this->set_magic_hooks(); } /** * Load the plugin's configuration. * Loads the specified option into $this->options, substituting defaults where necessary. * * @param string $option_name Optional. The slug of the option to load. If not set, the value of $this->option_name will be used instead. * @return boolean TRUE if options were loaded okay and FALSE otherwise. */ function load_options($option_name = null){ if ( empty($option_name) ){ $option_name = $this->option_name; } if ( $this->sitewide_options ) { $this->options = get_site_option($option_name); } else { $this->options = get_option($option_name); } $prefix = 'gzcompress:'; if ( is_string($this->options) && (substr($this->options, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix) && function_exists('gzuncompress') ) { //TODO: Maybe this would be faster if we stored the flag separately? /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ $this->options = unserialize(gzuncompress(base64_decode(substr($this->options, strlen($prefix))))); } if ( $this->serialize_with_json || is_string($this->options) ){ $this->options = $this->json_decode($this->options, true); } if(!is_array($this->options)){ $this->options = $this->defaults; return false; } else { $this->options = array_merge($this->defaults, $this->options); return true; } } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::save_options() * Saves the $options array to the database. * * @return bool */ function save_options(){ if ($this->option_name) { $stored_options = $this->options; if ( $this->serialize_with_json ){ $stored_options = $this->json_encode($stored_options); } if ( $this->zlib_compression && function_exists('gzcompress') ) { /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ $stored_options = 'gzcompress:' . base64_encode(gzcompress(serialize($stored_options))); } if ( $this->sitewide_options && is_multisite() ) { return self::atomic_update_site_option($this->option_name, $stored_options); } else { return update_option($this->option_name, $stored_options); } } return false; } /** * Like update_site_option, but simulates record locking by using the MySQL GET_LOCK() function. * * The goal is to reduce the risk of triggering a race condition in update_site_option. * It would be better to use real transactions, but many (most?) WordPress sites use storage engines * that don't support transactions, like MyISAM. * * @param string $option_name * @param mixed $data * @return bool */ public static function atomic_update_site_option($option_name, $data) { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ $lock = 'ame.' . (is_multisite() ? $wpdb->sitemeta : $wpdb->options ) . '.' . $option_name; //Lock. Note that we're being really optimistic and not checking the return value. $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("SELECT GET_LOCK(%s, %d)", $lock, 5)); //Update. $updated = update_site_option($option_name, $data); //Unlock. $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare('SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(%s)', $lock)); return $updated; } /** * Backwards compatible json_decode. * * @param string $data * @param bool $assoc Decode objects as associative arrays. * @return mixed */ function json_decode($data, $assoc=false){ if ( function_exists('json_decode') ){ return json_decode($data, $assoc); } if ( class_exists('Services_JSON') ){ $flag = $assoc?SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE:0; $json = new Services_JSON($flag); return( $json->decode($data) ); } else { trigger_error('No JSON parser available', E_USER_ERROR); return null; } } /** * Backwards compatible json_encode. * * @param mixed $data * @return string */ function json_encode($data) { if ( function_exists('json_encode') ){ return json_encode($data); } if ( class_exists('Services_JSON') ){ $json = new Services_JSON(); return( $json->encodeUnsafe($data) ); } else { trigger_error('No JSON parser available', E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::set_magic_hooks() * Automagically sets up hooks for all methods named "hook_[tag]". Uses the Reflection API. * * @return void */ function set_magic_hooks(){ $class = new ReflectionClass(get_class($this)); $methods = $class->getMethods(); foreach ($methods as $method){ /** @var ReflectionMethod $method */ //Check if the method name starts with "hook_" if (strpos($method->name, 'hook_') === 0){ //Get the hook's tag from the method name $hook = substr($method->name, 5); //Add the hook. Uses add_filter because add_action is simply a wrapper of the same. add_filter($hook, array($this, $method->name), $this->get_magic_hook_priority(), $method->getNumberOfParameters()); } } unset($class); } public function get_magic_hook_priority() { return $this->magic_hook_priority; } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::activate() * Stub function for the activation hook. * * @return void */ function activate(){ } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::deactivate() * Stub function for the deactivation hook. Does nothing. * * @return void */ function deactivate(){ } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::plugin_action_links() * Adds a "Settings" link to the plugin's action links. Default handler for the 'plugin_action_links' hook. * * @param array $links * @param string $file * @return array */ function plugin_action_links($links, $file) { if (($file == $this->plugin_basename) && is_array($links)) { $links[] = "" . __('Settings') . ""; } return $links; } /** * ShadowPluginFramework::uninstall() * Default uninstaller. Removes the plugins configuration record (if available). * * @return void */ function uninstall(){ if ($this->option_name) delete_option($this->option_name); } /** * Checks if the specified file is inside the mu-plugins directory. * * @param string $filename The filename to check. Leave blank to use the current plugin's filename. * @return bool */ function is_in_wpmu_plugin_dir( $filename = '' ){ if ( !defined('WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR') ) { return false; } if ( empty($filename) ){ $filename = $this->plugin_file; } $normalizedMuPluginDir = realpath(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR); $normalizedFileName = realpath($filename); //If realpath() fails, just normalize the syntax instead. if ( empty($normalizedFileName) || empty($normalizedMuPluginDir) ) { $normalizedMuPluginDir = wp_normalize_path(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR); $normalizedFileName = wp_normalize_path($filename); } //Yet another fallback if the above also fails. if ( !is_string($normalizedMuPluginDir) || empty($normalizedMuPluginDir) ) { if ( is_string(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) ) { $normalizedMuPluginDir = WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR; } else { return false; } } return (strpos( $normalizedFileName, $normalizedMuPluginDir ) !== false); } /** * Check if the plugin is active for the entire network. * Will return true when the plugin is installed in /mu-plugins/ (WPMU, pre-3.0) * or has been activated via "Network Activate" (WP 3.0+). * * Blame the ridiculous blog/site/network confusion perpetrated by * the WP API for the silly name. * * @return bool */ function is_super_plugin(){ if ( is_null($this->is_mu_plugin) ){ $this->is_mu_plugin = $this->is_in_wpmu_plugin_dir($this->plugin_file); } if ( $this->is_mu_plugin ){ return true; } else { return $this->is_plugin_active_for_network($this->plugin_basename); } } /** * Check whether the plugin is active for the entire network. * * Silly WP doesn't load the file that contains this native function until *after* * all plugins are loaded, so until then we use a copy-pasted version of the same. * * @param string $plugin * @return bool */ function is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin ) { if ( function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network') ){ return is_plugin_active_for_network($plugin); } if ( !is_multisite() ) return false; $plugins = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins'); if ( isset($plugins[$plugin]) ) return true; return false; } /** * Check whether the plugin is active. * * @see self::is_plugin_active_for_network * * @param string $plugin * @return bool */ function is_plugin_active($plugin) { if ( function_exists('is_plugin_active') ) { return is_plugin_active($plugin); } return in_array( $plugin, (array) get_option('active_plugins', array()) ) || $this->is_plugin_active_for_network($plugin); } }