array("administrator", "foo")] */ private $cached_user_roles = array(); private $cached_virtual_user_caps = array(); private $virtual_caps_for_this_call = array(); public $disable_virtual_caps = false; public $virtual_cap_mode = 3; //self::ALL_VIRTUAL_CAPS /** * @var array An index of URLs relative to /wp-admin/. Any menus that match the index will be ignored. */ private $menu_url_blacklist = array(); /** * @var array Menu editor page tabs. */ private $tabs = array(); /** * @var string The slug of the current settings tab, if any. */ private $current_tab = ''; /** * @var ameModule[] List of modules that were loaded for the current request. */ private $loaded_modules = array(); private $are_modules_loaded = false; /** * @var array List of capabilities that are used in the default admin menu. Used to detect meta capabilities. */ private $caps_used_in_menu = array(); public $is_access_test = false; private $test_menu = null; /** * @var ameAccessTestRunner|null */ private $access_test_runner = null; /** * @var Exception|null */ private $last_menu_exception = null; function init(){ $this->sitewide_options = true; //Set some plugin-specific options if ( empty($this->option_name) ){ $this->option_name = 'ws_menu_editor'; } $this->defaults = array( 'hide_advanced_settings' => true, 'show_extra_icons' => false, 'custom_menu' => null, 'custom_network_menu' => null, 'first_install_time' => null, 'display_survey_notice' => true, 'plugin_db_version' => 0, 'security_logging_enabled' => false, 'menu_config_scope' => ($this->is_super_plugin() || !is_multisite()) ? 'global' : 'site', //super_admin, specific_user, or a capability. 'plugin_access' => $this->is_super_plugin() ? 'super_admin' : 'manage_options', //The ID of the user who is allowed to use this plugin. Only used when plugin_access == specific_user. 'allowed_user_id' => null, //The user who can see this plugin on the "Plugins" page. By default all admins can see it. 'plugins_page_allowed_user_id' => null, 'show_deprecated_hide_button' => true, //Note: Un-deprecated as of 2015.10.01. 'dashboard_hiding_confirmation_enabled' => true, //When to show submenu icons. 'submenu_icons_enabled' => 'if_custom', //"never", "if_custom" or "always". //Enable/disable CSS workaround that helps override menu icons set by other plugins. 'force_custom_dashicons' => true, //Menu editor UI colour scheme. "Classic" is the old blue/yellow scheme, and "wp-grey" is more WP-like. 'ui_colour_scheme' => 'classic', //User logins that will show up in the actor list at the top of the editor. 'visible_users' => array(), //Enable/disable the admin notice that tells the user where the plugin settings menu is. 'show_plugin_menu_notice' => true, //Where to place menu items that are not part of the last saved menu configuration. //This usually applies to new items added by other plugins and, in Multisite, items that exist on //the current site but did not exist on the site where the user last edited the menu configuration. 'unused_item_position' => 'relative', //"relative" or "bottom". //Permissions for menu items that are not part of the save menu configuration. //The default is to leave the permissions unchanged. 'unused_item_permissions' => 'unchanged', //"unchanged" or "match_plugin_access". //Verbosity level of menu permission errors. 'error_verbosity' => self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, //Enable/disable menu configuration compression. Enabling it makes the DB row much smaller, //but adds decompression overhead to very admin page. 'compress_custom_menu' => false, //Make custom menu and page titles translatable with WPML. They will appear in the "Strings" section. //This only applies to custom (i.e. changed) titles. 'wpml_support_enabled' => true, //Prevent bbPress from resetting its own roles. This should allow the user to edit bbPress roles //with any role editing plugin. Disabled by default due to risk of conflicts and the performance impact. 'bbpress_override_enabled' => false, //Which modules are active or inactive. Format: ['module-id' => true/false]. 'is_active_module' => array( 'highlight-new-menus' => false, ), ); $this->serialize_with_json = false; //(Don't) store the options in JSON format //WP 4.3+ uses H1 headings for admin pages. Older versions use H2 instead. self::$admin_heading_tag = version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '4.3', '<') ? 'h2' : 'h1'; $this->settings_link = (is_network_admin() ? 'settings.php' : 'options-general.php') . '?page=menu_editor'; $this->magic_hooks = true; //Run our hooks last (almost). Priority is less than PHP_INT_MAX mostly for defensive programming purposes. //Old PHP versions have known bugs related to large array keys, and WP might have undiscovered edge cases. $this->magic_hook_priority = PHP_INT_MAX - 10; /* * Menu blacklist. Any menu items that *exactly* match one of the URLs on this list will be ignored. * They won't show up in the editor or the admin menu, but they will remain accessible (caps permitting). * * This is a workaround for plugins that add a menu item and then remove it. Most plugins do this * to create "Welcome" or "What's New" pages that are accessible but don't appear in the admin menu. * * We can't automatically detect menus like that. Here's why: * 1) Most plugins remove them too late, e.g. in admin_head. By that point, output has already started. * We need the finalize the list of menu items and their permissions before that. * 2) It's hard to automatically determine *why* a menu item was removed. We can't distinguish between * cosmetic changes like the hidden "welcome" items and people removing menus to deny access. */ $this->menu_url_blacklist = array( //WP RSS Aggregator 4.7.7 'index.php?page=wprss-welcome' => true, //AffiliateWP 1.7.8 'index.php?page=affwp-getting-started' => true, 'index.php?page=affwp-what-is-new' => true, 'index.php?page=affwp-credits' => true, //BuddyPress 2.3.4 'index.php?page=bp-about' => true, 'index.php?page=bp-credits' => true, //DW Question Answer 'index.php?page=dwqa-about' => true, 'index.php?page=dwqa-changelog' => true, 'index.php?page=dwqa-credits' => true, //Ninja Forms 2.9.41 'index.php?page=nf-about' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-changelog' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-getting-started' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-credits' => true, //All in One SEO Pack 'index.php?page=aioseop-about' => true, //WP Courseware 4.1.2 //'wpcw' => true, //This is commented out due to a bug. The Courseware top level menu and its first submenu //both have the URL "wpcw", but the top level menu also has some visible, non-blacklisted items. AME would //still hide the entire menu because the template builder doesn't check if a menu has submenu items. 'admin.php?page=wpcw-course-classroom' => true, 'admin.php?page=wpcw-student' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ConvertPage' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_CourseOrdering' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_GradeBook' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyCourse' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyModule' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyQuestion' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyQuiz' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserCourseAccess' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess' => true, 'admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers' => true, //Extended Widget Options 'index.php?page=extended-widget-opts-getting-started' => true, //Snax 'options-general.php?page=snax-pages-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-lists-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-quizzes-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-polls-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-stories-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-memes-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-audios-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-videos-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-images-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-galleries-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-embeds-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-voting-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-limits-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-auth-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-moderation-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-embedly-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-demo-settings' => true, 'index.php?page=snax-about' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-collections-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-links-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-extproduct-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-slog-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-slog-networks-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-slog-locations-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-slog-log-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-slog-gdpr-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-shares-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=snax-shares-positions-settings' => true, //Media Ace 'options-general.php?page=mace-image-bulk-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-lazy_load-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-watermarks-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-hotlink-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-gif-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-auto-featured-image-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-expiry-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-video-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-gallery-settings' => true, 'options-general.php?page=mace-general-settings' => true, //"What's Your Reaction" 'options-general.php?page=wyr-fakes-settings' => true, //WP-Job-Manager 1.34.1 'index.php?page=job-manager-setup' => true, //Simple Calendar 3.1.33 'index.php?page=simple-calendar_about' => true, 'index.php?page=simple-calendar_credits' => true, 'index.php?page=simple-calendar_translators' => true, ); //AJAXify screen options add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_save_screen_options', array($this,'ajax_save_screen_options')); //AJAXify hints and warnings add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_hide_hint', array($this, 'ajax_hide_hint')); add_action( 'wp_ajax_ws_ame_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation', array($this, 'ajax_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation') ); //Retrieve a list of pages via AJAX. add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_get_pages', array($this, 'ajax_get_pages')); //Get details about a specific page via AJAX. add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_get_page_details', array($this, 'ajax_get_page_details')); //Make sure we have access to the original, un-mangled request data. //This is necessary because WordPress will stupidly apply "magic quotes" //to the request vars even if this PHP misfeature is disabled. $this->capture_request_vars(); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_menu_fix_script')); //Enqueue miscellaneous helper scripts and styles. add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_helper_scripts')); add_action('admin_print_styles', array($this, 'enqueue_helper_styles')); //Make sure our scripts load before other plugins' scripts. add_action('admin_print_scripts', array($this, 'move_editor_scripts_to_top')); //User survey add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'display_survey_notice')); //Tell first-time users where they can find the plugin settings page. add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'display_plugin_menu_notice')); //Reset plugin access if the only allowed user gets deleted or their ID changes. add_action('wp_login', array($this, 'maybe_reset_plugin_access'), 10, 2); //Grant virtual capabilities like "super_user" to users. add_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, 'grant_virtual_caps_to_user'), 9, 3); add_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, 'regrant_virtual_caps_to_user'), 200, 1); //Update caches when the current user changes. add_action('set_current_user', array($this, 'update_current_user_cache'), 1, 0); //Run before most plugins. //Clear or refresh per-user caches when the user's roles or capabilities change. add_action('updated_user_meta', array($this, 'on_user_metadata_changed'), 10, 3); add_action('deleted_user_meta', array($this, 'on_user_metadata_changed'), 10, 3); //There's also a "set_user_role" hook, but it's only called by WP_User::set_role and not WP_User::add_role. //It's also redundant - WP_User::set_role updates user meta, so the above hooks already cover it. //Multisite: Clear role and capability caches when switching to another site. add_action('switch_blog', array($this, 'clear_site_specific_caches'), 10, 0); //"Test Access" feature. if ( (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) || isset($this->get['ame-test-menu-access-as']) ) { require_once 'access-test-runner.php'; $this->access_test_runner = new ameAccessTestRunner($this, $this->get); } //Additional links below the plugin description. add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array($this, 'add_plugin_row_meta_links'), 10, 2); //Utility actions. Modules can use them in their templates. add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_tabs', array($this, 'display_editor_tabs')); add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_header', array($this, 'display_settings_page_header')); add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_footer', array($this, 'display_settings_page_footer')); } function init_finish() { parent::init_finish(); $should_save_options = false; //If we have no stored settings for this version of the plugin, try importing them //from other versions (i.e. the free or the Pro version). if ( !$this->load_options() ){ $this->import_settings(); $should_save_options = true; } $this->zlib_compression = $this->options['compress_custom_menu']; //Track first install time. if ( !isset($this->options['first_install_time']) ) { $this->options['first_install_time'] = time(); $should_save_options = true; } if ( $this->options['plugin_db_version'] < $this->plugin_db_version ) { /* Put any activation code here. */ $this->options['plugin_db_version'] = $this->plugin_db_version; $should_save_options = true; } if ( $should_save_options ) { //Skip saving options if the plugin hasn't been fully activated yet. if ( $this->is_plugin_active($this->plugin_basename) ) { $this->save_options(); } else { //Yes, this method can actually run before WP updates the list of active plugins. That means functions //like is_plugin_active_for_network() will return false. As as result, we can't determine whether //the plugin has been network-activated yet, so lets skip setting up the default config until //the next page load. } } //This is here and not in init() because it relies on $options being initialized. if ( $this->options['security_logging_enabled'] ) { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'display_security_log')); } //Compatibility fix for MailPoet 3. $this->apply_mailpoet_compat_fix(); //bbPress role override. if ( !empty($this->options['bbpress_override_enabled']) ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/bbpress-role-override.php'; new ameBBPressRoleOverride(); } if ( did_action('plugins_loaded') ) { $this->load_modules(); } else { add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'load_modules'), 11); } } public function load_modules() { //Load any active modules that haven't been loaded yet. foreach($this->get_active_modules() as $id => $module) { if ( array_key_exists($id, $this->loaded_modules) ) { continue; } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include ($module['path']); if ( !empty($module['className']) ) { $instance = new $module['className']($this); $this->loaded_modules[$id] = $instance; } else { $this->loaded_modules[$id] = true; } } $this->are_modules_loaded = true; //Set up the tabs for the menu editor page. Many tabs are provided by modules. $firstTabs = array('editor' => 'Admin Menu'); if ( is_network_admin() ) { //TODO: This could be in extras.php $firstTabs = array('network-admin-menu' => 'Network Admin Menu'); } $this->tabs = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-tabs', $firstTabs); //The "Settings" tab is always last. $this->tabs['settings'] = 'Settings'; } /** * @return ameModule[] */ public function get_loaded_modules() { return $this->loaded_modules; } /** * Import settings from a different version of the plugin. * * @return bool True if settings were imported successfully, False otherwise */ function import_settings(){ $possible_names = array('ws_menu_editor', 'ws_menu_editor_pro'); foreach($possible_names as $option_name){ if ( $this->load_options($option_name) ){ return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a configuration page and load the custom menu * * @return void */ function hook_admin_menu(){ global $menu, $submenu; //Compatibility fix for Shopp 1.2.9. This plugin has an "admin_menu" hook (Flow::menu) that adds another //"admin_menu" hook (AdminFlow::taxonomies) when it runs. Basically, it indirectly modifies the global //$wp_filters['admin_menu'] array while WordPress is iterating it (nasty!). Due to how PHP arrays are //implemented and how do_action() works, this second hook is the very last one to run, even after hooks //with a lower priority. //The only way we can see the changes made by the second hook is to do the same thing. static $firstRunSkipped = false; if ( !$firstRunSkipped && class_exists('Flow') ) { add_action(current_filter(), array($this, 'hook_admin_menu'), $this->magic_hook_priority + 1); $firstRunSkipped = true; return; } //Menu reset (for emergencies). Executed by accessing $reset_requested = isset($this->get['reset_admin_menu']) && $this->get['reset_admin_menu']; if ( $reset_requested && $this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ){ $this->set_custom_menu(null); } //The menu editor is only visible to users with the manage_options privilege. //Or, if the plugin is installed in mu-plugins, only to the site administrator(s). if ( $this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ){ $this->log_security_note('Current user can edit the admin menu.'); //Determine the current menu editor page tab. reset($this->tabs); $this->current_tab = isset($this->get['sub_section']) ? strval($this->get['sub_section']) : key($this->tabs); $tab_title = ''; if ($this->current_tab !== 'editor' && isset($this->tabs[$this->current_tab])) { $tab_title = ' - ' . $this->tabs[$this->current_tab]; } $parent_slug = is_network_admin() ? 'settings.php' : 'options-general.php'; $page = add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-self_page_title', 'Menu Editor') . $tab_title, apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-self_menu_title', 'Menu Editor'), apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-capability', 'manage_options'), 'menu_editor', array($this, 'page_menu_editor') ); //Output our JS & CSS on that page only add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", array($this, 'enqueue_scripts'), 1); add_action("admin_print_styles-$page", array($this, 'enqueue_styles')); //Make sure Lodash doesn't conflict with the copy of Underscore that's bundled with WordPress. add_filter('script_loader_tag', array($this, 'lodash_noconflict'), 10, 2); //Filter exists since WP 4.1. //Compatibility fix for All In One Event Calendar; see the callback for details. add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", array($this, 'dequeue_ai1ec_scripts')); //Compatibility fix for Participants Database. add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", array($this, 'dequeue_pd_scripts')); //Experimental compatibility fix for Ultimate TinyMCE add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", array($this, 'remove_ultimate_tinymce_qtags')); //Make a placeholder for our screen options (hacky) $screen_hook_name = $page; if ( is_network_admin() ) { $screen_hook_name .= '-network'; } if ( $this->current_tab === 'editor' ) { add_meta_box("ws-ame-screen-options", "[AME placeholder]", '__return_false', $screen_hook_name); } } //Compatibility fix for the WooCommerce order count bubble. Must be run before storing or processing $submenu. $this->apply_woocommerce_order_count_fix(); //Store the "original" menus for later use in the editor $this->default_wp_menu = $menu; $this->default_wp_submenu = $submenu; //Compatibility fix for bbPress. $this->apply_bbpress_compat_fix(); //Compatibility fix for WooCommerce (woo). $this->apply_woocommerce_compat_fix(); //Compatibility fix for WordPress Mu Domain Mapping. $this->apply_wpmu_domain_mapping_fix(); //Compatibility fix for Divi Training. $this->apply_divi_training_fix(); //As of WP 3.5, the "Links" menu is hidden by default. if ( !current_user_can('manage_links') ) { $this->remove_link_manager_menus(); } //Generate item templates from the default menu. $templateBuilder = new ameMenuTemplateBuilder(); $this->item_templates = $templateBuilder->build( $this->default_wp_menu, $this->default_wp_submenu, $this->menu_url_blacklist ); //Store the default order for later. It will be used when (re)inserting unused items into the menu. $this->relative_template_order = $templateBuilder->getRelativeTemplateOrder(); //Add extra templates that are not part of the normal menu. $this->item_templates = $this->add_special_templates($this->item_templates); //TODO: It would be nice to add the "Delete Site" item on multisite when on the main site. //Is there a custom menu to use? $custom_menu = $this->load_custom_menu(); if ( $custom_menu !== null ){ //Merge in data from the default menu $custom_menu['tree'] = $this->menu_merge($custom_menu['tree']); //Save the merged menu for later - the editor page will need it $this->merged_custom_menu = $custom_menu; //Convert our custom menu to the $menu + $submenu structure used by WP. //Note: This method sets up multiple internal fields and may cause side-effects. $this->user_cap_cache_enabled = true; $this->build_custom_wp_menu($this->merged_custom_menu['tree']); $this->user_cap_cache_enabled = false; if ( $this->is_access_test ) { $this->access_test_runner['wasCustomMenuApplied'] = true; $this->access_test_runner->setCurrentMenuItem($this->get_current_menu_item()); } if ( !$this->user_can_access_current_page() ) { $this->log_security_note('DENY access.'); if ( $this->is_access_test ) { $this->access_test_runner['userCanAccessCurrentPage'] = false; } $message = 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this admin page.'; if ( ($this->options['error_verbosity'] >= self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) ) { $current_item = $this->get_current_menu_item(); if ( isset($current_item, $current_item['access_decision_reason']) ) { $message .= sprintf( '

Reason: %s

', htmlentities($current_item['access_decision_reason']) ); } } if ($this->options['security_logging_enabled'] || ($this->options['error_verbosity'] >= self::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) ) { $message .= '

Admin Menu Editor security log

'; $message .= $this->get_formatted_security_log(); } do_action('admin_page_access_denied'); wp_die($message); } else { $this->log_security_note('ALLOW access.'); if ( $this->is_access_test ) { $this->access_test_runner['userCanAccessCurrentPage'] = ($this->access_test_runner['currentMenuItem'] !== null); } } //Replace the admin menu just before it is displayed and restore it afterwards. //The fact that replace_wp_menu() is attached to the 'parent_file' hook is incidental; //there just wasn't any other, more suitable hook available. add_filter('parent_file', array($this, 'replace_wp_menu')); add_action('adminmenu', array($this, 'restore_wp_menu')); //A compatibility hack for Ozh's Admin Drop Down Menu. Make sure it also sees the modified menu. $ozh_adminmenu_priority = has_action('in_admin_header', 'wp_ozh_adminmenu'); if ( $ozh_adminmenu_priority !== false ) { add_action('in_admin_header', array($this, 'replace_wp_menu'), $ozh_adminmenu_priority - 1); add_action('in_admin_header', array($this, 'restore_wp_menu'), $ozh_adminmenu_priority + 1); } } else { do_action('admin_menu_editor-menu_replacement_skipped'); } } /** * Replace the current WP menu with our custom one. * * @param string $parent_file Ignored. Required because this method is a hook for the 'parent_file' filter. * @return string Returns the $parent_file argument. */ public function replace_wp_menu($parent_file = '') { global $menu, $submenu; $this->old_wp_menu = $menu; $this->old_wp_submenu = $submenu; $menu = $this->custom_wp_menu; $submenu = $this->custom_wp_submenu; $this->user_cap_cache_enabled = true; $this->filter_global_menu(); $this->user_cap_cache_enabled = false; do_action('admin_menu_editor-menu_replaced'); return $parent_file; } /** * Restore the default WordPress menu that was replaced using replace_wp_menu(). * * @return void */ public function restore_wp_menu() { global $menu, $submenu; $menu = $this->old_wp_menu; $submenu = $this->old_wp_submenu; } /** * Filter a menu so that it can be handed to _wp_menu_output(). This method basically * emulates the filtering that WordPress does in /wp-admin/includes/menu.php, with a few * additions of our own. * * - Removes inaccessible items and superfluous separators. * * - Sets accessible items to a capability that the user is guaranteed to have to prevent * _wp_menu_output() from choking on plugin-specific capabilities like "cap1,cap2+not:cap3". * * - Adds position-dependent CSS classes. * * @global array $menu * @global array $submenu * * @return void */ private function filter_global_menu() { global $menu, $submenu; global $_wp_menu_nopriv; //Caution: Modifying this array could lead to unexpected consequences. //Remove sub-menus which the user shouldn't be able to access, //and ensure the rest are visible. foreach ($submenu as $parent => $items) { foreach ($items as $index => $data) { if ( ! $this->current_user_can($data[1]) ) { unset($submenu[$parent][$index]); $_wp_submenu_nopriv[$parent][$data[2]] = true; } else { //The menu might be set to some kind of special capability that is only valid //within this plugin and not WP in general. Ensure WP doesn't choke on it. //(This is safe - we'll double-check the caps when the user tries to access a page.) $submenu[$parent][$index][1] = 'exist'; //All users have the 'exist' cap. } } if ( empty($submenu[$parent]) ) { unset($submenu[$parent]); } } //Remove consecutive submenu separators. This can happen if there are separators around a menu item //that is not accessible to the current user. foreach ($submenu as $parent => $items) { $found_separator = false; foreach ($items as $index => $item) { //Separator have a dummy #anchor as a URL. See wsMenuEditorExtras::create_submenu_separator(). if (strpos($item[2], '#submenu-separator-') === 0) { if ( $found_separator ) { unset($submenu[$parent][$index]); } $found_separator = true; } else { $found_separator = false; } } } //Remove menus that have no accessible sub-menus and require privileges that the user does not have. //Ensure the rest are visible. Run re-parent loop again. foreach ( $menu as $id => $data ) { if ( ! $this->current_user_can($data[1]) ) { $_wp_menu_nopriv[$data[2]] = true; } else { $menu[$id][1] = 'exist'; } //If there is only one submenu and it is has same destination as the parent, //remove the submenu. if ( ! empty( $submenu[$data[2]] ) && 1 == count ( $submenu[$data[2]] ) ) { $subs = $submenu[$data[2]]; $first_sub = array_shift($subs); if ( $data[2] == $first_sub[2] ) { unset( $submenu[$data[2]] ); } } //If submenu is empty... if ( empty($submenu[$data[2]]) ) { // And user doesn't have privs, remove menu. if ( isset( $_wp_menu_nopriv[$data[2]] ) ) { unset($menu[$id]); } } } unset($id, $data, $subs, $first_sub); //Remove any duplicated separators $separator_found = false; foreach ( $menu as $id => $data ) { if ( 0 == strcmp('wp-menu-separator', $data[4] ) ) { if ($separator_found) { unset($menu[$id]); } $separator_found = true; } else { $separator_found = false; } } unset($id, $data); //Remove the last menu item if it is a separator. $last_menu_key = array_keys( $menu ); $last_menu_key = array_pop( $last_menu_key ); if (!empty($menu) && 'wp-menu-separator' == $menu[$last_menu_key][4]) { unset($menu[$last_menu_key]); } unset( $last_menu_key ); //Add display-specific classes like "menu-top-first" and others. $menu = add_menu_classes($menu); } public function register_base_dependencies() { static $done = false; if ( $done ) { return; } $done = true; $this->register_jquery_plugins(); //Lodash library wp_register_auto_versioned_script('ame-lodash', plugins_url('js/lodash.min.js', $this->plugin_file)); //Knockout wp_register_auto_versioned_script('knockout', plugins_url('js/knockout.js', $this->plugin_file)); //Actor manager. wp_register_auto_versioned_script( 'ame-actor-manager', plugins_url('js/actor-manager.js', $this->plugin_file), array('ame-lodash') ); $roles = array(); $wp_roles = ameRoleUtils::get_roles(); foreach($wp_roles->roles as $role_id => $role) { $role['capabilities'] = $this->castValuesToBool($role['capabilities']); $roles[$role_id] = $role; } //Known users. $users = array(); $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $logins_to_include = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-users_to_load', array()); //Always include the current user. $logins_to_include[] = $current_user->get('user_login'); $logins_to_include = array_unique($logins_to_include); //Load user details. foreach($logins_to_include as $login) { $user = get_user_by('login', $login); if ( !empty($user) ) { $users[$login] = $this->user_to_property_map($user); } } //Compatibility workaround: Get the real roles of the current user even if other plugins corrupt the list. $users[$current_user->get('user_login')]['roles'] = array_values($this->get_user_roles($current_user)); $suspected_meta_caps = $this->detect_meta_caps($roles, $users); //The current user has all of the meta caps. That's how we know they're meta caps and not just regular //capabilities that simply haven't been granted to anyone. $users[$current_user->get('user_login')]['meta_capabilities'] = $suspected_meta_caps; //TODO: Include currentUserLogin $actor_data = array( 'roles' => $roles, 'users' => $users, 'isMultisite' => is_multisite(), 'capPower' => $this->load_cap_power(), 'suspectedMetaCaps' => $suspected_meta_caps, ); wp_localize_script('ame-actor-manager', 'wsAmeActorData', $actor_data); //Modules wp_register_auto_versioned_script( 'ame-access-editor', plugins_url('modules/access-editor/access-editor.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery', 'ame-lodash') ); //Let extras register their scripts. do_action('admin_menu_editor-register_scripts'); } /** * @access private */ public function register_jquery_plugins() { //jQuery JSON plugin wp_register_auto_versioned_script('jquery-json', plugins_url('js/jquery.json.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery')); //jQuery sort plugin wp_register_auto_versioned_script('jquery-sort', plugins_url('js/jquery.sort.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery')); //qTip2 - jQuery tooltip plugin wp_register_auto_versioned_script('jquery-qtip', plugins_url('js/jquery.qtip.min.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery')); //jQuery Form plugin. This is a more recent version than the one included with WP. wp_register_auto_versioned_script('ame-jquery-form', plugins_url('js/jquery.form.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery')); //jQuery cookie plugin wp_register_auto_versioned_script('ame-jquery-cookie', plugins_url('js/jquery.biscuit.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery')); } /** * Detect meta capabilities. * This only works if the current user is an admin. In Multisite, they must be a Super Admin. * * @param array $roles * @param array $users * @return array [capability => true] */ private function detect_meta_caps($roles, $users) { if ( !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() || !is_super_admin() ) { return array(); } //Any capability that's assigned to a role probably isn't a meta capability. $allRealCaps = ameRoleUtils::get_all_capabilities(true); //Similarly, capabilities that are directly assigned to users are probably real. foreach($users as $user) { $allRealCaps = array_merge($allRealCaps, $user['capabilities']); } //Role IDs can also be used as capabilities. foreach($roles as $roleId => $role) { $allRealCaps[$roleId] = true; } //Collect all of the required capabilities from the admin menu. $menu = $this->get_default_menu(); ameMenu::for_each($menu['tree'], array($this, 'collect_menu_cap')); //Any capability that's part of the admin menu but not assigned to any role or user //is probably a meta capability. $suspectedMetaCaps = array_diff_key($this->caps_used_in_menu, $allRealCaps); //The current user is an admin and should have access to everything. If they don't have a cap, //that's probably a non-meta cap that isn't enabled for *anyone*. $suspectedMetaCaps = array_filter(array_keys($suspectedMetaCaps), 'current_user_can'); return array_fill_keys($suspectedMetaCaps, true); } /** * @access private * @param array $item */ public function collect_menu_cap($item) { if ( isset($item['defaults'], $item['defaults']['access_level']) ) { $this->caps_used_in_menu[$item['defaults']['access_level']] = true; } } /** @noinspection PhpUnusedPrivateMethodInspection */ /** * Unfinished feature: Detect which roles have which meta capabilities. * * Create a temp. user for each role, test which meta caps they have, then cache the results in a site option. * Put this part in an AJAX request to avoid a massive slowdown (takes several seconds even on a fast PC). * * @param array $suspected_meta_caps * @param string[] $roleIds * @return array */ private function analyse_role_meta_caps($suspected_meta_caps, $roleIds) { //$start = microtime(true); $results = array(); $real_current_user = wp_get_current_user(); foreach($roleIds as $role_id) { $id = wp_insert_user(array( 'role' => $role_id, 'user_login' => wp_slash('ametemp_' . wp_generate_password(14)), 'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(20), 'display_name' => 'Temporary user created by AME', )); $user = new WP_User($id); //Some plugins only check the current user and ignore the user ID passed to the "user_has_cap" filter. //To account for cases like that, we need to also change the current user. wp_set_current_user($user->ID); $results[$role_id] = array(); foreach($suspected_meta_caps as $meta_cap => $ignored) { $results[$role_id][$meta_cap] = $user->has_cap($meta_cap); } wp_delete_user($id); } //Restore the original user. wp_set_current_user($real_current_user->ID); /*$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; printf('Meta cap analysis: %.2f ms
', $elapsed * 1000);*/ return $results; } /** * Add the JS required by the editor to the page header * * @return void */ function enqueue_scripts() { //Optimization: Remove wp-emoji.js from the plugin page. wpEmoji makes DOM manipulation slow because //it tracks *all* DOM changes using MutationObserver. remove_action('admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script'); //Workaround: Suppress a buggy "lets add a 'defer' attribute to all '; } return $tag; } /** * Compatibility workaround for All In One Event Calendar 1.8.3-premium. * * The event calendar plugin is known to crash Admin Menu Editor Pro 1.40. The exact cause * of the crash is unknown, but we can prevent it by removing AIOEC scripts from the menu * editor page. * * This should not affect the functionality of the event calendar plugin. The scripts * in question don't seem to do anything on pages not related to the event calendar. AIOEC * just loads them indiscriminately on all pages. */ public function dequeue_ai1ec_scripts() { wp_dequeue_script('ai1ec_requirejs'); wp_dequeue_script('ai1ec_common_backend'); wp_dequeue_script('ai1ec_add_new_event_require'); } /** * Compatibility workaround for Participants Database * * Participants Database loads its settings JavaScript on every page in the "Settings" menu, * not just its own. It doesn't bother to also load the script's dependencies, though, so * the script crashes *and* it breaks the menu editor by way of collateral damage. * * Fix by forcibly removing the offending script from the queue. */ public function dequeue_pd_scripts() { if ( is_plugin_active('participants-database/participants-database.php') ) { wp_dequeue_script('settings_script'); } } public function remove_ultimate_tinymce_qtags() { remove_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', 'jwl_ult_quicktags'); } /** * Add the editor's CSS file to the page header * * @return void */ function enqueue_styles(){ wp_enqueue_auto_versioned_style('jquery-qtip-syle', plugins_url('css/jquery.qtip.min.css', $this->plugin_file), array()); wp_register_auto_versioned_style('menu-editor-base-style', plugins_url('css/menu-editor.css', $this->plugin_file)); wp_register_auto_versioned_style( 'menu-editor-colours-classic', plugins_url('css/style-classic.css', $this->plugin_file), array('menu-editor-base-style') ); wp_register_auto_versioned_style( 'menu-editor-colours-wp-grey', plugins_url('css/style-wp-grey.css', $this->plugin_file), array('menu-editor-base-style') ); wp_register_auto_versioned_style( 'menu-editor-colours-modern-one', plugins_url('css/style-modern-one.css', $this->plugin_file), array('menu-editor-base-style') ); //WordPress introduced a new screen meta button style in WP 3.8. //We have two different stylesheets - one for 3.8+ and one for backwards compatibility. wp_register_auto_versioned_style('menu-editor-screen-meta', plugins_url('css/screen-meta.css', $this->plugin_file)); wp_register_auto_versioned_style('menu-editor-screen-meta-old', plugins_url('css/screen-meta-old-wp.css', $this->plugin_file)); if ( isset($GLOBALS['wp_version']) && version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.8-RC1', '<') ) { wp_enqueue_style('menu-editor-screen-meta-old'); } else { wp_enqueue_style('menu-editor-screen-meta'); } $scheme = $this->options['ui_colour_scheme']; wp_enqueue_style('menu-editor-colours-' . $scheme); wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); do_action('admin_menu_editor-enqueue_styles-' . $this->current_tab); } /** * Set and save a new custom menu for the current site. * * @param array|null $custom_menu * @param string|null $config_id Supported values: 'network-admin', 'global' or 'site' */ function set_custom_menu($custom_menu, $config_id = null) { if ( $config_id === null ) { $config_id = $this->guess_menu_config_id(); } $custom_menu = apply_filters('ame_pre_set_custom_menu', $custom_menu); $previous_custom_menu = $this->load_custom_menu($config_id); if ( !empty($this->options['wpml_support_enabled']) ) { $this->update_wpml_strings($previous_custom_menu, $custom_menu); } if ( !empty($custom_menu) ) { $custom_menu['prebuilt_virtual_caps'] = $this->build_virtual_capability_list($custom_menu); } if ( !empty($custom_menu) && $this->options['compress_custom_menu'] ) { $custom_menu = ameMenu::compress($custom_menu); } if ($config_id === 'site') { $site_specific_options = get_option($this->option_name); if ( !is_array($site_specific_options) ) { $site_specific_options = array(); } $site_specific_options['custom_menu'] = $custom_menu; update_option($this->option_name, $site_specific_options); } else if ($config_id === 'global') { $this->options['custom_menu'] = $custom_menu; $this->save_options(); } else if ($config_id === 'network-admin' ) { $this->options['custom_network_menu'] = $custom_menu; $this->save_options(); } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Invalid menu configuration ID: "%s"', $config_id)); } $this->loaded_menu_config_id = null; $this->cached_custom_menu = null; $this->cached_virtual_caps = null; $this->cached_user_caps = array(); } /** * Load the current custom menu for this site, if any. * * @param null $config_id * @return array|null Either a menu in the internal format, or NULL if there is no custom menu available. */ public function load_custom_menu($config_id = null) { if ( $config_id === null ) { $config_id = $this->guess_menu_config_id(); } if ( ($this->cached_custom_menu !== null) && ($this->loaded_menu_config_id === $config_id) ) { return $this->cached_custom_menu; } //Modules may include custom hooks that change how menu settings are loaded, so we need to load active modules //before we load the menu configuration. Usually that happens automatically, but there are some plugins that //trigger AME filters that need menu data before modules would normally be loaded. if ( !$this->are_modules_loaded ) { $this->load_modules(); } $this->loaded_menu_config_id = $config_id; if ( $this->is_access_test ) { return $this->test_menu; } try { if ( $config_id === 'network-admin' ) { if ( empty($this->options['custom_network_menu']) ) { return null; } $this->cached_custom_menu = ameMenu::load_array($this->options['custom_network_menu']); } else if ( $config_id === 'site' ) { $site_specific_options = get_option($this->option_name, null); if ( is_array($site_specific_options) && isset($site_specific_options['custom_menu']) ) { $this->cached_custom_menu = ameMenu::load_array($site_specific_options['custom_menu']); } } else { if ( empty($this->options['custom_menu']) ) { return null; } $this->cached_custom_menu = ameMenu::load_array($this->options['custom_menu']); } } catch (InvalidMenuException $exception) { if ( is_admin() && is_user_logged_in() && !did_action('all_admin_notices') ) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_config_corruption_error')); $this->last_menu_exception = $exception; } return null; } return $this->cached_custom_menu; } /** * Display a notice about the exception that was thrown when loading the menu configuration. */ public function show_config_corruption_error() { if ( !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() || is_null($this->last_menu_exception) ) { return; } printf( '


', 'Admin Menu Editor encountered an error while trying to load the menu configuration!
' . esc_html($this->last_menu_exception->getMessage()) ); } private function guess_menu_config_id() { if ( is_network_admin() ) { return 'network-admin'; } elseif ( $this->should_use_site_specific_menu() ) { return 'site'; } else { return 'global'; } } /** * @return string|null */ public function get_loaded_menu_config_id() { return $this->loaded_menu_config_id; } /** * Determine if we should use a site-specific admin menu configuration * for the current site, or fall back to the global config. * * @return bool True = use the site-specific config (if any), false = use the global config. */ protected function should_use_site_specific_menu() { if ( !is_multisite() ) { //If this is a single-site WP installation then there's really //no difference between "site-specific" and "global". return false; } return ($this->options['menu_config_scope'] === 'site'); } function save_options() { if ( $this->is_access_test ) { //Don't change live settings during an access test. return false; } return parent::save_options(); } /** * Determine if the current user may use the menu editor. * * @return bool */ public function current_user_can_edit_menu(){ $access = $this->options['plugin_access']; if ( $access === 'super_admin' ) { return is_super_admin(); } else if ( $access === 'specific_user' ) { return get_current_user_id() == $this->options['allowed_user_id']; } else { $capability = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-capability', $access); return current_user_can($capability); } } /** * Determine if a specific user can access the menu editor. * * @param int $userId * @return bool */ public function user_can_edit_menu($userId) { $access = $this->options['plugin_access']; if ( $access === 'super_admin' ) { return is_super_admin($userId); } else if ( $access === 'specific_user' ) { return $userId == $this->options['allowed_user_id']; } else { $capability = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-capability', $access); $user = get_user_by('id', $userId); if ( !$user ) { return false; } return $user->has_cap($capability); } } /** * Reset plugin access if the only allowed user no longer exists. * * Some people use security plugins like iThemes Security to replace the default admin account * with a new one or change the user ID. This can be a problem when AME is configured to allow * only one user to edit the admin menu. Deleting that user ID makes the plugin inaccessible. * As a workaround, allow any admin if the configured user is missing. * * @internal * @param string $login * @param WP_User $current_user */ public function maybe_reset_plugin_access(/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $login = null, $current_user = null) { if ( ($this->options['plugin_access'] !== 'specific_user') || !$current_user || !$current_user->exists() ) { return; } //For performance, only run this check when an admin logs in. //Note that current_user_can() and friends don't work at this point in the login flow. $current_user_is_admin = is_multisite() ? is_super_admin($current_user->ID) : $current_user->has_cap('manage_options'); if ( !$current_user_is_admin ) { return; } $allowed_user = get_user_by('id', $this->options['allowed_user_id']); if ( !$allowed_user || !$allowed_user->exists() ) { //The allowed user no longer exists. Allow any administrator to use the plugin. $this->options['plugin_access'] = 'manage_options'; $this->save_options(); } } /** * Apply the custom page title, if any. * * This is a callback for the "admin_title" filter. It will change the browser window/tab * title (i.e. ), but not the title displayed on the admin page itself. * * @param string $admin_title The current admin title (full). * @param string $title The current page title. * @return string New admin title. */ function hook_admin_title($admin_title, $title){ $item = $this->get_current_menu_item(); if ( $item === null ) { return $admin_title; } $custom_title = null; //Check if the we have a custom title for this page. $default_title = isset($item['defaults']['page_title']) ? $item['defaults']['page_title'] : ''; if ( !empty($item['page_title']) && $item['page_title'] != $default_title ) { $custom_title = $item['page_title']; } //Alternatively, use the custom menu title if the default page title is empty (as is usually //the case with core menus) or matches the default menu title (which is typical for plugins). //This saves the user a little bit of time, and, presumably, they'd want the titles to match. $default_menu_title = isset($item['defaults']['menu_title']) ? $item['defaults']['menu_title'] : ''; if ( !isset($custom_title) && !empty($item['menu_title']) && ($item['menu_title'] !== $default_menu_title) && (($default_menu_title === $default_title) || ($default_title === '')) ) { $custom_title = strip_tags($item['menu_title']); } if ( isset($custom_title) ) { if ( empty($title) ) { $admin_title = $custom_title . $admin_title; } else { //Replace the first occurrence of the default title with the custom one. $title_pos = strpos($admin_title, $title); $admin_title = substr_replace($admin_title, $custom_title, $title_pos, strlen($title)); } } return $admin_title; } /** * Generate special menu templates and add them to the input template list. * * @param array $templates Template list. * @return array Modified template list. */ private function add_special_templates($templates) { //Add a special template for unclickable menu items. These can be used as headers and such. $itemDefaults = ameMenuItem::custom_item_defaults(); $unclickableDefaults = array_merge( $itemDefaults, array( 'file' => '#' . ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass, 'url' => '#' . ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass, 'css_class' => $itemDefaults['css_class'] . ' ' . ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass, 'menu_title' => 'Unclickable Menu', ) ); $templates[ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateId] = array( 'name' => '< None >', 'used' => true, 'defaults' => $unclickableDefaults, ); if ( $this->is_pro_version() ) { $templates[ameMenuItem::embeddedPageTemplateId] = array( 'name' => '< Embed WP page >', 'used' => true, 'defaults' => array_merge( $itemDefaults, array( 'file' => '#automatically-generated', 'url' => '#automatically-generated', 'menu_title' => 'Embedded Page', 'page_heading' => ameMenuItem::embeddedPagePlaceholderHeading, ) ) ); //The Pro version has a [wp-logout-url] shortcode. Lets make it easier o use //by adding it to the "Target page" dropdown. $logoutDefaults = array_merge( ameMenuItem::basic_defaults(), array( 'menu_title' => 'Logout', 'file' => '[wp-logout-url]', 'url' => '[wp-logout-url]', 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-migrate', ) ); $templates['>logout'] = array( 'name' => 'Logout', 'used' => true, 'defaults' => $logoutDefaults, ); } return $templates; } /** * Merge a custom menu with the current default WordPress menu. Adds/replaces defaults, * inserts new items and removes missing items. * * @uses self::$item_templates * * @param array $tree A menu in plugin's internal form * @return array Updated menu tree */ function menu_merge($tree){ //Iterate over all menus and submenus and look up default values //Also flag used and missing items. $orphans = array(); //Build an index of menu positions so that we can quickly pick the right position for new/unused items. $positions_by_template = array(); $following_separator_position = array(); $previous_default_top_menu = null; foreach ($tree as &$topmenu){ if ( !empty($topmenu['separator']) && isset($previous_default_top_menu) ) { $following_separator_position[$previous_default_top_menu] = ameMenuItem::get($topmenu, 'position', 0); } $previous_default_top_menu = null; if ( !ameMenuItem::get($topmenu, 'custom') ) { $template_id = ameMenuItem::template_id($topmenu); //Is this menu present in the default WP menu? if (isset($this->item_templates[$template_id])){ //Yes, load defaults from that item $topmenu['defaults'] = $this->item_templates[$template_id]['defaults']; //Note that the original item was used $this->item_templates[$template_id]['used'] = true; //Add valid, non-custom items to the position index. $positions_by_template[$template_id] = ameMenuItem::get($topmenu, 'position', 0); $previous_default_top_menu = $template_id; } else { //Record the menu as missing, unless it's a menu separator if ( empty($topmenu['separator']) ){ $topmenu['missing'] = true; $temp = ameMenuItem::apply_defaults($topmenu); $temp = $this->set_final_menu_capability($temp); $this->add_access_lookup($temp, 'menu', true); } //Don't add missing menus to the index because they won't show up anyway. } } if (!empty($topmenu['items'])) { //Iterate over submenu items foreach ($topmenu['items'] as &$item){ if ( !ameMenuItem::get($item, 'custom') ) { $template_id = ameMenuItem::template_id($item); //Is this item present in the default WP menu? if (isset($this->item_templates[$template_id])){ //Yes, load defaults from that item $item['defaults'] = $this->item_templates[$template_id]['defaults']; $this->item_templates[$template_id]['used'] = true; //Add valid, non-custom items to the position index. $positions_by_template[$template_id] = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'position', 0); //We must move orphaned items elsewhere. Use the default location if possible. if ( isset($topmenu['missing']) && $topmenu['missing'] ) { $orphans[] = $item; } } else if ( empty($item['separator']) ) { //Record as missing, unless it's a menu separator $item['missing'] = true; $temp = ameMenuItem::apply_defaults($item); $temp = $this->set_final_menu_capability($temp); $this->add_access_lookup($temp, 'submenu', true); } } else { //What if the parent of this custom item is missing? //Right now the custom item will just disappear. } } } } //If we don't unset these they will fuck up the next two loops where the same names are used. unset($topmenu); unset($item); //Now we have some items marked as missing, and some items in lookup arrays //that are not marked as used. Lets remove the missing items from the tree. $tree = ameMenu::remove_missing_items($tree); //TODO: What would happen if we kept missing items? //Lets merge in the unused items. $max_menu_position = !empty($positions_by_template) ? max($positions_by_template) : 100; $new_grant_access = $this->get_new_menu_grant_access(); foreach ($this->item_templates as $template_id => $template){ //Skip used menus and separators if ( !empty($template['used']) || !empty($template['defaults']['separator'])) { continue; } //Found an unused item. Build the tree entry. $entry = ameMenuItem::blank_menu(); $entry['template_id'] = $template_id; $entry['defaults'] = $template['defaults']; $entry['unused'] = true; //Note that this item is unused $entry['grant_access'] = $new_grant_access; if ($this->options['unused_item_position'] === 'relative') { //Attempt to maintain relative menu order. $previous_item = $was_separated = null; if ( isset($this->relative_template_order[$template_id]) ) { $previous_item = $this->relative_template_order[$template_id]['previous_item']; $was_separated = $this->relative_template_order[$template_id]['was_previous_item_separated']; } if ( isset($previous_item, $positions_by_template[$previous_item]) ) { if ( $was_separated && isset($following_separator_position[$previous_item]) ) { //Desired order: previous item -> separator -> this item. $entry['position'] = $following_separator_position[$previous_item]; } else { //Desired order: previous item -> this item. $entry['position'] = $positions_by_template[$previous_item]; if ( isset($following_separator_position[$previous_item]) ) { //Now the separator is after this item, not the previous one. $following_separator_position[$template_id] = $following_separator_position[$previous_item]; unset($following_separator_position[$previous_item]); } } $entry['position'] = strval(floatval($entry['position']) + 0.01); } else if ( $previous_item === '' ) { //Empty string = this was originally the first item. $entry['position'] = -1; } else { //Previous item is unknown or doesn't exist. Leave this item in its current, incorrect position. } } else { //Move unused entries to the bottom. $max_menu_position = $max_menu_position + 1; $entry['position'] = $max_menu_position; } $positions_by_template[$template_id] = ameMenuItem::get($entry, 'position', 0); //Add the new entry to the menu tree if ( isset($template['defaults']['parent']) ) { if ( isset($tree[$template['defaults']['parent']]) ) { //Okay, insert the item. $tree[$template['defaults']['parent']]['items'][] = $entry; } else { //This can happen if the original parent menu has been moved to a submenu. $tree[$template['defaults']['file']] = $entry; } } else { $tree[$template['defaults']['file']] = $entry; } } //Move orphaned items back to their original parents. foreach($orphans as $item) { $defaultParent = $item['defaults']['parent']; //TODO: Apparently 'parent' might not exist in some configurations. Unknown bug. if ( isset($defaultParent) && isset($tree[$defaultParent]) ) { $tree[$defaultParent]['items'][] = $item; } else { //This can happen if the parent has been moved to a submenu. //Just put the orphan at the bottom of the menu. $tree[$item['defaults']['file']] = $item; } } //Resort the tree to ensure the found items are in the right spots $tree = ameMenu::sort_menu_tree($tree); //Order data is no longer necessary. $this->relative_template_order = null; return $tree; } /** * Add a page and its required capability to the page access lookup. * * The lookup array is indexed by priority. Priorities (highest to lowest): * - Has custom permissions and a known template. * - Has custom permissions, template missing or can't be determined correctly. * - Default permissions. * - Everything else. * Additionally, submenu items have slightly higher priority that top level menus. * The desired end result is for menu items with custom permissions to override * default menus. * * Note to self: If we were to keep items with an unknown template instead of throwing * them away during the merge phase, we could simplify this considerably. * * @param array $item Menu item (with defaults already applied). * @param string $item_type 'menu' or 'submenu'. * @param bool $missing Whether the item template is missing or unknown. */ private function add_access_lookup($item, $item_type = 'menu', $missing = false) { if ( empty($item['url']) ) { return; } $has_custom_settings = !empty($item['grant_access']) || !empty($item['extra_capability']); $priority = 6; if ( $missing ) { if ( $has_custom_settings ) { $priority = 4; } else { return; //Don't even consider missing menus without custom access settings. } } else if ( $has_custom_settings ) { $priority = 2; } if ( $item_type == 'submenu' ) { $priority--; } //TODO: Include more details like menu title and template ID for debugging purposes (log output). $this->page_access_lookup[$item['url']][$priority] = $item['access_level']; } /** * Get the access settings for menu items that are not part of the saved menu configuration. * * Typically, this applies to new menus that were added by recently activated plugins. * * @return array */ public function get_new_menu_grant_access() { if ( $this->options['unused_item_permissions'] === 'unchanged' ) { return array(); } return apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-new_menu_grant_access', array()); } /** * Generate WP-compatible $menu and $submenu arrays from a custom menu tree. * * Side-effects: This function executes several filters that may modify global state. * Specifically, IFrame-handling callbacks in 'extras.php' will add add new hooks * and other menu-related structures. * * @uses WPMenuEditor::$custom_wp_menu Stores the generated top-level menu here. * @uses WPMenuEditor::$custom_wp_submenu Stores the generated sub-menu here. * * @uses WPMenuEditor::$title_lookups Generates a lookup list of page titles. * @uses WPMenuEditor::$reverse_item_lookup Generates a lookup list of url => menu item relationships. * * @param array $tree The new menu, in the internal tree format. * @return void */ function build_custom_wp_menu($tree){ $new_tree = array(); $new_menu = array(); $new_submenu = array(); $this->title_lookups = array(); //Prepare the top menu $first_nonseparator_found = false; foreach ($tree as $topmenu){ //Skip leading menu separators. Fixes a superfluous separator showing up //in WP 3.0 (multisite mode) when there's a custom menu and the current user //can't access its first item ("Super Admin"). if ( !empty($topmenu['separator']) && !$first_nonseparator_found ) { continue; } $first_nonseparator_found = true; $topmenu = $this->prepare_for_output($topmenu, 'menu'); if ( empty($topmenu['separator']) ) { $this->title_lookups[$topmenu['file']] = !empty($topmenu['page_title']) ? $topmenu['page_title'] : $topmenu['menu_title']; } //Prepare the submenu of this menu $new_items = array(); if( !empty($topmenu['items']) ){ $items = $topmenu['items']; foreach ($items as $item) { $item = $this->prepare_for_output($item, 'submenu', $topmenu); $new_items[] = $item; //Make a note of the page's correct title so we can fix it later if necessary. $this->title_lookups[$item['file']] = !empty($item['page_title']) ? $item['page_title'] : $item['menu_title']; } //Sort by position usort($new_items, 'ameMenuItem::compare_position'); } $topmenu['items'] = $new_items; $new_tree[] = $topmenu; } //Sort the menu by position uasort($new_tree, 'ameMenuItem::compare_position'); //Use only the highest-priority capability for each URL. foreach($this->page_access_lookup as $url => $capabilities) { ksort($capabilities); $this->page_access_lookup[$url] = reset($capabilities); } if ( $this->is_access_test ) { $this->access_test_runner->onFinalTreeReady($new_tree); } //Convert the prepared tree to the internal WordPress format. foreach($new_tree as $topmenu) { $trueAccess = isset($this->page_access_lookup[$topmenu['url']]) ? $this->page_access_lookup[$topmenu['url']] : null; if ( ($trueAccess === 'do_not_allow') && ($topmenu['access_level'] !== $trueAccess) ) { $topmenu['access_level'] = $trueAccess; $reason = sprintf( 'There is a hidden menu item with the same URL (%1$s) but a higher priority.', $topmenu['url'] ); $item['access_decision_reason'] = $reason; if ( isset($topmenu['access_check_log']) ) { $topmenu['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( '+ Override: %1$s Setting the capability to "%2$s".', $reason, $trueAccess ); $topmenu['access_check_log'][] = str_repeat('=', 79); } } if ( !isset($this->reverse_item_lookup[$topmenu['url']]) ) { //Prefer sub-menus. $this->reverse_item_lookup[$topmenu['url']] = $topmenu; } $has_submenu_icons = false; foreach($topmenu['items'] as $item) { $trueAccess = isset($this->page_access_lookup[$item['url']]) ? $this->page_access_lookup[$item['url']] : null; if ( ($trueAccess === 'do_not_allow') && ($item['access_level'] !== $trueAccess) ) { $item['access_level'] = $trueAccess; $reason = sprintf( 'There is a hidden menu item with the same URL (%1$s) but a higher priority.', $item['url'] ); $item['access_decision_reason'] = $reason; if ( isset($item['access_check_log']) ) { $item['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( '+ Override: %1$s Setting the capability to "%2$s".', $reason, $trueAccess ); $item['access_check_log'][] = str_repeat('=', 79); } } $this->reverse_item_lookup[$item['url']] = $item; //Skip missing and hidden items if ( !empty($item['missing']) || !empty($item['hidden']) ) { continue; } //Keep track of which menus have items with icons. Ignore hidden items. $has_submenu_icons = $has_submenu_icons || (!empty($item['has_submenu_icon']) && $item['access_level'] !== 'do_not_allow'); $new_submenu[$topmenu['file']][] = $this->convert_to_wp_format($item); } //Skip missing and hidden menus. if ( !empty($topmenu['missing']) || !empty($topmenu['hidden']) ) { continue; } //The ame-has-submenu-icons class lets us change the appearance of all submenu items at once, //without having to add classes/styles to each item individually. if ( $has_submenu_icons && (strpos($topmenu['css_class'], 'ame-has-submenu-icons') === false) ) { $topmenu['css_class'] .= ' ame-has-submenu-icons'; } $new_menu[] = $this->convert_to_wp_format($topmenu); } $this->custom_wp_menu = $new_menu; $this->custom_wp_submenu = $new_submenu; } /** * Convert a menu item from the internal format used by this plugin to the format * used by WP. The menu should be prepared using the prepare... function beforehand. * * @see self::prepare_for_output() * * @param array $item * @return array */ private function convert_to_wp_format($item) { //Build the menu structure that WP expects $wp_item = array( $item['menu_title'], $item['access_level'], $item['file'], $item['page_title'], $item['css_class'], $item['hookname'], //ID isset($item['wp_icon_url']) ? $item['wp_icon_url'] : $item['icon_url'], ); return $wp_item; } /** * Prepare a menu item to be converted to the WordPress format and added to the current * WordPress admin menu. This function applies menu defaults and templates, calls filters * that allow other components to tweak the menu, decides on what capability/-ies to use, * and so on. * * Caution: The filters called by this function may cause side-effects. Specifically, the Pro-only feature * for displaying menu pages in a frame does this. See wsMenuEditorExtras::create_framed_menu(). * Therefore, it is not safe to call this function more than once for the same item. * * @param array $item Menu item in the internal format. * @param string $item_type Either 'menu' or 'submenu'. * @param array $parent Optional. The parent of this sub-menu item. Top level menus have no parent. * @return array Menu item in the internal format. */ private function prepare_for_output($item, $item_type = 'menu', $parent = array()) { $parent_file = isset($parent['file']) ? $parent['file'] : null; // Special case : plugin pages that have been moved from a sub-menu to a different // menu or the top level. We'll need to adjust the file field to point to the correct URL. // This is required because WP identifies plugin pages using *both* the plugin file // and the parent file. if ( $item['template_id'] !== '' && empty($item['separator']) ) { $template = $this->item_templates[$item['template_id']]; if ( $template['defaults']['is_plugin_page'] ) { $default_parent = $template['defaults']['parent']; if ( $parent_file != $default_parent ){ $item['file'] = $template['defaults']['url']; } } } //Give each unclickable item a unique URL. if ( $item['template_id'] === ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateId ) { static $unclickableCounter = 0; $unclickableCounter++; $unclickableUrl = '#' . ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass . '-' . $unclickableCounter; $item['file'] = $item['url'] = $unclickableUrl; //The item must have the special "unclickable" class even if the user overrides the class. $cssClass = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'css_class', ''); if ( strpos($cssClass, ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass) === false ) { $item['css_class'] = ameMenuItem::unclickableTemplateClass . ' ' . $cssClass; } } //Make the default submenu icon the same as the parent icon. if ( !empty($parent) && isset($item['defaults']) ) { $parent_icon = ameMenuItem::get($parent, 'icon_url', ''); if ( !empty($parent_icon) ) { $item['defaults']['icon_url'] = $parent_icon; } } //Menus that have both a custom icon URL and a "menu-icon-*" class will get two overlapping icons. //Fix this by automatically removing the class. The user can set a custom class attr. to override. $hasCustomIconUrl = !ameMenuItem::is_default($item, 'icon_url'); $tempIconUrl = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'icon_url', ''); $hasIcon = !in_array($tempIconUrl, array('', 'none', 'div')); if ( ameMenuItem::is_default($item, 'css_class') && $hasCustomIconUrl && $hasIcon //Skip "no icon" settings. ) { $new_classes = preg_replace('@\bmenu-icon-[^\s]+\b@', '', $item['defaults']['css_class']); if ( $new_classes !== $item['defaults']['css_class'] ) { $item['css_class'] = $new_classes; } } if ( $hasCustomIconUrl ) { //Is it a Dashicon? if ( (strpos($tempIconUrl, 'dashicons-') === 0) ) { $item['css_class'] = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'css_class', '') . ' ame-has-custom-dashicon'; //Is it a URL-looking thing and not an inline image? } else if ( (strpos($tempIconUrl, '/') !== false) && (strpos($tempIconUrl, 'data:image') === false) ) { $item['css_class'] = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'css_class', '') . ' ame-has-custom-image-url'; } } //WPML support: Translate only custom titles. See further below. $hasCustomMenuTitle = isset($item['menu_title']); //Apply defaults & filters $item = ameMenuItem::apply_defaults($item); $item = ameMenuItem::apply_filters($item, $item_type, $parent_file); //may cause side-effects //Store the hierarchical menu title for errors and debugging messages. $item['full_title'] = $item['menu_title']; if ( isset($parent, $parent['menu_title']) ) { $item['full_title'] = $parent['menu_title'] . ' → ' . $item['full_title']; } $item = $this->set_final_menu_capability($item, $parent); if ( !$this->should_store_security_log() ) { unset($item['access_check_log']); //Throw away the log to conserve memory. } $this->add_access_lookup($item, $item_type); //Menus without a custom icon image should have it set to "none" (or "div" in older WP versions). //See /wp-admin/menu-header.php for details on how this works. if ( !isset($item['icon_url']) || ($item['icon_url'] === '') ) { $item['icon_url'] = 'none'; } //Submenus must not have the "menu-top" class(-es). In WP versions that support submenu CSS classes, //it can break menu display. if ( !empty($item['css_class']) && ($item_type === 'submenu') ) { $item['css_class'] = preg_replace('@\bmenu-top(?:-[\w\-]+)?\b@', '', $item['css_class']); } elseif ( ($item_type === 'menu') && (!$item['separator']) && (!preg_match('@\bmenu-top\b@', $item['css_class'])) ) { //Top-level menus should always have the "menu-top" class. $item['css_class'] = 'menu-top ' . $item['css_class']; } //Add a flag to menus that will be kept open. if ( !empty($item['is_always_open']) && ($item_type === 'menu') && (!$item['separator']) ) { $item['css_class'] .= ' ws-ame-has-always-open-submenu'; } //Add submenu icons if necessary. if ( ($item_type === 'submenu') && $hasIcon ) { $item = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-submenu_with_icon', $item, $hasCustomIconUrl); } //Used later to determine the current page based on URL. if ( empty($item['url']) ) { $original_parent = isset($item['defaults']['parent']) ? $item['defaults']['parent'] : $parent_file; $item['url'] = ameMenuItem::generate_url($item['file'], $original_parent); } //Convert relative URls to fully qualified ones. This prevents problems with WordPress //incorrectly converting "index.php?page=xyz" to, say, "tools.php?page=index.php?page=xyz" //if the menu item was moved from "Dashboard" to "Tools". $itemFile = ameMenuItem::remove_query_from($item['file']); $shouldMakeAbsolute = (strpos($item['file'], '://') === false) && (substr($item['file'], 0, 1) != '/') && ($itemFile == 'index.php') && (strpos($item['file'], '?') !== false); if ( $shouldMakeAbsolute ) { $item['file'] = admin_url($item['url']); } //WPML support: Use translated menu titles where available. if ( empty($item['separator']) && $hasCustomMenuTitle && function_exists('icl_t') && !empty($this->options['wpml_support_enabled']) ) { $item['menu_title'] = icl_t( self::WPML_CONTEXT, $this->get_wpml_name_for($item, 'menu_title'), $item['menu_title'] ); } return $item; } /** * Figure out if the current user can access a menu item and what capability they would need. * * This method takes into account the default capability set by WordPress as well as any * custom role and capability settings specified by the user. It will set "access_level" * to the required capability, or set it to 'do_not_allow' if the current user can't access * this menu. * * @param array $item Menu item (with defaults applied). * @param array $parent_item Parent menu item, if any. * @return array */ private function set_final_menu_capability($item, $parent_item = null) { $item['access_check_log'] = array( str_repeat('=', 79), 'Figuring out what capability the user will need to access this item...' ); $debug_title = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'full_title', ameMenuItem::get($item, 'menu_title', '[untitled menu]')); //The user can configure the plugin to automatically hide all submenu items if the parent menu is hidden. //This is the opposite of how WordPress usually handles submenu permissions, so it's optional. $is_parent_denied = !empty($parent_item) && ($parent_item['access_level'] === 'do_not_allow'); if ( $is_parent_denied && !empty($parent_item['restrict_access_to_items']) ) { $item['access_check_log'][] = '-----'; $item['access_check_log'][] = 'WARNING: The parent menu overrides submenu permissions.'; $item['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( 'The current user doesn\'t have access to the parent menu ("%s"). Because the "Hide all submenu items when this item is hidden" option is enabled, this item will also be hidden. Setting capability to "do_not_allow".', htmlentities($parent_item['menu_title']) ); $item['access_check_log'][] = str_repeat('=', 79); if ( !empty($parent_item['access_check_log']) ) { $item['access_check_log'][] = 'For reference, here\'s the log for the parent menu:'; $item['access_check_log'] = array_merge($item['access_check_log'], $parent_item['access_check_log']); } $item['access_level'] = 'do_not_allow'; return $item; } //TODO: A direct call to apply_custom_access would be faster. $item = apply_filters('custom_admin_menu_capability', $item); $item['access_check_log'][] = '-----'; //Check if the current user can access this menu. $user_has_access = true; $cap_to_use = ''; $user_has_default_cap = null; $reason = isset($item['access_decision_reason']) ? $item['access_decision_reason'] : null; if ( !empty($item['access_level']) ) { $cap_to_use = $item['access_level']; if ( isset($item['user_has_access_level']) ) { //The "custom_admin_menu_capability" filter has already determined whether this user should //have the required capability, so checking it again would be redundant. This usually only //applies to the Pro version which uses that filter in extras.php. $user_has_cap = $item['user_has_access_level']; $item['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( 'Skipping a "%1$s" capability check because we\'ve already determined that the current user %2$s access.', htmlentities($cap_to_use), $user_has_cap ? 'should have' : 'should not have' ); } else { $user_has_cap = $this->current_user_can($cap_to_use); $item['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( 'Required capability: %1$s. User %2$s this capability.', htmlentities($cap_to_use), $user_has_cap ? 'HAS' : 'DOES NOT have' ); $user_has_default_cap = $user_has_cap; if ( is_null($reason) ) { $reason = sprintf( 'The current user %1$s the "%2$s" capability that is required to access the "%3$s" menu item.', $user_has_cap ? 'has' : 'doesn\'t have', $cap_to_use, $debug_title ); } } $user_has_access = $user_has_access && $user_has_cap; } else { $item['access_check_log'][] = '- No required capability set.'; } if ( !empty($item['extra_capability']) ) { $had_access_before_extra_cap = $user_has_access; $user_has_cap = $this->current_user_can($item['extra_capability']); $user_has_access = $user_has_access && $user_has_cap; $cap_to_use = $item['extra_capability']; $item['access_check_log'][] = sprintf( 'Extra capability: %1$s. User %2$s this capability.', htmlentities($cap_to_use), $user_has_cap ? 'HAS' : 'DOES NOT have' ); //Provide a more detailed reason for situations where the extra cap disagrees. if ( !$user_has_access ) { if ( $had_access_before_extra_cap && !$user_has_cap ) { $reason = sprintf( 'The current user doesn\'t have the extra capability "%1$s" that is required to access the "%2$s" menu item.', $item['extra_capability'], $debug_title ); } else if ( $user_has_cap && !$user_has_default_cap && !is_null($user_has_default_cap) ) { //Note: Will this ever show up? If the user doesn't have the required cap, //WordPress won't even register the menu. AME won't be able to identify the menu for that user. $reason = sprintf( 'The current user has the extra capability "%1$s". However, they don\'t ' . 'have the "%2$s" capability that is also required to access "%3$s".', $item['extra_capability'], $item['access_level'], $debug_title ); } } } else { $item['access_check_log'][] = 'No "extra capability" set.'; } if ( !is_null($reason) ) { $item['access_decision_reason'] = $reason; } $capability = $user_has_access ? $cap_to_use : 'do_not_allow'; $item['access_check_log'][] = 'Final capability setting: ' . $capability; $item['access_check_log'][] = str_repeat('=', 79); $item['access_level'] = $capability; return $item; } /** * Output the menu editor page * * @return void */ function page_menu_editor(){ if ( !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ){ wp_die(sprintf( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to use Admin Menu Editor. Required: <code>%s</code>.', htmlentities($this->options['plugin_access']) )); } $action = isset($this->post['action']) ? $this->post['action'] : (isset($this->get['action']) ? $this->get['action'] : ''); do_action('admin_menu_editor-header', $action, $this->post); if ( !empty($action) ) { $this->handle_form_submission($this->post, $action); } //By default, show the "Hide" button only if the user has already hidden something with it, //or if they're using the free version. Pro users should use role permissions instead, but can //explicitly enable the button if they want. if ( !isset($this->options['show_deprecated_hide_button']) ) { if ( $this->is_pro_version() ) { $this->options['show_deprecated_hide_button'] = ameMenu::has_hidden_items($this->merged_custom_menu); $this->save_options(); } else { $this->options['show_deprecated_hide_button'] = true; } } if ( $this->current_tab === 'settings' ) { $this->display_plugin_settings_ui(); } else if ( $this->current_tab == 'generate-menu-dashicons' ) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/generate-menu-dashicons.php'; } else if ( $this->current_tab === 'repair-database' ) { $this->repair_database(); } else if ( $this->is_editor_page() ) { $this->display_editor_ui(); } else { do_action('admin_menu_editor-section-' . $this->current_tab); } //Let the Pro version script output it's extra HTML & scripts. do_action('admin_menu_editor-footer'); do_action('admin_menu_editor-footer-' . $this->current_tab, $action); } private function repair_database() { global $wpdb; /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ if ( !is_multisite() ) { echo 'This is not Multisite. The "repair" function does not apply to your site.'; return; } echo '<div class="wrap"><h1>Repairing database...</h1><p></p>'; $options_to_repair = array( $this->option_name, 'wsh_license_manager-admin-menu-editor-pro', 'ws_abe_admin_bar_nodes', 'ws_abe_admin_bar_settings', ); echo "Repair {$wpdb->sitemeta}<br>"; $wpdb->query('REPAIR TABLE ' . $wpdb->sitemeta); echo "Lock {$wpdb->sitemeta}<br>"; $wpdb->query('LOCK TABLES ' . $wpdb->sitemeta); foreach($options_to_repair as $option) { if ( empty($option) ) { continue; //Sanity check. } echo "Fetch option {$option}<br>"; /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} WHERE meta_key = %s LIMIT 1", $option )); if ( empty($row) || empty($row->site_id) ) { echo "Option doesn't exist, skipping it.<br>"; continue; } echo "Delete all rows where meta_key = {$option}<br>"; $wpdb->delete($wpdb->sitemeta, array('meta_key' => $option), '%s'); echo "Recreate the first copy of {$option}<br>"; $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->sitemeta, array( 'site_id' => $row->site_id, 'meta_key' => $option, 'meta_value' => $row->meta_value, ), array('%d', '%s', '%s') ); } echo "Unlock {$wpdb->sitemeta}<br>"; $wpdb->query('UNLOCK TABLES'); echo "Done.<br>"; echo '<div>'; } private function handle_form_submission($post, $action = '') { if ( $action == 'save_menu' ) { //Save the admin menu configuration. if ( isset($post['data']) ){ check_admin_referer('menu-editor-form'); //Try to decode a menu tree encoded as JSON $url = remove_query_arg(array('noheader')); try { $menu = ameMenu::load_json($post['data'], true); } catch (InvalidMenuException $ex) { $debugData = ''; $debugData .= "Exception:\n" . $ex->getMessage() . "\n\n"; $debugData .= "Used POST data:\n" . print_r($this->post, true) . "\n\n"; $debugData .= "Original POST:\n" . print_r($this->originalPost, true) . "\n\n"; $debugData .= "\$_POST global:\n" . print_r($_POST, true); $debugData = sprintf( "<textarea rows=\"30\" cols=\"100\">%s</textarea>", htmlentities($debugData) ); wp_die( "Error: Failed to decode menu data!<br><br>\n" . "Please send this debugging information to the developer: <br>" . $debugData ); return; } //Sanitize menu item properties. $menu['tree'] = ameMenu::sanitize($menu['tree']); //Discard capabilities that refer to unregistered post types or taxonomies. if ( !empty($menu['granted_capabilities']) ) { $capFilter = new ameGrantedCapabilityFilter(); $menu['granted_capabilities'] = $capFilter->clean_up($menu['granted_capabilities']); } //Remember if the user has changed any menu icons to different Dashicons. $menu['has_modified_dashicons'] = ameModifiedIconDetector::detect($menu); //Which menu configuration are we changing? $config_id = isset($post['config_id']) ? $post['config_id'] : null; if ( !in_array($config_id, array('site', 'global', 'network-admin')) ) { $config_id = $this->get_loaded_menu_config_id(); } //Save the custom menu $this->set_custom_menu($menu, $config_id); //Redirect back to the editor and display the success message. $query = array('message' => 1); //Also, automatically select the last selected actor and menu (convenience feature). $pass_through_params = array( 'selected_actor', 'selected_menu_url', 'selected_submenu_url', 'expand_menu', 'expand_submenu', ); foreach($pass_through_params as $param) { if ( isset($post[$param]) && !empty($post[$param]) ) { $query[$param] = rawurlencode(strval($post[$param])); } } wp_redirect( add_query_arg($query, $url) ); die(); } else { $message = "Failed to save the menu. "; if ( isset($this->post['data_length']) && is_numeric($this->post['data_length']) ) { $message .= sprintf( 'Expected to receive %d bytes of menu data in $_POST[\'data\'], but got nothing.', intval($this->post['data_length']) ); } wp_die($message); } } else if ( $action == 'save_settings' ) { //Save overall plugin configuration (permissions, etc). check_admin_referer('save_settings'); //Plugin access setting. $valid_access_settings = array('super_admin', 'manage_options'); //On Multisite only Super Admins can choose the "Only the current user" option. if ( !is_multisite() || is_super_admin() ) { $valid_access_settings[] = 'specific_user'; } if ( isset($this->post['plugin_access']) && in_array($this->post['plugin_access'], $valid_access_settings) ) { $this->options['plugin_access'] = $this->post['plugin_access']; if ( $this->options['plugin_access'] === 'specific_user' ) { $this->options['allowed_user_id'] = get_current_user_id(); } else { $this->options['allowed_user_id'] = null; } } //Whether to hide the plugin on the "Plugins" admin page. if ( !is_multisite() || is_super_admin() ) { if ( !empty($this->post['hide_plugin_from_others']) ) { $this->options['plugins_page_allowed_user_id'] = get_current_user_id(); } else { $this->options['plugins_page_allowed_user_id'] = null; } } //Configuration scope. The Super Admin is the only one who can change it since it affects all sites. if ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ) { $valid_scopes = array('global', 'site'); if ( isset($this->post['menu_config_scope']) && in_array($this->post['menu_config_scope'], $valid_scopes) ) { $this->options['menu_config_scope'] = $this->post['menu_config_scope']; } } //Security logging. $this->options['security_logging_enabled'] = !empty($this->post['security_logging_enabled']); //Hide some menu options by default. $this->options['hide_advanced_settings'] = !empty($this->post['hide_advanced_settings']); //Enable the now-obsolete "Hide" button. if ( $this->is_pro_version() ) { $this->options['show_deprecated_hide_button'] = !empty($this->post['show_deprecated_hide_button']); } //Menu editor colour scheme. if ( !empty($this->post['ui_colour_scheme']) ) { $valid_colour_schemes = array('classic', 'wp-grey', 'modern-one'); $scheme = strval($this->post['ui_colour_scheme']); if ( in_array($scheme, $valid_colour_schemes) ) { $this->options['ui_colour_scheme'] = $scheme; } } //Enable submenu icons. if ( !empty($this->post['submenu_icons_enabled']) ) { $submenu_icons_enabled = strval($this->post['submenu_icons_enabled']); $valid_icon_settings = array('never', 'if_custom', 'always'); if ( in_array($submenu_icons_enabled, $valid_icon_settings, true) ) { $this->options['submenu_icons_enabled'] = $submenu_icons_enabled; } } //Work around icon CSS problems. $this->options['force_custom_dashicons'] = !empty($this->post['force_custom_dashicons']); //Where to put new or unused menu items. if ( !empty($this->post['unused_item_position']) ) { $unused_item_position = strval($this->post['unused_item_position']); $valid_position_settings = array('relative', 'bottom'); if ( in_array($unused_item_position, $valid_position_settings, true) ) { $this->options['unused_item_position'] = $unused_item_position; } } //Permissions for unused menu items. if ( isset($this->post['unused_item_permissions']) && in_array($this->post['unused_item_permissions'], array('unchanged', 'match_plugin_access'), true) ) { $this->options['unused_item_permissions'] = strval($this->post['unused_item_permissions']); } //How verbose "access denied" errors should be. if ( !empty($this->post['error_verbosity']) ) { $error_verbosity = intval($this->post['error_verbosity']); $valid_verbosity_levels = array(self::VERBOSITY_LOW, self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, self::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); if ( in_array($error_verbosity, $valid_verbosity_levels) ) { $this->options['error_verbosity'] = $error_verbosity; } } //Menu data compression. $this->options['compress_custom_menu'] = !empty($this->post['compress_custom_menu']); //WPML support. $this->options['wpml_support_enabled'] = !empty($this->post['wpml_support_enabled']); //bbPress override support. $this->options['bbpress_override_enabled'] = !empty($this->post['bbpress_override_enabled']); //Active modules. $activeModules = isset($this->post['active_modules']) ? (array)$this->post['active_modules'] : array(); $activeModules = array_fill_keys(array_map('strval', $activeModules), true); $this->options['is_active_module'] = array_merge( array_map('__return_false', $this->get_available_modules()), $activeModules ); $this->save_options(); wp_redirect(add_query_arg('message', 1, $this->get_settings_page_url())); } } private function display_editor_ui() { //Prepare a bunch of parameters for the editor. $editor_data = array( 'message' => isset($this->get['message']) ? intval($this->get['message']) : null, 'images_url' => plugins_url('images', $this->plugin_file), 'hide_advanced_settings' => $this->options['hide_advanced_settings'], 'show_extra_icons' => $this->options['show_extra_icons'], 'current_tab_url' => $this->get_plugin_page_url(array('sub_section' => $this->current_tab)), 'settings_page_url' => $this->get_settings_page_url(), 'show_deprecated_hide_button' => $this->options['show_deprecated_hide_button'], 'dashicons_available' => wp_style_is('dashicons', 'done'), 'menu_config_id' => $this->get_loaded_menu_config_id(), ); //Build a tree struct. for the default menu $default_menu = $this->get_default_menu(); //Is there a custom menu? if (!empty($this->merged_custom_menu)){ $custom_menu = $this->merged_custom_menu; } else { //Start out with the default menu if there is no user-created one $custom_menu = $default_menu; } //The editor doesn't use the color CSS. Including it would just make the page bigger and waste bandwidth. unset($custom_menu['color_css']); unset($custom_menu['color_css_modified']); //Encode both menus as JSON $editor_data['default_menu_js'] = ameMenu::to_json($default_menu); $editor_data['custom_menu_js'] = ameMenu::to_json($custom_menu); //Create a list of all known capabilities and roles. Used for the drop-down list on the access field. $all_capabilities = ameRoleUtils::get_all_capabilities(is_multisite()); //"level_X" capabilities are deprecated so we don't want people using them. //This would look better with array_filter() and an anonymous function as a callback. for($level = 0; $level <= 10; $level++){ $cap = 'level_' . $level; if ( isset($all_capabilities[$cap]) ){ unset($all_capabilities[$cap]); } } $all_capabilities = array_keys($all_capabilities); natcasesort($all_capabilities); //Multi-site installs also get the virtual "Super Admin" cap, but only the Super Admin sees it. if ( is_multisite() && !isset($all_capabilities['super_admin']) && is_super_admin() ){ array_unshift($all_capabilities, 'super_admin'); } $editor_data['all_capabilities'] = $all_capabilities; //Create a list of all roles, too. $all_roles = ameRoleUtils::get_role_names(); asort($all_roles); $editor_data['all_roles'] = $all_roles; //Include hint visibility settings $editor_data['show_hints'] = $this->get_hint_visibility(); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/editor-page.php'; } /** * Get the default admin menu configuration. * * @return array */ private function get_default_menu() { $default_tree = ameMenu::wp2tree($this->default_wp_menu, $this->default_wp_submenu, $this->menu_url_blacklist); try { $default_menu = ameMenu::load_array($default_tree); } catch (InvalidMenuException $e) { throw new LogicException( 'An unexpected exception was thrown while loading the default admin menu. ' . 'This is most likely a bug. The default menu should always be valid.' ); } return $default_menu; } /** * Get the admin menu configuration that was used during this page load. * * @return array */ public function get_active_admin_menu() { if ( !did_action('admin_menu') && !did_action('network_admin_menu') ) { throw new LogicException(__METHOD__ . ' was called too early. You must only call it after the admin menu is ready.'); } if (!empty($this->merged_custom_menu)){ return $this->merged_custom_menu; } else { return $this->get_default_menu(); } } /** * Display the header of the "Menu Editor" page. * This includes the page heading and tab list. */ public function display_settings_page_header() { $wrap_classes = array('wrap'); if ( $this->is_pro_version() ) { $wrap_classes[] = 'ame-is-pro-version'; } else { $wrap_classes[] = 'ame-is-free-version'; } if ( isset($GLOBALS['wp_version']) && version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '5.3-RC1', '>=') ) { $wrap_classes[] = 'ame-is-wp53-plus'; } echo '<div class="', implode(' ', $wrap_classes), '">'; printf( '<%1$s id="ws_ame_editor_heading">%2$s</%1$s>', self::$admin_heading_tag, apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-self_page_title', 'Menu Editor') ); do_action('admin_menu_editor-display_tabs'); if ( isset($_GET['message']) && (intval($_GET['message']) === 1) ) { add_settings_error('ame-settings-page', 'settings_updated', __('Settings saved.'), 'updated'); } settings_errors('ame-settings-page'); } public function display_settings_page_footer() { echo '</div>'; //div.wrap } /** * Display the tabs for the settings page. */ public function display_editor_tabs() { echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">'; foreach($this->tabs as $slug => $title) { printf( '<a href="%s" id="%s" class="nav-tab%s">%s</a>', esc_attr(add_query_arg('sub_section', $slug, self_admin_url($this->settings_link))), esc_attr('ws_ame_' . $slug . '_tab'), $slug === $this->current_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '', $title ); } echo '</h2>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; } /** * Display the plugin settings page. */ private function display_plugin_settings_ui() { //These variables are used by settings-page.php. /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $settings = $this->options; /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $settings_page_url = $this->get_settings_page_url(); /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $editor_page_url = admin_url($this->settings_link); /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $db_option_name = $this->option_name; require dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings-page.php'; } /** * Get the fully qualified URL of the plugin page, i.e. "Settings -> Menu Editor [Pro]". * * @param array $extra_query_args List of query arguments to append to the URL. Format: [param => value]. * @return string */ public function get_plugin_page_url($extra_query_args = array()) { $url = self_admin_url($this->settings_link); if ( !empty($extra_query_args) ) { $url = add_query_arg($extra_query_args, $url); } return $url; } /** * Get the fully qualified URL of the "Settings" sub-section of our plugin page. * * @return string */ private function get_settings_page_url() { return $this->get_plugin_page_url(array('sub_section' => 'settings')); } /** * Check if the current page is the "Menu Editor" admin page. * * @return bool */ public function is_editor_page() { return $this->is_tab_open('editor') || $this->is_tab_open('network-admin-menu'); } /** * Check if the current page is the "Settings" sub-section of our admin page. * * @return bool */ protected function is_settings_page() { return $this->is_tab_open('settings'); } /** * Check if the specified AME settings tab is currently open. * * @param string $tab_slug * @return bool */ public function is_tab_open($tab_slug) { return is_admin() && ($this->current_tab === $tab_slug) && isset($this->get['page']) && ($this->get['page'] == 'menu_editor'); } /** * Get the list of virtual capabilities. * * @uses self::$cached_virtual_caps to cache the generated list of caps. * * @param int|null $mode * @return array A list of capability => [role1 => true, ... roleN => true] assignments. */ function get_virtual_caps($mode = null) { if ( $mode === null ) { $mode = self::ALL_VIRTUAL_CAPS; } if ( $this->cached_virtual_caps !== null ) { return $this->cached_virtual_caps[$mode]; } try { $custom_menu = $this->load_custom_menu(); } catch (InvalidMenuException $e) { return array(); } if ( $custom_menu === null ){ return array(); } if ( isset($custom_menu['prebuilt_virtual_caps']) ) { $this->cached_virtual_caps = $custom_menu['prebuilt_virtual_caps']; } else { $this->cached_virtual_caps = $this->build_virtual_capability_list($custom_menu); } return $this->cached_virtual_caps[$mode]; } /** * Generate a list of "virtual" capabilities that should be granted to specific actors. * * This is based on grant_access settings for the custom menu and enables selected * roles and users to access menu items that they ordinarily would not be able to. * * @uses self::get_virtual_caps_for() to actually generate the caps. * * @param array $custom_menu * @return array */ private function build_virtual_capability_list($custom_menu) { //Include directly granted capabilities. $grantedCaps = array(); if ( !empty($custom_menu['granted_capabilities']) ) { foreach ($custom_menu['granted_capabilities'] as $actor => $capabilities) { foreach ($capabilities as $capability => $allow) { $grantedCaps[$actor][$capability] = (bool)(is_array($allow) ? $allow[0] : $allow); } } } //Include caps that are required to access menu items (grant_access). $menuCaps = array(); foreach($custom_menu['tree'] as $item) { $menuCaps = self::array_replace_recursive($menuCaps, $this->get_virtual_caps_for($item)); } //grant_access settings on individual items have precedence. $allCaps = self::array_replace_recursive($grantedCaps, $menuCaps); return array( self::DIRECTLY_GRANTED_VIRTUAL_CAPS => $grantedCaps, self::ALL_VIRTUAL_CAPS => $allCaps, ); } private function get_virtual_caps_for($item) { $caps = array(); if ( $item['template_id'] !== '' ) { $required_cap = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'access_level'); $required_cap = self::map_basic_meta_cap($required_cap); //Why not just call map_meta_cap? Because it needs a user ID and we may be working on a role. //Also, map_meta_cap is complex and filter-able, so it's hard to verify that it will work reliably //in a non-standard context. foreach ($item['grant_access'] as $grant => $has_access) { if ( $has_access ) { if ( !isset($caps[$grant]) ) { $caps[$grant] = array(); } $caps[$grant][$required_cap] = true; } } } foreach($item['items'] as $sub_item) { $caps = self::array_replace_recursive($caps, $this->get_virtual_caps_for($sub_item)); } return $caps; } private static function array_replace_recursive($array1, $array2) { if ( function_exists('array_replace_recursive') ) { return array_replace_recursive($array1, $array2); } foreach($array2 as $key => $value) { if ( is_array($value) && isset($array1[$key]) && is_array($array1[$key]) ) { $value = self::array_replace_recursive($array1[$key], $value); } $array1[$key] = $value; } return $array1; } private static function map_basic_meta_cap($capability) { if ( $capability === 'customize' ) { return 'edit_theme_options'; } elseif ( $capability === 'delete_site' ) { return 'manage_options'; } static $category_caps = array( 'manage_post_tags' => true, 'edit_categories' => true, 'edit_post_tags' => true, 'delete_categories' => true, 'delete_post_tags' => true, ); if ( isset($category_caps[$capability]) ) { return 'manage_categories'; } if (($capability === 'assign_categories') || ($capability === 'assign_post_tags')) { return 'edit_posts'; } return $capability; } /** * Clear all internal caches that can vary depending on the current site. * * For example, the same user can have different roles on different sites, * so we must clear the role cache when WordPress switches the active site. */ public function clear_site_specific_caches() { $this->cached_virtual_caps = null; $this->cached_user_caps = array(); $this->cached_user_roles = array(); $this->cached_virtual_user_caps = array(); if ($this->options['menu_config_scope'] === 'site') { $this->cached_custom_menu = null; $this->loaded_menu_config_id = null; } } /** * AJAX callback for saving screen options (whether to show or to hide advanced menu options). * * Handles the 'ws_ame_save_screen_options' action. The new option value * is read from $_POST['hide_advanced_settings']. * * @return void */ function ajax_save_screen_options(){ if (!$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() || !check_ajax_referer('ws_ame_save_screen_options', false, false)){ die( $this->json_encode( array( 'error' => "You're not allowed to do that!" ))); } $this->options['hide_advanced_settings'] = !empty($this->post['hide_advanced_settings']); $this->options['show_extra_icons'] = !empty($this->post['show_extra_icons']); $this->save_options(); die('1'); } public function ajax_hide_hint() { if ( !isset($this->post['hint']) || !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ){ die("You're not allowed to do that!"); } $show_hints = $this->get_hint_visibility(); $show_hints[strval($this->post['hint'])] = false; $this->set_hint_visibility($show_hints); die("OK"); } private function get_hint_visibility() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $show_hints = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'ame_show_hints', true); if ( !is_array($show_hints) ) { $show_hints = array(); } $defaults = array( 'ws_sidebar_pro_ad' => true, 'ws_whats_new_120' => false, 'ws_hint_menu_permissions' => false, ); return array_merge($defaults, $show_hints); } private function set_hint_visibility($show_hints) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); update_user_meta($user->ID, 'ame_show_hints', $show_hints); } /** * AJAX callback for permanently hiding the "are you sure you want to hide the Dashboard?" warning. */ public function ajax_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation() { if (!check_ajax_referer('ws_ame_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation', false, false) || !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu()){ die("You don't have sufficient permissions to do that."); } $this->options['dashboard_hiding_confirmation_enabled'] = false; $this->save_options(); } /** * Retrieve a list of recently modified pages. */ public function ajax_get_pages() { if ( !check_ajax_referer('ws_ame_get_pages', false, false) ) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'Invalid nonce.'))); } else if ( !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'You don\'t have sufficient permissions to edit the admin menu.'))); } $pages = get_pages(array( 'sort_column' => 'post_modified', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', 'hierarchical' => false, 'post_status' => array('publish', 'private'), 'number' => 50, //Semi-arbitrary. We do need a limit - some users could have thousands of pages. )); /** @var WP_Post[] $pages */ $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); $results = array(); foreach($pages as $page) { $results[] = array( 'post_id' => $page->ID, 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'post_title' => $page->post_title, 'post_modified' => $page->post_modified ); } exit(json_encode($results)); } /** * Get details about a specific page or post. CPTs also work. */ public function ajax_get_page_details() { if ( !check_ajax_referer('ws_ame_get_page_details', false, false) ) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'Invalid nonce.'))); } else if ( !$this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'You don\'t have sufficient permissions to edit the admin menu.'))); } $post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $blog_id = intval($_GET['blog_id']); $should_switch = function_exists('get_current_blog_id') && ($blog_id !== get_current_blog_id()); if ( $should_switch ) { switch_to_blog($blog_id); } $page = get_post($post_id); if ( !$page ) { exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'Not found'))); } if ( $should_switch ) { restore_current_blog(); } $response = array( 'post_id' => $page->ID, 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'post_title' => $page->post_title, ); exit(json_encode($response)); } /** * Enqueue a script that fixes a bug where pages moved to a different menu * would not be highlighted properly when the user visits them. */ public function enqueue_menu_fix_script() { wp_enqueue_auto_versioned_script( 'ame-menu-fix', plugins_url('js/menu-highlight-fix.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery'), true ); } /** * Check if the current user can access the current admin menu page. * * @return bool */ private function user_can_access_current_page() { $current_item = $this->get_current_menu_item(); if ( $current_item === null ) { $this->log_security_note('Could not determine the current menu item. We won\'t do any custom permission checks.'); return true; //Let WordPress handle it. } $this->log_security_note(sprintf( 'The current menu item is "%s", menu template ID: "%s"', htmlentities($current_item['menu_title']), htmlentities(ameMenuItem::get($current_item, 'template_id', 'N/A')) )); if ( isset($current_item['access_check_log']) ) { $this->log_security_note($current_item['access_check_log']); } //Note: Per-role and per-user virtual caps will be applied by has_cap filters. $allow = $this->current_user_can($current_item['access_level']); $this->log_security_note(sprintf( 'The current user %1$s the "%2$s" capability.', $allow ? 'has' : 'does not have', htmlentities($current_item['access_level']) )); return $allow; } /** * Check if the current user has the specified capability. * If the Pro version installed, you can use special syntax to perform complex capability checks. * * @param string $capability * @return bool */ private function current_user_can($capability) { //WP core uses a special "do_not_allow" capability in a dozen or so places to explicitly deny access. //Even multisite super admins do not have this cap. We can return early here. if ( $capability === 'do_not_allow' ) { return false; } //Everybody has the "exist" cap. if ( $capability === 'exist' ) { return true; } if ( $this->user_cap_cache_enabled && isset($this->cached_user_caps[$capability]) ) { return $this->cached_user_caps[$capability]; } $user_can = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-current_user_can', current_user_can($capability), $capability); $this->cached_user_caps[$capability] = $user_can; return $user_can; } /** * Determine which menu item matches the currently open admin page. * * @uses self::$reverse_item_lookup * @return array|null Menu item in the internal format, or NULL if no matching item can be found. */ private function get_current_menu_item() { if ( !is_admin() || empty($this->reverse_item_lookup)) { if ( !is_admin() ) { $this->log_security_note('This is not an admin page. is_admin() returns false.'); } else if ( empty($this->reverse_item_lookup) ) { $this->log_security_note('Warning: reverse_item_lookup is empty!'); } return null; } //The current menu item doesn't change during a request, so we can cache it //and avoid searching the entire menu every time. static $cached_item = null; if ( $cached_item !== null ) { return $cached_item; } //Find an item where *all* query params match the current ones, with as few extraneous params as possible, //preferring sub-menu items. This is intentionally more strict than what we do in menu-highlight-fix.js, //since this function is used to check menu access. //TODO: Use get_current_screen() to determine the current post type and taxonomy. $best_item = null; $best_extra_params = PHP_INT_MAX; $base_site_url = get_site_url(); if ( preg_match('@(^\w+://[^/]+)@', $base_site_url, $matches) ) { //Extract scheme + hostname. $base_site_url = $matches[1]; } //Calling admin_url() once and then manually appending each page's path is measurably faster than calling it //for each menu, but it means the "admin_url" filter is only called once. If there is a plugin that changes //the admin_url for some pages but not others, this could lead to bugs (no such plugins are known at this time). $base_admin_url = admin_url(); $admin_url_is_filtered = has_filter('admin_url'); $current_url = $base_site_url . remove_query_arg('___ame_dummy_param___'); $this->log_security_note(sprintf('Current URL: "%s"', htmlentities($current_url))); $current_url = $this->parse_url($current_url); //Special case: if post_type is not specified for edit.php and post-new.php, //WordPress assumes it is "post". Here we make this explicit. if ( $this->endsWith($current_url['path'], '/wp-admin/edit.php') || $this->endsWith($current_url['path'], '/wp-admin/post-new.php') ) { if ( !isset($current_url['params']['post_type']) ) { $current_url['params']['post_type'] = 'post'; } } //Hook-based submenu pages can be accessed via both "parent-page.php?page=foo" and "admin.php?page=foo". //WP has a private API function for determining the canonical parent page for the current request. if ( $this->endsWith($current_url['path'], '/admin.php') && is_callable('get_admin_page_parent') ) { $real_parent = get_admin_page_parent('admin.php'); if ( !empty($real_parent) && ($real_parent !== 'admin.php') ) { $current_url['alt_path'] = str_replace('/admin.php', '/' . $real_parent, $current_url['path']); } } foreach($this->reverse_item_lookup as $url => $item) { $item_url = $url; //Convert to absolute URL. Caution: directory traversal (../, etc) is not handled. if (strpos($item_url, '://') === false) { if ( substr($item_url, 0, 1) == '/' ) { $item_url = $base_site_url . $item_url; } else { if ( $admin_url_is_filtered ) { $item_url = admin_url($item_url); } else { $item_url = $base_admin_url . ltrim( $item_url, '/' ); } } } $item_url = $this->parse_url($item_url); //Must match scheme, host, port, user, pass and path or alt_path. $components = array('scheme', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'pass'); $is_close_match = $this->urlPathsMatch($current_url['path'], $item_url['path']); if ( !$is_close_match && isset($current_url['alt_path']) ) { $is_close_match = $this->urlPathsMatch($current_url['alt_path'], $item_url['path']); //Technically, we should also compare current[path] vs item[alt_path], //but generating the alt_path for each menu item would be complicated. } foreach($components as $component) { $is_close_match = $is_close_match && ($current_url[$component] == $item_url[$component]); if ( !$is_close_match ) { break; } } //Same as above - default post type is "post". if ( $this->endsWith($item_url['path'], '/wp-admin/edit.php') || $this->endsWith($item_url['path'], '/wp-admin/post-new.php') ) { if ( !isset($item_url['params']['post_type']) ) { $item_url['params']['post_type'] = 'post'; } } //Special case: In WP 4.0+ the URL of the "Customize" menu changes often due to a "return" query parameter //that contains the current page URL. To reliably recognize this item, we should ignore that parameter. if ( $this->endsWith($item_url['path'], 'customize.php') ) { unset($item_url['params']['return']); } //The current URL must match all query parameters of the item URL. $different_params = $this->arrayDiffAssocRecursive($item_url['params'], $current_url['params']); //The current URL must have as few extra parameters as possible. $extra_params = $this->arrayDiffAssocRecursive($current_url['params'], $item_url['params']); if ( $is_close_match && (count($different_params) == 0) && (count($extra_params) < $best_extra_params) ) { $best_item = $item; $best_extra_params = count($extra_params); } } //Special case for CPTs: When the "Add New" menu is disabled by CPT settings (show_ui, etc), and someone goes //to add a new item, WordPress highlights the "$CPT-Name" item as the current one. Lets do the same for //consistency. See also: /wp-admin/post-new.php, lines #20 to #40. if ( ($best_item === null) && isset($current_url['params']['post_type']) && (!empty($current_url['params']['post_type'])) && $this->endsWith($current_url['path'], '/wp-admin/post-new.php') && isset($this->reverse_item_lookup['edit.php?post_type=' . $current_url['params']['post_type']]) ) { $best_item = $this->reverse_item_lookup['edit.php?post_type=' . $current_url['params']['post_type']]; } $cached_item = $best_item; return $best_item; } /** * Parse a URL and return its components. * * Returns an array that contains all of these components: 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'pass', * 'path', 'query', 'fragment' and 'params'. All entries are strings, except 'params' which is * an associative array of query parameters and their values. * * @param string $url * @return array */ private function parse_url($url) { static $url_defaults = array( 'scheme' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => '80', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'path' => '', 'query' => '', 'fragment' => '', ); $parsed = @parse_url($url); if ( !is_array($parsed) ) { $parsed = array(); } $parsed = array_merge($url_defaults, $parsed); $params = array(); if ( !empty($parsed['query']) ) { wp_parse_str($parsed['query'], $params); }; $parsed['params'] = $params; return $parsed; } /** * Get the difference of two arrays. * * This methods works like array_diff_assoc(), except it also supports nested arrays by comparing them recursively. * * @param array $array1 The base array. * @param array $array2 The array to compare to. * @return array An associative array of values from $array1 that are not present in $array2. */ private function arrayDiffAssocRecursive($array1, $array2) { $difference = array(); foreach($array1 as $key => $value) { if ( !array_key_exists($key, $array2) ) { $difference[$key] = $value; continue; } $otherValue = $array2[$key]; if ( is_array($value) !== is_array($otherValue) ) { //If only one of the two values is an array then they can't be equal. $difference[$key] = $value; } elseif ( is_array($value) ) { //Compare array values recursively. $subDiff = $this->arrayDiffAssocRecursive($value, $otherValue); if( !empty($subDiff) ) { $difference[$key] = $subDiff; } //Like the original array_diff_assoc(), we compare the values as strings. } elseif ( (string)$value !== (string)$array2[$key] ) { $difference[$key] = $value; } } return $difference; } /** * Check if two paths match. Intended for comparing WP admin URLs. * * @param string $path1 * @param string $path2 * @return bool */ private function urlPathsMatch($path1, $path2) { if ( $path1 == $path2 ) { return true; } // "/wp-admin/index.php" should match "/wp-admin/". static $wpAdminDir = null; if ( $wpAdminDir === null ) { $wpAdminDir = '/wp-admin/'; if ( has_filter('admin_url') ) { //Detect modified admin base URLs. For example, some security and branding plugins //replace "wp-admin" with "something-else". $suffix = 'ame-4425-admin-path-test'; $testUrl = self_admin_url($suffix); $lastSlash = strrpos($testUrl, '/', -strlen($suffix) + 1); if ( $lastSlash !== false ) { $firstSlash = strrpos($testUrl, '/', -strlen($suffix) - 2); if ( ($firstSlash !== false) && ($firstSlash !== $lastSlash) ) { $wpAdminDir = substr($testUrl, $firstSlash, $lastSlash - $firstSlash + 1); } } } } if ( ($this->endsWith($path1, $wpAdminDir . 'index.php') && $this->endsWith($path2, $wpAdminDir)) || ($this->endsWith($path2, $wpAdminDir . 'index.php') && $this->endsWith($path1, $wpAdminDir)) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Determine if the input $string ends with the specified $suffix. * * @param string $string * @param string $suffix * @return bool */ private function endsWith($string, $suffix) { $len = strlen($suffix); if ( $len == 0 ) { return true; } $inputLen = strlen($string); if ( $len > $inputLen ) { return false; } return substr_compare($string, $suffix, $inputLen - $len) === 0; } public function castValuesToBool($capabilities) { if ( !is_array($capabilities) ) { if ( empty($capabilities) ) { $capabilities = array(); } else { trigger_error("Unexpected capability array: " . print_r($capabilities, true), E_USER_WARNING); return array(); } } foreach($capabilities as $capability => $value) { $capabilities[$capability] = (bool)$value; } return $capabilities; } public function display_survey_notice() { //Handle the survey notice $hide_param_name = 'ame_hide_survey_notice'; if ( isset($this->get[$hide_param_name]) ) { $this->options['display_survey_notice'] = empty($this->get[$hide_param_name]); $this->save_options(); } $display_notice = $this->options['display_survey_notice'] && $this->current_user_can_edit_menu(); if ( isset($this->options['first_install_time']) ) { $minimum_usage_period = 7*24*3600; $display_notice = $display_notice && ((time() - $this->options['first_install_time']) > $minimum_usage_period); } //Only display the notice on the Menu Editor (Pro) page. $display_notice = $display_notice && isset($this->get['page']) && ($this->get['page'] == 'menu_editor'); //Let the user override this completely (useful for client sites). if ( $display_notice && file_exists(dirname($this->plugin_file) . '/never-display-surveys.txt') ) { $display_notice = false; $this->options['display_survey_notice'] = false; $this->save_options(); } if ( $display_notice ) { $free_survey_url = ''; $pro_survey_url = ''; if ( $this->is_pro_version() ) { $survey_url = $pro_survey_url; } else { $survey_url = $free_survey_url; } $hide_url = add_query_arg($hide_param_name, 1); printf( '<div class="updated"> <p><strong>Help improve Admin Menu Editor - take the user survey!</strong></p> <p><!--suppress HtmlUnknownTarget --><a href="%s" target="_blank" title="Opens in a new window">Take the survey</a></p> <p><!--suppress HtmlUnknownTarget --><a href="%s">Hide this notice</a></p> </div>', esc_attr($survey_url), esc_attr($hide_url) ); } } /** * Capture $_GET and $_POST in $this->get and $this->post. * Slashes added by "magic quotes" will be stripped. * * @return void */ function capture_request_vars(){ $this->post = $this->originalPost = $_POST; $this->get = $_GET; if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '7.4.0alpha1', '<') && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $this->post = stripslashes_deep($this->post); $this->get = stripslashes_deep($this->get); } } /** * Get POST parameters for the current request. * * @return array */ public function get_post_params() { return $this->post; } /** * Get query parameters for the current request. * * @return array */ public function get_query_params() { return $this->get; } public function enqueue_helper_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'ame-helper-script', plugins_url('js/admin-helpers.js', $this->plugin_file), array('jquery'), '20160407-2' ); //The helper script needs to know the custom page heading (if any) to apply it. $currentItem = $this->get_current_menu_item(); if ( $currentItem && !empty($currentItem['page_heading']) ) { wp_localize_script( 'ame-helper-script', 'wsAmeCurrentMenuItem', array( 'customPageHeading' => $currentItem['page_heading'], 'pageHeadingSelector' => version_compare(self::get_wp_version(), '4.3', '<') ? '.wrap > h2:first' : '.wrap > h1:first', ) ); } } public function enqueue_helper_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'ame-helper-style', plugins_url('css/admin.css', $this->plugin_file), array(), '20201031' ); if ( $this->options['force_custom_dashicons'] ) { //Optimization: Only add the stylesheet if the menu actually has custom dashicons. $menu = $this->load_custom_menu(); if ( $menu && !empty($menu['has_modified_dashicons']) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'ame-force-dashicons', plugins_url('css/force-dashicons.css', $this->plugin_file), array(), '20190810' ); } } } /** * Get one of the plugin configuration values. * * @param string $name Option name. * @return mixed|null */ public function get_plugin_option($name) { if ( array_key_exists($name, $this->options) ) { return $this->options[$name]; } return null; } /** * Update a plugin configuration value. Saves immediately. * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ public function set_plugin_option($name, $value) { $this->options[$name] = $value; $this->save_options(); } /** * Update multiple plugin configuration values. Saves immediately. * * @param array $options An dictionary of key => value pairs. */ public function set_many_plugin_options($options) { foreach($options as $key => $value) { $this->options[$key] = $value; } $this->save_options(); } /** * Log a security-related message. * * @param string|array $message The message to add tot he log, or an array of messages. */ private function log_security_note($message) { if ( !$this->should_store_security_log() ) { return; } if ( is_array($message) ) { $this->security_log = array_merge($this->security_log, $message); } else { $this->security_log[] = $message; } } private function should_store_security_log() { return ( $this->options['security_logging_enabled'] || ($this->options['error_verbosity'] >= self::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) ); } /** * Callback for "admin_notices". */ public function display_security_log() { ?> <div class="updated"> <h3>Admin Menu Editor security log</h3> <?php echo $this->get_formatted_security_log(); ?> </div> <?php } /** * Get the security log in HTML format. * * @return string */ private function get_formatted_security_log() { $log = '<div style="font: 12px/17px Consolas, monospace; margin-bottom: 1em;">'; $log .= implode("<br>\n", $this->security_log); $log .= '</div>'; return $log; } public function get_security_log() { return $this->security_log; } /** * WPML support: Update strings that need translation. * * @param array $old_menu The old custom menu, if any. * @param array $custom_menu The new custom menu. */ private function update_wpml_strings($old_menu, $custom_menu) { if ( !function_exists('icl_register_string') ) { return; } $previous_strings = $this->get_wpml_strings($old_menu); $new_strings = $this->get_wpml_strings($custom_menu); //Delete strings that are no longer valid. if ( function_exists('icl_unregister_string') ) { $removed_strings = array_diff_key($previous_strings, $new_strings); foreach($removed_strings as $name => $value) { icl_unregister_string(self::WPML_CONTEXT, $name); } } //Register/update the new menu strings. foreach($new_strings as $name => $value) { icl_register_string(self::WPML_CONTEXT, $name, $value); } } /** * Prepare WPML translation strings for all menu and page titles * in the specified menu. Includes only custom titles. * * @param array $custom_menu * @return array Associative array of strings that can be translated, indexed by unique name. */ private function get_wpml_strings($custom_menu) { if ( empty($custom_menu) ) { return array(); } $strings = array(); $translatable_fields = array('menu_title', 'page_title'); foreach($custom_menu['tree'] as $top_menu) { if ( $top_menu['separator'] ) { continue; } foreach($translatable_fields as $field) { if ( isset($top_menu[$field]) ) { $name = $this->get_wpml_name_for($top_menu, $field); $strings[$name] = ameMenuItem::get($top_menu, $field); } } if ( isset($top_menu['items']) && !empty($top_menu['items']) ) { foreach($top_menu['items'] as $item) { if ( $item['separator'] ) { continue; } foreach($translatable_fields as $field) { if ( isset($item[$field]) ) { $name = $this->get_wpml_name_for($item, $field); $strings[$name] = ameMenuItem::get($item, $field); } } } } } return $strings; } /** * Create a unique name for a specific field of a specific menu item. * Intended for use with the icl_register_string() function. * * @param array $item Admin menu item in the internal format. * @param string $field Field name. * @return string */ private function get_wpml_name_for($item, $field = '') { $name = ameMenuItem::get($item, 'template_id'); if ( empty($name) ) { $name = 'custom: ' . ameMenuItem::get($item, 'file'); } if ( !empty($field) ) { $name = $name . '[' . $field. ']'; } return $name; } /** * Compatibility fix for bbPress 2.5.3. * * bbPress creates a bunch of "hidden" menu items in the admin_menu action only to remove them * later in an admin_head hook. This results in apparently duplicated menus showing up when AME is * active because AME processes the items before they get removed. * * This method works around the issue by explicitly removing those bbPress menus. * * @uses $this->default_wp_submenu */ private function apply_bbpress_compat_fix() { if ( !isset($this->default_wp_submenu, $this->default_wp_submenu['index.php']) ) { return; } //Note to self: This would be easier if we could rely on anonymous function support being available. //Then we could just array_filter() the submenu with a closure as the callback. $items_to_remove = array('bbp-about' => null, 'bbp-credits' => null); foreach($this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'] as $index => $menu) { if ( array_key_exists($menu[2], $items_to_remove) ) { $items_to_remove[$menu[2]] = $index; } } foreach($items_to_remove as $index) { if ( isset($index, $this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'][$index]) ) { unset($this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'][$index]); } } } /** * Compatibility fix for WooCommerce 2.2.1+. * Summary: When AME is active, an unusable WooCommerce -> WooCommerce menu item shows up. Here we remove it. * * WooCommerce creates a top level "WooCommerce" menu with no callback. By default, WordPress automatically adds * a submenu item with the same name. However, since the item doesn't have a callback, it is unusable and clicking * it just triggers a "Cannot load woocommerce" error. So WooCommerce removes this item in an admin_head hook to * hide it. With AME active, the item shows up anyway, and users get confused by the error. * * Fix it by removing the problematic menu item. * * Caution: If the user hides all WooCommerce submenus but not the top level menu, the WooCommerce menu will still * show up but be inaccessible. This may be slightly counter-intuitive, but seems reasonable. */ private function apply_woocommerce_compat_fix() { if ( !isset($this->default_wp_submenu, $this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce']) ) { return; } $badSubmenuExists = isset($this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][0]) && isset($this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][0][2]) && ($this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][0][2] === 'woocommerce'); $anotherSubmenuExists = isset($this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][1]); if ( $badSubmenuExists && $anotherSubmenuExists ) { $this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][0] = $this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][1]; unset($this->default_wp_submenu['woocommerce'][1]); } } /** * Compatibility fix for WooCommerce 2.6.8+. * * Summary: The "WooCommerce -> Orders" menu item includes an info bubble showing the number of new orders. * When AME is active, this number doesn't show up. This workaround re-adds the info bubble. * * For some inexplicable reason, WooCommerce first creates the "Orders" menu item without the info bubble. * Then it adds the number of new orders later by modifying the global $submenu array in a separate "admin_head" * hook. However, by that time AME has already processed the admin menu, so it doesn't see the change. * * Workaround: Run the relevant WooCommerce callback during the "admin_menu" action (before processing the menu). * The now-redundant"admin_head" hook is then removed. */ private function apply_woocommerce_order_count_fix() { global $wp_filter; if ( !class_exists('WC_Admin_Menus', false) || !isset($wp_filter['admin_head'][10]) || did_action('admin_head') ) { return; } //Find the WooCommerce callback that adds order count to the menu. //It's the menu_order_count method defined in /woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-admin-menus.php. foreach($wp_filter['admin_head'][10] as $key => $filter) { if (!isset($filter['function']) || !is_array($filter['function'])) { continue; } $callback = $filter['function']; if ( (count($callback) === 2) && ($callback[1] === 'menu_order_count') && (get_class($callback[0]) === 'WC_Admin_Menus') ) { //Run it now, not in admin_head. call_user_func($callback); remove_action('admin_head', $callback, 10); break; } } } /** * Compatibility fix for WordPress Mu Domain Mapping * * The aforementioned domain mapping plugin has a bug that makes the plugins_url() function * return incorrect URLs for plugins installed in /mu-plugins. Fixed by removing the offending * filter callback. * * Note that this won't break domain mapping. Domain Mapping adds two 'plugins_url' filters. * The buggy one is completely redundant and can be removed with no ill effects. */ private function apply_wpmu_domain_mapping_fix() { $priority = has_filter('plugins_url', 'domain_mapping_plugins_uri'); if ( ($priority !== false) && (has_filter('plugins_url', 'domain_mapping_post_content') !== false) ) { remove_filter('plugins_url', 'domain_mapping_plugins_uri', $priority); } } /** * Compatibility fix for Divi Training 1.3.5. * * The Divi Training plugin adds a whole lot of "hidden" submenu items to the Dashboard menu * and then removes them later. Lets get rid of them. */ private function apply_divi_training_fix() { if ( !class_exists('Wm_Divi_Training_Admin', false) ) { return; } if ( !isset($this->default_wp_submenu, $this->default_wp_submenu['index.php']) ) { return; } $items_to_remove = array(); foreach($this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'] as $index => $menu) { //There's a lot of items, so we search for a common prefix instead of of including an explicit list. // if ( (strpos($menu[2], 'wm-divi-training-the-divi-') === 0) || ($menu[2] === 'wm-divi-training-updates')) { $items_to_remove[] = $index; } } foreach($items_to_remove as $index) { if ( isset($index, $this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'][$index]) ) { unset($this->default_wp_submenu['index.php'][$index]); } } } /** * Compatibility fix for MailPoet 3. Last tested with MailPoet 3.44.0. * * MailPoet deliberately removes all third-party stylesheets from its admin pages. * As a result, some AME features that use stylesheets - like custom menu icons and admin * menu colors - don't work on those pages. Let's fix that by whitelisting our styles. */ private function apply_mailpoet_compat_fix() { add_filter('mailpoet_conflict_resolver_whitelist_style', array($this, '_whitelist_ame_styles_for_mailpoet')); } /** * @internal * @param array $styles * @return array */ public function _whitelist_ame_styles_for_mailpoet($styles) { $styles[] = 'ame_output_menu_color_css'; $styles[] = 'font-awesome\.css'; $styles[] = 'force-dashicons\.css'; return $styles; } /** * As of WP 3.5, the Links Manager is hidden by default. It's only visible if the user has existing links * or they choose to enable it by installing the Links Manager plugin. * * However, the "Links" menu still exists. This can be confusing to users who will now see an apparently * useless menu item that can't be enabled (since they don't have the Links Manager plugin) and can't be * deleted either (since it's a default menu). To remedy that, hide the default "Links" menu. */ private function remove_link_manager_menus() { //Find the "Links" menu. $links_index = null; $links_slug = null; foreach($this->default_wp_menu as $index => $menu) { if ( ($menu[1] === 'manage_links') && isset($menu[5]) && ($menu[5] === 'menu-links') ) { $links_index = $index; $links_slug = $menu[2]; } } //Remove the default "Links" submenus, but leave custom items created by other plugins. if ( isset($this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug]) ) { $this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug] = array_filter( $this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug], array($this, 'filter_default_links_submenus') ); if ( empty($this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug]) ) { unset($this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug]); } } //Remove the "Links" menu itself if it no longer has any children. if ( !isset($this->default_wp_submenu[$links_slug]) ) { unset($this->default_wp_menu[$links_index]); } } private function filter_default_links_submenus($item) { $default_items = array('link-manager.php', 'link-add.php', 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=link_category'); $is_default = isset($item[2]) && in_array($item[2], $default_items); return !$is_default; } /** * Get a user's roles. * * "Why not just read the $user->roles array directly?", you may ask. Because some popular plugins have a really * nasty bug where they inadvertently remove entries from that array. Specifically, they retrieve the first user * role like this: * * $roleName = array_shift($currentUser->roles); * * What some plugin developers fail to realize is that, in addition to returning the first entry, array_shift() * also *removes* it from the array. As a result, $user->roles is now missing one of the user's roles. This bug * doesn't cause major problems only because most plugins check capabilities and don't care about roles as such. * AME needs to know the roles because some menu permissions are set per role. * * Known buggy plugins: * - W3 Total Cache * * The current workaround is to cache the role list before it can get corrupted by other plugins. This approach * has its own risks (cache invalidation is hard), but it should be reasonably safe assuming that everyone uses * only standard WP APIs to modify user roles (e.g. @see WP_User::add_role ). * * @param WP_User $user * @return array */ public function get_user_roles($user) { if ( empty($user) ) { return array(); } if ( !$user->exists() ) { //Note: In rare cases, WP_User::$roles can be false. For AME it's more convenient to have an empty list. return (!empty($user->roles) ? $user->roles : array()); } if ( !isset($this->cached_user_roles[$user->ID]) ) { $this->cached_user_roles[$user->ID] = $this->extract_user_roles($user); } return $this->cached_user_roles[$user->ID]; } /** * The current user has changed; update role and capability caches. */ public function update_current_user_cache() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( empty($user) || !$user->exists() ) { return; } //Workaround for buggy plugins that unintentionally remove user roles. /** @see WPMenuEditor::get_user_roles */ $this->cached_user_roles[$user->ID] = $this->extract_user_roles($user); $this->update_virtual_cap_cache($user); } /** * @param WP_User $user */ private function update_virtual_cap_cache($user) { if ( $user === null ) { return; } $virtual_caps = array( self::ALL_VIRTUAL_CAPS => array(), self::DIRECTLY_GRANTED_VIRTUAL_CAPS => array(), ); //Create a virtual 'super_admin' capability that only super admins have. Be careful not to overwrite //the same cap added by other plugins. For example, Advanced Access Manager also adds this capability. if ( !isset($user->allcaps['super_admin']) ) { $virtual_caps[self::ALL_VIRTUAL_CAPS]['super_admin'] = is_multisite() && is_super_admin($user->ID); } $virtual_caps = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-virtual_caps', $virtual_caps, $user); $this->cached_virtual_user_caps[$user->ID] = $virtual_caps; } /** * Grant virtual caps to the user. * * @param array $capabilities All capabilities belonging to the specified user, cap => true/false. * @param array $required_caps The required capabilities. * @param array $args The capability passed to current_user_can, the user's ID, and other args. * @return array Filtered list of capabilities. */ function grant_virtual_caps_to_user($capabilities, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $required_caps, $args){ $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call = array(); if ( $this->disable_virtual_caps ) { return $capabilities; } //The second entry of the $args array should be the user ID if ( count($args) < 2 ) { return $capabilities; } $user_id = intval($args[1]); if ( !isset($this->cached_virtual_user_caps[$user_id]) ) { $this->update_virtual_cap_cache($this->get_user_by_id($user_id)); } if ( empty($this->cached_virtual_user_caps[$user_id][$this->virtual_cap_mode]) ) { return $capabilities; } $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call = $this->cached_virtual_user_caps[$user_id][$this->virtual_cap_mode]; $capabilities = array_merge($capabilities, $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call); return $capabilities; } /** * Set the capabilities that were already set by grant_virtual_caps_to_user() again. * * The goal of granting the same capabilities twice at different hook priorities is to: * 1) Make sure meta caps that rely on the granted caps are enabled. * 2) Reduce the risk that the granted caps will be overridden by other plugins. * * @param array $capabilities * @return array */ public function regrant_virtual_caps_to_user($capabilities) { if ( !empty($this->virtual_caps_for_this_call) ) { $capabilities = array_merge($capabilities, $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call); $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call = array(); } return $capabilities; } /** * Get user roles by parsing their capabilities. * * This method is reliable because it determines user roles the same way that WordPress does. However, it's also * relatively "slow" (~ 25 microseconds on my dev. system). Don't call it directly. Use get_user_roles() instead - * it caches results. * * @see WP_User::get_role_caps * * @param WP_User $user * @return array */ private function extract_user_roles($user) { if ( empty($user->caps) || !is_array($user->caps) ) { return (!empty($user->roles) ? $user->roles : array()); } $wp_roles = ameRoleUtils::get_roles(); return array_filter(array_keys($user->caps), array($wp_roles, 'is_role')); } /** * User metadata was updated or deleted; refresh or invalidate the associated role/capability caches. * * Not all metadata updates are related to role changes, but filtering them is non-trivial (meta keys change). * * @param int|array $unused_meta_id * @param int $user_id * @param string $meta_key * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ public function on_user_metadata_changed($unused_meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key) { if ( empty($user_id) || !is_numeric($user_id) ) { return; } //Clear the user role cache. unset($this->cached_user_roles[$user_id]); $this->virtual_caps_for_this_call = array(); //Did this update change user capabilities or roles? If so, refresh virtual caps. $user = $this->get_user_by_id($user_id); if ( $meta_key === $user->cap_key ) { $this->update_virtual_cap_cache($user); } } /** * Get the user object based on a user ID. * * In most cases, when this plugin needs to retrieve a user, it is the current user. This method * attempts to make that common case faster. * * @param int $user_id * @return WP_User|null */ private function get_user_by_id($user_id) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( $current_user->ID == $user_id ) { $user = $current_user; } else { $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id); if ( $user === false ) { return null; } } return $user; } /** * Get registered public post types. * @return array */ private function get_post_type_details() { $results = array(); $post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true), 'objects', 'or'); $meta_caps = array('edit_post', 'read_post', 'delete_post'); foreach($post_types as $id => $post_type) { $title = $id; if (isset($post_type->labels, $post_type->labels->name) && !empty($post_type->labels->name)) { $title = $post_type->labels->name; } $capabilities = array(); foreach((array)$post_type->cap as $cap_type => $capability) { //Skip meta caps. if ($post_type->map_meta_cap && in_array($cap_type, $meta_caps)) { continue; } //Skip the "read" cap. It's redundant - most CPTs use it, and all roles have it by default. if (($cap_type === 'read') && ($capability === 'read')) { continue; } $capabilities[$cap_type] = $capability; } $results[$id] = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'capabilities' => $capabilities, ); } return $results; } /** * Get registered taxonomies. * @return array */ private function get_taxonomy_details() { $results = array(); $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true), 'objects', 'or'); foreach($taxonomies as $id => $taxonomy) { $title = $id; if (isset($taxonomy->labels, $taxonomy->labels->name) && !empty($taxonomy->labels->name)) { $title = $taxonomy->labels->name; } $capabilities = array(); foreach((array)$taxonomy->cap as $cap_type => $capability) { //Skip the "read" cap. It's redundant - most CPTs use it, and all roles have it by default. if (($cap_type === 'read') && ($capability === 'read')) { continue; } $capabilities[$cap_type] = $capability; } $results[$id] = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'capabilities' => $capabilities, ); } return $results; } /** * Tell new users how to access the plugin settings page. */ public function display_plugin_menu_notice() { //Display the notice only if it's enabled, the current user can access our settings page, //and there is no custom menu (if a custom menu already exists, chances are the user knows //where the settings page is). $showNotice = $this->options['show_plugin_menu_notice'] && ($this->load_custom_menu() === null); $showNotice = $showNotice && $this->current_user_can_edit_menu(); if ( !$showNotice ) { return; } //Disable the notice when the user hides it or visits any of our admin pages. $hideNoticeParameter = 'ame-plugin-menu-notice'; if ( !empty($_GET[$hideNoticeParameter]) || $this->is_editor_page() || $this->is_settings_page() ) { $this->options['show_plugin_menu_notice'] = false; $this->save_options(); return; } $dismissUrl = add_query_arg($hideNoticeParameter, 'hide'); $dismissUrl = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'activate'), $dismissUrl); if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) { $message = 'Tip: Go to any subsite to access Admin Menu Editor. It will not show up in the network admin.'; } else { $message = 'Tip: Go to <a href="%1$s">Settings -> %2$s</a> to start customizing the admin menu.'; } printf( '<div class="updated" id="ame-plugin-menu-notice"> <p>' . $message . '</p> <p><a href="%3$s" id="ame-hide-plugin-menu-notice">Hide this message</a></p> </div>', esc_attr(admin_url($this->settings_link)), apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-self_menu_title', 'Menu Editor'), esc_attr($dismissUrl) ); } public function is_pro_version() { return apply_filters('admin_menu_editor_is_pro', false); } /** * Get the WordPress version number. * * Warning: Some plugins change the WordPress version number to hide the installed version from visitors. * It's a security-by-obscurity technique. This means you can't rely on the number being correct. * * @return string Either the version number or an empty string. */ private static function get_wp_version() { if ( isset($GLOBALS['wp_version']) ) { return $GLOBALS['wp_version']; } return ''; } /** * @return array */ private function load_cap_power() { $cap_power = array(); $power_filename = AME_ROOT_DIR . '/includes/capabilities/cap-power.csv'; if ( is_file($power_filename) && is_readable($power_filename) ) { $csv = fopen($power_filename, 'r'); $firstLineSkipped = false; while ($csv && !feof($csv)) { $line = fgetcsv($csv, 1000, ';'); if ( !$firstLineSkipped ) { $firstLineSkipped = true; continue; } if ( is_array($line) && (count($line) >= 2) ) { $cap_power[strval($line[0])] = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $line[1])); } } fclose($csv); arsort($cap_power); } return $cap_power; } public function add_plugin_row_meta_links($pluginMeta, $pluginFile) { $isRelevant = ($pluginFile == $this->plugin_basename); if ( $isRelevant && $this->current_user_can_edit_menu() ) { $documentationUrl = $this->is_pro_version() ? '' : ''; $pluginMeta[] = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_attr($documentationUrl), 'Documentation' ); } return $pluginMeta; } private function get_active_modules() { $modules = $this->get_available_modules(); $activeModules = array(); foreach ($modules as $id => $module) { if ( $this->is_module_active($id, $module) ) { $activeModules[$id] = $module; } } return $activeModules; } public function get_available_modules() { $modules = array( 'actor-selector' => array( 'relativePath' => 'modules/actor-selector/actor-selector.php', 'className' => 'ameActorSelector', 'isAlwaysActive' => true, ), 'visible-users' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/visible-users/visible-users.php', 'className' => 'ameVisibleUsers', 'isAlwaysActive' => true, ), 'metaboxes' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/metaboxes/load.php', 'className' => 'ameMetaBoxEditor', 'requiredPhpVersion' => '5.3', 'title' => 'Meta Boxes', ), 'dashboard-widget-editor' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/dashboard-widget-editor/load.php', 'className' => 'ameWidgetEditor', 'requiredPhpVersion' => '5.3', 'title' => 'Dashboard Widgets', ), 'plugin-visibility' => array( 'relativePath' => 'modules/plugin-visibility/plugin-visibility.php', 'className' => 'amePluginVisibility', 'title' => 'Plugins', ), 'super-users' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/super-users/super-users.php', 'className' => 'ameSuperUsers', 'title' => 'Hidden Users', ), /*'admin-css' => array( 'relativePath' => 'modules/admin-css/admin-css.php', 'className' => 'ameAdminCss', 'title' => 'Admin CSS', ),*/ 'hide-admin-menu' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/hide-admin-menu/hide-admin-menu.php', 'className' => 'ameAdminMenuHider', 'title' => '"Show the admin menu" checkbox', ), 'hide-admin-bar' => array( 'relativePath' => 'extras/modules/hide-admin-bar/hide-admin-bar.php', 'className' => 'ameAdminBarHider', 'title' => '"Show the Toolbar" checkbox', ), 'highlight-new-menus' => array( 'relativePath' => 'modules/highlight-new-menus/highlight-new-menus.php', 'className' => 'ameMenuHighlighterWrapper', 'title' => 'Highlight new menu items', 'requiredPhpVersion' => '5.3', ), ); foreach($modules as &$module) { if (!empty($module['relativePath'])) { $module['path'] = AME_ROOT_DIR . '/' . $module['relativePath']; } } unset($module); $modules = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-available_modules', $modules); $modules = array_filter($modules, array($this, 'module_path_exists')); return $modules; } private function module_path_exists($module) { return !empty($module['path']) && file_exists($module['path']); } public function is_module_compatible($module) { if ( !empty($module['requiredPhpVersion']) ) { return version_compare(phpversion(), $module['requiredPhpVersion'], '>='); } return true; } public function is_module_active($id, $module) { if ( !$this->is_module_compatible($module) ) { return false; } if ( !empty($module['isAlwaysActive']) ) { return true; } if ( isset($this->options['is_active_module'][$id]) ) { return $this->options['is_active_module'][$id]; } return true; } } //class class ameMenuTemplateBuilder { private $templates = array(); private $parentNames = array(); private $blacklist = array(); private $templateOrder = array(); private $previousItemId = ''; private $wasPreviousItemSeparated = false; /** * Populate a lookup array with default values (templates) from $menu and $submenu. * Used later to merge a custom menu with the native WordPress menu structure. * * @param array $menu * @param array $submenu * @param array $blacklist * @return array An array of menu templates and their default values. */ public function build($menu, $submenu, $blacklist = array()){ $this->templates = array(); $this->blacklist = $blacklist; if ( !empty($menu) ) { //At this point, the menu might not be sorted yet, especially if other plugins have made changes to it. //We need to know the relative order of menus to insert new items in the right place. ksort($menu, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach($menu as $pos => $item){ $this->addItem($item, $pos); } } if ( !empty($submenu) ) { foreach($submenu as $parent => $items){ //Skip NULL's and empty arrays. if ( empty($items) ) { continue; } //Skip sub-menus attached to non-existent parents. This should theoretically never happen, //but a buggy plugin can cause such a situation. if ( !isset($this->parentNames[$parent]) ) { continue; } ksort($items, SORT_NUMERIC); $this->previousItemId = ''; $this->wasPreviousItemSeparated = false; foreach($items as $pos => $item) { $this->addItem($item, $pos, $parent); } } } return $this->templates; } /** * Add a menu item as a template. * * @param array $wpItem * @param int $position * @param string|null $parent */ private function addItem($wpItem, $position, $parent = null) { $item = ameMenuItem::fromWpItem($wpItem, $position, $parent); //Skip separators. if ( $item['separator'] ) { $this->wasPreviousItemSeparated = true; return; } //Skip blacklisted menus. //BUG: We shouldn't skip top level menus that have non-blacklisted submenu items. if ( isset($item['url'], $this->blacklist[$item['url']]) ) { return; } $name = $this->sanitizeMenuTitle($item['menu_title']); if ( $parent === null ) { $this->parentNames[$item['file']] = $name; } else { $name = $this->parentNames[$parent] . ' -> ' . $name; } $templateId = ameMenuItem::template_id($item); unset($item['template_id']); $this->templates[$templateId] = array( 'name' => $name, 'used' => false, 'defaults' => $item, ); //Remember the relative order of menu items. It's a bit like a linked list. $this->templateOrder[$templateId] = array( 'previous_item' => $this->previousItemId, 'was_previous_item_separated' => $this->wasPreviousItemSeparated, ); $this->previousItemId = $templateId; $this->wasPreviousItemSeparated = false; } /** * Sanitize a menu title for display. * Removes HTML tags and update notification bubbles. Truncates long titles. * * @param string $title * @return string */ private function sanitizeMenuTitle($title) { $title = strip_tags( preg_replace('@<span[^>]*>.*</span>@i', '', $title) ); //Compact whitespace. $title = rtrim(preg_replace('@[\s\t\r\n]+@', ' ', $title)); $maxLength = 50; if ( strlen($title) > $maxLength ) { $title = rtrim(substr($title, 0, $maxLength)) . '...'; } return $title; } public function getRelativeTemplateOrder() { return $this->templateOrder; } }