<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface; use Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\CacheItem; use Symfony\Component\Cache\PruneableInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\ResettableInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\ContractsTrait; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\ProxyTrait; use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\TagAwareCacheInterface; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> */ class TagAwareAdapter implements TagAwareAdapterInterface, TagAwareCacheInterface, PruneableInterface, ResettableInterface { const TAGS_PREFIX = "\0tags\0"; use ContractsTrait; use ProxyTrait; private $deferred = []; private $createCacheItem; private $setCacheItemTags; private $getTagsByKey; private $invalidateTags; private $tags; private $knownTagVersions = []; private $knownTagVersionsTtl; public function __construct(AdapterInterface $itemsPool, AdapterInterface $tagsPool = null, float $knownTagVersionsTtl = 0.15) { $this->pool = $itemsPool; $this->tags = $tagsPool ?: $itemsPool; $this->knownTagVersionsTtl = $knownTagVersionsTtl; $this->createCacheItem = \Closure::bind( static function ($key, $value, CacheItem $protoItem) { $item = new CacheItem(); $item->key = $key; $item->value = $value; $item->expiry = $protoItem->expiry; $item->poolHash = $protoItem->poolHash; return $item; }, null, CacheItem::class ); $this->setCacheItemTags = \Closure::bind( static function (CacheItem $item, $key, array &$itemTags) { $item->isTaggable = true; if (!$item->isHit) { return $item; } if (isset($itemTags[$key])) { foreach ($itemTags[$key] as $tag => $version) { $item->metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS][$tag] = $tag; } unset($itemTags[$key]); } else { $item->value = null; $item->isHit = false; } return $item; }, null, CacheItem::class ); $this->getTagsByKey = \Closure::bind( static function ($deferred) { $tagsByKey = []; foreach ($deferred as $key => $item) { $tagsByKey[$key] = $item->newMetadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS] ?? []; } return $tagsByKey; }, null, CacheItem::class ); $this->invalidateTags = \Closure::bind( static function (AdapterInterface $tagsAdapter, array $tags) { foreach ($tags as $v) { $v->expiry = 0; $tagsAdapter->saveDeferred($v); } return $tagsAdapter->commit(); }, null, CacheItem::class ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function invalidateTags(array $tags) { $ok = true; $tagsByKey = []; $invalidatedTags = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { CacheItem::validateKey($tag); $invalidatedTags[$tag] = 0; } if ($this->deferred) { $items = $this->deferred; foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if (!$this->pool->saveDeferred($item)) { unset($this->deferred[$key]); $ok = false; } } $f = $this->getTagsByKey; $tagsByKey = $f($items); $this->deferred = []; } $tagVersions = $this->getTagVersions($tagsByKey, $invalidatedTags); $f = $this->createCacheItem; foreach ($tagsByKey as $key => $tags) { $this->pool->saveDeferred($f(static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key, array_intersect_key($tagVersions, $tags), $items[$key])); } $ok = $this->pool->commit() && $ok; if ($invalidatedTags) { $f = $this->invalidateTags; $ok = $f($this->tags, $invalidatedTags) && $ok; } return $ok; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function hasItem($key) { if ($this->deferred) { $this->commit(); } if (!$this->pool->hasItem($key)) { return false; } $itemTags = $this->pool->getItem(static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key); if (!$itemTags->isHit()) { return false; } if (!$itemTags = $itemTags->get()) { return true; } foreach ($this->getTagVersions([$itemTags]) as $tag => $version) { if ($itemTags[$tag] !== $version && 1 !== $itemTags[$tag] - $version) { return false; } } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getItem($key) { foreach ($this->getItems([$key]) as $item) { return $item; } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getItems(array $keys = []) { if ($this->deferred) { $this->commit(); } $tagKeys = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { if ('' !== $key && \is_string($key)) { $key = static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key; $tagKeys[$key] = $key; } } try { $items = $this->pool->getItems($tagKeys + $keys); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->pool->getItems($keys); // Should throw an exception throw $e; } return $this->generateItems($items, $tagKeys); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param string $prefix * * @return bool */ public function clear(/*string $prefix = ''*/) { $prefix = 0 < \func_num_args() ? (string) func_get_arg(0) : ''; if ('' !== $prefix) { foreach ($this->deferred as $key => $item) { if (0 === strpos($key, $prefix)) { unset($this->deferred[$key]); } } } else { $this->deferred = []; } if ($this->pool instanceof AdapterInterface) { return $this->pool->clear($prefix); } return $this->pool->clear(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function deleteItem($key) { return $this->deleteItems([$key]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function deleteItems(array $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if ('' !== $key && \is_string($key)) { $keys[] = static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key; } } return $this->pool->deleteItems($keys); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function save(CacheItemInterface $item) { if (!$item instanceof CacheItem) { return false; } $this->deferred[$item->getKey()] = $item; return $this->commit(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item) { if (!$item instanceof CacheItem) { return false; } $this->deferred[$item->getKey()] = $item; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool */ public function commit() { return $this->invalidateTags([]); } public function __sleep() { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Cannot serialize '.__CLASS__); } public function __wakeup() { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Cannot unserialize '.__CLASS__); } public function __destruct() { $this->commit(); } private function generateItems(iterable $items, array $tagKeys) { $bufferedItems = $itemTags = []; $f = $this->setCacheItemTags; foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if (!$tagKeys) { yield $key => $f($item, static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key, $itemTags); continue; } if (!isset($tagKeys[$key])) { $bufferedItems[$key] = $item; continue; } unset($tagKeys[$key]); if ($item->isHit()) { $itemTags[$key] = $item->get() ?: []; } if (!$tagKeys) { $tagVersions = $this->getTagVersions($itemTags); foreach ($itemTags as $key => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag => $version) { if ($tagVersions[$tag] !== $version && 1 !== $version - $tagVersions[$tag]) { unset($itemTags[$key]); continue 2; } } } $tagVersions = $tagKeys = null; foreach ($bufferedItems as $key => $item) { yield $key => $f($item, static::TAGS_PREFIX.$key, $itemTags); } $bufferedItems = null; } } } private function getTagVersions(array $tagsByKey, array &$invalidatedTags = []) { $tagVersions = $invalidatedTags; foreach ($tagsByKey as $tags) { $tagVersions += $tags; } if (!$tagVersions) { return []; } if (!$fetchTagVersions = 1 !== \func_num_args()) { foreach ($tagsByKey as $tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag => $version) { if ($tagVersions[$tag] > $version) { $tagVersions[$tag] = $version; } } } } $now = microtime(true); $tags = []; foreach ($tagVersions as $tag => $version) { $tags[$tag.static::TAGS_PREFIX] = $tag; if ($fetchTagVersions || !isset($this->knownTagVersions[$tag])) { $fetchTagVersions = true; continue; } $version -= $this->knownTagVersions[$tag][1]; if ((0 !== $version && 1 !== $version) || $now - $this->knownTagVersions[$tag][0] >= $this->knownTagVersionsTtl) { // reuse previously fetched tag versions up to the ttl, unless we are storing items or a potential miss arises $fetchTagVersions = true; } else { $this->knownTagVersions[$tag][1] += $version; } } if (!$fetchTagVersions) { return $tagVersions; } foreach ($this->tags->getItems(array_keys($tags)) as $tag => $version) { $tagVersions[$tag = $tags[$tag]] = $version->get() ?: 0; if (isset($invalidatedTags[$tag])) { $invalidatedTags[$tag] = $version->set(++$tagVersions[$tag]); } $this->knownTagVersions[$tag] = [$now, $tagVersions[$tag]]; } return $tagVersions; } }