get('relation'); $transformations = new Transformations(); $template = new Template(); /** * Initialize to avoid code execution path warnings */ if (! isset($num_fields)) { $num_fields = 0; } if (! isset($mime_map)) { $mime_map = null; } if (! isset($columnMeta)) { $columnMeta = []; } $length_values_input_size = 8; $content_cells = []; /** @var string $db */ $form_params = [ 'db' => $db, ]; if ($action == 'tbl_create.php') { $form_params['reload'] = 1; } else { if ($action == 'tbl_addfield.php') { $form_params = array_merge( $form_params, [ 'field_where' => Util::getValueByKey($_POST, 'field_where'), ] ); if (isset($_POST['field_where'])) { $form_params['after_field'] = $_POST['after_field']; } } $form_params['table'] = $table; } $form_params['orig_num_fields'] = $num_fields; $form_params = array_merge( $form_params, [ 'orig_field_where' => Util::getValueByKey($_POST, 'field_where'), 'orig_after_field' => Util::getValueByKey($_POST, 'after_field'), ] ); if (isset($selected) && is_array($selected)) { foreach ($selected as $o_fld_nr => $o_fld_val) { $form_params['selected[' . $o_fld_nr . ']'] = $o_fld_val; } } $is_backup = ($action != 'tbl_create.php' && $action != 'tbl_addfield.php'); $cfgRelation = $relation->getRelationsParam(); $comments_map = $relation->getComments($db, $table); $move_columns = []; if (isset($fields_meta)) { /** @var DatabaseInterface $dbi */ $dbi = $containerBuilder->get('dbi'); $move_columns = $dbi->getTable($db, $table)->getColumnsMeta(); } $available_mime = []; if ($cfgRelation['mimework'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) { $mime_map = $transformations->getMime($db, $table); $available_mime = $transformations->getAvailableMimeTypes(); } // this will be used on templates/columns_definitions/transformation.twig $mime_types = [ 'input_transformation', 'transformation', ]; foreach ($mime_types as $mime_type) { if (isset($available_mime[$mime_type]) and is_iterable($available_mime[$mime_type])) { foreach ($available_mime[$mime_type] as $mimekey => $transform) { $available_mime[$mime_type . '_file_quoted'][$mimekey] = preg_quote( $available_mime[$mime_type . '_file'][$mimekey], '@' ); } } } // workaround for field_fulltext, because its submitted indices contain // the index as a value, not a key. Inserted here for easier maintenance // and less code to change in existing files. if (isset($field_fulltext) && is_array($field_fulltext)) { foreach ($field_fulltext as $fulltext_nr => $fulltext_indexkey) { $submit_fulltext[$fulltext_indexkey] = $fulltext_indexkey; } } if (isset($_POST['submit_num_fields']) || isset($_POST['submit_partition_change']) ) { //if adding new fields, set regenerate to keep the original values $regenerate = 1; } $foreigners = $relation->getForeigners($db, $table, '', 'foreign'); $child_references = null; // From MySQL 5.6.6 onwards columns with foreign keys can be renamed. // Hence, no need to get child references if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getVersion() < 50606) { $child_references = $relation->getChildReferences($db, $table); } for ($columnNumber = 0; $columnNumber < $num_fields; $columnNumber++) { $type = ''; $length = ''; $columnMeta = []; $submit_attribute = null; $extracted_columnspec = []; if (! empty($regenerate)) { $columnMeta = array_merge( $columnMeta, [ 'Field' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_name.${columnNumber}", null ), 'Type' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_type.${columnNumber}", null ), 'Collation' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_collation.${columnNumber}", '' ), 'Null' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_null.${columnNumber}", '' ), 'DefaultType' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_default_type.${columnNumber}", 'NONE' ), 'DefaultValue' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_default_value.${columnNumber}", '' ), 'Extra' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_extra.${columnNumber}", null ), 'Virtuality' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_virtuality.${columnNumber}", '' ), 'Expression' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_expression.${columnNumber}", '' ), ] ); $columnMeta['Key'] = ''; $parts = explode( '_', Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_key.${columnNumber}", ''), 2 ); if (count($parts) === 2 && $parts[1] == $columnNumber) { $columnMeta['Key'] = Util::getValueByKey( [ 'primary' => 'PRI', 'index' => 'MUL', 'unique' => 'UNI', 'fulltext' => 'FULLTEXT', 'spatial' => 'SPATIAL', ], $parts[0], '' ); } $columnMeta['Comment'] = isset($submit_fulltext[$columnNumber]) && ($submit_fulltext[$columnNumber] == $columnNumber) ? 'FULLTEXT' : false; switch ($columnMeta['DefaultType']) { case 'NONE': $columnMeta['Default'] = null; break; case 'USER_DEFINED': $columnMeta['Default'] = $columnMeta['DefaultValue']; break; case 'NULL': case 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': case 'current_timestamp()': $columnMeta['Default'] = $columnMeta['DefaultType']; break; } $length = Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_length.${columnNumber}", $length); $submit_attribute = Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_attribute.${columnNumber}", false ); $comments_map[$columnMeta['Field']] = Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_comments.${columnNumber}" ); $mime_map[$columnMeta['Field']] = array_merge( isset($mime_map[$columnMeta['Field']]) ? $mime_map[$columnMeta['Field']] : [], [ 'mimetype' => Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_mimetype.${$columnNumber}"), 'transformation' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_transformation.${$columnNumber}" ), 'transformation_options' => Util::getValueByKey( $_POST, "field_transformation_options.${$columnNumber}" ), ] ); } elseif (isset($fields_meta[$columnNumber])) { $columnMeta = $fields_meta[$columnNumber]; $virtual = [ 'VIRTUAL', 'PERSISTENT', 'VIRTUAL GENERATED', 'STORED GENERATED', ]; if (in_array($columnMeta['Extra'], $virtual)) { $tableObj = new Table($GLOBALS['table'], $GLOBALS['db']); $expressions = $tableObj->getColumnGenerationExpression( $columnMeta['Field'] ); $columnMeta['Expression'] = $expressions[$columnMeta['Field']]; } switch ($columnMeta['Default']) { case null: if ($columnMeta['Default'] === null) { if ($columnMeta['Null'] == 'YES') { $columnMeta['DefaultType'] = 'NULL'; $columnMeta['DefaultValue'] = ''; } else { $columnMeta['DefaultType'] = 'NONE'; $columnMeta['DefaultValue'] = ''; } } else { // empty $columnMeta['DefaultType'] = 'USER_DEFINED'; $columnMeta['DefaultValue'] = $columnMeta['Default']; } break; case 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': case 'current_timestamp()': $columnMeta['DefaultType'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $columnMeta['DefaultValue'] = ''; break; default: $columnMeta['DefaultType'] = 'USER_DEFINED'; $columnMeta['DefaultValue'] = $columnMeta['Default']; if ('text' === substr($columnMeta['Type'], -4)) { $textDefault = substr($columnMeta['Default'], 1, -1); $columnMeta['Default'] = stripcslashes($textDefault !== false ? $textDefault : $columnMeta['Default']); } break; } } if (isset($columnMeta['Type'])) { $extracted_columnspec = Util::extractColumnSpec( $columnMeta['Type'] ); if ($extracted_columnspec['type'] == 'bit') { $columnMeta['Default'] = Util::convertBitDefaultValue($columnMeta['Default']); } $type = $extracted_columnspec['type']; if ($length == '') { $length = $extracted_columnspec['spec_in_brackets']; } } else { // creating a column $columnMeta['Type'] = ''; } // Variable tell if current column is bound in a foreign key constraint or not. // MySQL version from 5.6.6 allow renaming columns with foreign keys if (isset($columnMeta['Field']) && isset($form_params['table']) && $GLOBALS['dbi']->getVersion() < 50606 ) { $columnMeta['column_status'] = $relation->checkChildForeignReferences( $form_params['db'], $form_params['table'], $columnMeta['Field'], $foreigners, $child_references ); } // some types, for example longtext, are reported as // "longtext character set latin7" when their charset and / or collation // differs from the ones of the corresponding database. // rtrim the type, for cases like "float unsigned" $type = rtrim( preg_replace('/[\s]character set[\s][\S]+/', '', $type) ); /** * old column attributes */ if ($is_backup) { // old column name if (isset($columnMeta['Field'])) { $form_params['field_orig[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = $columnMeta['Field']; if (isset($columnMeta['column_status']) && ! $columnMeta['column_status']['isEditable'] ) { $form_params['field_name[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = $columnMeta['Field']; } } else { $form_params['field_orig[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = ''; } // old column type if (isset($columnMeta['Type'])) { // keep in uppercase because the new type will be in uppercase $form_params['field_type_orig[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = mb_strtoupper($type); if (isset($columnMeta['column_status']) && ! $columnMeta['column_status']['isEditable'] ) { $form_params['field_type[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = mb_strtoupper($type); } } else { $form_params['field_type_orig[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = ''; } // old column length $form_params['field_length_orig[' . $columnNumber . ']'] = $length; // old column default $form_params = array_merge( $form_params, [ "field_default_value_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Default', '' ), "field_default_type_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'DefaultType', '' ), "field_collation_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Collation', '' ), "field_attribute_orig[${columnNumber}]" => trim( Util::getValueByKey($extracted_columnspec, 'attribute', '') ), "field_null_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Null', '' ), "field_extra_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Extra', '' ), "field_comments_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Comment', '' ), "field_virtuality_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Virtuality', '' ), "field_expression_orig[${columnNumber}]" => Util::getValueByKey( $columnMeta, 'Expression', '' ), ] ); } $default_value = ''; $type_upper = mb_strtoupper($type); // For a TIMESTAMP, do not show the string "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" as a default value if (isset($columnMeta['DefaultValue'])) { $default_value = $columnMeta['DefaultValue']; } if ($type_upper == 'BIT') { $default_value = Util::convertBitDefaultValue($columnMeta['DefaultValue']); } elseif ($type_upper == 'BINARY' || $type_upper == 'VARBINARY') { $default_value = bin2hex($columnMeta['DefaultValue']); } $content_cells[$columnNumber] = [ 'column_number' => $columnNumber, 'column_meta' => $columnMeta, 'type_upper' => $type_upper, 'default_value' => $default_value, 'length_values_input_size' => $length_values_input_size, 'length' => $length, 'extracted_columnspec' => $extracted_columnspec, 'submit_attribute' => $submit_attribute, 'comments_map' => $comments_map, 'fields_meta' => isset($fields_meta) ? $fields_meta : null, 'is_backup' => $is_backup, 'move_columns' => $move_columns, 'cfg_relation' => $cfgRelation, 'available_mime' => $available_mime, 'mime_map' => isset($mime_map) ? $mime_map : [], ]; } // end for $partitionDetails = TablePartitionDefinition::getDetails(); $charsets = Charsets::getCharsets($GLOBALS['dbi'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']); $collations = Charsets::getCollations($GLOBALS['dbi'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']); $charsetsList = []; /** @var Charset $charset */ foreach ($charsets as $charset) { $collationsList = []; /** @var Collation $collation */ foreach ($collations[$charset->getName()] as $collation) { $collationsList[] = [ 'name' => $collation->getName(), 'description' => $collation->getDescription(), ]; } $charsetsList[] = [ 'name' => $charset->getName(), 'description' => $charset->getDescription(), 'collations' => $collationsList, ]; } $html = $template->render('columns_definitions/column_definitions_form', [ 'is_backup' => $is_backup, 'fields_meta' => isset($fields_meta) ? $fields_meta : null, 'mimework' => $cfgRelation['mimework'], 'action' => $action, 'form_params' => $form_params, 'content_cells' => $content_cells, 'partition_details' => $partitionDetails, 'primary_indexes' => isset($_POST['primary_indexes']) ? $_POST['primary_indexes'] : null, 'unique_indexes' => isset($_POST['unique_indexes']) ? $_POST['unique_indexes'] : null, 'indexes' => isset($_POST['indexes']) ? $_POST['indexes'] : null, 'fulltext_indexes' => isset($_POST['fulltext_indexes']) ? $_POST['fulltext_indexes'] : null, 'spatial_indexes' => isset($_POST['spatial_indexes']) ? $_POST['spatial_indexes'] : null, 'table' => isset($_POST['table']) ? $_POST['table'] : null, 'comment' => isset($_POST['comment']) ? $_POST['comment'] : null, 'tbl_collation' => isset($_POST['tbl_collation']) ? $_POST['tbl_collation'] : null, 'charsets' => $charsetsList, 'tbl_storage_engine' => isset($_POST['tbl_storage_engine']) ? $_POST['tbl_storage_engine'] : null, 'connection' => isset($_POST['connection']) ? $_POST['connection'] : null, 'change_column' => isset($_POST['change_column']) ? $_POST['change_column'] : null, 'is_virtual_columns_supported' => Util::isVirtualColumnsSupported(), 'browse_mime' => isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME'] : null, 'server_type' => Util::getServerType(), 'max_rows' => intval($GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']), 'char_editing' => isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['CharEditing'] : null, 'attribute_types' => $GLOBALS['dbi']->types->getAttributes(), 'privs_available' => ((isset($GLOBALS['col_priv']) ? $GLOBALS['col_priv'] : false) && (isset($GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']) ? $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] : false) ), 'max_length' => $GLOBALS['dbi']->getVersion() >= 50503 ? 1024 : 255, 'have_partitioning' => Partition::havePartitioning(), 'dbi' => $GLOBALS['dbi'], 'disable_is' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS'], ]); unset($form_params); $response = Response::getInstance(); $response->getHeader()->getScripts()->addFiles( [ 'vendor/jquery/jquery.uitablefilter.js', 'indexes.js', ] ); $response->addHTML($html);