_pageNumber = $pageNumber; $this->_withDoc = $withDoc; $this->_db = $db; $this->relation = new Relation($GLOBALS['dbi']); } /** * Sets the value for margins * * @param float $c_margin margin * * @return void */ public function setCMargin($c_margin) { $this->cMargin = $c_margin; } /** * Sets the scaling factor, defines minimum coordinates and margins * * @param float|int $scale The scaling factor * @param float|int $xMin The minimum X coordinate * @param float|int $yMin The minimum Y coordinate * @param float|int $leftMargin The left margin * @param float|int $topMargin The top margin * * @return void */ public function setScale( $scale = 1, $xMin = 0, $yMin = 0, $leftMargin = -1, $topMargin = -1 ) { $this->scale = $scale; $this->_xMin = $xMin; $this->_yMin = $yMin; if ($this->leftMargin != -1) { $this->leftMargin = $leftMargin; } if ($this->topMargin != -1) { $this->topMargin = $topMargin; } } /** * Outputs a scaled cell * * @param float|int $w The cell width * @param float|int $h The cell height * @param string $txt The text to output * @param mixed $border Whether to add borders or not * @param integer $ln Where to put the cursor once the output is done * @param string $align Align mode * @param integer $fill Whether to fill the cell with a color or not * @param string $link Link * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::Cell() */ public function cellScale( $w, $h = 0, $txt = '', $border = 0, $ln = 0, $align = '', $fill = 0, $link = '' ) { $h /= $this->scale; $w /= $this->scale; $this->Cell($w, $h, $txt, $border, $ln, $align, $fill, $link); } /** * Draws a scaled line * * @param float $x1 The horizontal position of the starting point * @param float $y1 The vertical position of the starting point * @param float $x2 The horizontal position of the ending point * @param float $y2 The vertical position of the ending point * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::Line() */ public function lineScale($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { $x1 = ($x1 - $this->_xMin) / $this->scale + $this->leftMargin; $y1 = ($y1 - $this->_yMin) / $this->scale + $this->topMargin; $x2 = ($x2 - $this->_xMin) / $this->scale + $this->leftMargin; $y2 = ($y2 - $this->_yMin) / $this->scale + $this->topMargin; $this->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); } /** * Sets x and y scaled positions * * @param float $x The x position * @param float $y The y position * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::SetXY() */ public function setXyScale($x, $y) { $x = ($x - $this->_xMin) / $this->scale + $this->leftMargin; $y = ($y - $this->_yMin) / $this->scale + $this->topMargin; $this->SetXY($x, $y); } /** * Sets the X scaled positions * * @param float $x The x position * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::SetX() */ public function setXScale($x) { $x = ($x - $this->_xMin) / $this->scale + $this->leftMargin; $this->SetX($x); } /** * Sets the scaled font size * * @param float $size The font size (in points) * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::SetFontSize() */ public function setFontSizeScale($size) { // Set font size in points $size /= $this->scale; $this->SetFontSize($size); } /** * Sets the scaled line width * * @param float $width The line width * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::SetLineWidth() */ public function setLineWidthScale($width) { $width /= $this->scale; $this->SetLineWidth($width); } /** * This method is used to render the page header. * * @return void * * @see TCPDF::Header() */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine public function Header() { // We only show this if we find something in the new pdf_pages table // This function must be named "Header" to work with the TCPDF library if ($this->_withDoc) { if ($this->_offline || $this->_pageNumber == -1) { $pg_name = __("PDF export page"); } else { $test_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . '.' . Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['pdf_pages']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($this->_db) . '\' AND page_nr = \'' . $this->_pageNumber . '\''; $test_rs = $this->relation->queryAsControlUser($test_query); $pages = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($test_rs); $pg_name = ucfirst($pages['page_descr']); } $this->SetFont($this->_ff, 'B', 14); $this->Cell(0, 6, $pg_name, 'B', 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont($this->_ff, ''); $this->Ln(); } } /** * This function must be named "Footer" to work with the TCPDF library * * @return void * * @see PDF::Footer() */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine public function Footer() { if ($this->_withDoc) { parent::Footer(); } } /** * Sets widths * * @param array $w array of widths * * @return void */ public function setWidths(array $w) { // column widths $this->widths = $w; } /** * Generates table row. * * @param array $data Data for table * @param array $links Links for table cells * * @return void */ public function row(array $data, array $links) { // line height $nb = 0; $data_cnt = count($data); for ($i = 0; $i < $data_cnt; $i++) { $nb = max($nb, $this->numLines($this->widths[$i], $data[$i])); } $il = $this->FontSize; $h = ($il + 1) * $nb; // page break if necessary $this->checkPageBreak($h); // draw the cells $data_cnt = count($data); for ($i = 0; $i < $data_cnt; $i++) { $w = $this->widths[$i]; // save current position $x = $this->GetX(); $y = $this->GetY(); // draw the border $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); if (isset($links[$i])) { $this->Link($x, $y, $w, $h, $links[$i]); } // print text $this->MultiCell($w, $il + 1, $data[$i], 0, 'L'); // go to right side $this->SetXY($x + $w, $y); } // go to line $this->Ln($h); } /** * Compute number of lines used by a multicell of width w * * @param int $w width * @param string $txt text * * @return int */ public function numLines($w, $txt) { $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw']; if ($w == 0) { $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; } $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $s = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); $nb = strlen($s); if ($nb > 0 && $s[$nb - 1] == "\n") { $nb--; } $sep = -1; $i = 0; $j = 0; $l = 0; $nl = 1; while ($i < $nb) { $c = $s[$i]; if ($c == "\n") { $i++; $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $nl++; continue; } if ($c == ' ') { $sep = $i; } $l += isset($cw[mb_ord($c)]) ? $cw[mb_ord($c)] : 0 ; if ($l > $wmax) { if ($sep == -1) { if ($i == $j) { $i++; } } else { $i = $sep + 1; } $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $nl++; } else { $i++; } } return $nl; } /** * Set whether the document is generated from client side DB * * @param string $value whether offline * * @return void * * @access private */ public function setOffline($value) { $this->_offline = $value; } }