setShowColor(isset($_REQUEST['dia_show_color'])); $this->setShowKeys(isset($_REQUEST['dia_show_keys'])); $this->setOrientation($_REQUEST['dia_orientation']); $this->setPaper($_REQUEST['dia_paper']); $this->diagram->startDiaDoc( $this->paper, $this->_topMargin, $this->_bottomMargin, $this->_leftMargin, $this->_rightMargin, $this->orientation ); $alltables = $this->getTablesFromRequest(); foreach ($alltables as $table) { if (! isset($this->_tables[$table])) { $this->_tables[$table] = new TableStatsDia( $this->diagram, $this->db, $table, $this->pageNumber, $this->showKeys, $this->offline ); } } $seen_a_relation = false; foreach ($alltables as $one_table) { $exist_rel = $this->relation->getForeigners($this->db, $one_table, '', 'both'); if (! $exist_rel) { continue; } $seen_a_relation = true; foreach ($exist_rel as $master_field => $rel) { /* put the foreign table on the schema only if selected * by the user * (do not use array_search() because we would have to * to do a === false and this is not PHP3 compatible) */ if ($master_field != 'foreign_keys_data') { if (in_array($rel['foreign_table'], $alltables)) { $this->_addRelation( $one_table, $master_field, $rel['foreign_table'], $rel['foreign_field'], $this->showKeys ); } continue; } foreach ($rel as $one_key) { if (! in_array($one_key['ref_table_name'], $alltables)) { continue; } foreach ($one_key['index_list'] as $index => $one_field) { $this->_addRelation( $one_table, $one_field, $one_key['ref_table_name'], $one_key['ref_index_list'][$index], $this->showKeys ); } } } } $this->_drawTables(); if ($seen_a_relation) { $this->_drawRelations(); } $this->diagram->endDiaDoc(); } /** * Output Dia Document for download * * @return void * @access public */ public function showOutput() { $this->diagram->showOutput($this->getFileName('.dia')); } /** * Defines relation objects * * @param string $masterTable The master table name * @param string $masterField The relation field in the master table * @param string $foreignTable The foreign table name * @param string $foreignField The relation field in the foreign table * @param bool $showKeys Whether to display ONLY keys or not * * @return void * * @access private * @see TableStatsDia::__construct(),RelationStatsDia::__construct() */ private function _addRelation( $masterTable, $masterField, $foreignTable, $foreignField, $showKeys ) { if (! isset($this->_tables[$masterTable])) { $this->_tables[$masterTable] = new TableStatsDia( $this->diagram, $this->db, $masterTable, $this->pageNumber, $showKeys ); } if (! isset($this->_tables[$foreignTable])) { $this->_tables[$foreignTable] = new TableStatsDia( $this->diagram, $this->db, $foreignTable, $this->pageNumber, $showKeys ); } $this->_relations[] = new RelationStatsDia( $this->diagram, $this->_tables[$masterTable], $masterField, $this->_tables[$foreignTable], $foreignField ); } /** * Draws relation references * * connects master table's master field to * foreign table's foreign field using Dia object * type Database - Reference * * @return void * * @access private * @see RelationStatsDia::relationDraw() */ private function _drawRelations() { foreach ($this->_relations as $relation) { $relation->relationDraw($this->showColor); } } /** * Draws tables * * Tables are generated using Dia object type Database - Table * primary fields are underlined and bold in tables * * @return void * * @access private * @see TableStatsDia::tableDraw() */ private function _drawTables() { foreach ($this->_tables as $table) { $table->tableDraw($this->showColor); } } }