=')) { session_set_cookie_params($sessionCookieParams); } else { session_set_cookie_params( $sessionCookieParams['lifetime'], $sessionCookieParams['path'], $sessionCookieParams['domain'], $sessionCookieParams['secure'], $sessionCookieParams['httponly'] ); } } /** * Gets authentication credentials * * @return boolean whether we get authentication settings or not */ public function readCredentials() { /* Check if we're using same signon server */ $signon_url = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonURL']; if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_SIGNON_URL']) && $_SESSION['LAST_SIGNON_URL'] != $signon_url ) { return false; } /* Script name */ $script_name = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonScript']; /* Session name */ $session_name = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonSession']; /* Login URL */ $signon_url = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonURL']; /* Current host */ $single_signon_host = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host']; /* Current port */ $single_signon_port = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['port']; /* No configuration updates */ $single_signon_cfgupdate = []; /* Handle script based auth */ if (! empty($script_name)) { if (! @file_exists($script_name)) { Core::fatalError( __('Can not find signon authentication script:') . ' ' . $script_name ); } include $script_name; list ($this->user, $this->password) = get_login_credentials($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']); } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$session_name])) { /* Does session exist? */ /* End current session */ $old_session = session_name(); $old_id = session_id(); $oldCookieParams = session_get_cookie_params(); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { session_write_close(); } /* Load single signon session */ if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { $this->setCookieParams(); session_name($session_name); session_id($_COOKIE[$session_name]); session_start(); } /* Clear error message */ unset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_error_message']); /* Grab credentials if they exist */ if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user'])) { $this->user = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user']; } if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password'])) { $this->password = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password']; } if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host'])) { $single_signon_host = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host']; } if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_port'])) { $single_signon_port = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_port']; } if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_cfgupdate'])) { $single_signon_cfgupdate = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_cfgupdate']; } /* Also get token as it is needed to access subpages */ if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_token'])) { /* No need to care about token on logout */ $pma_token = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_token']; } $HMACSecret = Util::generateRandom(16); if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_HMAC_secret'])) { $HMACSecret = $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_HMAC_secret']; } /* End single signon session */ if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { session_write_close(); } /* Restart phpMyAdmin session */ if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { $this->setCookieParams($oldCookieParams); session_name($old_session); if (! empty($old_id)) { session_id($old_id); } session_start(); } /* Set the single signon host */ $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'] = $single_signon_host; /* Set the single signon port */ $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['port'] = $single_signon_port; /* Configuration update */ $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'] = array_merge( $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server'], $single_signon_cfgupdate ); /* Restore our token */ if (! empty($pma_token)) { $_SESSION[' PMA_token '] = $pma_token; $_SESSION[' HMAC_secret '] = $HMACSecret; } /** * Clear user cache. */ Util::clearUserCache(); } // Returns whether we get authentication settings or not if (empty($this->user)) { unset($_SESSION['LAST_SIGNON_URL']); return false; } $_SESSION['LAST_SIGNON_URL'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonURL']; return true; } /** * User is not allowed to login to MySQL -> authentication failed * * @param string $failure String describing why authentication has failed * * @return void */ public function showFailure($failure) { parent::showFailure($failure); /* Session name */ $session_name = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonSession']; /* Does session exist? */ if (isset($_COOKIE[$session_name])) { if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { /* End current session */ session_write_close(); /* Load single signon session */ $this->setCookieParams(); session_name($session_name); session_id($_COOKIE[$session_name]); session_start(); } /* Set error message */ $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_error_message'] = $this->getErrorMessage($failure); } $this->showLoginForm(); } /** * Returns URL for login form. * * @return string */ public function getLoginFormURL() { return $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonURL']; } }