$min_max['maxX']) { $min_max['maxX'] = $x; } if (! isset($min_max['minX']) || $x < $min_max['minX']) { $min_max['minX'] = $x; } $y = (float) $cordinates[1]; if (! isset($min_max['maxY']) || $y > $min_max['maxY']) { $min_max['maxY'] = $y; } if (! isset($min_max['minY']) || $y < $min_max['minY']) { $min_max['minY'] = $y; } } return $min_max; } /** * Generates parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column. * This method performs common work. * More specific work is performed by each of the geom classes. * * @param string $value value of the GIS column * * @return array parameters for the GIS editor from the value of the GIS column * @access protected */ protected function generateParams($value) { $geom_types = '(POINT|MULTIPOINT|LINESTRING|MULTILINESTRING' . '|POLYGON|MULTIPOLYGON|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION)'; $srid = 0; $wkt = ''; if (preg_match("/^'" . $geom_types . "\(.*\)',[0-9]*$/i", $value)) { $last_comma = mb_strripos($value, ","); $srid = trim(mb_substr($value, $last_comma + 1)); $wkt = trim(mb_substr($value, 1, $last_comma - 2)); } elseif (preg_match("/^" . $geom_types . "\(.*\)$/i", $value)) { $wkt = $value; } return [ 'srid' => $srid, 'wkt' => $wkt, ]; } /** * Extracts points, scales and returns them as an array. * * @param string $point_set string of comma separated points * @param array|null $scale_data data related to scaling * @param boolean $linear if true, as a 1D array, else as a 2D array * * @return array scaled points * @access protected */ protected function extractPoints($point_set, $scale_data, $linear = false) { $points_arr = []; // Separate each point $points = explode(",", $point_set); foreach ($points as $point) { $point = str_replace(['(', ')'], '', $point); // Extract coordinates of the point $cordinates = explode(" ", $point); if (isset($cordinates[0]) && trim($cordinates[0]) != '' && isset($cordinates[1]) && trim($cordinates[1]) != '' ) { if ($scale_data != null) { $x = ($cordinates[0] - $scale_data['x']) * $scale_data['scale']; $y = $scale_data['height'] - ($cordinates[1] - $scale_data['y']) * $scale_data['scale']; } else { $x = floatval(trim($cordinates[0])); $y = floatval(trim($cordinates[1])); } } else { $x = 0; $y = 0; } if (! $linear) { $points_arr[] = [ $x, $y, ]; } else { $points_arr[] = $x; $points_arr[] = $y; } } return $points_arr; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding an array of polygons to OpenLayers. * * @param array $polygons x and y coordinates for each polygon * @param string $srid spatial reference id * * @return string JavaScript for adding an array of polygons to OpenLayers * @access protected */ protected function getPolygonArrayForOpenLayers(array $polygons, $srid) { $ol_array = 'new Array('; foreach ($polygons as $polygon) { $rings = explode("),(", $polygon); $ol_array .= $this->getPolygonForOpenLayers($rings, $srid) . ', '; } $ol_array = mb_substr( $ol_array, 0, mb_strlen($ol_array) - 2 ); $ol_array .= ')'; return $ol_array; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding points for OpenLayers polygon. * * @param array $polygon x and y coordinates for each line * @param string $srid spatial reference id * * @return string JavaScript for adding points for OpenLayers polygon * @access protected */ protected function getPolygonForOpenLayers(array $polygon, $srid) { return 'new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon(' . $this->getLineArrayForOpenLayers($polygon, $srid, false) . ')'; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding an array of LineString * or LineRing to OpenLayers. * * @param array $lines x and y coordinates for each line * @param string $srid spatial reference id * @param bool $is_line_string whether it's an array of LineString * * @return string JavaScript for adding an array of LineString * or LineRing to OpenLayers * @access protected */ protected function getLineArrayForOpenLayers( array $lines, $srid, $is_line_string = true ) { $ol_array = 'new Array('; foreach ($lines as $line) { $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($line, null); $ol_array .= $this->getLineForOpenLayers( $points_arr, $srid, $is_line_string ); $ol_array .= ', '; } $ol_array = mb_substr( $ol_array, 0, mb_strlen($ol_array) - 2 ); $ol_array .= ')'; return $ol_array; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding a LineString or LineRing to OpenLayers. * * @param array $points_arr x and y coordinates for each point * @param string $srid spatial reference id * @param bool $is_line_string whether it's a LineString * * @return string JavaScript for adding a LineString or LineRing to OpenLayers * @access protected */ protected function getLineForOpenLayers( array $points_arr, $srid, $is_line_string = true ) { return 'new OpenLayers.Geometry.' . ($is_line_string ? 'LineString' : 'LinearRing') . '(' . $this->getPointsArrayForOpenLayers($points_arr, $srid) . ')'; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding an array of points to OpenLayers. * * @param array $points_arr x and y coordinates for each point * @param string $srid spatial reference id * * @return string JavaScript for adding an array of points to OpenLayers * @access protected */ protected function getPointsArrayForOpenLayers(array $points_arr, $srid) { $ol_array = 'new Array('; foreach ($points_arr as $point) { $ol_array .= $this->getPointForOpenLayers($point, $srid) . ', '; } $ol_array = mb_substr( $ol_array, 0, mb_strlen($ol_array) - 2 ); $ol_array .= ')'; return $ol_array; } /** * Generates JavaScript for adding a point to OpenLayers. * * @param array $point array containing the x and y coordinates of the point * @param string $srid spatial reference id * * @return string JavaScript for adding points to OpenLayers * @access protected */ protected function getPointForOpenLayers(array $point, $srid) { return '(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(' . $point[0] . ',' . $point[1] . '))' . '.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:' . intval($srid) . '"), map.getProjectionObject())'; } }