options_array = $options_array; $this->cfgRelation = $cfgRelation; $this->tbl_storage_engine = $tbl_storage_engine; $this->existrel = $existrel; $this->existrel_foreign = $existrel_foreign; $this->upd_query = $upd_query; $this->relation = $relation; } /** * Index * * @return void */ public function indexAction() { // Send table of column names to populate corresponding dropdowns depending // on the current selection if (isset($_POST['getDropdownValues']) && $_POST['getDropdownValues'] === 'true' ) { // if both db and table are selected if (isset($_POST['foreignTable'])) { $this->getDropdownValueForTableAction(); } else { // if only the db is selected $this->getDropdownValueForDbAction(); } return; } $this->response->getHeader()->getScripts()->addFiles( [ 'table/relation.js', 'indexes.js', ] ); // Set the database $this->dbi->selectDb($this->db); // updates for Internal relations if (isset($_POST['destination_db']) && $this->cfgRelation['relwork']) { $this->updateForInternalRelationAction(); } // updates for foreign keys $this->updateForForeignKeysAction(); // Updates for display field if ($this->cfgRelation['displaywork'] && isset($_POST['display_field'])) { $this->updateForDisplayField(); } // If we did an update, refresh our data if (isset($_POST['destination_db']) && $this->cfgRelation['relwork']) { $this->existrel = $this->relation->getForeigners( $this->db, $this->table, '', 'internal' ); } if (isset($_POST['destination_foreign_db']) && Util::isForeignKeySupported($this->tbl_storage_engine) ) { $this->existrel_foreign = $this->relation->getForeigners( $this->db, $this->table, '', 'foreign' ); } /** * Dialog */ // Now find out the columns of our $table // need to use DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE with $this->dbi->numRows() // in mysqli $columns = $this->dbi->getColumns($this->db, $this->table); $column_array = []; $column_hash_array = []; $column_array[''] = ''; foreach ($columns as $column) { if (strtoupper($this->tbl_storage_engine) == 'INNODB' || ! empty($column['Key']) ) { $column_array[$column['Field']] = $column['Field']; $column_hash_array[$column['Field']] = md5($column['Field']); } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { uksort($column_array, 'strnatcasecmp'); } // common form $engine = $this->dbi->getTable($this->db, $this->table)->getStorageEngine(); $foreignKeySupported = Util::isForeignKeySupported($this->tbl_storage_engine); $this->response->addHTML( $this->template->render('table/relation/common_form', [ 'is_foreign_key_supported' => Util::isForeignKeySupported($engine), 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table, 'cfg_relation' => $this->cfgRelation, 'tbl_storage_engine' => $this->tbl_storage_engine, 'existrel' => isset($this->existrel) ? $this->existrel : [], 'existrel_foreign' => is_array($this->existrel_foreign) && array_key_exists('foreign_keys_data', $this->existrel_foreign) ? $this->existrel_foreign['foreign_keys_data'] : [], 'options_array' => $this->options_array, 'column_array' => $column_array, 'column_hash_array' => $column_hash_array, 'save_row' => array_values($columns), 'url_params' => $GLOBALS['url_params'], 'databases' => $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases, 'dbi' => $this->dbi, 'default_sliders_state' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['InitialSlidersState'], 'foreignKeySupported' => $foreignKeySupported, 'displayIndexesHtml' => $foreignKeySupported ? Index::getHtmlForDisplayIndexes() : null, ]) ); } /** * Update for display field * * @return void */ public function updateForDisplayField() { if ($this->upd_query->updateDisplayField( $_POST['display_field'], $this->cfgRelation ) ) { $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage( __('Display column was successfully updated.'), '', 'success' ) ); } } /** * Update for FK * * @return void */ public function updateForForeignKeysAction() { $multi_edit_columns_name = isset($_POST['foreign_key_fields_name']) ? $_POST['foreign_key_fields_name'] : null; $preview_sql_data = ''; $seen_error = false; // (for now, one index name only; we keep the definitions if the // foreign db is not the same) if (isset($_POST['destination_foreign_db']) && isset($_POST['destination_foreign_table']) && isset($_POST['destination_foreign_column'])) { list($html, $preview_sql_data, $display_query, $seen_error) = $this->upd_query->updateForeignKeys( $_POST['destination_foreign_db'], $multi_edit_columns_name, $_POST['destination_foreign_table'], $_POST['destination_foreign_column'], $this->options_array, $this->table, is_array($this->existrel_foreign) && array_key_exists('foreign_keys_data', $this->existrel_foreign) ? $this->existrel_foreign['foreign_keys_data'] : [] ); $this->response->addHTML($html); } // If there is a request for SQL previewing. if (isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { Core::previewSQL($preview_sql_data); } if (! empty($display_query) && ! $seen_error) { $GLOBALS['display_query'] = $display_query; $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage( __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.'), null, 'success' ) ); } } /** * Update for internal relation * * @return void */ public function updateForInternalRelationAction() { $multi_edit_columns_name = isset($_POST['fields_name']) ? $_POST['fields_name'] : null; if ($this->upd_query->updateInternalRelations( $multi_edit_columns_name, $_POST['destination_db'], $_POST['destination_table'], $_POST['destination_column'], $this->cfgRelation, isset($this->existrel) ? $this->existrel : null ) ) { $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage( __('Internal relationships were successfully updated.'), '', 'success' ) ); } } /** * Send table columns for foreign table dropdown * * @return void * */ public function getDropdownValueForTableAction() { $foreignTable = $_POST['foreignTable']; $table_obj = $this->dbi->getTable($_POST['foreignDb'], $foreignTable); // Since views do not have keys defined on them provide the full list of // columns if ($table_obj->isView()) { $columnList = $table_obj->getColumns(false, false); } else { $columnList = $table_obj->getIndexedColumns(false, false); } $columns = []; foreach ($columnList as $column) { $columns[] = htmlspecialchars($column); } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { usort($columns, 'strnatcasecmp'); } $this->response->addJSON('columns', $columns); // @todo should be: $server->db($db)->table($table)->primary() $primary = Index::getPrimary($foreignTable, $_POST['foreignDb']); if (false === $primary) { return; } $this->response->addJSON('primary', array_keys($primary->getColumns())); } /** * Send database selection values for dropdown * * @return void * */ public function getDropdownValueForDbAction() { $tables = []; $foreign = isset($_POST['foreign']) && $_POST['foreign'] === 'true'; if ($foreign) { $query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . Util::backquote($_POST['foreignDb']); $tables_rs = $this->dbi->query( $query, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE ); while ($row = $this->dbi->fetchArray($tables_rs)) { if (isset($row['Engine']) && mb_strtoupper($row['Engine']) == $this->tbl_storage_engine ) { $tables[] = htmlspecialchars($row['Name']); } } } else { $query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . Util::backquote($_POST['foreignDb']); $tables_rs = $this->dbi->query( $query, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE ); while ($row = $this->dbi->fetchArray($tables_rs)) { $tables[] = htmlspecialchars($row[0]); } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { usort($tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); } $this->response->addJSON('tables', $tables); } }