response->getHeader(); $scripts = $header->getScripts(); $scripts->addFile('server/variables.js'); $variables = []; $serverVarsResult = $this->dbi->tryQuery('SHOW SESSION VARIABLES;'); if ($serverVarsResult !== false) { $serverVarsSession = []; while ($arr = $this->dbi->fetchRow($serverVarsResult)) { $serverVarsSession[$arr[0]] = $arr[1]; } $this->dbi->freeResult($serverVarsResult); $serverVars = $this->dbi->fetchResult('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES;', 0, 1); // list of static (i.e. non-editable) system variables $staticVariables = KBSearch::getStaticVariables(); foreach ($serverVars as $name => $value) { $hasSessionValue = isset($serverVarsSession[$name]) && $serverVarsSession[$name] !== $value; $docLink = Util::linkToVarDocumentation( $name, $this->dbi->isMariaDB(), str_replace('_', ' ', $name) ); list($formattedValue, $isEscaped) = $this->formatVariable($name, $value); if ($hasSessionValue) { list($sessionFormattedValue, ) = $this->formatVariable( $name, $serverVarsSession[$name] ); } $variables[] = [ 'name' => $name, 'is_editable' => ! in_array(strtolower($name), $staticVariables), 'doc_link' => $docLink, 'value' => $formattedValue, 'is_escaped' => $isEscaped, 'has_session_value' => $hasSessionValue, 'session_value' => $sessionFormattedValue ?? null, ]; } } return $this->template->render('server/variables/index', [ 'variables' => $variables, 'filter_value' => $filterValue, 'is_superuser' => $this->dbi->isSuperuser(), 'is_mariadb' => $this->dbi->isMariaDB(), ]); } /** * Handle the AJAX request for a single variable value * * @param array $params Request parameters * * @return array */ public function getValue(array $params): array { // Send with correct charset header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); // Do not use double quotes inside the query to avoid a problem // when server is running in ANSI_QUOTES sql_mode $varValue = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow( 'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name=\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($params['varName']) . '\';', 'NUM' ); $json = []; try { $type = KBSearch::getVariableType($params['varName']); if ($type === 'byte') { $json['message'] = implode( ' ', Util::formatByteDown($varValue[1], 3, 3) ); } else { throw new KBException("Not a type=byte"); } } catch (KBException $e) { $json['message'] = $varValue[1]; } return $json; } /** * Handle the AJAX request for setting value for a single variable * * @param array $params Request parameters * * @return array */ public function setValue(array $params): array { $value = $params['varValue']; $matches = []; try { $type = KBSearch::getVariableType($params['varName']); if ($type === 'byte' && preg_match( '/^\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(mb|kb|mib|kib|gb|gib)\s*$/i', $value, $matches )) { $exp = [ 'kb' => 1, 'kib' => 1, 'mb' => 2, 'mib' => 2, 'gb' => 3, 'gib' => 3, ]; $value = floatval($matches[1]) * pow( 1024, $exp[mb_strtolower($matches[3])] ); } else { throw new KBException("Not a type=byte or regex not matching"); } } catch (KBException $e) { $value = $this->dbi->escapeString($value); } if (! is_numeric($value)) { $value = "'" . $value . "'"; } $json = []; if (! preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", $params['varName']) && $this->dbi->query( 'SET GLOBAL ' . $params['varName'] . ' = ' . $value ) ) { // Some values are rounded down etc. $varValue = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow( 'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name="' . $this->dbi->escapeString($params['varName']) . '";', 'NUM' ); list($formattedValue, $isHtmlFormatted) = $this->formatVariable( $params['varName'], $varValue[1] ); if ($isHtmlFormatted === false) { $json['variable'] = htmlspecialchars($formattedValue); } else { $json['variable'] = $formattedValue; } } else { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $json['error'] = __('Setting variable failed'); } return $json; } /** * Format Variable * * @param string $name variable name * @param integer $value variable value * * @return array formatted string and bool if string is HTML formatted */ private function formatVariable($name, $value) { $isHtmlFormatted = false; $formattedValue = $value; if (is_numeric($value)) { try { $type = KBSearch::getVariableType($name); if ($type === 'byte') { $isHtmlFormatted = true; $formattedValue = '' . htmlspecialchars( implode(' ', Util::formatByteDown($value, 3, 3)) ) . ''; } else { throw new KBException("Not a type=byte or regex not matching"); } } catch (KBException $e) { $formattedValue = Util::formatNumber($value, 0); } } return [ $formattedValue, $isHtmlFormatted, ]; } }