return $htmlOutput;
* Displays top part of a fieldset
* @param string $title title of fieldset
* @param string $description description shown on top of fieldset
* @param array|null $errors error messages to display
* @param array $attributes optional extra attributes of fieldset
* @return string
public function displayFieldsetTop(
$title = '',
$description = '',
$errors = null,
array $attributes = []
): string {
$this->group = 0;
$attributes = array_merge(['class' => 'optbox'], $attributes);
return $this->template->render('config/form_display/fieldset_top', [
'attributes' => $attributes,
'title' => $title,
'description' => $description,
'errors' => $errors,
* Displays input field
* $opts keys:
* o doc - (string) documentation link
* o errors - error array
* o setvalue - (string) shows button allowing to set predefined value
* o show_restore_default - (boolean) whether show "restore default" button
* o userprefs_allow - whether user preferences are enabled for this field
* (null - no support, true/false - enabled/disabled)
* o userprefs_comment - (string) field comment
* o values - key - value pairs for